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At Wellingbon on Sepbember 15th in Chambers judgment was given in favour of the defendant in the Picturesque Atlas cases on the point of non-delivery within a reasonable period. This judgment will govern nearly all the cases in Wellington.

Mr F. W. Taylor, assistant clerk at the R.M. Court, lefb on Sepbember 25 bo bake up his dubies as clerk ab bhe Whangarei Courb. Before leaving, a few Civil sarvanbs and junior members of bhe leg&l profession meb ab bhe Central Hobel in order to bid Mr Taylor 'farewell. As a souvenir of his sojourn .in this city Mr Taylor wa3 presented with a set of gold studs and sleeve links. Mr F. Baume also handed to Mr Taylor a testimonial, to which had been appended the names of all the leading legal practir turners in bhis city. Mr Taylor will be succeeded by Mr Moresby, a well-known Aucklander, now in Wellington.

At Christchurch on September the 30th in Banco, before Judge Denniston a rule nisi calling on the informants in the Salvation Army case bo show cause why the conviction should not be quashed was made absolute without costs. The bwo .defendanba were convicbed for singing and beabing drums bo bhe annoyance of the public, and were fined 5s and £1 12s costs, which were nob paid. A disbress warranb was issued and reburned unsabisfied. The justices then issued a warrant of commitment for fourteen days' imprisonment, to which defendants appealed, resulting as above.

In view of the great interest which has been excited in Auckland from time to time in the Samoan land case of Cornwall v v W. McArthur and Co., wo published on Sepb. 16 an interesting though lengthy account of the argument before the Privy Council on* the questions of rehearing, jurisdiction, bankruptcy proceedings and damages. The argument of counsel for Cornwall is fully given. Ib was apparent from the ' report that while bbc Judges are sending the case for rehearing in Samoa before tbe new Swedish Judge, they have taken the view that the damages previously ordered were excessive. The coming trial at Samoa must be the final one, there being no appeal from the decision given.

The Supreme Court waa occupied on September 21st and 22nd hearing an action lor £300 damages, broughb by Andrew McLeod against Alex. Whyte. The acbion was for loss susbained bhrough sale of property held by the defendant as mortgagee in selling it under its value. The jury retired to consider their verdict at twenty minutes to four o'clock. After waiting half an hour, and there being no prospecbof a unanimous verdict, His Honor, by consent, accepbed a three fourths verdict, which was for the plaintiff for £100 damages. His Honor therefore gave judgmenb for bhis amounb, with costs.

The Civil Sittings of tho Supreme Courb wore opened on September 14th. The case taken for hearing was bhab of Irwin Lovebb against the Auckland Charibable Aid Board. This was a claim for £1,000 damages for alleged negligenb and unskilful treatment of plaintiff's leg in the Auckland Hospital. A verdict was broughb in for Lovebb for £250 damages and cosbs. The amount claimed was £1,000. A motion tor a new trial was refused on Oct. 1. His Honor said the jury was a very intelligent one, who took a great intere&fc'in the case, and he did nob bhink their verdict was an unreasonable one. The legal question whether the Hospital and Charitable Aid Board are liable for the action of Dr. Collins was argued in Banco on the same day. His Honor reserved judgment.


The ninbh annual meebing of bhe Sb. Mary's Crickeb Club was held on Sepb. 28. Messrs Stone and XV. E. Kacketb were elecbed delegates bo bhe Association.

The special foobball match on Sepb. 19th bebween the Parnell and Suburban Clubs, in aid of the widow of Mr T. G. Sibbin, was the cause of attracting a large number of spectators to the Epsom ground. Tho game resulted in a draw, each side scoring one point.

On September 26 the Auckland second "Rep." Fifteen who journeyed to Tauranga on Friday evening, meb bhe Tauranga beam ab the local Domain, and after a good game, bhe mabch ended in a win for bhe Bay of Plenby beam by five bo four.

The sixbh annual meebing of bhe Wanderers Crickob Club was held on Sepb. 30. Mr J. Wholan was re-elected captain ; Mr T. Mills, vice-captain; Mr I. Clarke, secretary ; and Mr C. Waddingham delegate to the Association. The Committee is to consist of the captain, vice-captain and delegate

Tho Manukau Yachting Club seems to be developing inbo a reality. A large and influential meebing was held on September 30bh, when about bhirby genblemen enrolled bhemselves as members and honorary members. A committee was formed, consisting of Messrs Jells, Sutherland, Felloes, Caven, and Brabent, bo draw rules and reporb ab an early date.

