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Public Notices. AtTCKLAND TURKISH BATHS ±SL COMPANY (LIMITED), LOBNB-STBKBT & VIOTORU-SIKKBT EABT. 3 AD/ Hot&Coldßaths for Ladies & Gontle-) aD v \ men. with Shower & all requisites /" • Hours: 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.,and on Sundays, 6to 10, ' TURKISH BATHS. l. On Tuesnay, Wednesday, and Friday .. 3a Or Eight Tickets for ~ 20« On Monday, Thursday, and Saturday ~ 2a j Hours: From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. | j HEAT PAPERULANCiI]SG6 — Juao \ received a large variety of Paperhangings (latest patterns).—E. Dunne, top of Grey-straot, ■ Importer of Paperhangings, etc. Telephone 548^ ' EQUITABLE BUILDING SOCIETY. See Amusement Column. i Tj^GGS DEAR. EGG POWDER CHEAP. EGG "tOOWDER, X A Capital Substitute for E?gs in Cakes, Pastry, { Puddings, Buns, Pancakes, etc. SIXPENCE PER TIN. -r ASK 1?OR mUCKER'S. £3r Ask Tor Lucker's. WDWARD MAHONEY AND BON^ ARCHITECTS, ] *fIUBEII-STREET. AUCKLAND. TT^XHIBITION of Glassblowing, Safcnr- ! B'J day Afternoon, from 2t05. Admission, 6d. Prizes given. Works. Freeman's Bay. T7IQUITABLE BUILDING SOCIETY. ' E'J See Amusement Column. | fA CARD"} ' MR HUDSON WILLIAMSON, J BARRISTER & SOLICITOR has Re. moved to No. 3 WAYTE'S CHAMBERS, High- . et., nest door to Porter and Compftny'fc ÜBL I 6 NOTICE, j Under and in pursuance of "The Education 1 Act, 1877," the Education Board of the District ■ of Auckland directs it to bo publicly notified that, in pursuance of a resolution passed by the ; Board on tho 11th day of April. 1893, the bound- • aries hitherto fixed as tho limits of the LAKE ' SCHOOL Disthict have been altered, and that . the same are now fixed in accordance with the boundaries set forth and described in toe Schedule hereto, for the purposes o£ Ins j Education Act, 1877." ] VINCENT E. RICE, 1 Secretary. I SCHEDULE. Lake School District. Amended Boundaries. ' All that area in the Auckland Land District commencing at the northern angle of Section No. 180 of the Parish of Takapuna, bounded towßids the north-east by the soa to the southeastern angle of Lot No. 5 of Section No. 1 oi the said pariah, towards the south by tha northern boundaries of Lots Nos. 1, 2 and A of Section No. 1 of tho parish aforesaid, and by tho water» of the Wailemata harbour to O Noill 8 • Point; towards tho west genorally by the waters Of tUe Waitemata harbour to the north-eastern boundary of Lot No. 38, also of the aforesaid > ( parish, thence by part of the north-eastern ; boundary of that lot, the south-eastern bound- ' ariea of Lots 50 and 19, the south-western ' boundaries of Lots Nos. 19 93,102, and 107, the 1 north-western boundaries of Lots Nos. 107,106, and 105, and the western boundaries of Lots 1 Nos. 243, 241, and 232 to tho road at tho uorth- < western angle of tho last-named lot; and 1 towards the north-west by the road aforesaid . continued to the commencing point, ÜBL I C NOTI CE. , Under and in pursuance of " The Education ; Act, 1877," the Education Board of tho District ; of Auckland, directs it to be publicly notiiiod , that in purauanco of a resolution paused by the lioard on the 11th day of April, 1393. tho bound: • aries hitherto fixed as the limits of tue Mayfield School District have been altered, andtliat the same arc now fixed in accordance with the boundaries set forth and described in the Schodule hereto, for tho purposes of ' Tho I Education Act, 18V7V- NcENTEiacEi j Secretary. '. SCHEDULE. ' Mayfield School District. . Amended Boundaries. , Allthatarcain the Auckland Land District- ! commencing at the northernmost angle of Sec' i tion No. 201 of tho Parish of TakapunaBounded towards the East generally by the north-eastern boundary of Section No. 201, and the western boundary of tho Laka School J)u- ' trict. to the westernmost anjrle of Section No. ■ 99 oC tho Parish of Talcapnna aforesaid; to- . warda tho South by the northern boundary of tho Northcote District to the Waitemata River, at tha south-westaru angle of Section No. 144; and towards the North-west by the waters of the Waitomata Har!