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SpS if 111! You don't have to look twice to detect them- — bright eyes, bright! color, bright a -JY-, smi' cs'. j iTm bright ltrj • every ac- | SCOTTS '' I™- . * ngism i Disease is | mw v overcome f prTTTTT only when weak tissue is replaced by the healthy kind. Scott's Emulsion of cod liver oil effects cure by building- up sound flesh. It is agreeable to taste and easy of assimilation. aciiaHtocitoba tir^flr ~^V J « EoxiiorßiliousaneJ t\»{V» Nervous Disorders y u \ each as Wind and -___ \i«-l Pain in tho Bto* 'WV V 1 roach, Sick Head. ! C. IB Fulnem and SweW °^- /r./J line after Mods, a*» /i-Cftl Dizssinosc and '/6-ii' Prowßincc-a, Cold ,*V/f Chills,Kluahinsßol Heat., Loss of Ap. t&'sy pctito, Shortness JrS^ °f breath, Coslivo. ... W11 *^ cogs, Scurvy anil &Ca?\ Ulotcho3 on the skin, Disturbed Slcop, Frightful tJroftas, and all Nervous and 'Jremblinp; "Sensations, £c. Tho firßt dOSO Wil3 givo roliot in twenty minutes. Evory suffovor io cnrnoßtly invited to try 03& bos of itUoso i'itoaadCisy WiU tioacknowlcclccS IS bo WORTH A GUINEA A BOIL Vm fomalos cfi all cges these Pillo aro invaln« al)Ie, no a fow doaoa of thorn carry o3' all humoara, and bring ai)ou's all that is rocjuircd. Vo femalo ehoulcl bo without them. Tlioro ib na Jlcdioino to bo found equal to Deochnra's Pillfl for removing any obstruction or irregularity ot 6ho nyntem. If taken according to tho diroo tipnsgivon vrilh oach bra. they will soon rcstoro fcmalos of all ages to Bound and robust health. M'hio ban been proved by thouaandd who have iriod them, and found tho fccaclits Wiiich Ql'& OKGurcd by their uae. For a woab Btomaoli, Ifflpafred DipGntion, fflnd all Disorders or tho Liver, they act liteo Slavic, r.nd ft fow donsp will bo found to Trork Trcadora on tho moat important organs in tho human machine. They ctrengthen tho wholo cnincuiar system, rcGtoro tho long lobS com* bring back tho toon edgo of appetite, and arouso into action -with tho rosobud oj health tho -wholo pbvuical oncrpy of the human frame. Thouo aro I'acto testified continually t>7 members of all claoceo of Docioty and one oil tho boat guarantees to tho Norvouo and Delrilitatod ia, BEEOUAiI'S PILLS hcvn the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in iho World. Beeoham's Magic Pills. &o a romody for Coughs in goncral, Aothmtt, :Bronchial Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness of ißreuth, Tightnoa3 and Opproasion of tho Chest, iWheczing, &c, thoso Pills stand unrivalled. 'I'hsy aro tho best over offered to tho public and Will speedily rcmovo that uenso of opprossioa Ond dilliculty of breathing;, which nightly de= privo the patient of roct. Lot ony parson giva BBECHAM'S COL'GU PILLS a fatal, and tho iaoss violcai Cvi'Jh Will i» a Clioil timo fc9 Prcniired onlj', nnd sold Wholesale and Ketail, br tho Proprietor. Thomas Beecham, St. lieluns, Laucashiro, England, in boxes Is l{d (containiug 66 pills), and at Zs9d (trcblo qtiintity). Sold by iM J)i-Hir)-i'sts and PatentMcdicine l.ienlors overywliere. K.B.—lTull directions are given with each box. CATARRH, Hay Fever, Catarrhal Deafness. A NEW HOME TREATMENT. SUFFERERS aro not generally awa^e that these diseasoa are contagious, or that they are due to the prosence of living parasites in tho lining; membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes. Microscopic resoarch, however, has proved this to bo a tact, and the result is thnt a simple remedy has been formulated whereby these distressing diseasos aro rapidly and permanently cured by a few simple applications made at homo by tho patient once in two weeks. A pamphlet explaining this now treatment is sent on receipt of 2Jd stamp by A. MUTTON DIXON, 43 and 15. East Bloor-streot, TORONTO, Canada.—" Scientific American." A GENTLEMAN having tried in vain ±%_ every Advertised Remedy for Despondency. Wca'kucaß, Waut of Energy, etc., etc., ■ wns restored to health in such n remarkable manner that he will on receipt of a self-addros-fterl stamped onvolope. Bend tho mode of euro Free to all foliow-sufforers.—Address A Miner, G.P.C Sydney,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 223, 20 September 1893, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 223, 20 September 1893, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 223, 20 September 1893, Page 3