A very sbrong committee waß formed ab Christchurch on Sepb. 22 to arrange for tho Fire Brigades' demonstration in February. Tho superintendent of bhe Christchurch brigade was elecbed chairman, Mr W. R. Mibchell breasurer, Lieubenanb Smibh secretary. Liberal donations have been received, and a large number of influential residents have joined the committee.

The annual meebing of bhe Aratapu Crickeb Club was held on September IS. The balanco-shoeb was read and adopted and the following officers elecbed :—Pabron, Mr Broad ; President, Mr W. Vousden ; VicePresidents, Messrs Good, Masefield and O'Connor ; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr T. Nield; Committee, Messrs French, Stallworthy, Crookes and Forsdiek; Captain, Mr W. Marcrofb.

The Secretary of the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association has received a communication from Mr Clulee, who has beon representing the New Zealand Association in England, of a vory satisfactory nature with reference to the visib of a beam of amabeurs for England next year. Clulee reburns by the Doric, and bring details of the arrangements made with the English Association.

Mr C. S. H. McKinney, Secretary to the Auckland Crickeb Associabion, has received a lebber from Mr Frank lllingworbh, bhe agenb for Lord Sheffield, expressing regret bhab owing bo bhe rabher late arrival of Lord Sheffield and his team of cricketers in Australia, and as they start for home again on March 30th, it would be impossible for them to spare the bime for a New Zealand tour.

The annual meeting of the Judge's Bay Regatta Club was held on Sept. 29. The balance sheet showed a receipt of £80 7s 8d and a credib balance of £11 2s 2d. Some discussion book place as to bhe desirabiliby of an amalgamabion wibh bhe Sb. George's Rowing Club, and ib was agreed that future regatireis should be controlled by the St. George's Rowing Club, provided that Club bo willing to accept the responsibility.

The Belmont Cricket Club at their second annual meeting selected the following officers:—President, Mr J. M. Lennox; vice-presidents, Messrs C. Hesketh, C. S. McDonald, A. Buckland, J. Wesley, J. Lonergan, T. Buddie, and Heriot; captain, Mr A, Morrison ; treasurer, Mr J. Wesley ; secretary, Mr R. Cromwell; selection committee, Messrs Morrison, Cromwell, McKillop, McDonald, and Thomas ; delegate for the Club, Mr A. Morrison.

The fifth annual cross-country steeplechase held under the auspices of the Canterbury Amateur Athletic Club on Saturday near Christchurch, was a great success, and there was a good attendance, though the weather was cold. The course was aboub three miles, and was heavy going. Twenty-eight started, and the resulb was : — Roebuck, 50sec, 1 ; W, Beadel, lOOsec, 2 ; W. Irvine, 70sec, 3. The race was won easily by 30yds in bhe time of I9min ssec.

The annual meeting of the North Shore Rowing Club was held on September 15th. The following officers ands Committee wero elected :—President, Mr W. Buchanan ; Vice - presidents, Messrs M. Niccol, J. J. Swinnerton, R. Monk, E. W. Alison and A. Harvey (senr.); Captain, E. VV. Burgess; Secretary, J. C. Webster; Treasurer, 11. H. Dacre; Committee: J. McDonald, G. Chester, H. Gratten, W. Harvey and B. Lambert; Association Delegate, E. W. Burgess. Twelve new members were elected.

A football match between the Native Rose and Wanderers 11. (Thames) was played at Potter's Paddock on Sepb. 19, and resulted in a win for bho local team by three tries to one. For the winners Hale was best amongst the backs, and was well seconded by Davidson, Blewden, Sjmon, ' and Murphy, while amongst the forwards Harvey, Heffernan, Rodgers, and Tracey were mosb conspicuous. On the visitors' side amongsb bhe backs Towers, Hawk, Bestic, and Laird played besb ; whilsb among the forwards Cullen, Hastings, Wilson, and Mclntyro were the pick.

