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Medical. .BTEE DM A'N'B SOOTHING POWDERS FOR CHILDREN CUTTIKG TttfElß TEETH.' CAUTION TO PUROH_SERa The value of this well-known Family Medicine has been largely tested in all parts of the world, ana in all grades of society, for upwards Gf Fisty tears. Its well-earned extensive sale has induced spurious imitations, some of. which in outward appearance so olosely resemble the original as to havo deceived many purchasers. The proprietor, therefore, feels it due to the public to give a speci&l caution against the use of such imitations. Purchasers are therefore requested carefully to observe tho foorfollowing'distinotivecharacteristics, without which none are genuine :— Ist. In every case the words John StkedmasJ, Chemist, Walworth, Surrey, are engraved on the Government Stamp aftlxad to each packet. 2nd. Each Sinsrle Powder has directions for the dose, and tho words "John Steedinaß. Chemist, Walworth, Surrey,"printed thereon. 3rd. The name Steedman is always spelt with two EE's. Ith. The manufacture is carried oa solely ha Walworth. Surrey. Sold in Packets by all Chemiste aad Hadioina Vendors, at Is lid to 2a 9d each. Agents; K_ropt_oma, Prosser. ___ Co., AucklasdWellington, OhristchurcSj. _3_ Duasdla. I to& "«r y ___■ ! i > I Is theinoßt perfect Emollient Milk for > SOFTENING AND BEAUTIFYING > i THE [ I EVER PRODUCED. I It keeps the S_m Cooi, and Rsfbeshzd in the Honzsx r i Weaiueb. » Entirely removes and prevents all > I ROUGHHE3B, REDNESS, SUNBURN, TAN, _C. j i And preserves the THE SKIN from the effects of f , ' exposure to tha v d I StT_T, WI_TB, OS. HABD WATER, t> j More effectually thtn any other preparation. 9 5 ItiadoUK_tf_.lyCoo_i>JO end RsFiuisnrs. _ applied to fe | the Face or Hands after bein? out In tha Sra. B> 5 nlcvine. Yachtina, _c. It removes all Heat and Irntat.on r , cWsedby tho Sctk, Stlngc of liiaoct;,. etc.. and Wig"* 3 P Agents: SHARLAND & CO., Auckland Jf ELTON GRIN WADE IS CO., Wellington. §$LvQ admitted to ba worth a, Guinea a w Bor.forEiliouHand; s Nervous \ Buch as -Wind anc} 4 Pain in the St* v lmaeh, Sick Head. 3 J ache, Giddiness, j J Fulness and Swcl. /I ling after Meals, jj Dizziness and 9 Drowsiness, Cold I Chills, Flushings oi Heat, Loss of Ap» potato, Shortness of Breath, Costive. ' /Sfy*"^ — H833, Scurvy and tWfrSa Blotches on tho . _ ,\__S-> SJ _ in _ Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and, Trcr_blin_'Scnsation3, &c. Tho Ural doso wil'j give rehtif in twenty minutes. Every sufforer io earnestly invited to try OS* box of thc3o Pillo cad tboy will bo acknowledges iX)bo- I WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. ! __r females of all ages theso Pi_3 aro in.v_l_« able, ao c, few doEcs of them carry off ail feumotir3, and bring 1 aborts all that is required. No fenmlo'should be without them. There is no Medicine to bo found equal to Beecham's Pillo for removing any obstruction or irregularity oi the system. If taken according to the direo. tioriS givon with each bos, they will soon rectors females of all ages to sound and .robust health. This has been proved by thousands who hava tried them, and fcimd tho benefits -which aro ensured by their use. . I'or n, weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all DiEorders of the Liver, thoy.act liko magic, and a for/ doses will bo found to work wonders on the most, important organs in tha human machine. They strengthen tho wbolo muscular system, restore tho long lost coinple_ion, bring back tho keen edge of appetite, a_d arouse into action with tho rosebud of health the wholo physical energy of tho human frame. Those aro Pacts testified continual!? by members of all classes of society and ono ai tho best guarantees to the Nervou3 and Dobili. tated is, BEECHAM'S PILLS Aatic the Largest Sale cf any Patent Medicine in thi World. Beecham's Magic Cough Pills. Ab a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Bronchial Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness or -.Breath, Tightness and Oppression oi; tho Chest, t'Wheozing, &c, these Pills stand unrivalled. They