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Tho House of Representatives was-agtia occupied until 3 o'clock this morning with the Government Advances to Settlers. BI!j s better known as the cheap money, sc the lasb clause, of which nieaeure passed through Committee, and the Bill reported with amendments.. A proposal to limit tne amount of loans to £1,000 instead 0f.^.000, was discussed at length, and was rejected by 36 to 26, it being resolved that nobmort than £5,000 should be advanced to wy one - borrower, applications , for loam not exceeding £500 to huve priority over applications for' larger bubs. A propoear from Mr R. Thompson that nob more than £25,000 be lent in,any. one electorate until all applications msdj from other electorates be considered by the Board, was lost by 42 to 15. Mr Thompson further moved thab advanMJ should be made up to half th« value of tho security instead of two-bhirds, as? propqsoa, by the Bill. The amendmenb was;l6si*|r 32 to 19. Mr Ward moved an amendrnfint, providing that: advances on town .or suburban lands should be only. to.the.yßW: of one-half, and this was carried by.^-tjlV Tho Workmen's Wages AmondmentjM and the Hospitals and Charitable [M Amendmenb Bill were read a fiwttW; the Hon. J. McKenzie stating they were of nn urgent nature. In the ,Legißl»ttv« ; Council, the Lands for Settlement Bill $i received from the- Waste Lands Coffl^ mitbee in a very mutilated,,?forßi and the amendments made , W the Committee were adopted^ ao'W further conferences between thi.W branches of our Legislature IIM take place over this measure. The jUOjg ernmenb Railways B\ II, the Shops ftnaoMd Assistants Bill, the Westland Coalfields Administration Bill, and the M«F.; Zealand Land, Company's Claimant*-15m passed their final stages. In the FacraBill Mr McGregor moved to etriko ..««'.■ clause 64, which provided that adaltsshooia have a half-holiday once a week. «?M<% Bidered-it absurd tbab the clause had beenw, sorted in the Bill, considering it profeeseaiy, > dealb only with the work hours *f yipm. and children. The amendmenb wasagreja to by 16 to 7, and the clause w»^"£ out. The Bill was then ™Ported-vS Inspection of Machinery Act AmendnW» Bill was passed through Committee ffi""> BY material amendment. The Executive Commifctea of thei Aiack land District Association of ».°P n Churches, held their half-yearly »m{h« "ft-' the Ponsonby Baptist Church yestorav afternoon. Encouraging reports ffere resented by tho General Secretary (Mr «" Reeve), and the Home Mission Agent)^: H. Long), on the business of the Assoo», ; -. tion for the past half year, gratifying features of the Missioni agent; report'was the facb that the reßiden^ the northern gumfields had not -JW-. hospitably entertained their ■"Wjjg: during his work amongst -™B '., D°°.M^ liberally contributed to the 'funds;««' Association. Ab. 6.30 the BtteatW; J|Vfor tea provided by the ladies of the£«££■-.. A public meeting was held in at 7.30, and was presided over by tw.»,■-,■ Jas. B. Blaikio (President). P°? otl*Zi read of the work for the past half W[i V ; ff bhe Treasurer's statemenb was aw mibted. Mr S: Mabthews read bP»P^.? "Missionary Work," and Collins read one on "How We Can V»g Our Association a Greater Power1»![v^ (ol ; The reading of these two PaPfrß^&N lowed by discußsion. A resolutiopm^H ing against the proposal to run .£. m^ Sundays was then submitted mvbb* ing and carried unanimously•

rpiifl orocoedineß at the Police Coorb thia IJH *««> <*iß*r bed b *an °r ur. r;r e *« . most unusual character. A middle--0 Ia woman named Julia Fletcher, who JlSi been before the Courbfrequently daring S D»6 «* mOntbS' "T agOiD S ht r? Gd On the accused being ducted into the box she began to expoaSf.S ft loud tone with the policeman, bn Jnpon her taking up her position in the 111 her iro evidently reached a climax. &ne herself up in her most dignified Studeohe -creamed out:-" Here I am, -kit do you want with me. lam Lady j£ Fletcher-a lady by birth and education and Queen of England and New Zoa&W" such, I j»mm»nd you to Mhaie me from this djsgusfcmt? charge, ZbhU a He in every sense and^on every Son." Mr Bush: Remove her. The ued (preparing to leave the box): "Am fto take this as a discharge, genbleman ?" Ab the constable then usheredher through the back room she kepb sboubing out that .be had a little child, and had no one to take care of her. She was remanded for nadical examination. .■, Last evening the City Cricket Clab held their annual meeting. There waß a fair attendance and several new members joined the Club. The balance-sheet show that the Clab his £1 lOsinhand from last season. The following officers were elected :—Pre•ideftV Mr G. Fowlds : Vice-preaidenfcs. Messrs J. F. Cooper, R. Johnston, Hollo, s E. Benton, J. S. Dickson, and A. R. Morrison ; Captain, Mr C. Hopkins; Treasurer and Secretary, Mr Chappall.,

An inspection parade of the newly-formed Devonporb Torpedo Volunteer Corps was bald laab evening in the Drill-shed, 'lieutenanb - Commander Parker ■■ and Lieutenants Davis and Keefo being in charge of the company. There was an exeellenb muster of 68 men in.the ranus, besides non-commissioned officers and buglers, and the corps looked smarb and workmanlike in their new uniforms. Adjotanb Granb was in attendance,; and after the corps had been inspected by lieatenanb-Commander Parker, he took over the command, and pub them through a course of elementary company drill. After the parade the company had a march out through the city, headed by the Garrison Band under Ban clmaster Hunter.

