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Under the datingcUfiel pa±rc«_p HJ s, M,i|MSli^* Ifcslv v per coiDmHni«tioO m__. by MmuUr for Foreign Afliits Lhn-ozh Sw. Consnl-Gencnl for Italy at Mrlbonriie. March l«h, lir= "Awarded Diploma at. the Am_rt.n_.Di Exhibition, IS9J. „* okiioi-iedged by i-Ciiic-U KkUr-S and Unl-entitiM all over the Globe. Ther* ik imitations of ___«-_rpti Bxtmet In the m-rkrt, products of simple distillation, forming erode ramons oils. In "onl'r that these erode oils m..v Hut be Uk-D for our Pure Volatile Eucalypti Extract, which L_ recognised by the medical div!'ion of the Prdss'ian Go.eniment to be of perfectly pure ci^ir __s per Infertr-vtion fonraprled to us through the Consul ■J ie'ibo-Jtne, JlarcK 2. IST.. w_ state :—- Itis proved by testa niade by the Medical CUnic- of the UniTenuties at Bonn ana r.riefiw-lj Prui_i_. md re[K>rt«l by Dr. SchuU. Profesjcr of PharmMOloj-v at Bonn, and ProfeKor Dr Knsler. Director of the McdicJ Clinic at Grfefsw-ld. that only prodocta that are saturated wi'h oxysren and tree of acidj, naiiwne and .übstance?. adherent to primary distillation, will develop the Kjiative nu.lities proper to tbe plant. All erode oil. oreo-called EncalvpU Eitmcta, are to be classed aee-rding to the named authorities -noon., the tirrpentinea which are of msi^niflcant medic'nal value and abandoned long rtnee ac an uiternal malicament. These crude oil-, or so-called Eucalypti ExtracU, »ldiioeniible— 1 By their deficiency in pungent odour, which our product, tb- un'v t-enuiue Eocalyj ti Extract, develops mostbtelf'iite»urplu«.iferysen. . • •> By their alcoh-ilio, thin, and mobile appearance being ~ red;if-_d in spc-iflo density through the presraeeof acids. 3. By their taste, tho result «f the contracting tendency ef resins and tanata. If thsse erode oils, or Kxalied Enealypti Eitraett. are applied by misteke in case, of croup. b.-0-_____-it___, diphtheria. Internal intfaiauiations. dysetrtery. etc.. the conseftnences are inort txfmU'n" For safety's sake ask alirays for Sander and Bonr iaucalviiti Extract.—Sandhurst. Victoria, Australia tu^aijpu SAMDKE ft SOHB.

U®rv® 9 Blood, &.&kiXB Diseases - ... CURED BY TAKING ' HERR RASSMUSSEN'S (The Celebrated Dani_h Herbalist) ALFALINE HERBAL REMEDIES (Registered), A Permanent Cure for Nerve, Skin, and Blood Diseases. HERR RASSMTJSSEN", tbe Celebrated Danbfe Herbalist and Gold Medallist, of 91 Lambton Quay, Wellington, N. 2., and 547 George Street, Sydney, U world-renowned for the thousand- of Cure* which have been effected by his Herbal Remedies, and the Thousands of Testimonial* Speak for themselves as to the inuaense virtue* eZ these Herbal Remedies. ALFALINE VITALITY PILL® Are a Certain Cure for Weak Nerves, Depress** Spirit.., Debility, and Weakness of the Spine, Brain, and Nerves. Special Powerful Course, 431. 