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Medical rr IK » In _npui <n w ii iifl U.S h flO WBF For two years I suffered terribly with stomach, trouble, and was for all that time under treatment by a physician. He finally, after trying everything, said stomach was about worn out, and tbat I would have to cease easing solid food for a time at least. I was so weak tbat I could not work. Finally on tbe recommendation of a friend who bad used your preparations A worn-out with beneficial results, I procured a Stomach. bottle of August Flower, and commenced using it. It seemed to do me good at once. I gained in strength and flesh rapidly; my appetite became good, and I suffered no bad effects from what I ate. I feel now like a new man, and consider that August Flower has en.tirely cured me of Dyspepsia in its worst form. JAMES K/Dedurici., Saugerties, New York. W. B.'Utsey, St. George's, S. C, writes: I have used your August Flower for Dyspepsia and find it an excellent remedy. @

ii.iWM.sre film -*^T7f^^_. :s_i<Tcrs_,Jsf ,{f<:' C-si A a^_. adraiited to b_ iff worth a Guinea & ■fflHfjf ' X Bo_.orE__ou.___l fjQiZr \_-^ \ Nervous Disorders wZZjff \\i\ 8Uc!l as WiliCi and _V.W-n» _mirwn_ \-.,_BPahi in the ■ (3to* I ' /B__iEl.T V- 1 tmach, _iek Head. _<-.( „_„--__' l&.iaehe» Giddiness, m p ILLS. $k^ cT n\? wf' c" A' •»"•-"«"; 1;...;/! bug- alter Moals, |^*\ -™__>!aw» /ffJ/j Dizziness and fiw. iJ&l'i Drowsines3, ColiJ %>\ yjZvM Chills, Flushings of %'v'^-^^-,*f^tf^/Cf Heat,, Loss of Ap= *%£""''*3 ff-r-,,"\f>fv/ petite, Shortness of Broath, CoDtive. $>f\ 11MS> Scurvy and Iffih, Blotches on the <-•_.** tSliin, Disturbed Sleo., __-fchtful _h.a_i.., aad all Nervous and _--__.!in,',: Sensation., La. Tha ____ clo.o %r& giro relief in twoaty minutes. L'vcry 6_i_crer is crvrnestly invited to toy OESfc !»_ o_ th.-o riUoaadtiioyT/iJi to acknowledge!? t_sbo WOETH A GUINEA __ BOX. Trsv t'emalaa of all ages those Pilio aro invalti. Solo, as a few doses of them, carry off al! humours, and brin" aboiii ah that ia required, iv'o i'emulo should bo without them. Thero ia no Medicine to bo found equal to Beecham's l-'iJia _cr romoving any obstruction or irregularity o_ iho cj'stem. If' taken according to tho direo* _.o_3.!Tiven with each box, they will soon restore Veraalas of all ages ro sound and robust health. This ha 3 been proved by thousands who hava iriod them, and found tho benefits which aro OQourad by thoir u_e. Por a V/eai; Stomach, Impaired DigeEtJoa, Sfflcl all Disorders ox tho Livor, they act lints ssriEic, and a few d.iS3t', will bo found to work 'frontiers on tho most important organs in tho .'human maeiiino. They strong-then the wholo 'jauscular system, restore tho long lost com. :.3!e:.ion, bring back tho keen edgo of appetite, >r.d a__u_o Into action with tho rosebud of health tho whole physical euerp-y of tho human :_■_■_... TheL'o aro .'acts tcsiiiied continually 'oy mom. hers of all classes of society and ono of lie best gun van trios to tho Nervous and Debilitated i.3, IiLEOHAM'S PILLS hanajhe Largest Ss'a of any Saliui Alcdioino in tha '(7'orlA, Bseelmm'a SEagic Cottgh Pills. An a remedy fen- Cougho in general, AsthmD, 'Sronihial Afieotions, Hoarseness, Shortness o_ ':.. Jroath, Tightness and Oppression cf the Chest, ! .Vheesing, _C, thus. Pills stand mirivaUcd. 'ilioy aro the best C7cr otVercd to the pubhc and 'will eneedily rcmovo that _c:i*-o of on: .-esßioo (Mid diiiiculty of breathing, v.-nich ru»htiy d> iirivo tho patient of rest. Let any person giva !'-_!EOi__._i'S CO'uUJi TILLS a trial, and tii. srics; violcui Wffl s. © sho.t iinzo _9 :s)_:ots_. Prepared only, and sold Wholesale itn_ Kksll,' b? tho Proprietor, lnoitias P,£_!Cha_K, St Ilaleaa, Lan_&?.hn%3, England, to bose» Jwlid (contammg b. pills), and &< DeaJcrncv.ryvvhci-e. H.B.—Fuil.ij-.ciionsaEO jjivon w_t_w_oa te___ ___________

