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;;.. ,-.. .'.-.' -,:;Sliipttog''V^-'^^:-;;\S ; o __^__. TirA'tJRAKI STEAMSHIP fB^Sl ' COMPANY.' ■/ , :■: MANGAWAI, HAKARAU, KAIWAKA, TB ARAI, AND TAPO; * t ■ , -:; ; 5.%& U BY. '-4, "\ •■•(.■ ■•'■/=. For Mangawai: From Mangawai: v Friday, 17,12 midnight Saturday. 18.-12 noon , Wednesday. 22,9 p.m. Thursday. 23,6 p.nv ; MATAKAffi' AND WADE; '.-:\) S.S. -MAORI.., .■ For MataKana: .'■". From MatakanaS ■'Tuesday;2l.7a.m.. ''.Tuesday,2l» 3 p.m.' v "Cargo' Monday. -'■.-. ■'i-ytvy:- -'.-Y:':■ ■-' For Watte: From Wade: - " Saturday; 18,12 noon Wedmes..22.l2 noon , Thursa"ay.23,'6a.jn. ■ Friday; 24.2.30 p.m. Saturday,y&si 6.40 tfja. ALL CARGO MOSX-JBILJIUEPA.ID; ■ The H.S.S. Company's vessel leave wSfcther and other circumstances permitting. * ■ * ' . ' Telephone. 34. ■ J; M. SYMS.Manager. ... ''']J[%\V&' "VV AND ONBH«N6a ':^W^-Mck STEAM NAVlGA;;fe=Si^aSj=A TION -COMPANY. «BK*sagS^Bs«^ '■' ' (Limited). .;. *■■ '"-':■': thbVs:s^manukaij ;< *!': '; Will ■'leave i as' under, 'weather and" (.other, cir-umstaneespermitting, calling atAWHITU POLLOCK, WAIPIPI. ,etc!.>- Return: Fares—. Pollock. Awhitu; Graham's Beach. Corilthard s, Huia. and Manukau Heads, reduced to 4a6d. ; ,, . ';&&#&. TIM E TA BLE. ■■•■'-■ -•■•■■■ Jvvs. ■ ■":" ' ■ "■" "• Leave Onenunga. , Leave Waiukn. .. 18—Saturday.11.30 a.m. 18—Saturday,-3:30 p:m. ' 204Mpnday. 2 p.m.- 21—Tuesday, 6.30 a.ra; ,', 21—Tueeday. 3 p.m. 22—Wednes.; 7/15 aim.J'22—Wedces.. 3.16 p.m. *23—ThurBday, 8 a-m'. t26— Saturday, 6 a.m. 25^-Sa'turday,l0laim. ■ 27—Monday. 8 a.m. 27-Monday. 11,45 a.m. 29-iW.ednes>i ? a»in. ; 29—Wedneg...l p.m. 50—Thursdny, 10 a.m. 30—Thursday, 2 p.m. : •SPECIAL RETURNS; at 4s and:2s;.Waiuku to Onehuniza. on 9th and 23rd, available till 11th and 25th reapectiAely."' ' '''■■"• "' • . tSPECIAL BETURNS,.at 4s and 2s. Onehunga to Waiuku. on lltli and 26th,'available till 13th and 27th resDectively. . • '. •' Above Time-tablo is subject to alteration without notice. .- Not responsible for shippingr, carrying or dia"chargingXiive Stocic. .''' " ' " " ' ' ' , Not responsible for any goods landed at inter*' mediate places. ..•'"-■ -.'.'• To .ensure despatch cargo Bhould be alongside at least one hour before advertised time' iOrleaVin* : I^AVIDCAMPfiELL. '>i Oj VAUSE, Secretary, -Waiskn; - Agent-Onehunga, ' - • • ■■■ ~;:,; ~':-.•:; Personal.• • ■:■ -^::u\ .j A NOTHER: GRAND LOT. OF BARr j3l H GAINS.— Splendid -Lot' of . Flannel Embroidery. 74d yard."worth Is; Infanta" Felißßes, from.fc.lld,-grand value;,lmmenße Lot of Pinafores, almost given away; abont 60 boxes of Victoria Wool, great variety of shades, Bid the 208 hank; 21'doz, Ladies' and Children 8 Mlts. enormous value, from 5d the pair: large | lot of Ladies' Fanoy Aprons, from 7Jd each: Job Lot of Ribbons, good cqlomra. from 2d per yard; Holland Pinafores,, from 7Jd, etc.. etc.—At Paapler's (three shops in one). Tictoria-st. . ■-■ A NOTHER GRAND, LINE— Ladies' J\. Court Shoes; 3s 6d per'paiy: grand line Ladies' Lasting Shoes, Sa lid.: grand line Ladies' Leather BlippWa. 2s '9d r grand line 'Ladies' E.S." Boote; BBflld:. Gent's CaJ£ Lace .Shoes. 8a 93; \ Boot Protectors,.7 -bags .tor. 18; Xeathor, Boot Laces,~6d »er dozi; Rifle B6<jt,Laces,'*ia jardoz.; Cbrfc'Socks, Ladles'' and Gent's, M 'the pair.— AtDampier'a. three shops in one, Vlotoria-at.- ; ' A jLARGB 'IiOTC!oorf r Children's -Woollen J\JJ Pelisses,' from ssll'd'.tb'l3s lld;aigoud variety of colours- to: choosetfrom -,'■; Childrea's Corsets,- 'VPrimrose ': Bran^ ; »11 ; size?, ■Is? lid pair; Children'» French >.Tie Knlcicerß, -in- ■ l.w,hHw :->and v 'Btreet.'JAgoylanai'-c!' :'■"■, .'