The football match Auckland v. Taranaki was played at Hawera (Taranaki) on September 11th and ended in a draw, each side scoring a goal from a try in the second spell. In the early part of the second spell W. Bayly scored a good try for Taranaki, which E. Bayly converted. A little later on Jervis crossed the Taranaki line, and Pennalligan scored the major point, making the scores even. Jervis, Braund, and Elliott were the most prominenb of the Auckland players. The game was fasb. Taranaki, relying on bheir heavy, fast forwards, confined the game to them as much as possible, the backs playing chiefly defence.

The annual meeting of the Gordo n Cricket Club was held on Sept. 18. The report showed that the Club has secured both the senior and junior championships of the Association. The financial condition of the Club was shown to be most satisfactory, there being cash in hand £31 12s sd, and other assets taking the total to £48 8s lid. Mr Esam (president) and Messrs Bourne and Outhwaite (vice-presidents) were reelected. Mr J. N. Fowke was re-elected captain; Mr H. B. Lusk, secretary ; Mr N. T. Williams, treasurer ; delegates tc the Association, Messrs Fowke and Lusk; selection committee, Messrs Fowke, Outhwaite, and Williams.

The St. George's Rowing Club held their annual meeting on Sept. 17. The report shows the Club to be in a most flourishing condition. The receipts have been £132 16s 3d, as against £84 12s 4d, last year, and bhe expendibure £116 19a lid, as againsb £83 lis, leaving a balance in hand of £15 16s 4d. A new racing gig had been boughb for £42, and the old one sold for £12 10s. There are also under order two clinker-built gigs for the coming season. The following officers were elected or re-eleoted: —Mr J. Coates, commodore ; Messrs C. F. Bourne, S. G. George, W. S. Lyell, F. Richardson, C. T. Thomas, J. Brigham, and J. M. Butt, vicecommodores. As vice-presidents the iol-_ lowing gentlemen were elected:—-Messrs Hadington, Kissling, Ashton, Johnsbon, and Clark. Mr Kiifoyle was appointed secretary and Mr Bankart treasurer.

On Sepb. 28th a meebing of cricketers favourable to the formation of a new Senior Cricket Club was held, when ib was unanimously resolved that a club be formed to compete in the Senior Championship under the name of the "Onslow Cricket Club." Mr Lenauze, of H.M. Customs, was elected president, whilst a number ot gentlemen were unanimously appointed vice-presidents. Captain andcoacii, Mr J. C. Gvierson; secretary and treasurer, J. R. Lundon ; committee of management, captain, secretary, and Messrs I. Mackie, A. Rowo and A. Gilmour; delegates to Association, Messrs Grierson and Lundon.

The sevenbh annual meeting of bhe West End Rowing Club took place on Sept. 12. The balance-sheet showed the receipts to be £101 19s, and the expenditure £96 14s, leaving a balance of £5 ss. Mr Thos. Peacock was elected President. Mr Murdoch McLean was chosen as the new captain (vice Mr F. W T . Edwards, who resigned owing to business obligations), the vice-cap-taincy being conforred upon Mr J. Clark. Mr Malcolm McGregor was elected as Secretary, and Mr R. Baxter as Treasurer. Committee : Messrs J. XV. Baxter, Edwards, Snedden, Wells, and Knight. Mr Edwards was chosen as delegabe bo bhe Auckland Rowing Association.

There were about two hundred present ab bhe Zealandia Athletic Club on Sept. 21, when P. Mahoney, tho Wellington champion, fought J. Saxon, ol Auckland, for £20 aud the "gate." Mr F. Hunter was chosen as referee, and Mr E. Sandall timekeeper. Both contestants looked very fit; W. O'Meara seconded Mahoney, whilo W. and F. Burns attended to Saxon. Tho fighters wero very cautious at tho onset, but the Aucklander proved too clever for Mahoney, and iv the fifth round knocked him down. From this out Saxon had all tho best of it, and in the ninth round he hit the Wollingtonito a terrible righthander under the jaw which knocked him out, and tho fight was awarded bo Saxon amidsb cheers.

