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Auctions. ISSAM & ARTHUR. B. J.ESA3I, • - [6. ARTEUB ~ . ; TO-MORROW,-a* 11 o'Clock. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO, • '■ Efcc. a Ebc, Etc' ';• : Under Suf Sale. . ESAM AND ARTHUR Will sell by auction (C. Arthur. Auctioneer), at their Mart, Qusen-atreet, Wednesday next, at 11 o'clock, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Piano, Tables, Ohairs, Badrtteads, Wire Stretcher. ■Mattresses, Hooking Chairs, Couches. Cheat Drawers, Toilet Glasses. Waehstanda, Crockery, eta.utc. ____Forcß_Furap_aßd Piping ' B. J. KSAMJ ■•,.,.' [0. ARTHUR MONDAY NEXT; 28th, at 11 a.m. ttn.p,eb.sem¥d tdledges. ' ' SIX.'GUNS, beefc makers. ]■ GOOD SADDLES, CAMERA and LENS, TWO SEWING MACHINES. ~ ' ;. ISAM & ARTHUR Have |eßCived instructions from-Mr J. Levy, of tfia1 Lati-dflsv Lose Office; .^ioforia-street, to BeUbj'pubHaauctiosriC. A'tthur, Auctioneer),' at their M&vfc, .Qaeeu and Elliott streets, on, at 11 a.m., ; ... ~..,■■ FN RE b EE ME D PLED GE S, r , • asunder:-...-,■: -.■ // ' fE;WiELLER:Y. ■ X :.\/ flß92.rlAuiust lstj 146, DBBL Gun andßAg: [3rd, 155. G Ring and Pin: Sib. 152, S Locket Chain and Coin ; 6th, 169, GOF Watch; Bth. 174. Brooch; 10th, 182. Bag and .Knife; 12th. 193, SH& Watch;-15th. 202. SOF Watch; 16th, 204. SOF Watch; 16th, 209, Broobhj 20th< 226,. G Chain; 20th, 250. Brooch:/23rd, 232, Surgical Instruments ; 23rd, 234, Chain; Sep-tember-6th, 88?, SOF Watch and/Ring; 10th, M 3, Brooch? 10th, $9. G Chain } 12tb. 310, Banjo) 12th. 311. SH Wfttdh and ChaiD; 16th. 329. G Pin; 16th, S& G Ring; 21st. 359. Q Pin; 21ar., J6O, GH Watch; 26tb, 375. G Gh*in j October 5th,.!?)7,5H Watch; Sth. Si Watch aM Chain; 6th, 409, D Ring; 15th; 439. liookj'ilih, ♦42. SOF Watch and Ring j 18th. 448, SH-Watch; 27th. 181,-Flute; 89th, 493750 F. Watch! olst. 4&7, SOF Watch; November 3rd, 504 r ßanjo; sth. 516, X Ring; sth, 519. SH Watch J 11th. 538, GK Ring;; 11th,539. S Chain; 26th, 688, SH W Watch; 26th, 595, SH Watch and-Cham; December 7th. 623. SH Watch; Bth, 625. W Watch and Chain; 10th. 630, SOFL Wa#h aiid Albert; 14th, 645, GOF Watch and Albert; loth, 648. Pin aud Locket; 19th. 663,-Tool} 26th, 634. SOF Watch and Chain: 26ttf. 685. SHG Watch: 30th. 696, Gun; 30th, 699, BOF Watch i 31st. 709. G Ring. 1893;-January aid, 715. Qtto; 4th, 724, OFB Watch and S'Albert! 6th, 789. SHL Watch; 10th, 749,-GHnj 12th. ?07, SH Walch; 14th, 763, Field CM; 14th, 765. SH Watch; 18th. 780. 