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More business was transacted on the Stock Exchange to-day, and generally at hotter rates than were offered yesterday. Hazolbanks after falling bo 2s 6d last evening advanced to 3s 3d to-day. May Queens sold at lis 9d aud Alphas ab 6a 3d. Grace Darlings wore in demand_ in consequence of tho -aloof tho property being-practically cori-plcterl,,sa!osfcßkingp!acoab2-6d with further buyers at 2s 7d. Porlseas wore also inquired for at Is 2d, Queen of Waihis, after easing off to 2s 9d sold up to 3s 2d, while Owharoas changed hands ab 5s .6d. Talismans found buyers ablls 6ci, and Talisman Extendeds at 2?, Thoro was a brisk demand for Young New Zealand shares, pales baking place nt la Sd and Is 9d, with buyers able lOtl, Bunker'? Hills wore easier, sales bein_r made ab 16s and 16s Gd, Ilauraki No. 2 shares, on tho other hand, were a shade firmer, sales ranging from 2a 6d bo 2a Sd. Welcome Finds cbaDged handa at 6a Od and 7s 3d.

We learn bhab Mr J. Stewarb, C.E., has roceived full information by the San Francisco mail as to the position of scheme for the acquisition of the Auckland tramway property with a view to electric traction. The company has been underwritten by the powerful Exploration Company (Limited) of London, the only conditions being thab the resolutions of the several boroughs and local bodies alreadypassed in favour of the scheme shall be converted into leases. On theso being executed in due form, the company will be ab onco formed and the works put in hand.

A man named Henry Obadiah Dixon, a carpenter, aged 65, in the employ of Mr A. \V, Ellis, licensee of the Masonic Hotel, Rawcne, died suddenly ab Raweue on October 31st.

Tho Gazette notifies thab a bonus of £1,750 is offered for a machine or process for dressing Now Zealand hemp which Bhall bo an improvemenb on machines or processes now in use, and which Bhall afber trial be found to materially reduce the cosb of production, improve bhe product-, or increase bho quantity of dressed fibre. Also, a bonus of £250 for a process for utilising wasto products of hemp.

Tho principal business before tho meeting of tho City Council lasb evening was the appointment of tin Inspector of Dairies for tho ciby and surrounding districts which have joined the Dairy Conference. A Special Committee had reduced tho number of applicants from which the Council were to bake M.eir choice to six. Theso woro present ab bho meeting by invita lion to answer any questions which tho Council and delegates might put bo them. When the firct candidate was called in the Mayor _nlimaf,ed that a delegate had oxpressed a wish thab each of bho cix candidates fchonld bo asked to write down his name and address. At thin intimation Cr, Glover sprang to his foot and wanted to know if tfio delegate who asked thab bo be done thought the Council were more children ? The thing was a farce. Ho did nob know who bhe d.legato was, bub to come and ask them to question each candidate if he could sign his own namo was simply ridiculous. It was making .. farce of tho Council. The Mayor said a dolegace had a righb to al*!, such a thing to bo done. If a candidate could nob sign his own name, and was ashamed to sign his namo in thoir presenco, he could nob draw up a report, and n large number of reports had to bo drawn up. After some further discussion tho matter of handwriting was allowed to drop, Tho election of an Inspector was tlion proceeded with, resulting in the appointment of Mr Wm. Redgato, the prosent In.pecbor for the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Ab the Diocesan Synod of Otago ib was resolved " That in . bho opinion of this Synod ib is desirablo bho Education Act vhould ho bo nmonded as to provide for roligious instruction in the schools on tho plan embodied in ihe Education Act of New South Wales." Tho motion was carried on bho voices after an amendmenb had boats negatived,

Owing to this boing bho busy season, factory ownor. aro now applying to tho Inspector for permits bo employ their hands for as much overtime as tho Factory Act will allow. Tho Inepoctor is granting those permits, but he wishes to draw tho attcntiou of factory owners to tho fact that in such casec tho Acb leaves ib with him to prescribe tho scale of pay for overtimo and tho numbers ot hours to ho worked. Tho Acb makoa ib imporativo thab such *cale of pay and tablo of hours to be worked should lio posted in a conspicuous place in each factory for tho information of tho employees. Tho Inspector wishes those who havo been or will bo granted permits to noto tho requirements of too Act in these rospects.

Tho directors of tho Auckland Free Stock and Mining Exchange Company met at the Company's ofiices yesterday afternoon for the purpouo of appointing a legal manager. Out of the largo mimbor of applications received, Mr Andrew Frasor, sharobroker, was unanimously choson. Wo havo known MrFraser for ovor 20 years, and in a business of this kind, whero tho confidence of the public is of first importance, ho is a first-class business man, and we can congratulate the Company upon bho appoinbircnt. Mr Eraser takes over the management on Monday next.

Tho following team will represent Panmure in their cricket- match with Mangero to-morrow, ab Mangero: — Donovan, Loomb, Sykes. McDormott, Brown, Patterson, Whibely, Wilson, Boyd, Searchfield, Thomas. Emergencies : Hogan, Gollan, Mclnerny, Smith.

