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'Medical. " "g7<oß THE BLOOD IS THE LIPB.I- ---" *" THE Great Blooa Parifiar and Restorer For cleansing and clearing the blond from all impurities, whether the result of Contagious Disease or foal matter of any description, is { cannot he too highly recomiriended. ■■'■■■ | For i-crofula, Scurry. Skin and Blood I Diseases, Eczema, and Sores of all kinds, if is a never-failing and permanent cure. '■'} It Guro3 Old Sores -Cures Ulcerated Soros on the Neck Cures Ulcerated Soro LogG , •, >,> Cures Blackheadsor PitnplesonthaFaofl Cares Scurvy Sores ' ••-' • . " Cures Cancerous Ulcers Cures Blood and Skin Diseases Cures Glandular Hwellinjrs , Clears the Blood from all imptire mattai From whatever cause arising. 1 As this mixture is pleasant to the tasto, warranted frco from anything; injurious to the most de icate constitution of either box, thd Proprietors solicit sufferers togire it a trial t<3 test its value. , . T THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. , Sold in bot.t es 2s 3d. and in cases; containing six times the quantity, lie each—sufficient tq effect a permanent cure in the great majority ol long-standing en sea. i3y all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the world. PrO. prietors. The Lincoln and Itfiuland Counties Dras Company, Lincoln, England. Trade mark—" Blood Mixture." ; •CAUTION. Purchasers of Clarke's Bloo;l Mixture. SBfl that you get the penuino article. "VTorthlsss imitations ore sornctimo3 palmed offibr imprint eip'.ed vendors. The words '• Lincoln and MidilandCountiesDrugCornpany.Lincoln.Knsrland.,' , j nre engraved on the Government Stamp, an<3 " Clarke's World-famed Blood Mixture," blowa 5a tfee bottle,, wltUous which none aro genuiaej "?Xk admitted to b*'-> JZs worth a Guinea a*' " % Bosforßilionsaa^-' XiW\ l v " ervou3 Disorders '■ Ms// ' \\i\ SUC P- a ? Wind an(J : , MmTENT «MS'"' Dwi rvT. b X c, Gid l - ; « dinuß3---i%A Ufc °' /pi tog after Heals, 1 - ■fti-A -«™iiob»» /■£/■/ Dizziness andfc'-'- , • a DroTTßiness, ColeS •. WOiV yjyft Chills.KlusbingsoJ /f Heat, Loes oi: Ap« ' /*•?* petite, Shortness , ■• i of Broatb, Costive*;'• ' ness, Scurvy and (gfevSi Blotches on the Sk j ]l; DisturbedSleep, Frightful Breams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations,. &c. Tho fires deso wiiJ givo relief in twenty minutes. E-cry suCercris earnestly invited to tryonfe j box of ttoso Piila an.l they ttlu be achnoTTlodgsS CO bo ~.,.;, WORTS A GUINEA'A BOX.For females of all agea theee Pills aro invo-In* able, as a fovr doses of them, carry elf all humours, and bring abous ai) that is required, Ko female should bo vrithout"them. There is no Medicine to be iiound equal to Beeeham's Fiila for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken-according , to the direct . tions vrith each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health.: This has been proved by thousands who havo, ; , tried them, and found tho benefits 'which ara ensured by their tiss. .-■•.- for a YTeak Stomach, Impaired Dijrastioa, and all Disorders' of the JL,ivcr, they act iifco: marrie, and a ie-rr doses will ho found to vrorlc; V7o:iders on the moat important org-ana in tbo' .huinu.ii machine. They 'strongthisn tho whole xhuscular svEicm, restore tho long lost coni« p!e:aon, brinjf back the keen cil.cro of appetite, end arouse into action with the rosebud of health the -vyhoio physical enorpry or' the human frame. These aro Facts testified continually by members all classes of coeiety and one 6i I tho best guarantees to the Nervous and I'Je'oiiiI tated i 3, BIiJSCHASI'S PILLS have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the World. Bescliam's Xsagio Coughr.FlHs. A3 a remedy for Cougha in general, Asthma, 33ronv.hial Aifections, Eoarseness, Shortness oi Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest,' Wheezing-, &c, thoco Pills stand- ■ They are the best ever offered to the puldic.-atui', trill speedily remove that tense o£ oppression SJid diiiieulcy or' breathing, vrhieh nightly els« prive tho patient of rest. Lst any person rive '• BEECHAH'S COUGH PILLS a crial, and sUa Eiost violcai CcusJi Will in a cicrt time feS removed. " --..-. Prepared oniy, and sold "Wholesale aud Retail", by the Proprietor. , Thomas. Beecham, St. Ileiens, Lancashire, England, in boxes (containing 56 pills), and at i 2s9d (treble quantity). ■ .'