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Mb LET, 3 large, top Rooms,, with bal--ai ■cony;■";.;also, 5-roomed Cottage, rent 4s -' week each—Apply. Mrs Lockwood. Alexandra-'i - street1:;.•;•-•■■•.■;"•■■.■ ■',-'"■■ '.■;■■:■*>■:,; '■■■■■ ■■>■ >■ '-^ : -> : .; ■ ■ rfipO BE LET; Buildings (2> arid Cobfcage, ;i- suitable for factory, Sunnysiae Road. J Mount Eden.—Apply'to'F.'K.'Claude. 8, Marine \ ■ :Chambsra.' :., .*,-.. ~.;;,, i.- -..;...' ;, ■ i . ( > fiV ., J ' r ;, ii ,'-;|, I F|pO LET, on Cheltenham Beach; Miss | |." JL -. . Webster'sj-Furhialied House, low rent to >' igobd tenant.—Apply Frater and Son; or R. aid j R.Duder. '■ :;-■ '■■'-■_■'_ ~ . ' I r¥lo LET, House. 7 rooms, newly, papered, I"A offPonso'oby Road, near tram lino.'lls.-^ • ! Apply W. Thome, next house-below in Mac- • ; kelvia street. ...,.: ,-'..,,; ■.'■,-'';-;;.iVi•:,.-,■,■■■:,,.",'--.'.v,-. • rild : LET—Off" St. Stephen's Avenue, I * -IL Paruell, 8-rponied House.-' veyery;con yen- ! ieiice and large- allotment: rent £52. —-W. .' I Frater and Son. Quoeu-street!, ~.,;.: j:'.,. ',;.■..' '' ' j I rpO^ILET;. Cotcaep.. b rooms. .Melrose,. J.-''.' North' Sbpre. city water, outhouse, and ! i good garden, rent 8s per .week.—J.M. Lennox, 'Estate Anent, Qucen-st. Aucklatv'd.y' ' ' i' ' TO LET.' 10 Rooms, ' Stanley-street, 1 ■Arch Hill, 10s; 4 Rooms and Stable.■ Mobre-atreet ;"'4 Rbom?, Middleton'- street, Remuera Koad—VVilliam Rattrayi' 192, Queone.treetr'.:.; "-:' .;..-" •'.;.'• ''"-v;.; "'•'■ :■-■ ■? ,:■;■■ -..•■ '■ / , "]y"ORTH SHORE—Furnished House to _Lv Let, piano, gas^bath,; copper,-garden and; ! every convoniencsi. -rent moderate.—Apply W. : Fra'.er and Son, Land Agents, ;Que.en-street." ■ EORTH "SJHOREPTo Leb, amail House" •; comfortably; furnished, on the beach, . neni1 .North Head.' Terms moderate.—Apply Muuii'House. ■ '■■■'- -■ "- ■- ■■'■•" -;' ---.u-'-'; <: - ;?>., ■„ .' TpHE NEW, ZEALAND vLOAN AND JL ' WKIIOANTILK-AGBNCY-'-' •"■ ' H CO.WI'ANjY (LIM^TJEDK. (Owinff to remorsl of Head'Office'to - , Wellington), have a• - ■ ' SPLENDID SUITE OF KQOMS TO LET On the First Floor of their .-■:■ ■"'*■' QUEKN STREET PREMISES., / : Position is unsurpassed in Auckland.- Possession -.'■ :: -can be given in May. ■>C •:; ; •■'■■ Apply to. the MANAGER,' - - r ' Branch Offlee. Quein-fltreet. Licensing Notices. EDEN LICENSING : DISTRICT.— < NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A I PUBLICAN'S LICENSE.. — 1,/ ARTHUR DKMPSEY, 6f .Auckland, Publican, do' hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will atlhe next licensing meeting to beholden at the Public Hall, Arch Hill, on the stti day of June next, apply for a certificate authorising the issue ota publican's license for , a , house, situate at ~Great North- Ro»d. . Arch ■' Hill, aud known by. the sif?n of the Arch -Hill Hotel, containing 13 rooms, exclusive of those required for the uso t oMUe family.—John Holmes, name of.owner, 1 -Dated the 7th day of May, 11:95.—ARTHUR , ;:DKMPSBY."'i ' '■■■.' "■" ■" ';>■;-.' ■■■■■■'■.:■ -:, ■; IjfOBN LICENSIING DISTRICT.