2 Broaches, 2 Kings; 18th, 781. Ring and Stud; 20tb. ?89. GH Watch; 28th, 812. SHVY Watch; 3l6't, 629, SH .Wttch ; February.. Ist, 836. SHL ,W«tch, G Chain: 3rd. 842, 2 G Wurs; 3rd. 845. '2NugKets Gold ;7tb, 855, SH Watch and Chaio; 9th, 863, Saddle; lOtb, 867, GW Ring; 10th, BG9, G Albert; 13tb, 882, GOF Watch; 16th. 896. POFG Watch; 21st, 906, SH Watch and Chain; 22ad, 916. Accordaon; 25th, 928, Camera and Lens; 25th. 930, SH Watch, S Albert; 25th, 935, O Glass; 28th,,941».Machine; March Ist, 947. G Ring; 6th. 95?; G Locket and Chain; 6tb. 959, SH Watoh; 6th, 960, SH Watch and Chain; 6th. 961, SH Watch; 11th, 979, Danimo' Machine:' 13th, 990, Fiddle; 17ih. 1010. SOFG Watch} 18th. 1014, Book ; 21st, 1024. SHW Watch ; 22nd. 1028. GPin: 24th. 1036. SUW Watch, G Albert; 24th, 1037. SH Watch; 26th, 1051. SHL Watch: April 10th, 1104, 3 Medals: 10th, 1105,2 G Rings; 16th, 1128, S Chain; 15th. 1135, GW Ring; 17th, 1139, Bible; 17tb. 1140, G King; 22nd, 1161.:G Ring: 22nd, 1162, G Rinsr; 24th, 1164. WWatch; 25th, 1167. GH Watch. SH Watoh, G Albert; 27th. 1171 SOF Watch;'29th, 1178. G Pin; May 3rd. 1192. D Ring; 6th. 1205. SH Watch; Bth. 1210, Clock: 9th, 1212, Knife and Fork; 18tb.1257, G Chain ; 19ih, 1262. GH Watch, GAlbert; 19th. 1270SOFG Watch: 23rd. 1277," Machine; 23rd. 1284. Ring; 24th, 1289, SOFG Watch and Chain; Juno 3rd. 123*, SSUtues; 7th, 1353, SOFG Watch, S Albert; Bth, 1363. SH Watch; 10th, 1369, SHL Watch; 13th, 1i77, ICRing: 14th,'1380, Cups; 15th. 1387, G Bracelet, Broqch and Cross; 16th, 1339. Cups; ■ 16th, 1394. 2S Bracelets;,22nd, 1413. Tcloscope; 23rd, 1416, S Jug; 23rd. 1419. Violin; 26th. 1433, SOF Watch; 28th. 1442. GRine; 29th. 1449, TS Machine; Julf 4th. 1463. SHL Watrh, S Chain: 4th, 14C6, TS Machino; 7th, 1477; SOF Watch; 7th. 1481. SOFE Watch ; lOtii. 1490. SOF Watch and Chain;-lltb, K93. SH.Watch; 1Uh.1494. G. \Votoh: 11th. 1497, SHL Watch, S Albert; 14th. 1503, 42 Lantern Slides; 19th, 1521 GOFL Watch; ; 22nd." 1535. G River; 2bth..lSl, SHG Watch; and Cha>n: 25th,. 1844,. S^ Chain J. ,31st. 1564, G Chain and .-Locket; August lsk 1567. W Ring: lst..-1563,i:SHKWfttoh:rii8K;im^aI>'J. tjb S 8. iPin, a RiriitP; sth, 15S8.«^H WatoH;',7thv; ■IbBS G 7B«ocK f; 7th;i594,-SH Watch;,Bth!.ls9B; G Chain; 12th. 1612,' .--SflL-' Watch; 14th, 1615. G Albfert;22nd,aßj;o,G Chain; 26th. 1659, SH Watch. OBain and Ring,; 2,9% J.666j ft Brooch; 30th, 1675,' GOF Watch; 30th. '16*7. Oojn; 1681. G Ring; September 7th. 1709, SOF W»tch; 7tb. 1712. SHL Watch. S Albert; Bth, 1715, D Rjpf?;-9th, 1722. S Box and Earrings; 13th. 1734. SOF Watch and Chain; 16th. 1744, BOF Watch and G Albert;" 18th. 1761, GHL Watch; 19th. 1786, D Ring; 19th, 1767, SilV Watch and Pin; 21st, 1769, SH Watch. Chain. 2 RtKga; 2,3 rd.; 1777.. GOF Watch; 23rd, 1780. G Brooch ■ 27th, 1798. W Ring. Modal and Poncil; October 12th, 1815, Gun; November 10th, 1935, SflL Watoh. ■ 1894-February 3rd. 2278. D Ring;; Jed, 2282,1).5tud; March9fh.j242&. GH Watch; 9th, 2427. G Albert; 9th. 2430. Gun. 4 Tools; 17th, 2456, G.Links; April 6th. 2571, G Pin; 27th. 2651. GOF Watoh; May2nd,-2691. Gun: Bth. 2715. Saddle and Bridle: July 14th, 3003, Gun; 18th, 3026; Guinea and D Ring.