- ■;> Sold by ail Druggists and Patent Medicine., j ■ D<?;.lars everywhere. ',! N. B.—Full directions are given with. cash : I box. . ■'.'.; ■DR. «f. COLLI.B EKOWr^E , © ■■'■" 0 H L 0 R 0 D IN'f The Original and Only Genuine, ' Advice to Invalids.—lf you wish to obtsua quiev, refreshing sleep, free from headache, re« s£ei from pain and uiißaish, to calm anda3snag9 the weary aciiiugs of protracied disease, rate the nervous media, aad regulate tho cii'cu- ' bn'ag s-sterns of tho hody, you will provide yourself with thatmar velious remedy discovered ny iir. J. CoiliM 13ro\vne (late Army Medical Si.- ■•■}, to which lie {j.-ive the name oC UHLORODYNE, and wuich is admitted by the profesaioa to be the raosL wonderful and valuable remedy over discovered. OHLGROD VNE is the best remedy knowaScj CoiUfhs. Oonsu'v.ption, Bivnchiiis, Asthma. : 'JIiLOitODYNE acts liJce a chsrm in , Diarrlicea, and is the only specific in aad Dysentery. CHLOUODYNE effectually cuts short all attach s of Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation, and Spasms. CHLOKODYNE is the only palliative in Nou«, : raigia, Rliauraatism, Gout, Cancer, Tcotffiachev] Meninijitis, eti;. From Syraes anai Go., Pharmaceutical Chess*, isvs, Aledieal Hall. Simla, January 5, ISSO. To\ J. T. Davenport, Esq., 55, Great ltusseil-street, Blocrnsbury, Louitoj!. Dear cjir,—We embrace this opportunity o" con»ratulatiug you sjion the ! wide-spread reputution this justly-esteemed medicine. Dr. J. Collia Browne's Ohlorodyne, has earned for itself, not only in Hindostun, bu6 all over the Sust. A.s a remedy for gcasral utility, we much question whether a better in imported into r.iie cuu:jtry, and we shali be prlad So bear o£ its llnding a place, in every Incline, home. The other brands, wo are happy to say., aio now relega-iefi to the nutivo baaaars, and, judging from their sale, we fancy tfaeic nojowrn there will be evanescent. We could : multiply iEstances ad irJivMum of the extra* j ordinary eiiicacy of Dr. Coliis Browne's Chloroa \ dyne in Diarrhceti and Dysanterv, Spasms, j Cramps, Neuralgia, the Vomiting o£ Pregnancy, end us a ganerai sedative, that nave oocuirea under our personal observation during many years. In Choleraic I);:vrrhcc-.% and even in tba I more terrible forms of Cnolera itself, we have J witnessed its snrpriyiugly controlling power. j W'.e jiave aovnu used any other tuv'ca. of this Iffisdicine than Coliis Hi'owne'o, from n firm conj yjctioa ihnt it Is decidedly tho best, and also I from a sense o? duty we o\ve to. ihe professioa and the public, as we aro of opinion that the auhstit tion of nny other thun Coliis Erawne'a 118 a DELIEERATiS BP.ICACH OF FAITH OX.THa, j PART OF THE CffißMiST TO Pi'IiSCRICJi KNO ' j patient alike.—We are. sir. faithfully yours,* I Byrnes and Co., Members of the Pliarm, Society iof Great Britain, His Excallency tho Viceroy'fli Chemists.. j CA.UTION.~Viee-Chancellor Sir W. PeSS. Wood stated that Dr. J. Co His Biowno was, uaI doubtedly, the inventor of ClilB;-odyne;thiitthe I Btoi-y of tlie defendant Freeman wasdaliberatelj , \ untrue, which, he regretted to say, had beea. j sworn to.—See "Tho 'I'lnies," July 13, 186*. ; ; Sold in bottles at is lid, 2a yd, 6d, and ila i Each. None is genuine without the words "Dr. .' J. Coilis Browne's Chlcrodyuo" on the Govsraj tnent stamp. Ovorwhelinisg medical i accompanies each bottle. ! I Caution.—Beware of Piracy »n,i Imitation ii Sole Ma'iiu f actOTer—J. T. DAVENPORT, J& j « OWE BOX OF CLARKE'S I B 41 PILLS ils warranted to cure all discharges from j Urinary Organ.--, in either sex facouired or con< j stitutioiiiil), Gravel, and Pains "in the Back. I Guamnte .'d free fiom Mercury. Sold in boxes, j 4« 6ci t-acii, by a!) Chu::nas- urd Patent JUetlicinei vendors throughout vhe world, Proprietors* Tho Lincoln and Midland Counties brutr Coius liany, Lincoln. KiiKlauii.- ' TIME after all, sfTtlio~one~fi:ranfr v>3? Wo;jpk's :?CTix,vi>rs has bcos. «W y'cirs b<? Zero tho pr.Wic

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Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 308, 30 December 1891, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 308, 30 December 1891, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 308, 30 December 1891, Page 10