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The visiting conbingenb bo bhe A.R.C Summer Meebing lefb for their re3pecbive homes in bhe s.s. Takapuna on Monday afternoon and by the s.s. Mararoa last evening. Mahaki, Blue Fire, Blood3hob, Ebor and Norton were on board the Mararoa, also the yearlings purchased by Messrs Stead and Lowry ab Wellington Park. MrMorrin shipped to Dunedin by the Takapuna the Sb. Leger—Bangle filly, Hotchkiaa—Bianca filly and the Sb. Leger —Puwerewere colt.

Nominations fbr all races (firsb and second days) bo be run ab the Takapuna Jockey Club Summer Meeting, close on Friday, January llth, by 9 p.m., with the Secretary, Devonport, or ab Mr W. Blomfield's office, Durham-sbreet Eaßb.

Sb. Kilda, Sylvia Park, and Mahaki are bh? only New Zealand-owned horses entered for the Newmarket Handicap. The lastnamed also figures in the Australian Cup nominations,

The nine yearlings knocked down to Mr Wi Pare, M.H.R. for bhe Eastern Maori district, ab bhe Wellington Park sale are to be shipped to Gisborne on Tuesday nexb. Ib appears thab Wi Pere's son (Te Kere Pore) carries on the racing, business, and he is the owner of Mahaki. Forbunabua carried 9sb 121b in. the Sbandish Handicap, b furlongs, which he won ab Flemington on New Year's Day. A few days before the race bhe owner of Fortunabus tried to get 400sovs for the horse, bub in vain. Major George's cast-off Reprisal is now doing stud duty in India. Challenger, the much-belauded Eiridepord colb in Mr W. R. Wilson's stable, started a hot pob in the Normanby Stakes ab Flemington on New Year's Day. He ran very kindly throughout bub was beaten oub of a place. The winner, Kallara, is by Dunlop from Frou Frou, and trained by Jas. Scobie ab Ballarat. - The New South Wales handicapper, <M"r Ji A. Scarr, has resigned bis posibion as handicapper to the Sydney suburban race clubs, which are Rosehill. Warwick Farm, Canterbury Park and Moorefield. Thab sturdy little sire The Bard, who did so well in his turf career in England, beads the list of winning sires in France, and with such progeny as Gouvernail, Calceolaire, Fragola, North Star, and other notabilities, is worth all the £10,000 thab Mr Peck gob for him. His youngsters are an exceedingly promising lob. The Commibtee of Auckland Tattersall's Club havo had a disputed wager between Mr George Wright, bhe local trainer, and Mr J. Patterson, the Wellington penciller, before them. The dispute arose ab Christchurch in November last. The Committee declared for Mr Patterson.

Gray's starting machine is to be used ab bhe Takapuna Jockey Club Summer Meebing.

T. Taylor, the local horseman, accompanied Mahaki to Gisborne lasb evening, and will ride tho horse in Mb engagements. Taylor received £50 for his two winning mounts on the son of Ingomar ab the A.R.U. Summer Meeting, so he has no pause for comploinb thab the owner of Mahaki did nob treat him well.

The general entries received last week by the Wellington Racing Clnb totalled 182, as against 196 for last year. The decrease is nobiceable in bhe Welter races.

From Sb. Albans comes word bhab Mersey (Carbine's dam) is dated to foal in April next, having been mated with Strathmore.

Ib is said bhat Mr Wilson may^ send the yotingsier to England, - He also intends to pub all his young Nordenfeldt mares next season to Bill of "Portland.

Ibia stated thab Mahaki will not do his besb unless he is ridden by a strong horseman.

Dead Shot seems to have been a big surprise in Auckland, bub one Dunedin backer had £4 on him. So writes " Mazeppa."

The Dewhursb Plate winner, Raconteur, has been backed ab 5 to 1 for next year's Epsom Derby, and his Middle Park Plate conqueror, Speedwell, has found favour ab a point more. The Jeweller, who served a few mares ab Tia (New Soubh Wales) station during the Beason, is now in work again ab Coolah. The time (lmin 14sec) made by Vanibas in the Carringbon Stakes at Randwick on NevTiYear's Day, equals the previous besb, thhb by Volcano, recorded on the same ground. Ib also stands as the colonial record for bix furlongs. Kallara, who won the Normanby Stakes on New Year's Day, is by Dunlop from Frou Frou (imp.), by Macaroni from Glengowrie, by Touchstone. He was sold a8 a yearling for 300 guineas. The December Stakes, which was run ab Randwick on the firsb day of the A.J.C. Summer Meeting, was a rich prize and worth £697. The owner of Georgie is entitled to thab amount, leas £100, which Mr D. O'Brien will recive for second place, occupied by Rob Ray. j "Terlinga" states thab Bruin is to be senb to America, where his fine turn of speed should enable him to win plenty of shorb races. Templestowo and perhaps Tarcoola will also be taken to America by Mr J. D. Lewis.