>our to the south-eastern boundary of Lucas' Creek School District, and thence by that boundary to the commencing • point. j T> ÜBL I C NOT I C Kj] Under and in pursuance of " The Education Act 1877 " the Education Board of the District . of Auckland directs it to he publicly notified | i that in pursuance of a resolution passed by tho i) Board on the 11th day of April, 1893, tho . boundaries hitherto fixed as tho limits of the Lucas' Creek School District have been altered, and that the same are now fixed in accordance with the boundaries set forth and • described in the Schedule hereto, for tho ' purpose* Of "The Education Act, 1877.' VINCENT E. RICE, Secretary. SCHEDULE. Luoas' Creek School District. | Amended Boundaries. All that area in the Auckland Land District ■ commencing; at the South Head of the Okura River, bounded towards the Ea«r, by high-water mark of tho aca to the road which forms the , Eastorn fioundary of Section No. 181, of the Parish of Takapuna; towarosthe South Renerally by the aforesaid road, continued as far Westerly i as the South-western angle of Soction No. 200 | also of the parish aforesaid, thence by tha | South-western bonndsry of that section to the j North-wcstorn boundary of the Parish of Taka-! puna afore?aid. thence South-westerly by that boundary to the Northern angle of Section ho. 87. of the Parish of Paremoremo: thence by the road which forma the North-western boundary j of that section, continued as far South- westerly . as the Westorn boundary of Section No. 168, of | the Parish of Paremoremo aforesaid, and by i the Western boundary of Section No. 168 to | Hollyer's Creek, and thence by that creok to the j Waitemata River; towards tho Southwest by the water* of Waitemata River to tho mouth of | tho Paremoremo Creek : towards the West by i the Faromoremo Creek aforesaid, to the North-! western angls of Section No. 8, of the Parish of I Paromcremo, thenco by a ripht line to the Southernmost anfr'e of Section No 81 of that parish thence by tho South-eastern and Northeastern boundaries of Section No. 81 aforesaid | part of the South-eastern and North-eastern 1 boundaries of Section No. 54. part of the Southeastern boundary of Section No. 57. the Southwestern boundary of Section No. 78, and tho South-western and South-eastern boundaries of Section No. 77, all of the Parish of Paremoremo aforesaid, to the Northeastern angle of tho last-named section; and towards tho Northwest generally by part of the South-western , boundary of Section No. 287, of the ParisU of \ Puk°atua. by the Southern side ot a road loading through Section No. 11, Parish of Paremoremo by the South western boundaries of Sections Nos! 297 and 2SB. Parish of Pukeatua. 1 the South-wostern and Eastern boundary of Section No. 299, the Eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. 300 and 301. the South-westorn and North-western boundaries of Section No. 305, the North-eaatorn boundary of. Section No. 303, and tho South-eastern and North-eastern boundaries of Section No. 292 also of tho Parish or" Pukeatua aforesaid, to the Northeastern angle of the last-named section, and, thence by the road which forms the North-1 western boundaries of Sections Nos. 3 and 4. of ] the Parish of Okura. andbytbatroaicontinued to the Okura River, and thence by the Okura River to the commencing point. QPACE IS ANNIHILATED TELESCOPE OR 7 Bif OCULAR GLASS. A Large Variety in Stock. iRAROM XT X RS, tI?B RM 0M E TET. 3, HyXMWMJCrJtK* AND MKHtOSCUPKS. T. PitACOUK. Optician (iiorUand-street. EWING WACHINEST~WH9hing Machines, Mangles, Organettea. Knitting ' Machines, etc.. for cash or 2b 6d per w«eK.— w. C.Dennei.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 93, 21 April 1893, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 93, 21 April 1893, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 93, 21 April 1893, Page 1