Tho Tivoli Musical Comody Company will give another of bhoir enjoyable performances ab the City Hall this evening, when an attractive programmo will bo given, including the mirthful, farcical, musical comedy "My Friend from Leathorho'id.' Anottior crowded house is looked forward bo.

The local socretary of Trinity College, London, has received notice from tho head office in London, thab, in addition to tho successful candidates in tho Juno examination in musical knowledge (whose namos and mark* were published a few weeks ago), Miss Elizabeth R. Jones (a pupil of Herr Sehmitt) hoadod the list of honours in tho intermediato division with a score of 67

Tho annual concert and display of the All Saints' Athletic Club was held last evening. Thoro wbs a largo attendance, among tho number being His Worship the Mayor, Air J. J. Holland. The musical portion was supplied by Miss Quinn, who sang "Tho Holy Ciby;" Miss Brinsden "Old and Now." Mr C. Kiasling'" The Firo King," Mr E. L. Lees " First in the Field," ami Mr E. Schnbz, who caused great amusement with his songa "Close" and " I've Worked Eighbllours This Day." All bho vocalists wero encored. Miss Claire Hill delighted tho audienco with an Indian club solo, receiving a well deserved encore. Tho performance of tho club consisted of foata on tho parallel and horizontal bars, Roman rings, military horse and trapeze. A squad also wonb through Indian club and dumb-belt exorcise Messrs R. W. Miller and R. Adams had a bout of quartorstaff and boxing, and Messrs E. Hayden and W. Hutchinson gavo an exhibition with singlesticks. During an interval, Mr C, J. Fan' presented bho medals won at the recent gymnastic competition. Tho first prize, a trophy presented by Mr Parr, was awarded to Mr A. E. Oswald ; tho second, presented by tho club, was won by Mr R. Adams ; and tho third, presented by Professor Carrollo, instructor to tho club, was won by Mr L. W. Graham. Tho performance reflected grei.b credit on the club and on Professor Carrollo. A series of marble abatuary tableaux concluded an excellent programme.

A moat enjoyablo soiree was hold last evening in fcho Gladstone Hall in connection with tho Nnrthcots Prosbyterian Church anniversary. A full attendance did justice to tho good things provided in abundance by tbe ladion of bho congregation. Tho Rev. T. F. Robertnon presided over the gathering after tea, and proceedingl. vv.i'3 pleasantly varied by speechoa, vocal and instrumental music and rocif.atioop, the contributors being Misses Gran., Fell, Eiitrioan, Bull and Ramsey, and Messrs Clarke Johnson and Derrick, who well deserved the hearty thanks accorded them. The assembly was dispersed with the Benediction.

Tho Rev. 11. Scott West delivered a very interesting lecture last; evening in St. David's Presbyterian Church, Symondaatreeb, on lan McLaren's " Beside bho Bonnie Briar Bush." There waß a large attendance, and all presenb bho.roughly appreciabed tho way in which the lecturef handled his subject.

A Thames telegram bo-day states thab about 250 excursionists left for Auckland by bhe Waiotahi to witness the " Mikado " and abtend the races.

A correspondenb asks:—Why are some of bhe Governmenb ofScers ab bho eleventh hour declaring Monday a holiday, withoub the slightest regard "to the public convenience ? Is ib so gazebted ?

Ab the Supremo Court in Chambers this morning the Litbie Barrier Island care, tho Commissioner of Crown Lands versus Tonetahi be Hern, Rahui to Kiri and obhers, again came up.1 Mr Cooper, for Mr Earle, on bohalf of defendants, asked leave bo withdraw the motion bo remove the case into the Supreme Court. Mr McAliator appeared for the plaintiff and asked for costs. His Honor, Mr Justice Conolly, allowed tho motion bo bo withdrawn on payment by defendant- of one guinea costs bo Mr Mueller. The case will come on again in the Magistrate's Court next week.

Tbe five lambs bred by Mr R. H. McKenzie, of Mangere, which took the firstprize offered at tho recent show for tho beat! pou of five shorbwool or crossbred lambs have been purchased by Mr G. Raynes, the butcher, of Parnell, who has had them killed, and they aro now on view at hia shop. A vory old identity of Auckland, Mrs G. C. Payne, wife of the late Geo. C. Payne, formerly counter clerk of the Goneral Post Office, Auckland, passed away very peacefully after a long illness. She was widely known for her benevolence, and highly roepocted by all who knew her. She leaves a grown-up family of fivo daughters and two eons. There ''a now on view ab the premises of .ho Now Zealand Express Company, in Fort-street, a collecbkn of paintings by well - known Australian, American and European arbisbs. Tho mo;fb attractive esctioti of bhe exhibition ?:• thob comprising seme of tho original black and white work which was proparcd for the Picturesque Atlas. Among bhe namos attached to the paintings aro those of such distinguished men as .1. B. Schell, _ the aifc editor of "'Harper's Magazine," and doscribed as tho greatest living black and white artist, A. C. Cook, A. H. Fullwood, Julian R. Ashton, Percy Spence. Aucklandors will take a special interest in tho viow of our harbour with the mail stoamor leaving, and bhe picture of the cemetery gaily. Both works are exquisitely done, and the same may bo said of the views of Lybboltori and Wellington. The two first pictures and thab of Lybfolton are by Schell, and Mr J. ... Ashton has contributed a fine historical painting of tho landing of the Rev. Samuel Mareden ab the Bay of Islands, and a splendid portrait of Rewi Maniapoto. It may be mentioned that several specimens of the works of tho artists referred to are now in the Sydney Art Gallery having boon purchased by the trustees. The exhibition will be open for a few days when Aucklandors may have an opportunity of seeing an interesting collection and obtaining, if they feol so inclined valuable additions to their home galleries. |