The Associabion footballers held a practice at Epsom on September 26 when some goodplay was shown, chiefly by the Probable '-team, who scored several goals. In the evening the Selection Committee picked the final eleven to represent Auckland against Wellington on October 10th : —Goalkeeper, Mathie; backs, H. Heather and Chamberlain ; half - backs, Hough, Smith, and C. Heather ; forwards, Thomas, Blair, Cantley, Evans, and W. Heather. Emergencies, Goulstone.Roweand Hughes; umpire, C. Gould. Colours, blue and white. The following is the Wellington team-; — Goalkeeper :L. Brown. Full backs: Johnston and Shields. Halves :E. Rushton, Izard, and Gamble. Forwards : Lee, Leslie, McKinnon, Stewart, and Haggar. Emergencies : Henderson and Hill.

On September 5 the final football match of the Rugby Union was played at Aratapu, when the Aratapu Club meb and defeabed the Kopuru United Club by 9 poinbs bo nil. The ground was in fine order and the game a very fasb one. The Arabapu Club have thus won bhe Union banner for bhis year, having played 7 matches, winning 6 and iosing one, besides winning one in default. The winners scored 45 points in all, and had 2 scored Pgainsb tbem. The following is the list of matches, etc. : — Points District. Matches Won. Lst. For. Agst. Played Aratapu 7 6 1 45 2 Wairoa ..7 4 3 22 19 Kopuru ..8 4 4 14 26 MaroDiu ..7 2 b 11 16 Opanako ..4 0 4 0 30

The sixth annual general meeting of bhe Ciby Rowing Club book place on Sepb. 16. Twenby - five new mombers were elecbed, which brings bhe Club's membership up bo 70. The olecbion of officers resulted as follows : —Commodore, Mr J. M. Marshall; vice-commodores, Messrs M. Gallagher and A. Taylor ; president, Dr. Lawry; vice-presidents, Messrs J ohnstono, J. Dickey, and J. D, Connolly; captain, Mr R. White ; vice-captain, Mr P. Purcell; hon. secretary, Mr A. E. Smith ; hon. treasurer, Mr M. P. Foley; committee, Messrs Burrows, Rowles, Evitt, McCoy, and Fielder ; auditors, Messrs Evers and Nolan ; delegate to Auckland Rowing Association, Mr White, captain. . Messrs A. L. Smith and J. A. Cooper were elected honorary members.

The annual meeting of the Waitemaba Boating Club was held on October bth. The balance-sheeb showed that after disbursements to the extent of £85 there was cash in hand, while the statement of assets and liabilities proved that tho Club had a credit of £21 3s. The office-bearers for the following year were chosen as follows :—Commodore, Mr L. Ehrenfried ; vice-commodores, Messrs D. McGregor, J. Hughes, J. Endean, T. Inglis, A. Porber, Capbain J. Fisher, Capbain H. Parker; capbain, Mr T. B. O'Connor ; depuby-cap-bain, Mr G. Moore; breasurer, Mr J. Clarke; secretary, Mr M. H. Keesirfg; commibbee, Messrs W. Smibh, C. Bailey, T. Foley, R. Thorne, R. Moore, G. Moore, G. Tuck ; auditors, Messrs T. Foley and W. Skeen ; delegate to Auckland Rowing Association, Mr H. Parker; to N.Z. A. R. Association, Mr J. B. Speed.

The mile running race for £20 a side between F. Wilson and S. Goodman, both of Auckland, came off on the Domain Cricket Ground on Saturday, October 3rd. Goodman, who had 30 yards' start, wenb offabagreab pace vvhen bhe pistol fired and cub oub the first quarter in 58sec, leading Wilson by over 50 yards. The half-mile was done in 2min lOsec, Wilson being aboub 40 yards behind. When the last quarter was entered, Goodman had a lead of aboub 30 yards, and Wilson set sail after him very gamely, bub although he tried all he knew, Goodman won very comfortably by half-a-dozen yards in the good time of 4min 48sec. Goodman was looking behind coming up bhe straight, and was almost upset by a dog, which would have lost him the race. Both men were loudly cheered, and the winner was carried shoulder-high by his admirers to the pavilion.

