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The Countess of Glasgow and Lady Augusta Boyle, accompanied by Captain Preston, A.D.C., arrived here from Wellington yeßtorduy morning, having come up to Onehunga by the s.s. Takapuna, and thence into town by special train. They aro staying at the Grand Hotel. Lady Glasgow, accompanied by Captain Preston, will return to Wellington by the c.c. Mahinapua on Thursday nexb, bub Lady Augusta will remain in Auckland for a fortnight or three weeks for eurgioal treatment, aa she haa not yeb quite recovered from the effects of the fracture of her ankle which she sustained some time back.

The week opened very briskly on the Stock Exchange to-day, the place being crowdod by speculator. A cable regarding the Hazelbank caused shares in thab Company to chango hands ab 7s 6d. May Queen, ftJoanaraiaris, Alburoias and Victorias all advanced in price. Waiotahis wero wanted ab 17s, but no aellora wore disclosed. Karangahake stocks wero in great demand, and all those aurroandinir the Woodsbock property advanced in price. Victors sold ab 5b 3d and then at 5a 9d, whilo Talisman Extendedß reached 2a 9d. Puriri shares were suddenly in demand, rising from 4d on Saturday to 7d to-day. Waibekanri shares changed hands at 80s—the highest figure yeb touched—while Alphas sold at 7b 6d. Obber Waibekauri Btocka were firmly hold. Kuaotunu stock generally wore much sought after. Kapai-Vermonbß rose Is 6d since Sabnrday, while sales wero reported in other companies at good prices. Coromandel shares wero no tin much request). Jusb before 3 o'clock a sudden demand seb in for Waihi Extended shares, over 12,000 changing hands in a short period at prices ranging from Is 9d to 2s each. Harbour View shares and Victors were "also in request ab slightly better prices.

His Honor Mr Justice Conolly and his private Bocretary, Mr Jackson, arrived from Gisborna by thee.s. Manapouri yesterday. Hiß Honor held a sitting in bankruptcy this morning. The usual sittings of the (Jourb will be held .this day fortnight, when tbe September criminal sittings open. Up to the present eighteen persons have been committed for trial.

The Mayor and Town Clerk paid a visib to Lady Glasgow and Lady Boyle thia morning at the Grand Hotel.

The Mayor, Mr J. J. Holland, has received a'lettor from the Hon. J. G. -Ward, Colonial .Treasurer, in reply to the copy of the resolution passed at a public meeting in Auckland in reference to the proposed changes in bhe Customs tariff, in which Mr Ward says: " You may rest assured that bhe opinions expressed in the resolution will have my very careful consideration. The Government have of course no desire to do anything which would in any way prejudice the interests of those who are engaged in colonial industries."

The Rev. D. - Sbeed, pastor of the Seventh Day Adveatisb Church ab Epsom, returned from a viaib bo Wellington and Napier yesterday, arriving by the Manapouri. In the evening he preached to a largo and appreciative audience.

At a meeting of the New Zealand Cricket Council held at Chrietchurch on Friday evening a letter was received from the New South Wales Association stating that, although a thoroughly representative team could nob be despatched during the ensuing season, a very good team could be sent in January next, but suggesting thab the proposed visit should be postponed for twelve months. The Secretary stated thab he had written asking that the best available team, which information from various sources showed would bo a very good team, should bo sent to New Zealand in January. He read private letters which stated that although the team would not be quite a representative one. it would be superior to that which came under the direction of Mr Davis. The acting-secretary approved, and it was decided to hold a general meeting of the Council on September 27th. Messrs Cuff, Wood, and Smith were appointed a subcommittee to draft a scheme for the arrangement of inter-provincial matches, with the view bo the viaic of the teams being arranged in convenient rotabion.

With reference to the presence of worms occasionally found in the water service, it is stated that the practice of having numerous pipes with numberless angles in dwelling house supplies is apb to find a fitting place for an occasional interloper to breed. Where there are less of these angles the pipes aro Isopb perfectly flushed.

Mr John Cameron, of Church • street, Ponsonby, an old colonist of 40 years standing, and a resident of Ponsonby for the last 20 years, was yesterday buried in the Symouds-sbreet Cemetery, in bho presence of a large number of friends and members of Star of Auckland Lodge of Oddfellows. Mr Cameron's death was nob unexpected, ho having been in failing health for some 12 months past. Ho leaves a widow, an aged mother, and five children.

A number of novel and interesting pictures by a Japanese artist of scenes in the recent Chino-Japaneee War were on exhibition during to-day in the window of Messrs Wildman and Lyell's, bookseller's shop, Shortland-ebreet, and attracted a great deal of attention from passers-by. The pictures, which are water colour paintings, are drawn and painted in Japanese style, and Borne of thorn remind one of the amusing " Lika Joko " caricatures. The detail and technique of the pictures, eight in number, aro distinctly of the Japanese type, and the facial expressions have in mosb cases a moat peculiar efl'ecb, Tho pictures were bought in Japan recently by Mr Villiers, the distinguished war artist and correspondent, who arrives here this weak in order to give a coureo of lecturea on the Chino-Japanese War and kindred topics. Tho pictures include & representation of the landing of the Japanese at Port Arthur, several battles, a triumphial march, ebc.