»< Tr EATING'S liOEiENGES." jL_k A SiaiPlK Fact aho.t ' KKATINC-'S COUU-H hOZi-KGES. Ask throughout tho world, in any country that can tie named, you will Jiiul them largely sold. There is absolutely _o remedy that is so speed v m _ivi__ relief, so certain to cure, and yet the moat delicate can take Uiem. "A '_-3__.853__.13 OOUG-I." "9a Commercial Road, P.ckham, July 12. "Dear Sir,-1 am :i poor band at crpr-.sins: my CeeliKjjs, but I should like to thank you. V our lo_e..i!C3 have done wonacrs in relieving my terrible oouc-1-. _in_e I had tho operation o.''' Tracheotomy ' (''_'■'- same as the late [.mp.ror o' Germany, ar.d nnliko him. thauk <_ocl, .1 am sill aiivel performed ac St. Bartholomews 1 ospital. No one .ciid possibly have Uadaniore violent cousin it. was so bad at times that it Q; .to exhausted mo. 'The mucas. winch wa* v.rv copious and hard, has boen softened, and 1 have boon able to " ot. rid of ii, without difficulty. -1 am, sir. your, truly, J...TT_l___" OTTSK&Y UNEIVALU-B. The above sneaks for itself. From strict inquiry it that the benefit from usinx Keftt__K'sCoti!;h Lo_en_cs is understated, .tho operatic* wa. a specially severe one. aua waa Performed by thy .specialist. Ur.H.T. Buthn, of fi". 'jjai"fbo'o:ncw's HospitM.!. Since the operation the o_lv means of relief is the use of tnese j"o_>-'i-ees. i-o _uoe..-.ul are thoy that ono a __i_Vs mimediaU, benefit, although, from tlie nature u£ the case the throat irritation 18 intense. WEIGHT IN GOLD. Under date. Kept. Oth. 1891, Mr Hill up!.. writ.™ ' "f should long have been dead, bill for'vom-Lo_em'e:-i-THEYAUF. worth a'H_m u".iit ivao ... i will .Udly see and toil anyo '7"wh. t a .-'plendid eouf.'.li remedy thoy are." Ve')ti_"'s Cr.;i"b IjOzenno.. the uurivalled r .m....iT tor COlJtifi .. -JfjARSKKJESS and . EROAT Tl-OUBLKri, arc sold in lins by all

CATAEKH, Hay Fever, Catarrhal Deafness. A NEW HOME TREATMENT. n OFFERERS are no. generally aware . _. that, these disease, are contagious, or that _.ov are ilue to the presence of living paras.tea i» th . li. mc membrane oi the. nose and cus-t' U:l. <v T_irro:;copio research, however, Hsproved this to be a iacl. and ilio result is 1W _ .im. to reined, has beon lormuiated vhorebv these ilistrossinf. disease, arc rapid y nnd permanently cured by a few .miplc app i- . iiioii- made at home by llio .aHeut o;_ce in tvr wcelw. A pamphlot explaining this now t-. minor.. is p«dt, on receipt of 2_< i stamp by A. I ■ .JTT ON DIXOK. 43 and .5. V',:,.-i illoor-strcet, TOItONTO. Canada.-" Scioutiflc American.'

THE T O_;DONDERRY D H AIIM A C V _U iNOW OPEN, WITH FRESH STOCK. OF TORE DRUGS & CHEMICALS. Uudereignori having learned hi., profession villi Oeo'''« .VhC.ul, MJ>.. the hiding doctor ii th" hove city, and having now I. years experience, the public can r.iyoa UaviUjr dootors I'l-eseriutioas most accurately and oaroiutiy prepared. Tkff ]f? cCL Es, J..f a c ->-_-" DISPENSING & FAMILY CHEMIST, Karangahape Road IXosI: MoFhcraon and Co.).

•i /;k .'','' .-ji-N who aro in reavch of '• ii.'.liT-i. should read my ADVI-N----"Uiri_-'eyp:.-ilninK tbe remarkable manner in ~h ~ r f.<MJ'.i; it. It may concern them. Kor-wumod i_"jo_carmed. Bent MUSK by P°«»' Send a soif-addressod envoiopo .or reply.A MINKS, Gt.P.O.. Sydney. ...

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 91, 19 April 1893, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 91, 19 April 1893, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 91, 19 April 1893, Page 7