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. As will bo seen from a reporb in anothe column, the Auckland Regatta Committee have ab lasb started preparations for the Anniversary' Regabta to be held in -January next. The Committee met- Jast:.evening, a ndr evinced a greab deal of interest in. the: preliminary details and-the programme for the regatta. Prize'money to the amounb of aboub £300 waß allocated to the various sailing and rbwine races, seventeen in number. Ib .was decided to revive the races for scows, and trading vessels, an additional evenb being placed on the programme for trading ketches, cutters and schooners wider 40 tons. The Committee have seen fit'on this occasion to give prizes to the amount 0f,£70, to scows,.while for the first-class .yacht race (for yachts over 7 rating) the three prizes only nmounb to £35, the firsb priz6 being £25. 1 This iB an arrangement nob at all likely to meet with public approval, and no doubt the Commibtee will, on reconsideration, see thab the prizo money is'much more judiciously apportioned.' The principal trouble v.vjiich,the Committee,have bo cope wibh is t_je"gathering,in of the subscriptions. This is' iiivariably a difficult and thankless task, and1 ib is very desirable that the public Should assist the.Committee asi much as possible in order to insure tho success of our anniversary regatta.' lb will be nobiced that the Committee have ' expunged the seniorwhaleboat race, formerly the greab rowing iwenb of the day ab bhe regatta. Whaleboa ts, however, are out of fashion, for in all, quarters gig-rowing has taken the place ft't bhese once-favourite boats. ' The Mokou-Mohakatino block of land, in the southern parb of the " King "Country, which was .recently passed through the Native Lands' Court, is now being cut up for settlemeri b in 1,000-acre sections. The block contains aboub 30,000 acres. It will shortly be in the markeb for European settlement. The .Mohaenui block of 30,000 acres, adjoining thtfPukutete block, to bhe south of To Kuibi, is now baken up by Taranaki sebblers.

A Berious accident was fortunately avoided this morning ab Onehunga. A cow was being driven up Quetfn-streeb when, just opposite Courts' buildings, the beasb charged a two - year - old child named Breckon, and was close on ib when a local bradesman, Mr J. W. Pegler, ab greab risk to himself rushed from his shop and seizing the child was, just in time to save ib from serious injury or untimely death. \ The local Committee of the Wairarapa Relief Fund has already spent '£400 or £500 in granting aid. A meeting of the Committee will be beld this afternoon ab bho Mayor's room, to consider whab steps are bo be taken in connection with the proposed formation of a ceniralcommittee in Wellington.

i This , mprning,. Mr. H; r \y. Nort&rsf S.M., granted the renewal of A pifot.? broker's license to James Rae, carrying ob business in Elliott-street.. - j The Colonial Sugar" Refining Cbmpanv have reduced the prices -of Brewers' crystal N 05.,1 and 2 to £1 per tdn, tlie alteratfai W refer to all piirchaees after tb-dayA : • 7'7'J

Last evening- the Devonporb Torbedo^ Corps; of Volunteers mustered/stronglys'>jl' the .Drill-shed under Lieutenants -Da^is. 1 Keefe and Thomas, Lieutenant-Commander Parker being absent on Custom's duby ; At*'' the parade Mr Frank Lawry, M.Hiß;'*whi> a had been elected as an honorary metober of. tho corps, addressed those present, land said he would make it his bus/.ness to" watch the progress of volunteering in itla country, and thus be prepared ItoJ-ftmkW from his place in the House on thVsubj^fc ' He would do all thab'he could t* assist'BhV volunteers, generally. Mr Seddon, tW Premier,' had .wished him to" say' thtti*'^ previous, engagemenb, hf>d prevtatied^lnn.-* (Mr Seddon) from beiD,g present-at'tKe' parade, bub, he wisher!' the corps; every-* success. Ab the Drill-shed also Sergeants Major Scully was engaged in • drilling squads of recruibß frym. the Auckland abr Ponsonby NavalArbillery Corps,- apd: bfcltei:! squads .Tof.t the. same companies:, were-iti". strucbed: in theoretical gunperyAetc.,' by'1 noncommissioned oificerß of .the Permanent' Force; t; f i- ~ ".' /' ■■ _";' 'A A;A_ AAA Laßb evening the final round of the second;debating? tournament of the AtfckK laadMberary Societies Union, was held?at) thol-^.M.G.A. , Rooms, Mr Cunningham, presiding. /The contesb was between the! Beresf ord-streeb Congregational and Devpn-I porb Presbyterian Societies, theVfdrjper, taking the affirmative on the question, '/Is} the Scheme Laid Down in , the. Recent. Pamphlet. Issued by.; the Ground,; Rent; Revf/niae League, a Feasible ancLa Desirable Oiie." The judges were Dr. taiah^yVMr, E. T. Hart, and Mr R. McVeagh,apdobthe iionclusion of the debate they URanirj m^usljAawarded the honour, of succbbb: m the Society.-. A .&> giving the decision pf the;Judge 'or,'l Laishley qiioted the following conditions to which their. decision was subject.y~' "Thab the decision of.the judges' is to : .b*ei, given upon the ability.'displayedby ; ihß; speakers in handling the,- subject,';^,, upon the subjecb itself, etc_" He.a_som_JH'}' ib cljear.thab the decision,.did nofc.reprejjeiv>"! the; views of the judges oh tha,subject): 0f,.," the nßinglo tax.". The irrelative, numbers of points awarded by the,jdidges were 593 to Beresford v streeb, and ~53§'.'.-tb/j Devonporb. A very cordial vote of thtmi-S,' was awarded to tbo judges*.:.: The, prizes w,on at the ; recent literaryLicothpebiHens were/distributed durjngjiW_evening. , s»/i .