The Committee appointed by the Conferonce to consider the proposed regulations for the inspection of dairies, etc., has only finished the revision referred to. As the Committee deems it best thub copies of such regulation* shou d be forwarded to all the local bodies interested, the Mayor has decided to postpone the meeting of the Conference which was to have been held on Friday^* b.

The Remuera Bowling Club haß been formed to provide a convenient and attractive recreation ground for the business residents of Remuera, Epsom and Parnell. The property of the Club is centrally situated on the East side of the Manukau Road. Some years ago over £200 was spent in forming the green, building Club house, laying down asphalt) courts, and fencing and planting bodges. , The present lessees have secured the ground for a term of seven years, and have effected many additional improvements. The green has been drained, levelled, top dressed, and sown down with grass, and is expected to be in first-class order for play in November nexb. The green iscapable of accommodating six or seven rinks, or in all about 56 players. The grounds are quite private, being fenced in and surrounded by hedges, and easily reached by train, tram, or 'bus* Ib is intended thab the Club should compete in the forthcoming bowling tournament, to be held in Auckland probably during the Easter holidays, at which bowlers from all parbs of New Zealand and the Australian colonies, are expected to be present. Mr Alex. Stewart, the veteran hero of over forty tournaments, and champion bowler of the Auckland district, has kindly consented to coach new members, who will uo doubt give a goori account of themselves at the forthcoming gathering. It is proposed to limit the number of members to 40. 'Circulars will shortly be issued in this connection. Mr W. Taib is acting aa Secretary pro. tern.

To-day, Messrs S. Cochrane and Son sold by auction two wooden buildings in Eden Crescent (for removal) for £15,

A meeting of the Women's Political League is called for to-morrow afternoon ab three o'clock at the V.M.C.A. Rooma. Mr Ewington is announced to speak ab the meeting on "The Working Glasses and the Coming Struggle." The promoters invite the attendance of the sterner sex.

On Friday evening the employees of Mesara fl. F. Cooper and Co.'s flhirt factory held a tnosb successful social in bhe Masonic Hall, Newton. There were aboub thirty couples presenb, including several friends. Supper was eerved ab 12 o'clock, and dancing was kept up till an early hour in the morning. During the evening several songs were rendered. • " Old Madrid," Miss (i. Dormar; " Dublin Bay," Mrs Stewart; "Sailing Merrily Home," Mr Whibe; "Private Tommy Atkins," Mr fl. F. Cooper,; whistling solo, "Killarney," Mr T. Fordyee. The admirable manner in which bhe arrangements were carried oub reflects great; credib on the Indies, especially Misß Lee, Miss Adair, and Miss G. Dortnar, who worked very hard to carry everything to ench a successful issue. Mr Finlayson acted as M.C. in a very efficient manner.

Mr John Fuller gave a " Rational" Suriday evening concert in the Choral Hall last evening, bhe audience being a good one in spite of tba bad weather. Mr Fuller sang, "Children's Voices " and "OraPro IS!obis,", and with Mr Archdale Tayler gave Rossi's " Tanbum Ergo." Mr Tayler sang "Lord God of Abraham" from " Elijah " and " Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep." Miss E. L. Feafcon eang " btar of Betblebem " and " Calvary." A series of beautiful Ihuelighb views illustrative of the music was exhibited, together with representations of sacred sbatuary. Mr Walter Fuller was solo pianisb and accompanist, and Mr Ben Fuller played a bass obligate to several of the songs.

The Loyal Franklin Lodge, 1.0.0.F.' M.U., A.D., celebrated their fourteenth Anniversary on Friday nighb, by a plain and fancy drees ball, which was a great success, in the Public Hall, Obahubu, which was crowded to bhe doors, fully 400 merry dancers being present. Dancing was kept up until 4in the morning.. Reid's String Band provided the dance., music. The M.C.'B were Bros.. C. Rowe and Owen Glynn.

The weekly ontertainmenb given in fcne City Hall on Saturday evening by Miss Amy Vaughnn was very largely abtended, and those present enjoyed an excellent performance. The programme included many very popular numbers, and encores were very numerous. Miss Amy Vaughan won loud applause for her serio-comic medleys, Miss Ivy Roy uang a ballad exceedingly well, and Miss Di Levy did well in her songs. TheMis6es Thornton and Levy did an excellent dance, and had to re-appear, and Messrs Harry Thomas, Diamond, Corbebb and Hyland all did well, bhe male voice trio being an exceptionally good item. An ainuaing farce concluded the entertainment.

Messrs C. C. McMillan and E. A. Brown have commenced business as general agents and accountants in Binney'a buildings, Forb-Btreeu. Mr McMillan is well known as senior partner of the late firm of William McArtbur and Co., and as one who has taken an active part in public affairs in this city. Mr Brown was formerly with the firm of W. McArbhur and Co. as chief accountant.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 197, 19 August 1895, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 197, 19 August 1895, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 197, 19 August 1895, Page 2