— '. li NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR iTitANSFJttt OF'LICKNSJC-I. PATRICK 1 LOJNU,' of1 Arch Hi 11,.! being theoholdeV: 0( « [ publican's license ir>,resi>ect of. the houso and I l>ts!inis«a. situate,at Great North' Road, Area,-' : I Hill,"do hereby give notice that'l desire to 1 obtain, and will at the next licensing meeting to bo holden ut -; Public: Hali,: Arch HilU pn tho sth day of June, 1895. >appiy> for a-i transfer of the said licons,ofrommysolf to Arthur, DempKoy, my appointee—Dated the 7th day of « May,1895.-P. LONG; ■. ,'. ;., -j ■\M± l^±L : '■ i^ro'riCE" o,fTatpliuation."for a - JJi , ■prjBIiICAN'd.Lt&ENSK. -,]. ALUX- ; ANDERaOHULTZH;.ofTa"Arona,pnbHcan.d6 . hereby siV3 nolic^i that I'obtaiw", and . will a.y the next licensing meeting to be holden' • at oam bridge, on the oth da j .Of Jfune^next, .' apply for a cert}flbatei authorising. theWene^a^ of .-aV'Euplican's l^iconss f or a ho use-' situate, .at. - To.Aroha, and- Itjipwn. b'j.tap.dign .oC^lKis'vCiub'|; Hotel, contaiinnJ!- ~iV rooni3 ;oa,-o;aßiVeV,of4hose.U, required for the use of tho tainllj. John'Log'an . Campbell njirno of 6\y,ner. ' DaLeil the 6fc»:tiay ?c I]^!*^^ rfaTOTICE. ?OF' APPLIOA^IC^vyj&R A ±1 TRANSB'ER OF LICENSIi;.-!. JAMES . "MIGHT COOTE, of Paeroa.;.; being.-the holder' of a Publican* License in respect of the house aiid pretuises situated at Paeroa, and known by the.Sigu of ,thO; Conimer. ial Hotol, do 'hereby, give notice that I desire to obtain,' and will aY the next licensing'meeting'to. be'-holden at iWraiiga on tho sth day of June. 1895, apply .for a transfer, of the said licensefr'din Jacnes William Shaw., my appointee: Dated the 7th'day of May,_iß9s.-J.M. COPTIC; ■■': ■„• ■.^foYlClS IOF ArFLICAriON 1-OR AC■jLT COMMODATION LICENSK.-BAY OF j ISLANU.-J LICENSING- "DISTRICT. ■ - I: AMKbIA FRANCIS GODDEN, of Rawene, do hereby give notice that I desire, to obtain, and! will at the next LicehciiiK Meeting, to be .held at the Courthouso, Kawakawa. on the sovonth day oC June, 1895, apply fora'Cortiflcato, authorising the issue ot aii Accommodation License for premises situate at Kaweno. and known as the Masonic Hotel.- Dated the6th'day of May, 1895.-AMKLIA FRANCES GODDifiN. TyOTICB OF APPLICATION TO Xl REMOVE A LICENSE TO OTHER PREMISES.—I. SELIM FERDINAND HEDLUND, of Ngawha, being tho-tholder .of a Pub; hcau's License in respact of the House and Pre,ibises Bitu»t.e at Ngawha, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, 'and'will'at' the nextLicensing Meeting, to he" holden at Court House; Kawakawa, on the 7th Say, Juno. 1E95. apply for tho removal of tlie License of the aforesaid House and Premises /to a Houso situate at Ohaeawai; corner c-t Kaikohe and Waimate Roads, Dated the 7th day of May, 1795.— SBLIM FERDINAND HEDLUNB. ,- .-.■.,■. ■. A UCkLA N D CITY .LICENSING jt\. DISTRICT.-NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A. PUBLICAN'S^LIOBNSU;.—I. EDWARD BIiAIR. of Auckland, Hotclkeeper, do hereby give 'notioo that I desire, to obtain,^ and will at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holden at the lyiagistmte's Court. Auckland, on the'3rd day of June, apply for a'Certificate' authorising the renewal of a Publican's License for a House, situate at Upper Queen-street, Ancivland, and known by the sign, ot the: "Queen's .Head" Hotel, containing thirteen robnis, exclusive'Of thosro required" for tho uso of the family. Trustees in Estate late J. C. Seccombe, Ow^er. Dated the 6th day Ot .May, 1895.