The death is reported of the old siro M'Callum Mohr, at the age of 25 years. M'Callum Mohr was by New Warrior, and owned by the late Mr John Taib, for whom he won many good races, including the Geelong Cup in 1874. Muskeb's grandson Ragimunde, by Febronel, brought off a surprise in bhe Lewes Handicap, a mile and a-quarter, on November sth. He won easily with Bst 121b, bhe favourite, Encounter (9sb 21b), finishing third. This was Ragimunde's eighth success oub of 36 starts. Ib will be remembered thab he won bhe Cesarewitch when a three-year-old. Says a Sydney writer : Tho old sbyle of galloway has gone completely oub of date as far as metropolitan racing is concerned, and nothing but well-bred ones are now any good. The Warwick Farm winners last week were sired respecbively by Niagara, Trenton, Epigram, Metal, Buckthorpe and Sardonyx. A galloway must be bred as well as a Melbourne Cud horse to win often in the present company. Referring to the result of the Auckland Cup, " Mazeppa" writes: "The result was very popular in Dunedin. Lottie was all the rage in the betting, even to tho neglect of Prime Warden, and aparb from the money consideration, Kean has hoets of friends here who rejoice when he gets home." A Christcburch writer, "Rata," remarkß in the same direction : " The victory of Lottie was well received here in racing circles. Jimmy Kean is a very popular trainer, and he is a good trainer, too."

The death of the Ducheß3 of Montrose is a severe loss to tbe English turf. During bhe eleven seasons she ran horses she won £125,000, made up as follows : — 1884, £11,494 ; 1885, £9,033 ; 1886, £14,174 ; 1887, £16,116; 1888, £4,111; 1889, £21,545 ; 1890, £14.1-3 ; 1891, £13,311; 1892, £9,170; 1893, £4,174 ; and last year, £7,143. Mr A. W. Robertson has been appointed to fill the vacancy on the Committee of the Victoria Racing' Club caused by the resignation of Mr D.S. Wallace. Lord Rosebery was on a visit to Sheffield. A number of fine burly fellows 6aid they wished a favour from the Prime Minister. The gentleman who had been approached asked: " What is ib you want? Aepeech?" The men looked astonished. " A speech be blowed. No; we want a tip for the Liverpool Cup." Haricot, who has been enjoying hie otium cum dignitate ab Werribao Park (Victoria) for more than a decade, is as frolicsome as when ha spread-eagled a Melbourne Cup field twenty years ago. No gelding has won the Melbourne Cup since his sensational victory, Thab greab gelding Paris has gone to be spelled ab his owner's estate, Hovilah. He will probably be sent to England to race. Descendants of Muskob were in greab form at Victorian up-country meetings on Boxing Day. Mr Archie Yuillo won the Sires' Produce Stakes ab Bairnsdale with the Escutcheon filly, Fairy Tale. At Campbell's Creek, Miss Tranter, a daughter of the Muakebhorse, Tranter, won a double. Ab Rubberglen, Nordenfeldt's brother, Jacinth, was responsible for Ringman, who was successful in the two-year-old race. At Warrnambool the Flying Stakeß went to Glenullin, by Lochief, out of Musk Deer, by Muskeb. Wibh one or two exceptions the male yearlings ab Kirkham have, this season, been gelded. The recent A. J.C. Steeplechase was one of the most disastrous ever run ab Randwick, for out of nine competitors only two finished tho course without some mishap or other. Prodigal, ridden by Nolan, was mosb in demand ab 2 to 1, and then came Reckless ab 4 to 1, Sneaker ab 6 to 1, tho remainder nob being backed sufficiently to merib a quotation. Prodigal essayed to show bhe way over the firsb jump, bub fell and broke his back, Reckless bumbling over him and Parnoll running round. Mark Twain, who was bhe firsb to get clear of the scramblo, led over the treble from Albert, The Joker, The Ace, Sneaker and Inkerman. All wenb well until reaching the hill, where Infcerman bolted off. Negotiating the treble the second time Mark Twain and The Joker acted aB pilots from Albert, The Sneaker and The Ace. Nothing sensational occurred from this out until reaching the palings in the straight, where Sneaker appeared ,to be winning, but, clouting heavily, ho turned over, falling on his rider, \V. Rheece. Mark Twain followed his example with Hendricks, and Albert refused, but was afterwards persuaded to jump, The Ace ab this time being a;tlong way in the roar. The accidents left Tho Joker with no opposition, and he cantered home alone. Albert coming in fully half a minute after was declared second, and Mark Twain, having been re-mounted, finished third. Both Rheece and Hendricks sustained a broken collar-bone, and Nolan was badly shaken. The fallacy of the paling jump has often been alluded to, and ib is to be hoped the authorities will have ib removed.—"Australian Sbar."