■•'-■^ •' s .1 ;■ ■ ■ ■;■',-""'" ;-:.; ;yi NOTHER °L6ti';of ' FbieV ': Jt\. palatable Cod Liver Oil, half price, Is. the .bottle: Blood Reatorerv/ls. 9d. the bottle;. Sir lA.6tly Cooper's Sarsx)arilla,.ialf price. Is, 6d. the bottle; Rowland's Balsani'er Columbia, la. 6d. thebottle;: Price's Toilet Vinegar, half price, 6d.: per bottle; Large Bottles of "Lavender Water, od. per bottle: Mustang Linament, for man and ;beast*v9d.T the- Bottle; Printing {Machines?for) ;private,n»e,Js.,6d.:. complete; Real Sewing Machines, 4s. lid. each. etb.. etc.; at Dafla'pier'a, -Victoria-street. • :>.■.« ; A, NOTHER FACT—Tho;F^«h"{2)3Jqtis -Cli. of New Sheet Musio have just arriyed this week per 8.8. Maori »hd Rimutaka. • All one price, Id per copy. This is the largest lot I ever had. Please to remember that I was notonjy the, flrat to introdnce this New Music into Victoria>street.'but' tho first to flellit all'one price, Id per copy. Be in time to get the pick at pampier's 3 shops in : 1, Victoria-street. OME AND SEE for yourselves the i value you can-gist for your money at our. Clearing Sale;—J. and W. Williams, JCarangahapeßond., f , , . ■ DR. BAKE WELL; Upper Wakefieldstreet (corner, of Symonda-stfeet). Hours for cotisultation, 9 to 11, 3 to_s. 6toß. EOR THE "GIRLS.— We are offering, two desperate lines in Cashmere Tloso, navy and black, all siiea, M and Is per pair.—J. and W. Williams. Karangah&pe Road. . ■ FOR' winter colda and^cheeD .complaintf;. there is nothing to equal Neil and Toflfl'c Balm of Gilead and Composition Essenoe.'only ;2«6d; and may save your life. y; ■■:/&'■.■>&*■> ■We cure all curable dieeases with Wturp's Herbal Rtaaedies. • , ; '■■ r , Save yoursclveg by calliag at the •«.;•?$;••" BOTANIC DISPBNSARy. ;■;.-. -f.h "^" •■ Welldsley•stteet: East,;Auokiand.,. ■•''"'•' v^P^fcAEEiEDiIND VALUE, Visit our Jj" :- 7EStsblißhmeat^ on-the ■ corner, of 'East-st. and garangahape;Road.-J. andWyWilli'tfms.; ;■'.■ .- ■ ' . ■ -TRY .■ ■-■ ■ • . ' - />! E QOMi'BUTC HER- * QO, - Phtitfand'Barbed FencinrWJre/StapWa', - Nailß. Rim' Looks. Pad s L*ks, Swh, W^ght» ObWh EMraiture. Baths. Bu6ket8 t, ia ■■$ " "; y iMPORTEiss, fgrX'Strlet. ' :i , GREAT LOT OF BOOTS & SHOES, bought at auction, selling at half-price.— 36. City Hall,.Victoria-st. ]|/|RS T. A. BROWN, of Hobson-sbreet, Jj/X. wishes to return her sincere Thanks to to all those kind Friends for their kindness and attention during her late sad bereavement. - MR HARE, Herbalist and Phrenologist, commands still a.,Jarge business. Ours is the surest treatment against influenza, consumption, etc. Electricity Free.—Turner-si;. PERSONAL— Bad Writing Quickly Improved. W. Thompson Stevens,' A.M.P. Buildings. Queen-streat, and Lincolnstreet, Ponsonby. Private lessons. Night school Is weakly. -. .' ;. PARTIES desirous of Renting or Purchasing Property should Consult Mr Th'orhes, 81, Queen street; who has Houses. Shops, and Businesses for Sale H or To parts of the city. ~ £ ■•.••:. SPECIAL Boys',and Yputh^ Black Worsted Overcoats, for the cominß winter, 12s 6d and 15s 6d, worth double,—J. and W. Williams, Karangaaape Koad. ,'-. -■■■'■ =: TOLUTINErfor- Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Asthma and Disorders of the Chest and Lungs. Price, Is 6d per bottle,: Solefagent—W. Clarke, Chemist..yictoria-sti West. - : : i -V,. . '";'.. ■./■ ■' « YOUR UNDERCLOTHING, is the JL Best and Cheapest. I ever'got out herel" shouted'a.happy customer last week jnto Engster's Swiss Bazaar; Queen-at. Wtarf. TI7INTER CODGHSi BRONCHITIS, "ONTEMPLATING making Eifcemive 'Alterations to our Premised we. Bhill Continue our Cheap Clearing Sale until farther notice.-J. Md W. Willi»ms, Karapgahape

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIII, Issue 142, 16 June 1892, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXIII, Issue 142, 16 June 1892, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXIII, Issue 142, 16 June 1892, Page 1