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Pnbllc Companieg. ," ; HPHE NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY (Limited) HAS RESUMED BUSINESS IN ALL ITS VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS AS FORMERLY. . In making this announcement tibe Company begs to cordially fchank ita numerous clients in town and country for their loyal and hearty support of the institution by entrusting their important business to the New Zealand Land Association, which has ao_ successfully conducted the Commission and Agency operations during the past) leason, and now relinquishes same in favour of the reconstructed Company. THE NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY being now re-established on the strongest oosßible financial basis, has the utmost confidence in resuming business, and is in the UNKIVALLED POSITION of being able to GUARANTEE THB ABSOLUTE SAFETY of net proceeds of consignments entrusted to it for disposal, such funds beinff specifically secured on TRUST ACCOUNT, and entirely free from any other transactions or obligations whatsoever. Consignments of Wool, Tallow, Kauri Gum, Dairy, and other Agricultural Produce realised upon economically, expeditioualy, and to best advantage or clients. Auction Sale of Wool, Hides, Sheepskins, etc., etc., every Tuesday at Quay-street Warehouse. Prompt Account Sales and Cash Settlements. Coral Queen Guano, Runcorn Booedust, Cooper's Dipping Powder, Cannon's Dip, Larney's Anthelmintic (Lung Worm Specific), Graham's Foot-iob Cure, Tannage, Grass Seeds, &c, &c, tor sale. > ' S. CLARKE JOHNSON, Manager. Geo. W. Sabe, Agent. Hamilton.

Public Notices. ALL GOODS marked in plain figures - at Rushbrook and Co.'a Big Sale of Winter Stock now on. ____ B"¥ATS~THE RECORD.—Hand-sewn Boots made to measure at JBl.—At E. Bridgens. West End Boot Palace, 84. Queenstreet (opposite new "Herald" Office) and ' at Karangahape Road. ASSINET PERAMBULATORS. — Elegant, durable; cash or deferred payments. - McLeod Bros., Perambulator and Wickerware Makers, foot of Upper Quae»-»t. "ABIES' PERAMBULATO RS. —Caen or deferred payments, great reductions, Bteel springs and rubber-tyred wheels, 50.—The reliable maker. Charles Smith, Queeu-sU. near Milne and Choree's. TWeaTbsT Firewood in the markeb. \J Good Dry Wood. Long. 7s 6d : Blocks. 8s id a ton, for caih only.-D. Parker's, Franklin Road. _ fi R A VENETTE "WATERPROOF, 60 \j inches wide. 5s lid and 6s lid, ali wool, fast colour, wonderful wear; Black, Navy, Seal, Grey.—J. M. McLachlan. ■ DOIN'T make any mistake-Dalton'i extra Tronsers are of same material as suit, of anything same value.—2lo, Queen-street. R. SCOTT'S~Electric Corsets, marked 7s Ud to 12 6d pair, selling at 2s 6d,Rushbrook and Go's Big Sale now on. D ALTON is now showing some of the finest Serge Suitings that have ever come to Auckland, at prices to suit anyone.—2lo, Queen-street. • 1 TT^VERY Garment made is guaranteed JTj well shrank at Dalton's, Tailor, 210, 1 Queen-street. FOR Comfort, Durability, Style and Fit in Ladies' and Gent's Ordered Hand- - sewn Boots, try W. Miller, and So:» ; High- - street, near G.P.O. Repairs while waiting. : f^OODALL'S EGG POWDER.—One . vX Sixpenny-Tin is equalto 25 Eggt. \ fi OODALL'S JELLY SQUARES are to \JT be obtained from Grocers. >S~CUSTARD~POWDER » V7T the best. A»k your grocerf orjt. _ NIXEY'S "Cervaa "~Knife Poliih.— The best in existence. ' \ "VTIXEY'S "Cervus" Emery Flour.—Of _Ll all Grocer* and Ironmongers. STOOD the teat of public opinion for fifteen years (15 years), and now stands unrivalled. DaHon's Suit and extra Tronseii for £3183 6d.-Note, address : 210. Que«n-»treet URPLUS SALE at Rusbbrook aad Co.'s Queen-st., Boys' Overcoats from 3s lid ■) Men's Overcoats from 9s 6d each. Sale now on, \ rpßOUSEßSTo~meaeure7loß~6dri23 6d, L 13> 6d, 15s 6d, at Daltou's, Tailor, 210, } Queen-street. . rpOLUTINE—For Coughs, Colds, Bron--1 JL chitis, Asthma, Hoarseness, and Disorders 3 of the Chest and Lunes. Price. Is 6d. Sole « Agent: W. Clarke. Chemist, Victoria-street. i \ITHAT more do you want ? First-class . W Tweed Suit." with extra Trousers, - £3 10s.