The following is taken from the special commissioner's notes in the London " Sportsman " :—As for the stud successes of the week, rare old Pebronel turns up trumps with Ragimunde and Son of a Gun, and there is no end of credit due to him for having got two such hoises with absurdly limited opportunities. They are lucky who have Petron ! yearlings, and I know bhab Tom Castlo has a first-rate filly by him oub of Fealty. Ib is perfectly certain that had the decision as to Petronel's fee been delayed bill after this week a considerably higher sum than 25 guineas would have beon fixed, bub as ib is, so ib must stand, and bhe son of Muskeb will for bhe first time in hie career have a full list. He is very fresh and well, and is only 17 y6ars old, so thab he may yeb live long enough to command top figures. As ib is all breeders will be glad bhat the Musket line bids fair to be so strongly maintained, and that the Duke of Beaufort will have the satisfaction of

ing his old-favourite ab last properly i.ppreciafced, Son of a Gun has turned oub „ most profitable purchase for Mr Alexander, and, indeed, all the Duke of Beau-

forb'a horses in training have done well for bheir buyers. Sb. Jude ia another of them who won a race this week. Mr Alexander, by bhe way, boughb ab the Royal sale Mara, by Doncasber oub of Clemence, and he ib thus in poaaession of a half-sister bo the dam of Carbine and Carnage, who were sired reßpecbively. by Muakeb and one of his sons. Mara will form a splendid cross for Son of a Gun when he goes to the stud. '-

Blarney Stone, the winner of bhe A. J.C. Summer Cup and Tabtersall'a Club Cup on Saturday last, is a full brother to Marvel.

Mistakes, it would appear, occur on bhe besb regulated courses. Thus, says the London " Sportsman " :—" The mistake waa made of moving the final flights of hurdles during the course of tbe three-year-old timber topping contest, which wound up the programme of the Liverpool Aubumn Meeting. An objection on the ground of seven flights of hurdles only having been cleared instead of eight proved fatal to the winner gaining the fruibs of victory, inasmuch as bhe race was declared void. There would be a bib of a hubbub if On any of bhe principal colonial courses should a similar mistake occur."

Beauharnais, a full brother to Hortenee, recently imported from Vicboria, waa made favourite for bho Two-year Old Handicap run ab bhe Hawke's Bay Summer Meebing, bub was never prominent, and finished last.

"Mazeppa" takes the Auckland Trotting Club bo task for the manner in which the Trotting Cup Handicap is spread out. He writes :-r-What bhe Auckland Club is doing in giving these bremendous starts is to cub oub the cracks, whose performances would be worth seeing, and make a race for the duffers. That is not the way bo get people bo take an interesb in trotting, Let us take the facts for evidence. The Trotting Cup was instituted in 1890, when Commodore won from a 40aec start, Black Hawk, scratch, nowhere; time, lOmin 68ec. In 1891, Brandy, 45aec, got home in Bmin 49£aec (but was disqualified in favour of Rarua, 25sec), the scratch horses Myrtle and Clyde nowhere. In 1892 bhe finish was between Little Ben, 53sec, and Fairy, 93sec, Yum Yum (bhe scratch horse) sixth ; time, Bmin 36sec. Last season Yum Yum ab scratch finished fifth, the winner being Sandfly, 64sec, and the time Bmin 50Jsec. Now we have Tom Hicks at 758 ec, a wretched field of four, practically no race, and the bime,Bmin 4Ssec. We could get better racing at Tahuna Park for £25 prizes, Look ab the time—ib averages a bick over 9min 2sec for bhe whole series.

The cable brings nowa from India that this year's Viceroy Cup has been won by the English maro Metallic, a stable companion to Highborn, who won the two previous Cups, and who was expected to start favourite for the one run on Boxing Day. r Tho Poverty Bay Turf Club Meebing bakes place on Thursday and Friday next. The following have aocopted for the Turanga Stakes :—Mahokl, 10ab 41b ; Kirina, 7sb 131b; Lord Raven, 7sb 91b; Hop Markeb, 6«b 121b. ..

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 7, 9 January 1895, Page 3

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MISCELLANEOUS Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 7, 9 January 1895, Page 3

MISCELLANEOUS Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 7, 9 January 1895, Page 3