—fflpW4RD BLAllt.:,:.v ~-.. -,',, .-... , " AY OF ISLANDS. LICjaNSJNG4DIS-TRICT.-NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S .LICENSE:—L SELIM FERDINAND HEDLUND, of Ngawha, Oh'aeawai: Hotelkecper, do hereby give notice that I.desire to obtain, and will at the next [ lioisnsing meeting toc bo holtien at the Conrt- , house, Kawakawa, on the seventh day of Juinv, 11395, apply for a' certiflcate authorising the Issue of a publican's license fora house, situate at Ohaeawai, corner of Kaikolia: and Waimate - Roads, to be known by ..the sign of the Ohae- 1 awai Hotel, to contain sixteen robms, exclusive of those required" for the -uso of the family. Louis Khrenfried, nairie of owner. D*ted the I six> h- d»y of May, 1895. — SELIM F. HED- j: [LUND. __ _^ ;.'. ■■'"■'' ■ ''.'.'■ I: B" AY OF ISLANDS LICENSING DIS-TRIOT-NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S LICISNSE.-I, SELIM FERDINAND''HEDLUND. of'Ngawha Ohaea-' wai, Ilotclkeepjr, do hereby give notice that I desire to oblaiu, and will aCthe next Licensing be holden at the Kawa Kawa, on the.soveath day of June,'lß9s, apply for a certificate' authorising the issue of fa i publican's license for, aihouse. situate, at Nga- [ wha, Ohp-eavvai, and the sign oi the j Ohaeawai Hotel, containing (15) fifteen rooms. I exclusivo of those required for the use nf the : family. L.'Jshrenfried. name of owner. Dated | 23rd dayjp^Aj3ril,lß9s.-:iKLIMF;HKDLUND. i TfcTOTICE O> APPLICATION TO I 1-1 rRKMOVE, A LICENSE TO OTHEk PREMISES. - 1,, SELIM. - FERDINAND HEDLUND. oE Ngawha. being th-i holder of a -Accommodation1" License in respect or the House and Premises situated at'Ngawha,,do hereby give notice that I desire, to obtain ana will ut ihc next Licensing Meeting to be holden at Court House. I'Kawakawa. on the seventh I day" of June, ]895,' apply for the removnl of the | License on the aforesaid House* and Premises ■; to a House situate- at Ohaea.wai,. corner oti Kaikolio and Waimate Ko&'is.'"' Dated' the i 'seventh ."day of May. 1895. — SELIM FEfclDENAND HEDLUND. _J_^_ _l__ ■' - ■"" \%7. AIPA: 3 tIGENHINf*. - W; NOTICES OK APPLICATION FOR A •PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. - I, ELIZABETH .EMILY MORRIS DUNNE, of Raglan, late of Hawera, do hareby give notice tliatl desire to obtairi,-ahd will at tho next licensing meeting to be holden at the .Courthouse-Hamilton, on' the of June. 1895, apply for a certificate authorising the issue' of a publicans license for a house, situate at Raglan, and known by the sign of the ROyal Hotel, containing 25 rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the family. W,m.; Barlow, name of. owner." Dated the 6th day of May. 1895.—ELIZABETH EMILY MORRIS- DUNNE. / . ,:

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 110, 9 May 1895, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 110, 9 May 1895, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 110, 9 May 1895, Page 1