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&wtymsh*iww. °**_r_mt—m> f&w aairossallj adMisted to ba worth a Guinea qJ Box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders auch ub Wind an| a%_^H&£ ache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swell' _ng after Meals, Di-zinsao anc. Drowsiness,' Colfi Chills.Fhißliinga oi Heat, Loss of-Ap. petite, Shortness of Breath, Cpatir* jiosb, Beurvy and Blotches on tha •tt Skin, Disturbed flloep, Frightful Dreams, and all Ncrvono and Trembling Sensations, _c. The _TBt dOEO Wil! givo relief in twenty minutes. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try oasc box ol thoso PiU3a,udiliey will boaotaowlgdgal to bo WORTH A GUI-JEi- A BOX. For femaloa of all agon theso Fills are inval_« Oiblo, a3 a few dosos of thorn carry off all humours, and bring aboire all that is required.. No i'omalo should bo without them. There is no' Medicine to bo found equal to Beecham's Pills for removing any obstruction or irregularity of tho system. If taken according to the direev tions given with oach box, thoy will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who hava. tried them, and 'found tho bouolito Which &J_> assured by their uso. For a Weak Stottfteb, Impaired Digestion,' ' and all Disordors of the Liver, thoy act liko •magic, and a few d 0368 will bo found to work' •condors on tho most, important organs in the h-man machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore tho long lost com* .plosion, bring back tho keen odgo of appetite, tind arouso into action with the roeobud o£ health tho wholo physical onorgy of tho human frame. These aro Facts testified continually by members of all elaßsos of society and one at tho bost guarantees to tho Nervous and Debili. tatod is, BEECHAM'S FILLS hem the Latyset Sale of any Patent Medicine ir. the World. Beecliam's Magic Cough Pills. As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, .Bronchial Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness of jßreath, Tightness and Oppression of the C_e3t,< I'Whoeaing, ftc., these, Fills stand unrivalled.' They aro the boat over offered to tho public and Will speedily romovo that senso of oppression. Ond difficulty of breathing, which nightly de. privo tho pp.ticnt of rest. Lot any person givo BEECHAM'S COUGH FILLS c, trial, and tho 2_ost. vioions Oouffb -ill ia a short time b» Prepared only, and sold Wholesale an_ Retail, by ifce Proprietor, Thomu Beecham, -fe. Ilolono, Lancashire. England, la boxo3lßlid(coiit_inln« 56 pills), and ad 2s9d (treblo quantity). Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medians Doalorfl everywhere. N. Li. -Foil directions ore _1 van with cmS* totb

""'' "|^OR THE BLOOD IS THE LITE." I WORLD FAR-ED THE Great Blood Parifler & Restorer. For Cleansing and Cloarlng tho Blood from all impurities, it ctmnot be too highly rcconv ""For Scrofula, Scnrvy, Eczema, Skin and 31ood Diseases, and Sores of all kinds, it is a n«VOr, failing and pormanent euro. Id Cures Old Sores Cures Soros on tho >.oe.k Cures Sore Logs _, , ~ — Chios Blackhead or Pimples on the Face Cures Scurry Cures Uleors Cures Wood and Skin T.Hsoasos Cured Glandular Swelling** Clears tha Blood from all impure Matter, From whatever cauao arising. It is a roal specific for «o\'t nnd Khoumatlo It romov'e3 the oause from tho Blood and j-tores. As this Mixtnro is pleasant to tho tasto, and warranted froo from anything Injurious to the most d-icato constitution of either aex, the Propriotors solicit Buflbrers to Rivo It a trial to, tost its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. Chtrko's l^lood Mixture is sold in bottled 23 9d each and in caics containing six times tho Quantity Ua—Btiffloiont to offect a permanent nnro iv tho great majority of long-standing ltl?>* BY ALL OTIKMISTS AND PATENT MEDTCINK VENDORS throughout tho world. Proprietors, Thk LINCOLN and Midlands ConNTrns iJJino Company, Lincoln, England. Trade mark—" Blood Mixture." Clarke's Blood Mixture. CAUTlON.—Purchasers of Clarke's Blood Mixtnro should sco that thoy got tho genuine article. Worthless imitations and substitutes aro sometimes palmed of!'by unprincipled vondor" Tho words " Lincoln and Midland Countios*Druir Company, Lincoln, England." are aneraved on the .Government Stamp, and •* Clarke's World-famed Blood Mixture," blown In tho bottle. WITHOUT WHIOH NONE ABB GENUINE,

Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S ORIGINAL AND ONLY GJC-HJINB. |^10UGHS, pOLDS, A STHMA, TJRONCHITia. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. -Vice-Chancellor Sir W. PAGE WOOD Stated publicly in Court that Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE was 1 UNDOUBTEDLY the INVENTOR of CHLORODYNE, that the wholo story of tlio defendant Freeman wus deliberately untrue, and ho reKretted to say it had been »wor_ to.-Seo "The Times," July 13,1864. R. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE is a liquid medicine which assuages PAIN of EVERY KIND, -t.ff.rdsaca'm and refreahing Bleep WITHOUT HEADACHE, and INVIGORATES the nervous system whon exhausted. IS THE *p REAT SPECIFIC FOR pHOLERA, DYSENTERY, -r\IARRH(EA. j THE GENERAIHeWARD of HEALTH. I LONDON, REPORT that it ACTfc as a CHARM —one dose generally sufficient. Dr OTBBON Army Medical Staff. Calcutta, g t"te S -! WOriOSE-COMPLETELYCURED ME OF DIARRHOEA." _T7. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE is the TRUE PALLIATIVE in XfEURALGIA, GOUT, CANCER, mOOTHACHE, RHEUMATISM. toTcwi-^Vrowne' s chlorod ynu JL) rapidlr outs short all attacks of T7PILEPSY, SPASMS, COLIC, PALPITATION, -*- TTYSTERIi-, IMPORTANT CAUTION. !iwOT_-JMH__RHB IMITATIONS. mt* HWKRY BOTTLE ot GENUINE rmnnonOT BEARS on the GOVERN. MEN!•OTAMP the NAME of the INVENTOR, EJ R . j. COLLIS BROWNE. SOLD IN BOTTLES, Is lid, 2s 9d, ob_ „ by all Cheiuist80LE MAK-TAOTOTIBR, „ ¥ BtfrsKP3RT, 33, GREAT RUBS_WTR_X

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 92, 20 April 1893, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 92, 20 April 1893, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 92, 20 April 1893, Page 10