To-morrow7,eVeh"iug' Mr Walter'Bißiiti'e^ will make-his farewell a'pp6ftlf(ince:f#Atibte land in tho capacity of a lecturer. A The lecture, as will be seen by our advertising columns, is in aid of the localhoßpital;"and judging by bhe number of seats •alt'eaSy Booked should prove a' distinct success.' The title, "Our Besb Friends," we understand, is intended'to apply'bo the greab authors of the pisb and of today, the meta who have helped with their pens to,-mdUl| the nation andelevate the tone of its mbrilg,'; in short a :resume of and a diScouralßjW current and pasb English literature. Mr Bentley,- who has throughout' his life beelf an earnest) student of our best writers,' should•" prove-an interesting - speakeV on' such a subjecb. The Hon. Richard Seddon,' Premier, has signified his intention of beibg present. , ■. - r t ■■■ ,_* A1 The half-yearly meeting of the Pb^gqJibJ,. Lodge of Druids, fpr the election of^offeeft; took place on Monday night. ' There Trasia good' attendance and among those present were :-^Bro. Alfred Kidd, D. P. , and ifßro,. Hon. W. Jennings. -The folld^n^vdgpii.' were elected i—A. D.,,'lßfot,'!_3AJi"^S%sj j V.A., Bro. H. D. Pyke; Seeretary^Bfa*; P. Mackie' (re-electedj; Treasurer^ Ins Andrew . Jackson ; A. D. \faXdM^^m^ Craig 'and,J. Peet; V.A. Bards, "Btoij Sriedden and D 7 Mansoh';' LG.,' Br&-K| Blair';.'surgeon,' Dr. Moiiy■'* Bro;_R_idH r peiJ\ formed the'installation ceremony,^ asßisbe'd , by Bro. Jennings. The finances of the Lodge were shown to be in a healthy condition.

Ab the annual meebing,of. the 'HtispitSl.. andx 'Charitable Aid Board-' yeßterda'y;.' afternoon, ib- was re6olved7that;:_;th6/ House Committee and Costley Home:Co___'" ) mittee conßisb of bhe . whole .Board.' Ib ' was: agreed bhab the Charitable. AidJ Commibtee should consist of the Chairit-im of the Board and one member, the busineei: of '■•■ tho latter- to be taken byrjtha' members of the' Board in rotation;' Ab the suggestion of'the Chairman, Mr Bollard was appointed the Chairman of this Commibtee for three months, iuflbil'Mr Dignan became acquainted with "the work. Mr. -Bollard' moved -'and ifc' was carried. Vthab the Feeß ■ Comffiittes consisb of "Messrs Bruce. Gordon, and Swales." The following - were appointed 'members of„s 7the'A jFiaaodß Committee : —.Messrs Dignan,-,; Killing* Stichbury, and Bollard. A A* The annual Conference in, connection ; with the Primitive Methodisb, Chureh/w{l,l meet in , Wellingbononbhe 9bh of January./ The following delegates have been sleeted; during the w>ek. .from Aucklapd. :--Mf Watkinson as representative <61. '• $? Equalisation Fund; Mr Snow,' District Missionary Committee; MrR. Hubert, District Building Committee ; MrD. Goldie, Districb- Committee; Auckland lsW Rev,. J.E. Ward, Mrs Wm. Kerr, Cr. Trap, with; Au.ckland:2nd, Rev. W. S.Potter, Mr T. Booth, Mr G. Field. The Aucklandlab station have, instructed their delegates by a' unanimous vote, that no baB.B of; union with the other Methodisb bodies will be acceptable to them, that does not provide for the equal rights of ministers 7«tntt' laymen ia every Church court. •';';;:,-■' By the Alameda severalconsignments^ thoroughbred poultry arrived from .Oft'i\ 'forma yesterday, to 'the order otm?, ; , Zealand fanciers, including, a very large fine-barred Plymouth Rock cockerel, jam 10 months, to the order of Mr jiboA Phillips. vThia.'cock is from the the first-prize and the Amalgamated gatiM special prize ab the California State Show, in a class of 80 birds, and the second prize hen. The bird was visited when the Bleftmer ;came alongside ;by a large number of loos' fanciers. The other birds imported were, Golden- Wyandobtes, Black Miaprcasana Bronze Turkeys. These1 were forffftraea on to Christchurch.