On Sept. 16. the Aratapu Guild Crickeb Club held their annual meeting. The report stated that lasb year the Guild had played three matches, winning two of them. They had won the cup presented by Mr F. W. Matthews for the most wins of the season, and also the ball presented by Mr Dargaville for fielding. The following officers were elected for this season : —Presidenb: Mr J. A. Walker (re-elected). Vice - presidents : Messrs Good, Sballworbhy, and H. Hammond. Secrebary and Treasurer: Mr W. J. Walker. Captain : Mr J. E. Elliott. Commibbee .- Messrs Forsdick, Ball, and T. Walker. Ib was decided bo play bhree mabches wibh bhe Mangawhare Guild Crickeb Club for the cup, the first to take place on October 31st. Should Aratapu Guild win the. cup this season, it becomes their own property, as the conditions were twice in succession, or three times at intervals.

The Parnell Cricket Club held their annual meeting on September 11th. The vice - president's trophies were won by Mr I. Mills, batting with the average of 38, Mr Gardiner winning bhe bat for highest' individual score, 147. Office - bearers for the ensuing season were elected as follows :—Patron, Sir George Grey, K.C.M.G. (re-elected); President, Mr F. Lawry, M.H.R. ; VicePresidents, Messrs B. J. M. Kemp, J. Gilmour, M. Gallagher, J. M. Lennox and F. Tomlinson (all re-elected); Captain, Mr W. Gardiner (reelected); Vice - Captain, Mr H. Lawson; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr R. Holle (re-elected); Committee, Messrs Gardiner, Young, Carson, King, and Howard; match committee, Messrs Gardiner, Mills, and King ; Association delegates, Messrs Holle and Young, re-elected. Fourteen new members were ©tooted,

The annual general meeting of the Ponsonby Rowing Club took place on September 16th. The report and balancesheet, showed the Club to be in a good financial condition, bhe reporb stating that the Club had been very successful during the season with its crew. Out of 17 starts they got 5 firsts, 11 seconds and 1 third, not being unplaced during the season. The medals won by the maiden gig crews under and " over lOsb ab the Autumn Regatta were presented to the winning crew a3 follows: —J. Graham (stroke), A. Duthie, J. Farquhar, and W. Farquhar. The election of officers for the ensuing year bhen book place as follows : —Presidenb, Capt. Harrison ; vicepresidents, Hon. XV. Swanson, Messrs T. Peacock, T. T. Maeefield, W. Courtney, J. Armitage, J. Hand, H. F. Windsor. Captain, W. Miller; vice-captain, J. Cooper ; secretary and treasurer, Mr W. D. Cossar; committee, A. Finlayson, J. Dickson, J. Cole, J. Graham, and J. Arneil. Aboub 15 new working members were elecbed.

The annual meeting of the North Shore Crickeb Club was held on Sepb. 22. The report showed bhab the Club had played six matches lasb season, three of which were won, two drawn and one lost. The bat presented by Mr Self to the highest batting average was won by the late Mr T. Gv Sibbin, with an average of 18-25. The Committee expressed bheir sincere regret at the loss sustained by his death, Mr Sibbin having been ono of the oldest) members, and having always taken an activeinterestin crickeb and athletic games. It was decided to send a letter of condolence to Mrs Sibbin. The following officers were elected for tho ensuing year :—Presidents : Messrs E. W. Alison (Mayor of Devonport) and Jackson Palmer, M.H.R. Vice-Presidents: Messrs J. F. Logan, C. XV. llemery, XV. Philcox, and Major Goring. Secretary : Mr Robert Bunby. Treasurer :Mr A. B. Burgess. Committee : Messrs R. Wynyard, W. Swanson, A. Lankham, XV. R. Goudie, Chapman, J. XV. Askew, and E. Brown. Auditor: Mr W. R. Goudie. Delegates: Messrs G. Laukham and R. Wynyard.