—Dalton. Tailor, 210. Qneen-atreet. 1 ~\rOU cannot poseibly get better Value in X Auckland than at J. H, Ddton's, Tailor, 210. Qaaen.straaL : ■ "YORKSHIRE RELISH.—The beet JL Sauce in the world. Try it. r^EALANDIA Concentrated Milk. UnJLi rivalled in flavour, unsurpassed in qual- ! ity. ZEALAND BOOT WAREHOUSE, No. JLk 1, Junction Queen and G-rey-ttreet: No. 2, Victoria-street, for Bargains just now. EALAND BOOT WAREHOUSE have Bought 2,000 Pairs Boot and Shoe Uppers . from McArthnr's Stock, at half price. ' Oft ft PAIRS' BOYS AND GIRLS' 01/"" Boots are now being made up at i my Wakefleld-street Factory. Bargains! Bargains I / ZEALAND BOOT WAREHOUSE for 200 Pairs Women's Leglets. 7s 6d. 9s 6d; 100 Pairs Women's and Men's Elastics, 5s lid. I 7s lid. ' HfEALANDIA Concentrated Milk. Rich, JIA pure, cheap. Splendid flavour. : TTVAISY "DRAJSD rf^OFFEE. PLEASE NOTICE. I am putting up my Best Value under the Daisy Brand in THREE QUALITIES, Finest, Second and Third Quality. Each Tin distinctly shows which quality. ALWAYS ASK FOR THE DAISY. It is the BEST VALUE. S. L. P. R I M M E R, COFFEE IMPORTER. TF3EPAIRS TO SEWING MACHINES. For the convenience of our old customers, we have again -undertaken the Cleaning. AdjustIng and Repair of Sewing Machines. SHAKESPEAR & CO.. 170. Queen-st. T\T O O LS, SILKS, Eto. We have the largest and best assorted Stock lii Australasia. We make no charge for instruciion to purchasers.—SHAKESPEAR and CO., Wool aod Silk Merchants. Queen-st.. Auckland. WAX FLOWERS.—Mes GASKELL. . who has taken nearly every First Prize in Paris, America, Melbourne, etc., gives Lessons to Ladies, etc., at their own homes. Specimens of Orchids, Dahlias, Roses, etc.. are now on view at Shakkspear & Co.'s, Queenstreet, where information can be obtained. THE BEALE PATENT SEWING ,£* MACHrNCES LATEST ■yJ/f'S MODERN IMPROVEMENTS cv'l APPLIANCES, Prb Wkbk. Catalogues and particulars free upon, applies, 1101110 W. J. BEALE, Shortland-street (Near Queen-street). UCKER'S TL>AKING "OOWDER. JTops Jt*_ the JL Lot. mUCKERS OAKING T>OWDE~R; JL Askyour -13 Grocer JL for it. THE BHORTLAND REGISTRY, 50, Shortland-street. MRS G. B. LEAHY Has Generals. Housemaids, Waitresses, etc. Waiting Engagement. WE <Jo Fencing: of all kinds' afc lower prices than anybody. Call on us about your fence. Draining, all sort3;3ewer connections, fix cess-pits, etc. Good, work guaranteed. Office fittings, shelving, counters, shop-fcturea and any kind of carpentering work. Puriri posts for sale very choap. All kinds boxes : fruit boxes, gum boxes, or any box you may reouiro. Sam white and co. Custom-street East, T>IANOS FROM 20s PER MONTH. ORGANS KROM 10s PER MONTH. THE LONDON & BERLIN PIANO CO. W. H. WKBBK. Managor, 1 1. ...;•

Auctions. ESAM akd AKTHUR. B. J. ESAM] [0. A£THtnt TO-MORROW, at 11 o'Clock. „ EXTENSIVE SALE OF NUHSERY STOCK FROM MR. HUGH ROSS, WAIHOU, AND MR. W. LEVY, WAIKOMITI. ESAM AND ARTHUR Have received instructions, from Mr. Rttstraad Mr. Levy, to sell by Auction, at the Mart. Queen-street, on Wednesday, Jane 20th. at HUGH ROSS. WAIHOU NURSERY, 1! KM PEACHES, 100 Nectarines, JL O\f Vr 200 Encrlish Plums. 300 Japaneso Plums. 200 Apples, 100 Camellias. 50 Hybrid Rhododendrons. FROM MR W. LEVY, WAIKOMITI NURSERY. 500 Lisbon Lemons. 100 Oranges (assorted) 50 Citrons and Linios. 100 Gaavas 100 Passion Fruit. 100 Grape Vines 100 English Gooseberries, Firs, Medlars, Persimmons, Quinces, etc.. Ornamental Forest Trees and Flowerinp; Shrubs 100 Oriental Planes. 100 Pitcisporum Collection Rose Trees. Raspberries, Rhubarb Roots. 1000 Flowering Shrubs, Camellias. Azaleas, Daphnes,' Proteas, Magnolias. Hoses 20CO Eleagnus, 1000 liiKUStruin 600 Knßlish Laurels. 