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: j Medleal « K_A__fCJ'S POWD-ER.- ---" HEATING'S POWDER." •• K-BATIXTG'S POWDER." «' KISATING'S FGWDEB," •'K-EATING'S POWDER"' This Powder, so celebrated, U utterly unrivalled in destroying BUGS, FLEAS, MOTHS, BEETLES, and all Insects (whilst perfectly harmless to all animal life). All woollens and furs should be well sprinkled with the Powdor before placing away. It*ifl Invaluable to take to the Seaside. To avoid disappointment, insist upon having " Keating's Powder." No other Powder Ib effectual. (BUGS, FLEAS, MOTHS, BEKT-uKS. MOSQUITOES. Unrivalled in destroying FLEAS, BUGS, COCKROACHES, BEETLES, MOTHS in FURS, and every other species of insect. Sports-1 men will find this invaluable for destroying fleas in tho dogs, as also ladles for their pet dogs. _ The PUBLIC are CAUTIONED thot. ©very package o£ the genuine nowder bears the autograph of THOMAS K-EATING, without this '' any article offered is a fraud. Sold in tins only. *'___TING'S WORM TABLETS." "KEATING- WORM TABLET 3.'' "KEATINGS WORM TABLETS." "KEATIWG'S WORM TABLETS." & PURELY VEGETABLE SWEETMEAT. both In appearance and taste, furnishing arnost aaTeeable method of administering the oaly certain remedy for INTESTINAL or THREAD WORMS. It is o perfectly safe and mild pr*. partition, and is especially adapted for Children. Bold in tins by all Druggists. PITO9-ieta.t VBO____-S_2_N€-, London, E. Cox & son, s- Co-^J J>-s"}DEimSTS.{ H' AJtf.P. Building*, l«a Qasoa-strea.. Wj Telephone. A WONDERFUL MEDICIHE. beecha¥s pills 1"^-**"—. Te nn_Tersally j& CHiJ >V admitted to be jdf v£Z~^<jß*^a. vorth a Guinea a g^f/ >T J\ Boxforß-hoasand /7<_'/ \.f-\ Nervous Disorders #,/7/ V*. ,\ such as Wind and f »</,, _ . ~ \sl\ Pttia in tho StoI '/PATENT V^lmoeh, Sick HeadSOT I lr._V_. E-Jll^Jw. Giddiness, iH P I L_S> / _J. Pnh-ess and SwelV«*\ le-&,*a' /PI ling after Meals, \ r-k\ '""-■■ J**ll Dizziness and »Vjft\ '/tyf Drowsiness, Cold \_J-N_ sv&d o__^B-us_ags_ \kvV^_ *s/l'*£rJP Heat, Loss of ApP 6l1*0' Shortness of Breath, Costivej§MT^ ness, Scurry and 4|*_» Blotches on the -aa*— Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Tremblmu Sensations, <fee. Tno first dose will give relier in twenty minutes. Every sufferer is earnestjy invited to try one box of these Pills ant' thai' w ,-jU be ocknowledgwl to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages tlifiso Fills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry o-F all humours, and bring about all that is requ-rod. No female should be without them. There is no iSadicine to bo found equal to Bee-ham's Bills for removing any obstruction or irregularity of tho system. If taken according to the direotions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried thorn, and found the benefits which ore ensured by their use. Kor a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, end nil Disorders of the Liver, they act like magic, and a fow doses will be found to work wanders on the most important organs in the bu__n machine. They strength—, the wholo muscular system, restore tbe long lost complexion, bring back tho keen edge of appetite, and arouse ■ into action with the rosebud of health tbe whole physical energy of the hnirma 1 frame) These are Vxora testified continually by members of all classes of society a_d one of the best guarantees to the Norvous and Debilitated in. BEKCHAM'S BILLS have the Zarpeit Bale of any Patent Medicine in the World, Beeoham's Magic Cough Pills* As a remedy for Coughs in goneral, Asthma, Bronchial Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, Wheezing, &c, these Pills stand unrivalled. They are the best ever offered to the public and will soaedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing, which nightly deprive tho patient of rest. Let any person givo BIDISOHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and tho most violent Cough will in a short time be removed, Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Retail, by the Proprietor, Thomas Beech-un, St. Helens, Lancashire, England, in boxes Is. lsd. and Ss. I'd. each. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine ftealera everywhere. W.B.