The annual meebing of the members of bhe Auckland Amabeur Abhlebic and Cycle Club was held on Sepbember 25. Briefly, bhe posibion of the Club is this : Assets in cash, £101 Is Id, against £97 3s 9d last year. Other assets £96, against £62. The " Victor Ludorum" cups have been altogether written down at £20. The value of the banner has been taken at actual cost of materials only. The following officers were elected for the coming year :—Patron, His Excellency Lord Onslow; Vice-patron, Mr J. H. Upton, Mayor of Auckland; President, Mr J. H. B. Coates ; Vice - presidents Messrs R. Garrett, J. F. Logan and B. J. Esam ; Secretary, Mr J. Halyday, jun. ; Treasurer, Mr B. J. Esam ; Committee, Messrs A. H. Cotter, W. C. Speight, XV. George, J. Arneil, T. F. Upfill, O. S. H. McKinney, G. Powley, F. W. Edwards, H. B. Lusk, Austin Smith, W. M. Service, J. A. Cooper and A. Howard. Mr H. Nicholson was elected captain of the cyclists; Mr E. Reynolds, deputy captain ; and Mr J. G. Lecky, handicapper. The President, in sympathetic terms, referred to the death of Mr T. G. Sibbin, who was an old and energetic member of the Club, and ib was decided to send a letter of condolence to Mrs Sibbin.

There was a good abbendance of members of bhe Mounb Eden and Epsom Tennis Lawn ab Waibe's Hall on October sth. The secretary read the annual report, which stated that the progress of the Club had been rapid and substantial. The total membership of the Club is 68, composed of 32 ladies and 36 gentlemen, and of this membership 11 are new, having joined last season. The playiug season was opened on the 15th November, a later date than usual, which was unavoidable, owing to the extremely unsettled weather. The opening day was a decided success, between 200 aud 300 people visiting the lawn. Many of the Club's players, both ladies and gentlemen, competed at Association fixtures with success. The Club congratulate themselves in possessing the presenb genbleman champion, Mr Morrison; while Miss Spiers, bhe club champion, furnished the runner-up for the ladies' championship, meeting Miss Mowbray, the hitherto unbeaten champion, in the final struggle for the pride of place. This match was one of the besb in point of merib of play and closeness of finish of all the Association contests. The Club now holds the position of premier club in Auckland, having won all bhe evenbs but one from Parnell, which has hitherto held almost an unbroken record.

Over 2,000 spectators were present at Ellerslie on Sepb. 19 on the occasion of the Auckland Racing Club's First Spring Meebing. Several showers fell during bhe afternoon, which was bbc means of making the racing track greasy. The meeting went off without a hitch from first to last. The sum of £3,294 was passed through the totalisator during the afternoon. The Trial Stakes was won by Tupara, Vieux Rose being second and The Dancer third. Time, 2min 33sec. Dividend : Inside, £22 14s 6d; outside, £23 Bs. The Handicap Hurdles was appropriated by The Colonel, with Theorem second, and Fishmonger third. Time, 3min 29|sec. Dividend : Inside, £6 7s 6d ; outside, £10 15s. The Dreamer won the September Handicap, the leading event of the day, in an easy manner from Morion, with Dolosa third. Time, 2min 16Jsec. Dividend: Inside, £6 13s; outside, £5 7s. Brown Alice had a very easy win over Queen Rose in the Juvenile Plate, Dorothy being third. Time, 51Jsec. Dividend : Inside, £2 4s 6d ; outside, £2 4s. Omata got home in the Handicap Steeplechase, which was one of the prettiest contests ever witnessed on the course ; Hopeful Kato was second and Justice third. Time, 6min 54sec. Dividends : Inside, £8 5s 6d ; outside, £6 18s. The Flying Handicap was wod by The Baron, with Vieux Rose second and Lady Belle third. Time, lmin 17Jsec. Dividends : Inside, £3 ss; outside, £3 7s. Mangere won the Hunters' Welter Race, Stanella being second and Dan third. Time, lmin 53sec. Dividend: Inside, £24 6s ; outside, £48 15s.

