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RledieaL Jk~VBBSLTBVBI COITOH. ~ , ~ ♦• M. Cemmerelal Road, Peckiuua, Jaly 11 I " Bea» Sir,—l am & poor hwad at*ipr»eeii»ff my feelings, but I should like to thank yoe. Your lozenges have done wonders in relief in* wy terrible cough. Sloee I had tae operation of 'Tracheotomy' (the same ac the late Emperor ot Germany, end unlike him, thaak God, I am still aliye) performed at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, no one could BO3sibly have had a more violent eougfi ; it | was so bad at times that it quite exhauetea m«. The maceus. which was very copioae , and hard, has been eettened, and I have i beea able to get rid of it without difficulty,— I aw, sir, yours truiy, J. HIXiL. , A DOCTOR'S TESTIMONY. " Routh Park, Cardiff, South Wales, September 28,1893. "I haTO, indeed, great pleasure in adding my testimony to your excollont preparation or Cough Lozengea, and I hare prescribed it now for the lust eight years in nay hospitals and private praotico, aad found it ol great benefit. lof ien suffer from Chronic Bron-1 chitte; yonr lozenge is the only remedy, which eivee me immediato ease. Therefore,,! I certainly aad most Btroagly recommendyour Lozenges to the publio who may suffer from Catarrh, Bronchitis, Winter Coutfh. or any kind of Pulmonary Irritation.—Yours '" A. GABRIEL, M.D.. L.R.C.P. and L.M., Edinburgh.; L.R.C.S. aadL-M. Edinburgh." ©SB KEATIN©'S ILOZKNGJES. "It is 75 years ago," since EEATINGPS COUGH LOZENGES were first made, and tho sale is larger than ever, because they are unrivalled in the relief and care ol Winter Cough, Asthma, and Bronohitia; one alone gives relief. UTTERLY UmUtVAZiLED. Keatinjr's Cough Loeenjcea, the unrivallea remedy for COUGHS. UOAItSffiNKSS, aud THROAT TROUBLES, are aoldin Tina bj nil Chemists. RELIEVE FEVERISH HEAT, PREVENT FITS, CONVULSIONS, ETO. Preserve a. healtlhy state of tho eonstlU tution during the period oT TeuJthinff. 'The words "JOHK STS£DKAN, Chemist, Vtfuiworth, Surrey," Bm engraved on tke Qotcrnmtnt Stoma affixed to ttdi IPatktt, ONE BOX OF CLAKKE'S B 41 PILLS Is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either aex (acquired or constitution ul), Gravel, and Pains in the Back, Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in boxes, 4g 6r\ each, by all Chomisti and Patent Medicine vendors throughout tho world. Proprietors, The Lincoln aud Midland CeuntJas Drug Com« DOEJ. livacolUi. Krielaixi. PEPINSTER —MINERALWATER THE MOST VALUABLE TONIC, containing Sails of Iron, absolutely pure and soluble, and consequently easily absorbed into the system. SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS. LUUbgi, ©UPS OL IjUtj INSUBANOE I Buildings. AUCKLAND. Sole Representatives in Australasian ColoniesA WONDERFUL MEDICINE. ARE unirersally aarattted to be worth a Guinea a Box for Bilious and Nervous Dieorders, eoeh as Wind aad Paia in the Stomach, Sicfc Headache, Giddiness. Fulness and Swelling after Meala, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold ChUls, Flushings of Heafc. Loss of Appetite. SUortuosß of Breafch, Coatiranoss. Scurry and Blotches on the Skin, lMsturbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams, and all ZServous and Trembling Sensations, etc. The first doee will give relief in twenty minutes. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WOCTH A GUINEA A BOX. For Females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all humpars and bring about all that is required. No fewale should be without them. There is no medicine to be foucd equal to Beecham's Pills for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the sysrem. If taken according to tho directions given with each iiox, they will soon rostore females of all ages Jβ sound and robust health, lhiehiubocn proved by thousands who have tried then* and found the benefits which are ensured by their use. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Ineestion, anil all Disorders of the Liver, they act like mngic, an A JL w dOBCS will be found to work wonders on the most important organs in tno human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular syßtem, rwtore tho loug-lost complexion, bring back the keen edgo of appetite, and arouse into action with the rosebud of health the whole S /nrSS i en " rflry of thb hun » an frame. These arc J< Al/lS testified continually by members of all classes of society, and one of the fae6t guarantees to the Nervoue and Debilitated is— BEECHAM'S PILLS HAVE THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PATENT MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Prepared only by the Proprietor, THOMAS BKKCHAM, St. Helens. England,inßoxos 9Jd Is lid, and 2s 9d each* *iold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dnlers everywhere. N B,—Full directions are given with each box. LOST MANHOOD * rom youthful folly. oxceßses. or any other cause. GUARANTIED CURK. A Great WsC ??\ i)y Anatomy. Tr&tuS tPmn' f FCe, B<sale - d - To erery J" OUU K m <™ contPßip.iUing marriage, to the married, to young and o<this book'js invaluable, pointing ©„. j it docs tho way of r«licf to those unfortunate f»f c ,^ rs , t0 whom M° ta but a hideous, torT HE TN N Hr RENIEDY FOR WORMS X IN CHILDREN AND ADULTS. Mr tZ&eraM, Cotlsultin 2 Che.nist i,,P C w Sir --My'child took two of your Chooa 15 / 2 / - Scaview House. Thames. ASK JTOR FitzGeraln's Chocolate Tablets. " SOld b7tho So™ V S 6d Perbox: wholesale Dy tno jDi-uj. Company, AucklandfTTlOß COUGHS, COLDS, ERONTT S COMI> OUMD ESSENCE ° F UNSEED. Anieeed, Senega. Squill, 'i'olu, etc. CAUTION. - Spurious imitations are K. ~,„ offered. AY'ri COMPOUNU, a demnioenb expectorant. For Coughs, Colds, and X Cheat Complaints. AY'S COMPOUND for Cougheand Colda, is equally serviceable for KMoreea and Cattle. AY'S TIC TILLS, a specific in isonralgia, Fnoe-ache etc. Contain Lyuinine, Iron, etc. INUAI CATHARTICUM PILLS, a Orient 6 ' corrective - and aßreeably n OA /uLINE.-C e ment for Broken V/ Articles. Sold Everywhere. Manu. factory. Steckport, Englaed.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 214, 7 September 1895, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 214, 7 September 1895, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 214, 7 September 1895, Page 6