—Pull directions are given with each bosi WHY SUFFER From NERVOUSNESS. VITAL WEAKNESS, LOSS ot ENERGY and STRENGTH, BASHFULNESS, TIMIDITY, want of COURAGE, etc.. etc.. Sufferers have now an opportunity of pormahently curinj; themselves cheaply and privately WITHOUT CONSULTING A DOCTOR. Send far our valuable TREATISE by an eminent French hospital physician, which contains all information for SELF HOME CURE ; price sixpence (stamps). — Address, Parisian Ab^noy Co., Box 766, Sydney. SUFFERERS S»5 _SBS£ Loss of Manliood, etc—Send stamped addressed envelope, and I will forward you full particulars of my own case—how I suffered for years—tried almost every so-called remedy and specialist, and when all had failed— kow I accidentally found a cure—Address, W.H.W., Post-office, Swan-street, Richmond, Melbourne. LOST MANHOOD From youthih-1 folly, excesses^ or .my other cause. GUARANTEED CURE, A Groat Scientific Discovery by Anatomy, Treatise posted free, sealed. To young men contemplating marriage, to the married, to young and old. this book is invaluable, pointing out as it does the way of relief to those nnforhmate sufferers to whom life is but a hideous, tormenting dream—a torture, the future a blank. Every man and youth should read It. Posted free. Writo PROF. R. HERMANN, 41, Collins Place, East Collias-fiteeet, Melbourne, A" OBNTLBMAW ba-ine- "tried ".»"^*s every Advertised Remedy for Despond* ehcy. Weakness, Want of Energy, etc., eto„ was restored to health in such a remarkable manner that he will, on receipt of a self-ad-dressed, stamped envelope, send the mode of cure Free to all fellow-sufferers.—Address "A Miner." fiLi'.O-.Sydaay. *-«■»*. WOMAN'S SALVATION. Treatise sent Free. It will teach yon more in ten minutes than all the years you've lived. Write.—Professor R, Hermann, French Specialist, 41, Collins -Place East, Collins-street; Mel_iQ-u_a*

Sse«..caL EUCALYPTE v.—Now tha the dread enemy has again appearo among us, bringing with it death and dieat ter, ib behoves us bo look around us for t!> besb remedy to counteracb its ravages, -j many certain cures have been put before to public, but none of them have stood the te»like Coleman'B Eucalypte Extract. It im mediately alleviates the mosb distreasini symptoms, ib clears and heats the bronchia tubes, braces up and fortifies bhelunors, anc actß like a tonic on the nervous system, an: effects a. rapid cure. This extract carrier off the highest award ab the Chicago Ex position, 1893, beating nine competitors Ask for Coleman's, and take no other Sold everywhere. Wholesale agents—Shar land and Co., Kempthorue, Proseer anc Co., P. Hayman and Co. INSTANT RELIEF for all afflicted with TORTURING SKIN DISEASES in a Single Application of CtrricuEA Works Wondees, and its cures of torturing, disfiguring, humiliating humours are simply marvellous. . Cuticura Remedies are sold throughout the world. Price, Cuticuka, 50 c.; Cuticura Soap, 35 c.; Cuticura Resolvent, $i. Prepared by Potter Drug & Chemical Corporation, Boston, U.S.A. Afflicted with Neuralgia, Lumbago, j Paralysis,Convulsions,Bruises, Strained j Muscles, Pains in Joints, Aches and I Sprains, Eczema, Burns, Toothache, I Faceache,Chilblains,Hemorrhoids, Boils, { Ulcers, Stings, Chaps, and all kindred Ills arid Complaints. LORD CARRICK. ss.%Mo*ha>&. cured him of bleeding piles, whert: alj.velse failed; that he gave some to a labourer who was lamed by a stone falling upon him, whom it cured. A woman had a pain in the elbow and could not bend it for a year, and it cured her, and_another used it for scurvey on her leg, and it was doing | her good. One letter closes from him with the ■ words, "It is the most wonderful stuff that I I ever came across." Sold by all Storekeepers, General Dealers, || and Chemists. Wholesale Agents for New Zealand:— : 1 KEMPTHORNE, PROSBER & Co.; : THE NEW ZEALAND DRUG Co., j j Auckland, Wellington. Christchurch & Dunedin j | S These tiny soluble Capsules : are superior to Oopaiba, Ou- ; be„s and Astringent liquids, j and "will cure the same di3Bases in forty- ! eight hours without inconvenience/^~N j of any kind. Each Capsule bears'MlDY) i the name "IODY," Paris, v^/ ] B,EueVrvienne. &old by all Druggists. \ Agents: Sharland & Co., Auckland. jj TgENERYES AND THE BLOOD gays HERR RASSMUSSENj The Celeoratc- Danish Herbalist Akd Parisian Gold Medallist, df 547 Georffe Street, Sydney, and 91 Lambton Quay, weUingrton. N __..