The annual meebing of the Auckland Crickeb Association was held on September 29th. The report stated thab there were six competing teams for the Senior Cup, and some of the matches were very severely contested, the Gordon Cricket Club having the honour of winning the Cup, this being their third successive win. Six teams also competed for the Junior Cup, and the Gordons were also successful in winning this, the Cup becoming theirs as-won right out. The same number of teams competed in the Second Junior Cup, and one of our new Clubs, the Star, succeeded in winning after a very close contest. The balance-sheet showed thab bhe receipts had been £29 4s and expenditure £25 3s 9d, leaving a credib balance of £4 Oa 3d. The following officers were elected for bhe ensuing year .-—President, Mr C. F. Bourne; vice-presidents, Colonel Burton, Dr. Lindsay, Capb. Lamberb, Messrs A. J. Dennisbon, A. E. Devore, J. H. B. Coates, H. Atkins, B. J. Bsam, W. L. Rees, H. Rees George, J. H. Upton, W. F. Buckland, and A. E. Whitaker; secretary, Mr C. S. H. McKinney ; treasurer, Mr C. E. MacCormiclc; committee, ten delegates were nominated, and the following five were . elected: —Messrs A. M. Beale, R. L. Holle, H. B. Lusk, J. Fowke. and W. C. Speight; audibors, Messrs R. Neill and N. Williams. The chairman, bhen presenbed Mr W. Dinnison, the chairman of bhe Remuera School Oommibbee, wibh a eeb of criqketing materials, the Remuera School having won th_m as a trophy in tho sohool competitions lasb season._ The Gordon Club was also presented with the senior and junior cups, | and the Star with the second junior cup.

The twenty-second annual general meeting of the Auckland Rowing Club was held on September 14th. The reporb showed that a very successful season had been gone through last year, and stated that the plant was in excellent order, while the Committee had ordered two new practico four-oared gigs from Melbourne, which would shortly come to hand. The balance-sheet disclosed a satisfactory state of affairs, there being a balance in hand of £26 18s Id, as well as a substantial surplus of assets. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows :— President, Mr Jno. Marshall ; Vice-Presi-dent, Mr HeDry Brett; Captain, Mr T. Henderson ; Deputy-Capbain, C. Colebrook; Treasurer, Mr G*. A. Creibh : Secretary, T. F. Wallace ; Committee, Messrs A. N. Gibbon?, C. J. Kenderdine, W. Sharland, L. M. Myers and R, W. St. Clair; Auditors, Messrs Minnibb and Wiseman; delegate to Rowing Association, the captain. The following oarsmen were presented with the trophies, handsome silver medals suitably engraved, won at last year's Club fixtures:—lnaugural fours : C. Colebrook, D. Meldrum, W. G. Allan, E. Davis. Club fours : L. M. Myers, A. J. Okey, A. H. Busby, A. E. Smith. Trial fours :A. N. Gibbon, E. R. Reeve, E. Yates, E. F. Darby. Coxswains : B. Graham, W. Minnitt and G. Duthie.

The Auckland Trotting Club Spring Meeting was held o.u September There was a large attendance. The large sum of £2,454 was passed through the totaliaators by Mr Blomfield, the tickets for each race being 10s. MrE. D. Halstead was starter and Mr A. R. Harris judge. Myrtle, hailing from the Waikato, won three of the trotting events on the programme, trotting in grand style. Tho Maiden Trot Handicap was won by Mrytle, wibh Jock second and Rover bhird. Time, 6min 20sec. Dividend, 451 investors, £i 17s. Sweeb Lavender appropriabed the Flying Sbakes Handicap, Rose being second and Lady Onslow third. Time, lmin 9sec. Dividend, 723 investors, fills. Myrtle gob home first in the Handicap Trot, with Sailor Boy second and Maud S. third. Time. 7min 44sec Dividend, 553 investors, 18s. The Tramway Handicap was won by Vampire, .Pica being second and Romeo third. Tim*, lmin 40 l-sth sec. Dividend, 956 investors, £2 18s. Charlie won the Spring Trob Handicap, Dissappoinbmenb being second and Scobchman bhird. Time, 9min 12sec. Dividend, 743 invesbors, £2 lis. Anbic appropriabed bhe Handicap Hurdles, wibh Pica second and Despised bhird. Time, 3min 6 3-sth sec. Dividend, 951 investors, £2 9s. In the Handicap Pony Trot Myrtle again got home first, with Ladybird second and Jock third. Time, 6min Bsec. Dividend, 532 investors, £1 is.