6dj Ordinary Course, 735. &_.; Smaller Boxee, im. ana 6s. posted. Send for Free Pamphlet. ALFALIN_E BLOOD PILLS Are unsurpassed as a Blood Purifier and Blood Tonic, and will eradicate tho most obstinate Blood and Skin Affections. Price, *arac as Vitality Pills. His AlfaU-e Uaiversa- JHIlj for Kemale CompUmts, Rheumatic Pills, Asthma and Caugh Pills, Fat Reducing Powders, Varicocele Powders, Garglo Powders, Flesh Prcdccinz Powders, Worm Cake*. Bath Tablets, Euca-TP'--- Oil and Jujubes, Harf Restorer and Complexion Beautifier, Liver -___ Kidney Pills, are all sin_ply wonderful. Send far hi» Pcoo Book, Which contains all particulars and many useful htfttS and numerous testimonials. All Correspondence Private and Confidential. Write without delay, «_>« stdd-TC-tO"-HERR RASS-ffIUSSEN, 01 LAMETON QUAY, WELLIKGTON, H,SL Elfffl PSlor Tertiary £___.OOJ_ POISON perg|a jgfSmsnently cured In 15 t035 days. Toucan SM-JpKgi-- treated at homo for same price under &3&s___a swnta If 7011 prefer to come BK-s-B-W' here we will contract to pay railroad and steamship fare "--"i hotel bills while here, and make no charge, If we fall to euro. If you have taken mercury, lodldo potash, and still have aches and pains, BSucoas Patches In the month, gore Throat, PlnipSee, Copper-Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of tbo body, Hair or Eyebrows falling: is this Secondary 81008 S*OIBON we Ba_»ro_--ee to cure. We solicit tho most obstlm&t. caoeo and ehallense the world for «_ caao we cannot our®. Phy»ic____« cannot euro yon, 5500.000 oapltal behind our unconditional (ruaianty. Afcsoimte prooft sent sealed on application. . Address COOK. KB-MTSTWY CO* 307 Masonic Temclo. CHICABO. ILL. U. S.A OTRATHMORE PRIVATE HOSPITAL, ! FOR DISEASES OF WOIiEN. J IS NOW OPEN FOR THE ADMISSION j OF PATIENTS. __________ For particular*, apply to THE MEDICAL SUPEWNTENDENT, STRATHMQSE HOSPITAL, CHBISTCH&RCH. — JPontietß. _ PAUL "OEAVER, Stobeon Dkstist, JZ> DEVON-PORT. AUCKLAND. Painxess DKNfiSTRT. combined with Moderation of Feee. A SPECIALITY. — The constractiott and adaptation ot. Artificial Dentures, vrilh all latest Improvainents, and on the most approved principles. Hours of BHBiness : 10 to 4, Saturday! and holidays excepted. Coasultationa Freo. Terms, Cash. A IrEBD H. E LKINv DENTAL SURGEON (Late _t the Dental Hospital. London), May he Consul ted at hit Rooms, 42, VICTORIA STREET. I Next door below Macky. Logan, I Steen and Co. I ■ '■" W.PHILLiPPS&SON 1.9 ana 151, QUEEN-STREET, Have just opened up a large assortment of CHEAP PAPERHANGINGS, SCRIMS. POLISHED. SILVERED. & ROUGH PLATE, SHEET AND ORNAMENTAL WINDOW GLASS. ~ WHITE LEAD, OILS. TURPS. VAR. NISHES, AND ALL KINDS OF PAINTERS' MATERIALS.! ARTISTES' i REQUISITES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION: FOR OIL AND WATER COLOUR PAINTING. PICTURE - FRAME MOULDINGS. ' GLASFSHADES. Us 1 i L.II Uioil^Jli'llH Established 1860. PAINTER, GLAZIER, PAPERHANGER, SIGNWRITER, DECORATOR, &c„ HIGH jtf BEET. Manufacturer Wire Blinds, Lead Lighta, Glass Signs, etc. Mixed Paints for House and Ship nso. SPECIAL BLACK FOR SCHOOL BOARDS . N.B.—The *Kove executed at very moderate charges. "-•'mates Furnishod. *TETHEN YOU HAVE yUggs* ■ THIS BRAND hVX_ you have tho best monoy can vA^-IV, buy, aad at tho lowest poasibla price consistent with the bcs_ < ft possiblo work. Brasd. DALT 6N, TAILOR.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 106, 7 May 1896, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 106, 7 May 1896, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 106, 7 May 1896, Page 6