To the Editor : Sir,—Jn a recenb issue I notice a paragraph re the loss of the « i Devon, which states her dimensions are: Length, 125-7 ft: breadth, 19-4 f t; depth, 9-Stb. Would you kindly inform me through the columns of your valuable paper, whether this means 125ffc 7in or 125 decimal 7ft.—l am, etc., Steamer.— The measurement) of vessels is always girea in feet and decimals,of a foob, but the decimals are sometimes treated, as inches, the difference being too slight to be of moment. ,

At the Police Court bo-day several young women were charged with keeping common bawdy housas in the city, but the most ot them were adjourned.—The charge againab Ely Blake waa adjourned till Tuesday next.—Mr Bautne appeared for the defendant — Annie Sinnatb and Cecilia Johnson were remanded till Wednesday next, on the application of Mr Brassey,— Julia Wilson was remanded till Tuesday, October 9bh, at tho request of Mr Ear).— The charge against Jane Whelan for keeping *»• common bawdy house situated in Cook-streob, . was proceeded with. The accused waa. undefended. —Sergeant William Lyons said he bad known the accused for aboub four years) She resided in Gook-9treeb and was a-prostitute. He viaited her house on.bhe night of tho 20th ineb. aba quarter to twelve, in company with Constables Bailey and Howell. He found three men and a boy in tho house, William John Cal« verb, Andrew Calvert, James Miller and V?;aiter l?Jbhnßton (fche latter of whom was arrested)—besides the accused and";some other women who had likewise no lawful occupation. Ho had visited tho house ab different times previous to this and always found men in the place. — Constables Hbwell and Bailey gave similar evidence. Each deposed to knowing the women found in tho •defendant's house to be of bad repute.—William John Calverfc said ho Was in the house on the nigh b < when the constables visited ib, bub he did not know thab any of tho girls there, ware of bad character.—Lily Clarke and Alieo Hartley ■ also gave evidence for the prosecution. The latter said she was otherwise known as " Tricksey," She was staying at defendant's house only as a visitor. They wore well known ■to each other, aa they used to go to school .to• gether at Wanganui.— David Lynch, storekeeper in Cook-Btrcot, deposed to being the owner of the house occupied by the defendant. He knew her by tha name of Hart. Her sister went under the name of Whelan. —There was no evidence ottered for bhe defence. —The accused was committed to take her trial on bbc 26th November next, bail-being-fuc»d at two sureties of £50 each, and one of a like amounb.

A dividend of 6d per ahara has been declared by the directors in the Try Fluke G.M. Company, Kuaotunu.

St. John's Wesleyan Sabbath-school gave their children last evening a most enjoyable tine. There was a sumptuous tea provided, and afterwards plenty of singing, pianoforte solos, and recitations by the children and teachers. This annual festival ii. always a much-lookod-for occasion by children and teachers, and everyone was delighted. There was only one regreb, tbab Mr Horsley, the superintendent through illness, was absenb on a^ trip to Sydney. The Boys' Club, on the previous evening, presented a Bplendid shield, photos of themselves, to the Sabbath-school, with which they are connected; also an enlarged copy each to the Rev. Mr Laws and Mr Hartley, the President of the Club. These gentlemen suitably acknowledged the spontaneous'gift. The Sabbath-school annual report) was a most exhaustive and interesting one, prepared by Mrßutler, the Secretary of the school. Miss Goodacre played all the accompaniments. to the children's singing, - , , , ■ .

A united communion servico in connection with the week of special services of the Congregational Union of New Zealand, was held last evening at the Beresford-straeb Church. There was a large attendance. The Rev. G. Burgess presided. Addresses were given by the Rev. B. L. Thomas, of Mount Eden, and by the Rev.. H. W. J. Miller, of Onehunga. Another meeting will be held to-night at the Newton Con- * gregational Church.

The Akarana Amateur Dramatic Club's second performance takes place this evening in St. George's Hall, Newton. The entertainment is to be given in aid of the Ladies' Benevolent Society, and a large andiehce ia expected. Judging from the final rehearsal, which took place last night, the entertainment ought to be a very succeaafal one.

Members of the National Aagociatioll hold their annual meeting to-night, and a .large attendance is expected. Mr Hastiei the Secretary, has just,returned from Wellington, whence ho went ostensibly for a change after his illness, bub he has been working in the interests of the Association ,as well, and some important announcement >( likely to be made in connection with its organisation.

■■ To-morrow at 2 p.m.- Messrs Samuel Vaile and Sons hold an auction of freehold properties at their rooms, 85 Queen-street. There will be offered 3,790 acres of land mar Morrinsville (ab an upseb price of 5s pw acre), Mr Jae. Close's house, Mount Eaeii, and two sections in the parish of Aomokorau.

, Ladies are requested to notify thab our imported trimmed millinery is now •pened. They consist of the latesb French novelties. D.S.C.-(Advt,)

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Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 231, 27 September 1894, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 231, 27 September 1894, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 231, 27 September 1894, Page 4