aro tho best ever offered to tho public and will speedily remove that aense of oppression 6_.d difficulty of breathing, which nightly de= prive tho patient of rest. Lot any person giv_ BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS B trial, and tha most violent Cqu__ Will is a Cfecrt time bs -C-wved, Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Retail, by tho Proprietor, Thomas Weecham, St. Helens. Lancashire. England, in boxes IS 1-Jd (containing && pills), and at 2s M (treble quantity). _,_._,, Sola by all Druggists and Patent Medicine J}e,tilers everywhere. N. 8,- Full directions are given with each DR. ""<_." 00LLI8 _s??OW^f_ s U" OHLORODYNI. The Original and Only Gen m«E. | Advice to Invalids.—lf you wish to obtain quiet., refreshing sleep, free from headacha, reI Isef from pain and anguish, to calm nndassuago i the weary achings of protracted disease, invigoI rate the nervous media, and regulate tha circulating si stems of the body, you will provido yourself with thatinarvelloiisremedy discovered by Or. J. Coilis lirowne (late Army Medical Bta_ /, to which he gave tho name of CHLORODYNS, and which is admitted by the profesaioa to oe the most wonderful and valuable remedy over discovered. OHLORODYNE is the best remedy _xtowaff__" Cowhs, Oonsuniption, Bronchitis, Asthma. OiiLOKODYNE acts like a charm In Diarrhoea, and is the only specific in Cholera and Dysentery. OMLORODYNIS effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation, and Bpafims. . CULORODYNE is the Ctnl? palliative in Neu. ratem, Rlioumatism, Gout, Cancer, Toothacheb _£enl__itis, eto. i i I From an_ Co., Pharniaoautical Chess* | ists. Medical Hall, Simla, January 5, 1880. To I J. T. Davenport, Bsq., 33, Great Rusaell-stroet, I iiiccnisbury, London. Dear Sir,—We embrace ■ tbisnpportunity of congratu!_ting you tapori ttm I wide-spread, reputation this justly-esteemed i medicine, i;r. J. Coilis Browne'*". Ohlorodyno, j hue earned for itself, not only in Hindostan, bus I ail over the East, is a remedy for general | utility, we much question whether a bottor Sa i iniported into tne country, and we ahall be glad | to h«&r of its finding a place in every Angl®. I Jnai.tu home. The other brande.-we aro happy i to say, are now relegated to tho native bazaaro. | and, jaaging from their sale, we fancy their j cojourn there will, bo evanescent. We could j multiply iaatances ad infinitum of the extrs- , ordinary eilieacy of Dr. Colii3 Browne's Cbloroo I dyiio, in Diarrhma and Uysentcrv, Spasmo, | Cramps, NeutHlgia, the Vomiting of Prßgnancv, l cad as a general sedative, that havo oocurroa j under our parsonal cbearvation during many j years. In Choleraic Liarrhoea, and even in tha i more terrible forms of Cholera itself, wo have ! witnessed its surprisingly controlling power. | Vo i have sever used any other form of this BBoaioine than Coilis Browne'o. from a firm eon- | yiction that it is decidediy the best, and also I feem a sense of duty we owe to the professloo i sua the public an we are _£ opinion that the bu bruit*turn of any other than Coilis Erowne'a lin a DELIB_KA__ BREACH OF FAITH ON THK PART OF THE CCBMUOT TO PKESCKIBK AnS PAfiENTA. t; i CK.-vVa are, sir. faithfully yours. _7_103 anu uo., Members of the Pharm. Soeiatv ftSSft™**' Hiß Bw»U«UAK V_Sr_Sr?. CAUTION.—Vieo-Chanoollor Sir W. Papa __-'.h?P 8 n ate t d h th , at Dr - J ' Co!i!s Krowno was, atntr «?f ?' ?? !u J' cnt S, v ot Ciilarodyno: thatths S, o,tll defendant Freeman woadelibcrately to say. had beea owcra jo.-bee "iho Tiuiea," July 13, 186_ S boU - 103 at ls l i' i ' 2 » a '-'. Is fid. and lis sneh. iSTono is genuine without the words " Dr. i, 8 ** l ' 0V!r »« ! a Oiilorodyno" on tho Govern?J.onm«_ < p ' medical testinto_7 acootnpanies each bottle Caution.-J?ovvnre of Piracy and ImiiatioHi, Eole _'. DAVENPOKX, 5a - aiwMtouff, _jsa4lsa, . ,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIII, Issue 15, 19 January 1892, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXIII, Issue 15, 19 January 1892, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXIII, Issue 15, 19 January 1892, Page 6