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d Medical 3 ?' .-^Qll^'A admitted toba 11 ffi^X -N^ gKfoi-BiiJoußanl fi> *V/ Ml» * n <ttoue Dicorders f -V' / \N« 4 S, ut! h as "Wind aa4 a H B _/.x!ti.ii!jjNl \ ' iulach, Sick Head. c |« PILLS.' !&& 1 //■tin Drowsiness, Cold 0 S^fisbV>%^ P. o**". Shortness 1 iSraL^ Bess, Scurry and 1 €|§|j> Biotcioß on the » gtatt Mshtfnl SNUB., onfS'Ne^^ * Trembling Sensations, &c Tlio first dose will givo relief in twenty minutsa. ™ B h.v27o^ sa£fl"er io earnestly invitaa to try OH* r tobe *»U»aaatl»yma boaotßowloa^S • WORTH & GUINEA A BOX. «i? op Mnoloß c* ftll &JTO3 these Pills we invaftli f Stole, as a f«w doses of them oarry off all kumours and bring aborts aU that ia required. r f° jemalo Ehonld bo without them. Therein no c Jiedicino to bo found equal to Bescham'B Pillii lor removing any obstruction or irreffulajrity of . tho system. If taken according to tho direo, faonspven with each box, they vriU soon restore sS? I s aU a XBB to 80Tm(1 and Kibnat health. I ton has been proved by thousands who h* T » i i 1!™1 and lfouad tho boaofitfl rrhiah am ensured by their use. '.^ OT,? !? aa!i St0(ai«ll«. Unpaired Digestion.' tod aU Disorders of tho Hvor, they act li^ magic, and a fow dosos will bo found to work ! tronders on tho most important organs in tha human machine. They qtrengthen tho whole jnusoular system, restorp the lonp lout com. . iplosion, bring back tho ksen edge of appetite 'and arouso into notion with too rosebud of Jjealth tho wholo physical energy a( the human name. Iheae aro Facts toatified continually by mombers of all clasaoa of society and one of the hoot guaranteed to the Norrouo and BobiU. tatod is, BEECHAM'S PILLS have tho ia««« Bale of a*;/ Patent Mtdiaine in ike World. * Beecham's Magic Cougli Pills. As a romedy for Coueha in gonoral, Asthma, ,JJronchial Afieetions, Iloarscnoss, Shortness ot .Breath, Tightneoa and Oppression of tho Chest, iJyhoßuing, &c, those PiUa Btand nnriTalled.1 •A hey are tho bost over offered to tho public and Will opoetlily roinovo that tenso of opprestiioa end difficulty of breathing-, which nightly Uoprivo tho patient of rc3t. Let any pereon rira SESCHA&'S COUGH PILLS ft -rial, and tho moat violent CckU wili ia a fihori timo bo iwaovail. Pro pared only, and sold Wholosalo ana Retell, by ttio Proprietor, Thomas Scccham, St. Holona, Lwicnshire. England, In boxes is i.)d (containing 56 pills), and oi 8s M (treblo quuntity). Sold by nil Druggets and PatentMedlclM Dcnilorij cverj-wherß. are alron with «ufe ' v KBb " TTIOR THE BLOOD IS THE LWL* w«toMl|p THE Great Blood Purifier & Restorer. For Cleansing and Clearing the Blood from all Imparities, it cannot bo too highly recon* mended. , , i'or Scvofulft, Scurvy, Kczerna. Skin and 81000 Dispusos. and tioves of nil klmis, it is a never failiiiß and permanent cure. It Cures Old Soros Cures Sores on the Neck Cures Soro Loks Cures Blackhead or Pimplos on tlio Facn Curos ScurvyCures Ulcers Cures Blood nnd Skin Disoases Cures Glandular Swolliima Clears ih? Blood rrom nM Impure Matter, From whatever cause arifling. Il is a real apecifio for Gout and Rheumatio Pains. It removes tho cause from the Blood and Bonos. As thin lUixturo is pleasant to ihe taste, and warranted Irno from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex. the Proprietors solicit miil'oi'ors to Rivo it a trial to toat its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. Clarke's Blood Mixture is aold in bottloa 2s 9d each, and in ca*es containins; six times the quantity, lla—sufficient to cH'eet a permanent euro in tho crreat mnjority of lonff-olanding Oiisoa BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATKNT MHDIGINE VENUOKS throughout tho world. Proprietors, TiiK Lincoln and Midlands Countirs Drub Company, Lincoln, England. Trade murk—" Blood Mixture." Clarke's Blood Mixture. CAUTION. — Purchasers of Clarko's Blood Mixturo should see that they get the genuine article. Worthloas imitations and substitutes are sometimes palmed oil'by unprincipled vendors. The words "Lincoln nnd Midland Countios Dru? Company, Lincoln, England," aro engravod on t,ho Government Stamp, and *' Clurko's World-fnmfd Blood Mixture," blown in tho bottle, WITHOUT WHIUU NONE AKK GENUINE. Dr. J. COLLJS BROWNE'S ORIGINAIi AND ONIjY GHNCTINE. Coughs, r^oim, A STHMA, T>RONCHITIB. il J3 DR..T. COLLI3BROWNE'S CHLORODYNK. —Vico-Chancellor Sir W. PAGK WOOfl stated publicly 1" Court that Dr. J. COLLI3 BROWNKw-fia UNDOnBTEDLY the INVKNTOR of CHLOROOYNK, that tho whole story of tho defendant Freeman wtis deliberately untrue, and he regretted to say it had been svrora to.-Seo " Tho Tlmee," July 13,1864. DTw J. OOLLI3 BROWNE'S CHLORODYXffi io a liquid inodieine which ossuagos PAi-'i of EVERY KIND, affords a calm and rofreahlna Bleep WITHOUT HICADACHFJ. aad INVIQO RATES the nervous system whon exhausted. IS THE GREAT SPECIFIC FOR /pEOLERA, DYSENTERY, TT\IABRH(BA. v THE GENERAL BOARD of HEALTDL LONDON, REPORT that it ACTS *s» CHARM —one dese generally sufflclont. Dr. GIBBON, Army Medical Staff, Calontts, Btatos-"TWO DOSES COMPLKTELYCURBD US: OF JJIARRHtEA." DR. J. COLLIS BROVOf S'SOHTjORODYNBI is the TKUE PALLIATIVE in ■\TEURALGIA, QOUT, CANCER, mOOTHACHE, RHEUMATISM. J. D~ R.TcOLLIS FROWNE'S CHLORODYN^ rapid Ir cuts ahort all attacks of T7HLEPSY, SPASMS, COLIC, XLI T>ALPITATION, TJYSTERIA. 11 TMPORTANT CAUTION. JL Tim IMMENBE SALIC of thio REMEDY £h Klvcn riso to many UNSCRUPULOUS IMITATIONS. NB-EVERY BOTTLE of GENUINB CHLORODi'NK BKAK3 on tho GOVERN. MENT STAMP tho NAME of the INVENTOR J-\R. J. COLLIS BROWNE. \J SOLD IN BOTTLES, Io UA, 2 3 9d, and laid, by all Ohovnista. Soli: MAirOT-nonnaßß, (5. T BftJEKPORr, 33. GREAT RUBSai-STKm issooa,.. w-Sl

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 94, 22 April 1893, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 94, 22 April 1893, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 94, 22 April 1893, Page 6