200 Thtrja Gißantea. etc. Also a choice collection of well-established, Native Timber Trees _ _____ THURSDAY NEXT. JUNE 21, Ab 12 o'Glock. REMUERA YARDS. For Sale, on Thursday next, Juno 21, iat 12 o'clock, TWO DOUBLE FURROW PLOUGHS, by Wallace _ ~ 2 Doublo Furrow Ploughs, by Reid and Grey 2 Sets Iron Tine llarrows 2 Skeith Harrows A Skeith. Plough. Harrows, Scarifier 10 Sets Plough Harness, complete The above are all in good order, and will be sold to the highest bidder. ALFRED BUOKLAND & SOInS, Auctioneers. ~~- WEDNESDAY, J UNE 27. AT MOUNT ROSKILL. ADJOINING PAH. DAIRY COWS HARNESS HORSES RACING PONIES SPRING CART BUGJGY SADDLE HARNESS. , « .. The undersigned have received instructions from Mr A. O. Greenwood, who is luaviugtho district, to sell at his residence, close to the Pah Gate, the whole of his valuable T"\AIRY, VEHICLES, WELL-KNOWN RACING PONIES, etc., Comprising: 10 Grown Dairy Cow 3 6 Springers 6 Heifers 3 Harness Horaes 2 Boys' Ponias, small • Racing Pony La Grippo Gillie Effle Trottinjf Horse Deceiver 9-jUnbroken Colts and Fillies Light Spring Cart Double-seated Buggy Harness 2 Saddles and Bridlos Dairy Utonsila, Milk Cans 50 Fowls 20 Ducks, etc., etc. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. HUNTER AND NOLAN. Ab 1 o'Clock. to- o t i • - o a SMART SOCIETY PEOPLE BTODT THB "^TEW RAPHIO, SMARTNESS, RELIABILITY, FREEDOM FROM VULGARITY Are the characteristics of the GRAPHIC; BEST, FULLEST. MOST EXCLUSIVE INFORMATION On all Society Events. COMPLETE ILLUSTRATED NOVELETTES In each issue. Articles on Science, Literature, Art, etc., by first authors of the day. Subjects of interest to Colonial readers are illustrated by the GRAPHIC PHOTOGRAVURE PROCESS, Together with a large number of ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS From Colonial Photos and Paintings. Examples are also given of the finest foreign work. fhe GRAPHIC Is the Cretan 8 r the Cultured Classes. It is compiled with a viorr of making at once *n Illustrated and Literary Magazine of the highest grade, and A BRIGHT, OMART SOCIETY PAPEft FOR SMART PEOPLE LADIES SUFFERING from Nerrou*nesa. Headache, Nausea, Pains in the Back and Limb 3. and complaints incidental to Females, should consult Dr. WRIGHT for irregularities and obstructions from whatever causa. Pills—los and 20s per box, post free. Address— Wellesley-etreet fCask Auckland, 1_ 5"-9- 3»- t,243~—-— —•

TO-MOHKOW, Noon. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, GARDEN ROLLER, LAWN MOWERS, MANGLE, TOOLS, Etc. m RICHARD ARTHUR Commission Salesman and Auctioneer, Has been favoured with instructions froni a gentleman in the suburbs, who is removing, to sell by auction, at Arthur's Mart. Queenstreet, To-morrow, at 12 o'clock noon, TTOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND JLL Effects, consisting of—Drawing. Dining, Bedroom, and Kitchen Requisites, Occasional Tables and Chairs. Card Table, Easy Chairs, A.B.W, and other Chairs, Writing Table, Couches, Tables, Iron Bedsteads, W.W. and other Mattresses, Stretchers, "Washstands, Toilet Tables, Toilet Ware, Matting:. Oilcloth. SewinK Machine. Violin, Zither, Carpets, Pictures. Glass and Earthenware, Plated Ware, Kitchen and Cooking Utensils. Filter, Scltzogeno, Mincing Machine, Portable Copper Boiler, Kerosene Stove, Mangle, Garden Holler, Lawn Mowers, Garden Syringes, Wheelbarrow, Chaff Cutter, Tools, Cress-cut Saw, Carpenter's Bench, Scales. Steelyards, Kitchen Range, etc.. Books. Magazines. English Mechanic, Engineering, etc., Miscellaneous Garden and other Tools. Terms—Cash before Delivery. MONDAY, 11 A.M. AILSA COTTAGE, WYNYARD-ST. * HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, MISTRESS RANGE, SHOWER BATH. RICHARD ARTHUR Commission Salesman and Auctioneer, Has been favoured with instructions from Mrs Gerrand, who is returning to Scotlaad. to sell by auction, at her residence, Ailsa Cottage, Wynyartt-street, off Graf ton PvOad, on Monday next, at 11 o'clock a.m., H:er household furniture . AND EFFECTS, consisting of Diningroom, Parlour, Bedroom and Kitchen Requisites. Crockery, Plated ware. Cooking