Ab the usual monbhly meebing of M Auckland Ladies' New Hebrides Missionary Asßociation in the V.M.C.A. Rooms yesterday afternoon, there was a good abtenqajp of ladies, and considerable needlework •*« done. Letters were read from two Vtwy teriaa missionaries in the New HebrjMfc. the Rev. M. Micheleon, of Tonga, *M of the progress of his work, and Mrggft of the recent eruption at Ambrym/tttanJi and the consequent earthquakes. .. . A-capital photo of the Rev. Jno. M£ Neill. the great evangelist who commencw his mission here on the 18th of this moi#, appears in the December number of^tne "Helping Hand." This useful -Ul?"^ journal is full of interesting, religious ajj temperance news and notes, /» K8 U Everyday People," "Fellowship, by Key. KW. Moore; ■« A Freethinker's Convey sion," by Rev. J. J. Pendray; W s From the Diary of a Hospital Visitor, "The Land of the Mikado,' •"'»"»« the principal articles ; while the editw . easy chair deals with currant topic* "New Australia," "The, Catholic Obu«h and the Liquor Traffic," .'The Com off Revival," "A New Departure .nCh«r^ Matters," and various other racy notesro worth perusing. The paper is jwbggg abtheA.M.P. Buildings, in Q««n-streeV at the nominal price Of 2s per annul*, «»»,, Bbould be in every home.

■ w ; learn. tcday bhab in bho case pre-1 "•* againsb Abraham Bowden, for Sed perjury,.aeb dpwn to be heard ab tbe (I'Lb criminal sittings of the Supreme $ rt Mr Tole. the Crown "Prosecutor, iiiappiyto flis Horior for a BPecial iury Scribe casts: ...,..'.,.. The store and dwelling of Mr A. Mc'.Ajidaituated abWaimauku was destroyed Mfire lasb evening about 11 o'clock. Very little ffas saved, as the fire had got a good {old ffhon ib wus discovered. ! A concert was given last evening in the Mount Albert School by the .scholars in aid I tha annual treat. There was a crowded Sundance. Mr W. H. Martin (Chairman fl'Od'inmittee) preeided. The programme tfssa good one and Air Whithan, headfLaher, deserves greab credib for, the Conner in which he trained tbevseholars, i action songs, which were a great feature in the programme, were under the wjjerviaion of Miss Asbley. , A grand concert in aid of bhe Wairarapa Fund is to be held in the Devonporb 'Hall on Monday evening next, 10th inst. ]_!»oy °f bur principal professional and ' affla tetin musicians have generously agreed to takepart.and the affair promises, to be onß of the most successful musical functions, which hAve been held on the Shore for some; _4itrie. Considering the charitable for which the entertainment ie being given, and the excellence of the pro-: fjrgllitneji there should be a bumper house Icai/beoccasion. Popular prices of admis::'iib'p have,been fixed at two shillings and ens shilling. Tickets are obtainable at the "print_pal "Shops in Devonport. A Christmas tree and sale of fancy work ji announced to take place at bhe Mounb Hsbson Hall to-morrow evening in connection mthSt. Mark's Church, Remuera. The Articles for sale are ,of a miscellaneous ''fbkraeter. There will be an art stall. "Christmas tree, toffee stall, refreshment table and a stall for sale of useful as well 09 fancy and ornamental articles. Sb Peter's .Guild Society close the year with n concerb in the Church, Surrey Hills, to-morrow night. A first-class programme bajboSn drawn'up, including vocal ibems, recitations, 'club swinging -', and "yentrilo-;tnriai_-A A- -~...• •..-.'-■ Tickets-for the moonlight concerb on Holiday night may be obtained ab Wildman arid Lyell's, Williamson's and Marber's. The programme of bhe concerb will appear Id full on; Saturday.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 291, 6 December 1894, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 291, 6 December 1894, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 291, 6 December 1894, Page 4