• •nd no greater truth has ever been uttered, judging from the thousands of testimonials sent to him b- grateful cured Blood and. Serve Sufferers, whom his worW-rcnowncd HERBAL A-_ A~i-N_ VITALITY »l--!-_I.I--S ha-. restored to Permanent Health. For example, his Celebrated ALKALINE TITALErY fIEIiS are a Certain Cure for Weak Nerves, Depressed pirlts, Eebitity-, and Weakness of tho Spine, Brain, and EetTTOS. Special Powerful Course, 435. «d.; Ordinary Course, -Ss.Cd.; Smaller Boxes, 12s. and Cg.; posted. Hi-Purely Herbal AJ-~-.L-NE BLOOD PILLS m iMwurpasseu. as?* Blood Purifier and Blood Tonic, and will no-permit a particle of any Blood Disease to remain In t_nr system, - Price, sumo as Vitality Pills. His AE_?AEI-rB _ NITERS AL PILLS are unexcelled bb a permanent euro for Complaints peculiar to Ladies. Trice, same as Vitality Fills. Ills Liver and Kidney Pills, Hheumatic Pills, Asthma and Cough Pills, Pile Powders, Flesh-Producing Powders, Gargle Powders, Varicocele Powders, Fat-Iteducing Powders, Hair Restorers, and Complexion _caut-6cr_ are simply wonderful, ami are well worth giving a trial. Call on him or send to him at "Wellington for his valuable free boot, which contains -vat-able hints, all particulars, sad numerous testimonial*. All Correspondence Private and Confidential. Writ, without delay, and address— HER,R RASSWSUSSEN, 91 LMBTON QUAY, WELLINGTON, H.Z. 10ST MANHOOD,'DEBIUTY,ac Pamphlet showing sufferers how to cure themselves cheaply, quickly and permanently, posted free, sealed. Write.—H. A. De LEON. 78, Flinders-street, Melbourne,

THE LATEST INVENTION. SKULL'S PATENT OKONITE TRUSSES for Hernia (Rupture) are in alii respects the most perfect and unique instruments ever offered to the public as mechani- ■ cal supports and remedial appliances for any form of rupture or' internal prolapse.| Those trusses are of the best possible manufacture, they are Belf-adjusting, light, andl comfortable. The external surface being completely covered with a non-abso'rbenbi material (Okonite), renders them absolutely impervious to moisture, perspiration, andl the acid secretions of the skin, cannot rust or geb oub of order, cause no cutaneous irri-i tation, will hold securely any size protrusion without pain or undue pressure, has neither I undorsbraps, levers, nor cumbrous fastenings, may be washed when necessary with I'm- i punity, and can therefore be worn any length of time in any climate without becomingl offensive, as is the case with those constructed of leather,'elastic, and other objection- J able materials of a porous character. ■ " The Lancet"—" Skull's Okonite Trusses are the most effective: we have ever noticed." "British Medical Journal" —"They are scientifically constructed, and give perfect support in all cases." "Medical Press and Circular"—"Will no doubt come into general use." "Illustrated Medical News"—"We can with every confidence, recommend them to all sufferers from Hernia (Rupture) and' Prolapsus." Awards-Gold Medal, Paris (1839), Gold Medal, World's Fair. Chicago (1893) UDT -- 0 Common quality. Modium qnality. Best quality. fMU-b— 25a 6d 35s 6d 45s 6cl each, single . , _, --, 61. 8 0d 71s Od 91s Od ~ double «•- (^ re ua, 3Urenc.f n f ts roquh-ed-The entire circumference round the body two inches below the top a^fe or both sides of the body, or at tbe navef! THEODORE SKULL, Surgical Instrument Maker, 91, SHAFTESBURY AVENUE, LONDON, W., ENGLAND „, , ESTABLISHED 1863. | Manufacturer of all kinds of Surgical Instruments, Trusses. Belts Obstetric Bindprs KlnsHn Stockings, Knee-caps, Anklets, Suspensory Bandage's, Knem^SyVK P^S^S^, Goods, etc. Fall particulars mailed free. •-«.»., «-«««,,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 7, 9 January 1895, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 7, 9 January 1895, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 7, 9 January 1895, Page 6