The Hawke's Bay Jockey Club's Spring Meeting was held on October sth and 6th. There was a large abtendanco. The sum of £10,422 was passed through the totalizator. The following are the results :-— i irst Handicap Hurdle Race: Sonambulisfi, 1; Oaklands, 2; Prospect, 3. Time, 4mim ssec. Dividend, £2 13s.—October Handicap : Thane, 1; Kapua, 2 ; British Lion, 3. Time,2min lsec. Dividend, £5 2s.—Hawke's Bay Guineas : Clanr_nald, 1; Fraternite, 2 ; Rosefeldb, 3. Time, lmin 45sec. Dividend, £2 18s.—Maiden Plate : .Free Lance, 1 ; Maid of Lome, 2 ; Tea Rose, 3. Time, 2min 15 2-sth sec. Dividend, £2 13s. —Welcome stakes : Whakatawea, 1; North Atlantic, 2; Guncotton, S. Time, omin 52 4-sth sec. Dividend, £6 3s.—-Corinthian. Stakes : Couranto, 1 ; Lonore, 2; Blue Mounbain, 3. Time, 2mm 20sec. Dividend : £1 10s.—Flying Handicap: Boulanger, 1; Thane, 2 ; Frabernite, 3. Time, lmin 178ec. Dividend, £3.—Trial Handicap : Link, 1; Kapua, 2; Forbane, 3. Time, lmin 16sec. Dividend, £3 Is.—Second Handicap Hurdle Race : \Oaklands, 1; Somnambulisb, 2 ; Otaieri, 3. Time, 3min 42 2-sbh sec. Dividend, £2 I7s.—Spring Handicap : British Lion, 1; Rot'efeldt, 2 ; Whisper, 3. Time, 2min 41 3-sbh sec. Dividend, £51 ..Is.—Nursery Handicap: Whakatawea, 1 ; Adelaide, 2; Guv Cotton, 3. Time, 51sec. Dividend, £3 14.s.—Post Stakes: Maid of Lome, 1.; Sabra, 2 ; Link, 3. Dividend, £4125. Time, lmin 55 2-sth see.—Final Handicap : La Petite Fiille, 1; Dreamland, 2 ; Hakimana, 3. Time, lmin 19 2-ssec. Dividend, £4 7s.

The benefib sporbs meeting under the auspices of bhe Auckland Amabeur Abhlebic and Cycle Club and the Auckland Rugby Union, to assisb the N.Z. A. A. A. in raising funds to send an athletic team to England,, was held at Epsom on October the 3rd, when there were about 800 spectators present. Most interest was taken in the football tournament, which was won by the Ponsonby team after a close game with Parnell. The Ponsonbyites won the bug-of-war, while T. Roberts, their fast three-quarter, annexed the championship footballers' race. L. M. Myers won somewhat easily the HOyards handicap, and R. Keenan, from scrabch, appropriated bhe 110 yards handicap for non-amateur footballers. A large field started in the steeplechase and bicycle race. H. Burton won the former, and N. P. N. Aickin the wheel race. Messrs J. H. B. Coates, R. Garrett, and G. Powley acted as judges, Mr J. E. Cooke timekeeper, and Mr F. Edwards starter. Messrs T. Henderson, J. Arneil, and T. Neill officiated as referees in the football tourneys. The energetic secretary, Mr J.rHalyday, junior, worked in hia usual systematic manner, and is deserving of great credit for the arrangements, as everything passed off without a hitch. The following are the results of the events :— 110 Yards Handicap :L. M. Myers, 9yds, 1; A. Kilfoyle, 4yds, 2;H. A. Norris, syds, 3. 110 Yards Handicap, for non-amateur footballers: R. Keenan, scratch, 1;- S. Roberts, 7yds, 2 ; J. Cole, 4yds, 3. Bicycle Handicap : N. P. N. Aickin, 60yds, 1 ; W. M. Service, 100 yds, 2 ; J.Seiby, scratch, 3, Steeplechase: H. Burton, owes 15sec, 1; C. Speight, owes ssec, 2: A. J. Osborne, owes 20sec,-3. 110 Yards Championship Footballers' Race: T. Roberbs (Ponsonby F.C.), I; A. Kilfovle (Parnell F.C.), 2; T. Whiteside (Grafton F.C.), 3- Football Tournament (seven men a-side): Six beams compebed, viz., Parnell 1., Grafton, City, Newton, Ponsonby, and Parnell 11. Ponsonby and Parnell I. qualified for the final, and after a very close contest Ponsonby won by 3 points to 1.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 239, 8 October 1891, Page 7

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LEGAL. Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 239, 8 October 1891, Page 7

LEGAL. Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 239, 8 October 1891, Page 7