The box plan for "The Mikado " will be removed bo bhe Opera House tomorrow, whero seats may be booked from 9 to 1 and 2 to 5.

The London Missionary Society's steamer John Williams, which has called ab the three principal porbs in bhe South, arrived from Wellington this morning. The steamer has a very emarb appearance, and coming inbo porb was mistaken for a raan-o'-war, and no pilot was sonb on board in answer to the signal? displayed. Tho Tohn Williams has taken up a berth at Quay-street Jetty, whero she will bo open to the public till Tuesday morning, when hbo loaves for the Cook Group on her usual visit to tha Society's mission stations in tho South Seas and Now Guinea. At Rarotonga a number of native missionaries and their wives will be embarked, for conveyance to Now Guinea, to replace those who have been compelled to return to their island homes through ill-health. From Samoa n quantity of bread-fruit plnnts will bo conveyed to Now Guinea. After completing her work in Now Guinon, tho John Williams will proceed to Melbourne for docking and refitting, and also to assist in tho celebrations to be held thero in connection with the centenary of the London Missionary Socioty.

To tho Editor: Sir, —I nobice in your issue tonight bhab you don't seem to believe the " Wairarapa Star " re a cow suckling a pig. I know of a case in point', that I can got heaps of proof. The cow belongs to a half-caste, John Palmer, ab Whanaiuki, and the pig belongs to a native, Peter Tonua, of bhe same kainga. I have often Heen tho cow and pig running together, Thoy quite understood each other, tho cow lying down when bho pig was small, and when tho pig grew up ib could help itself when ib felt inclinad. Somo yoara ago I had two bull and mastiff pups bhab regularly sucked a sow for two week?, tho litter having boen taken from tho sow and knocking about quite near bhe pups, bhey fell in wibh each obher, and wero quite good chums. Needless bo say, bho pupa made bwo grand pig dogs, and wero woll known in tho districb where they wtro reared.—l am, etc, Settlor, AvondaSe, November 6, 1895.

The cricket match between bho Pnrnell amd Gordon Firsb Eleven will be resumed to-morrow afbernoon ab 1 p.m. The membora of bobh teams are expected to ba in attendance ab the Domain punctually ab bhab hour.

The Secretary of the Auckland Lawn Tennis Ciub announces thab owing fco various causes tho opening day of tho season has been unavoidably postponed til) Saturday the 16th inßb ab 2 p.m.

Miss Amy "Vaughan announces a grand holiday bill for hor popular entertainment on Saturday nighb, tho Princo of Wales Birthday, when several of tho latosb English and American successes will bo introduced. '

Wo wish to draw attention to the fact thab through an error, the adverbisemenb which appeared in our columns re Mr F. M. Alexander's farewell, waa mado to sbato thab tickets could be purchased for sixpence. This is an error, tho prices being : Drosa circle 2s, and stalls 1. Theso prices were advertised in lasb Saturday " Herald" and Star, and therefore we presume thab our readers will nob be pub'to any inconvonienca

Tho Sb, A'ban'a Liberary Society closed ita session last evening with a social. During the evening Mr F. G. Ewingbon, Presidenb, preaeutod on behalf of the Society to Mr W. Hill, Hon. Secretary, Rome valuable books on the occasion of his leaving Auckland. Mr Ewington apoko in tho highest terms of Mr Hill's unflagging energy, faithfulneea and efficiency, and said that every member deplored that gentleman's resignation aa ho had been one of the main pillars of the Association. The presentation was made with musical honour?, and Mr Hill tuitabiy replied.'

To-morrow afternoon a cricket match between tho Avoodalo and Swansea Clubrf will bo commenced ab Swanaon. The Avondalo team will bt? aa follows :—Ferguson, Webb. Stacy, Potter (Cup!.), Bollard, Pollen, Ingram, Kemp, ExJer, Day, Laurio and Hepburn.

The Bund of Hope contest in the Foresters' Hall this evening, promises to bo the tnosb interesbing of bho series. Ib will include vocal solo?, duets, quartettes, sightsinging, reciting, spelling bee, and impromptu essays. To-morrow will cloi?e the series, and bhe prize* will be presented on Monday week. Mr T. J. Bull will preside this evening,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 267, 8 November 1895, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 267, 8 November 1895, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 267, 8 November 1895, Page 2