Utensils, Horsehair Suite, Kasy Chairs. Pictures, Carpets, Oilcloth, Chiffonier, Verandah Blinds. Curtains. Iron Bedsteads, Mattresses, Mottled Kauri Ghosts Drawers, Washstands, Toilet Glasses, Ware and Tables, Shower Bath, Bath, Mistress Range, Garden Tools, etc. On View Morning of the Day of Sale. __ THURSDAY, 11 a.m. BLBAZARD'S ROAD, MOUNT EDEN. AMERICAN ORGAN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS, WASHING MACHINE. WRINGER, LAWN MOWER, etc. RICHARD ARTHUR Commission Salesman and Auctioneer, Has been favoured with instructions from Mrs W. Wilson (who is removing to the Waikato) to sell by auction at her residence, "Ivy Nook," Bleazard's Road, off Mount Eden Road, on Thursday next, at 11 o'clock a.m.. HER HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and Effects, an American Organ (nearly new), Easy and other Chairs, Loo, Square and Other Tables, Carpets, Hearth Rugs. Child's Combination Chair, Linoleum. Oilcloth, Lace and Cretonne Curtains. Pictures, Vases. Ornaments. Glais and Earthenware. Plated Ware. Cutlery, Iron and Wood Bedsteads, Iron Cot, W.W. and other Mattresses, Washstands, Toilet Ware, Glasses and Tables. Kitchen and Cooking Utensils, Washing Machine, Wringer, Lawc Mower, etc. On View Morning of the Day of Sale. — T~O -MORROW. At 11 o'Clock. APPLES ! ' APPLES ! Ex e.g. Kuahine, from Hobart, G. VV. BINNEY AND SONS Will sell by public auction, at their Mart, Fortstreet, To-morrow (Wednesday), at 11 o'clook, J rfSA CASES APPLES, \P\Jr STURMERS, Etc. BAKER BROS. Will auction on Wednesday. July 4, not 20th June, as previously advertised, at 2 p.m., COLLING WOOD-STREET, Lots 57 and 58. with six-roomed House, bath, three fires, vorandah, etc. ; Land. 65 feet x 100. w. S. cochkane] [jas. dacke THURSDAY, JUNE 21, At 11 o'clock. 100 NEW MACKINTOSH COATS. The subscribers^will sell by auction at their Rooms. Queen-street, on Thursday next, at 11 o'clock, 1 (ffedl NEW MACKINTOSH COATS, Ay V all shapes and sizes, and firat-clas material. SAMUEL COCHRANE& SON, Auctioneers. ~ TO-MORROW, SALVAGE FIRE, MOUNT EDEN SAWMILLS. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20. J. JONES Will sell by public auction on Wednesday, the 20th June, at 11 o'clock, at the above Mills, raiHE WHOLE OF THE TIMBER and JL ROOFING IRON, consisting of— About 40,000 feet Sawn Timber, not damaged About 20.000 feet Sawn Timber, partly burned About 260 Puriri Posts, not burned About 1.600 5-feet Palings About 700 Sheets Galvanised Roofing Iron In lots to suit purchasers, without the least reserve. Terms : Strictly cash. ,-. J. JONES, Auctioneer. Public Hotfces. THOROUGH OF DEVONPORT. PUMPING ENGINEER AND WATERWORKS FITTER. Applications for the above position, accompanied by not more than three recent testimonials (age of applicant to be stated), will be received up to Noon, of MONDAY, 25th inst., at the Council Chambers, Devonport, whore particulars of duties, etc., may be seen. Wages, £10 per month. Applications to be (endorsed, "Pumping Engineer and Waterworks Fitter." Any parson canvassing Mayor or Councillors will be disqualified. J. DINSDALE, Town Clerk. Devonport, June 18,1894. XSTE WISH TO MAKE KNOWN that our Canvassers are NOT authorised to alter terms of our Coupon Tickets, which entitles the holder to 12 Enamelled Cabinet Photos, and 115 xl 2 Opal only. WRIGGLESWORTH and BINWS. FR A T E X *O R O S., Jt> HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, STOCK AND SHAREBROKERS, No. 3, STOCK EXCHANGE, & 97, QUEEN-ST., Auckland. Also, at ALBERT-STREET, THAMES. Mortgages Negotiated. Share Invoators' Guide forwarded on application EPSOM— For Sale, 5 acres Good Land, Outbuilding thereon; or can be had with the right to purchase. — Apply, Airs Moore, Russell Laoo, Paxnell.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 145, 19 June 1894, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 145, 19 June 1894, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 145, 19 June 1894, Page 8