~ « CLOTHING. ■ 1894.-J*n. 3rd.40J0. Rag; 6th, 4024,-Rur; Bth. 4027, pQrtw«nt; and Cont.; 11th. 4048. 0 Coat; Jftiih. IP??, Co*t and Ve*t in bag ; 30th. 50-22. Bagr arid Coat; -Feb. 2nd, 5037,- Snit; 3rd. 5042, Suit; 7th. 6064,' O Coat'; I6th. 5085. 3 pairs Boots; Mar. 3wl, 5137. Trou. and Vest; 24th. 5220. Bundle; 24th. 5228, Su{t; 24th.'5229. Suit; 31st. 5253. Bundle; Apr;* 3rd.-5270. Wp. Coat; JOth. 5374. Boots ;,M*y 3rd, 5380, Coat and Vest; 12th. 5407, 2!p^?l9thTS4J7;-Jaißket in bag ;29th. 5474.Jacket; 29th. 5479, Shawl; June, lut, 5492. Wp. Coat; 6th 5512. Suit'; 29,thv. 559f.'SuH; July 4th. 5609. Suit; 11th, 563?, Suit; 16th. 5649, 2 Umbrella*; 23rd. 5663. Bag •.gStly. 5673. O Coat; Aug. 3rd, 5710, 2 Coats; 4th. 5716. Wp. Co»t; 4th. 5717. O Coaf; 13th. SIM. Q Coat; 14th. 5751, W. Coat: 17th,5760, B4feß.ua 'Coat; "'2.lst'. 5772.' Bundle; 23rd, 5778, Horsehair ; 23rd; 5750,800t8 ; 85th, 5789, I)resa'Suit;2sth. 5795.'Suit; Sept. 3ra, 5824, Pre»aPq.; 7th,-5844, O Coat; 7th. 6846. O Coat; llth: 5859, Umbrella ; 15th. 5866; Coat and Vest; 15th, 6p69. O .Coat: 17th. 5871. Suit; 18th, 5877. T|ri6 and. lAxe: 24th. 5907,' Swag; 26th. 5918, Dress Coat; ,26th. 5919. Bundlo; 26th. 5920, Wp. C0at;?7th,5923.WC0at;29th,5932, Suit; : 1150; LOTS GOOD vAND USEFUL :!^.S{ l t , CLOTHING. . .. t- ;. MONDAY, :JANUA RY v 28. .- ■• - R,ESI : p|:KCB, DEYONPORT. One. uiiiil' a 'ftalf AorM Land', N^tlh'fShore; Ttieb'nbac'rlhor's (through J. Dacre; anctioneor) will toll by auction at their rooijis. Queen St., ~on.,^pß,(]i^|Bth.. in||:, at; 12 o'plo.<j|t^by, order ■'■A. LLOT'MENT 158 of a aubcHVision of Jnk. part allotrnunt 31. section 2.:-Parish of Tiikapuua, having «■ i'rontugn oljl fset 4 inches to Calliope UoadbyApS feet'll inchtsrtieop, eontain^nu} 37 tJprcHe's.'#ith the comfortable Dwelling ilouap thereon'-,erected. ,", ;. •t• - By Order'of the Owneh , ■ Allotments 17,--18. 54. and 55. having a large Irontflge to the Main Road, well situated at the Ifyrrow. Neck^ North Shore, dose to the sea bench.. They v contßin, li acrea."and are all' fenced and planted with shelter-trees. This is aßp!cmd,id n^Mrtiul site.wMasplendid view • SAMUE.L;^O€HR.ANE^Ai& SOiN; : ; -" ' Aucbion'eore." ' •-.-•. V. *. CQPPJfAJffI ■■'':: '.[JAS. DACBB - FEBRUARY 4. ■ -• ■ TARM AT M AtAKANA. 257 ACRES LAND, DWELLINGHOUSE, AND IMPROVEMENTS. J?ho subscribers (through J. Dacro. AuotJoneorj wil} Bell by auction at their Rooms, Queen street, on Monday, February 4, at 12 o'clock," A LLOTWENT 25. Parish of MahmanEi, X^l. County of Marsden. cohtaining 257 acres trpntine the left branch of the Matakana Kiver oiji ona side and Duck Creek on tha othor, with DwelHnitf-bouße and all improvement*; situate it Matakana, and known as Mr John Hubert's tarp. .•',;.•. ; f SAMUEL COCHRANE & SON, Auctioneers. T PST.V-Strayed, on Sunday lasb, one Aj ißoan Cow, in full milk.—Mrs F. Brodie Remuera. WANTED, for cash, pretty 6-roomed Cottage and 3 acres of Land, within 3 miles of A'iioklapd.—X.Y.Z. /"IHEAP, Land, Devonport, 50 xSO teefc, \J>t ,8110 open positioa, bandy to ferry, £50 • email deposit, balance easy. terms.—C. Williambob. Land Agent, 83, Queen-stroet,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 18, 22 January 1895, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 18, 22 January 1895, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 18, 22 January 1895, Page 8