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■•.::. ,;.. Medical. ■ '■-■■■■ rW©! © Odnbapdu BEfiga Is everywhere recommended as the ?jest remedy for. tho cure of scrofula, scrofulous and cancerous humors, chronic catarrh, eczema, boils, pimples, sores, and all disorders originating in impure blood. It neutralizes and eliminates the acids that cause rheumatism, gout, and dropsy. .It regulates the liver and kidney 3(! gives tone to the stomach, increases the appe tito, aido digestion, Qures"-Pyspeps3a 9 nnd .malics the weat strong. . No otlier blood purifier is composed of such carefully selected, fcighry- concentrated, and skilfully united, ingredients. For nearly half a century this preparation has. in both hemispheres, been the standard tonic and strengthening medicine. It Is universally approved by tho medical profession, and benefits the enteeble'd system at all seasons of the year. Ayer ! s SarsaparSlia MadoVjyDr.J.C. Ayer&Co.,l.owp,n,MaßS.,XJ.S./\. Sold by all Druggists ami Medicine Vendor.-;. Cures-others) will cure you S t »■;« ~->. ~., «.r,< *m —t-r.. >. r, .. ■!-■'.. i NOW PUBLISHED, for SIXPENCE. lulu v\u il p wwlriitaSasiEHßi. © Bu4i'aisi%. (iff l|X^piflfipilli SiiOTv ing , that direful disease to be j CURABLE Jα all its stages, ■with, observations on ASTHMA, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, fee.,-'-Containing , a Yanfc number oi INTERESTING • w . CASES and. LETTERS from . ' Bey, 0. H. SPXTEGEGItf . and ilinisters of all denominations. I Br G. T. CONGRKVJE. Coosibe Lodge, PncicnAH,. ZiO.vDO:.-. and I'ciiLisjzEO. in the Colonies &$ '„. Gkoroe Roheutson fe Co.. 305 nnd 307. ' Jwtt;eriindarvstreet, Melbourne, and Wynyard ] 'jane, Srdnev. Upton & Co.. .Auckland. Simphok ifc WnxiASis. High-street, Christen uren ; and E. A. pETimick & Co.. Mclcourno aa.i Sydney. Post' Free, 7d KSATZNG'S POV/DHR. kaat.£ng ! s ?owcaa. KKA.TUIG■ S POTO *'• 7X. KXATaNG'S POvi'DEK. X.3 sting's Powaaa. ■ -.- ■ /-BUGS, KILLS-' Eofeil ißv/KTliEfl HARMIiKGS TO AICIKAiS. CCAiiMXiESS TO AWISIAIiS. /BUGS. KILLS J KOTKS, i BliißTXiißS. But i aim rivalled in deaLroyinn FLEAS BUCS. COOIvItOAOUKS. BKlC'l'l MOTHS IN I''UKS, aud jvesy other- apiioios of inaeot. Tnr- l'Liii>;.v.; »!.-•)'l.-AU i tONHi.) that p.iskates o; tho Pciwdcr bcav thoai)'to.T.'iphot TiiOMAS KBATINW. bold in tins only. KSATING'S -v7OHU TABLETS. IXitiATKWG'S VJOS.Ii! TAS3JI3SS. APCItKLY VEGKTABI.IS a\S"BKT.M«AT, both ill appearance and tasio, fiiruLsliintr a iiiosi:agrooH.bie. moihdd of athnimst.armfj the only curtain re.TPrty ■ for IM'iiSriNAL or THIiKAD \VOK\»S. It is a perl'eorly safe and mild preparation, nnd is espeuinliy adapted for Children, Sold in tine by all Druexists. Proprietor, TKOMaS KEATING. London. ■■^■■&?> >i \%JYi x Z WILL YOU //Wstf'fki SUFrKR from NKRy^:\f" J i4 -\T()[JS. WASTINC and DKHILrf.'STATLNMi- Oi'sL'ASKS whioJidify~ Y >3i-<A. [p|,.,, v L f; o vi.TA3j Sonera o: X-A'fift, U) MANHOOD? You m;iy now s V.'"ijtfj.uiii!) ciuv ynv.rselves v/itliouV. <X)N !*-.. M'/ isULiT'IN(-Ja])'jCTOH, .-rend Six " v ~'-" y iN.M.) Penny :-?t.'... p.> for tlicn-w "TKniOAIi BUOOHUI'.K, conlainiiip Uu; Yvr,:-':n inotrud ol QUiOIC, PKiOJANT.^K'T Address — Parisian Agency Co., Box 766, Sydney. v va/ SKir tisa H ji *$ S U %&' i£«2ie The following . Important Letter bcis been received; by tho agents for HITCHENS , Celebrated Blood Restorer, Auckland, Noyamher 25th,. 1891. To Messrs h. \Y. McGlashan and Co., \ Palmeroton Buildings, Aucklandj GKNTLMMitN,—This is to a-athorise you to mal:e known to tho Public of the Colonies that I will undertake to offset a cure of eitlio'r or a-nv ot thy fo!loM-ing complahifcs :—HHEUMATIC GOUT, RHEUmATISM (chronic or acme), LIVER &Kf JJNEY COMPLAINTS. CHRONIC DVSENTifiRY.INDIGKSTION.CiENKKALUiiHTLITY, KRY3IP);;LAS. SCKOrJIiA, LUPUS, rcXr.'GW'Oli.:,]., iCCJZiCIvIA, and j all-Skin'Disease's. JSven. pronounced Lepers | bpconie cured ; undcr tne influence oi: my Mcdicine,,upon tho .following conditions :—lst. That befhjr satisfied, after an exaniinalion .made by myself of any patient, that THEIR CASE ib UURABIVK. lundortako the same upon terms at NO CURE NO PAY. 2nd. i hut all Patients placing themsolveo under my cure guarantee to Die beforehand (in wrkirue) that, in event ci'a jure of their complaint belnpf effected by me, io pay auch sujuas-shall ho stipulated therein. Yours very truly, H. A. H. HITCHENS. All commuEica-tions to be addressed to L. W. McGI-ashan &'Go.J SOLE.AC'ENTS . ' . H.I T O H E N. S' j CELEBRATED BLOOD RESTORER, PALMBRSTO2-T EUILDIVGS, QUEEN-ST i AUCKLAND. " j A SUFFERER from Nervous and.Wasfc.inar Debility, Loss of A r i«or. &c. restored toheallhin such a RKM ARKAHLE MANXER. after nil else hnd FAIIJCL , . that he will on receipt of a envelope, send the modo of cure FREfc) to all fellow Bufi'erero.— Addreau A. Miner, U.P.0., Sydnay. Tlie MAGIC FEMALE TILLS, Seat Lis|.-£*J~-«iJi~! m Ji,-' re tj. :4, ' VJ , '. "fil," k*£iilCEt i Bos 100, MalliGuras.' IyIjOLFE'S SCHNAPPS is the most V ? popular liquor in Australia, hence tho mitiUious. I T>»SCRUPULOUS tvudeis are endea\j vouring to substitute cheap liq'ior in place of Wolfe's Schnapps.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 308, 30 December 1891, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 308, 30 December 1891, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 308, 30 December 1891, Page 10