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Medical. EATING'S iOEEXGES. LOZBNGES. jr EATING'S LOZENGES. _\_ WT EATING'S LOZENGES. "A SiMinE Fact aboht" KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. Aak throughout tho world, in any country that can be named, you will llnd them j largely sold. There is absolutely no romody that is so s;>oedy in giving relief, so certain to euro, and yet tho most delicate can take them. One Lononge givoa oase. Sold in small tins. TTNKIVALLED COUGH REMEDY. TTNKIV/iLLSD COUGH REMEDY. TTNKIYAIiLJHD COUGH SESSSDY, TTNRIVALZ.ED CQUG& REMEDY. " Any Doctor wirx tklt, you " thore is no better Cough Medicine than KEATING'S LOZENGES. One gives relief. T£ you suifer from cough try thorn but ones. Thoy will cure, and they will not injure your health. They contain only tho purest drugs skilfully combined. Sold everywhere in small tins. KEATING'S WORM TABLETS. A PURELY VEGETABLE SWEETMEAT, bolh in appearmee and taate, furnishing a most agreeable method of !idrniiii3tering tho only certain remedy for INTESTINAL or THKEAD WORMS. It is a perfectly safe and mild preparation, and is especially adapted for children, h o.'jj in tjns uy .<u,l Chemists. PHOPRucTon-THOMaS SEATING, London, Jixport Chemist and Druggist, DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE, The Original and Only Genuine. Advico to Invalids.—lf you wish to obtain quiet, refreshing eloop, free from hoadache, roliof from pain and anguish, to calm and assuage the weary aehings of protracted disease, invigorate the nervous; media, and regulate the circulating systems of the body, you will provida yourself witiithatmarvellous remedy discovered by Dr. J. Collis Hrowne (late Army Medical Statn. to whioh he gave the name of CHLORODYNE, and which Ts admitted by tho profession to bo the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered. CIILOKODVNE is the bo3t remedy knownfor Coughs. Cousin in ption. Bronchitis, Asthma. CHLOKODYNE acta liko a charm in Diarrhoea, and is the only apocific in Cholera and Dysentery. OHLOItODYNE olTectually outs short all attacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation, and (Spasms. CHLORODYNE iv the only palliative in Nouralgia. Rheumatism, Gout, Cancer, Toothache, Meningitis, etc. From Sjrmos and Co., Pharmaceutical Chem> ista, Medical Hall, Simla, January 6, IBBU. To J. T. Davenport, Esq., ii. Great Russell-Btrettt, Hloomsbtiry, Londou. Dear Sir,—VVo embraoo this opportunity of congratulating you upon tho wide-sproad reputation thia justly-enteoinod medicine, Dr. J. Coilta Browne's Chlorodyne, has ournod for itself, not only in Hindostun, but all over tho East. A.3 a romedy for goiiß utility, we much question whether a better in Imported into the country, and we shall be glad to near of its finding a place in every AngloIndian home. Tho other brands, we aro happy to say, aro now relegated to the native bazaars, and, judging from their sale, wo fancy their coiourn there will bo evanescent. We could multiply instances ad infinitum of the extraordinary etiicuoy of Dr. Collis Rrowno'a Chloro' dyne in Diarrhoea and Dysentery, Spasms, Cramps, Noutalgin, tho Vomiting of Pregnancy, end as a general sedative, that havo occurred under our poraonal observation during many years. In Choleraic Diarrhoea, and ovon iv tho more terrible forms of Cholera itself, wo havo witnessed its surprisingly controlling power. Wo have novor used any othor form of this medicine than Collis lirownc's, from a firm conviction that it is decidedly the best, and also from a souse of duty wo owo to tho profession end tho public, aa wo aro of opinion that the substitution of any other than Collis Browne's i 8 It DELIBERATE BREACH OV FAITH ON TUB PART OK THIS CJIICMIiiT TO PItKBOKIUK AND PATIENT ALIKE.—Wo aro, sir, faithfully yours, Syme3 and Co., Motnbersof tho Pharm, Society of Croat Britain, His Excollenoy tho Viceroy's Chemists. CAUTION.—Vice-Chancellor Sir W. Pajro Wood stated that Dr. J. Collis Browne was, undoubtedly, the inventor of Chlorodyno: thnttho Btory ottuedofendantFreoiuan wasdeliberately untrue, which, ho regretted to say, had boon sworn to.—Seo "Tho Times." July 13, 1864-' Sold in bottles at Is ljd, 2a 9d, 4a 6d. and lis each. Nono is genulno without tho words " Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne" on tho Government stamp. Overwhelming medical testimony aooomnanles each bottle. Caution.—Bowaro of I'iraoy and Imitations. Solo Manufacturer-.!. T. DAVENPORT, 33, Great Russell-street. Bloomsbury, London. Suffering from BRAIM & NERVE EXKAUSTIOH Young and middle-aged men and others, who suffer from Nervous and Physical Debility, Exhausted Vitality, Premature Decline, &c, can recover the same degree of health, strength, and energy experienced in former years, by consulting (in person or by letter, which is free), - ProfessorCAßL STINEWA V, the expert specialist, who has restored thousands ot sufferers to k I vigorous manhood after .all*other '.treatment * i had failed. 11 SEEK CASES WHERE ALL ELSE HAS FAILED. j A ■written guaranteo given in all cases undertaken, and no promiseslmade that age, in- ' tegfrity, and long experience do not justify. | ' DO ANY OF THE EOIIOWING SYMPTOMS 3 0E CLASS OF GYMPTOMS MEET YOUK , DISEASED CONDITION :—Are you a sufferor £ from bad health in any of its many forms, consequent 3 on a lingering Nervous, Chronic, or Functional £ Disease ? Do you feel nervous, debilitated, fretful, - timid, and lock the power of will and action? Ara T you Biiiijeot to loea of memory ; have spells of faintst ing ' fullness of blood in the head; feel listless, i mop'inir, unfit for business* or pleasure, and subjeot to fits of melancholy 1 Are your kidneys, Btomaoh, T urinary organs, liver, or blood in o disordered con- - diticm IDo you suffer frora Rheumatism, Neuralgia, or other aches and pains ? Are you timid and for- ■ iretful with your mind continually dwelling on tho 1 subject? Have you lost conlidenco in yourself, and 1 I energy for business pursuits? Are you subject to I restless nights, dreams, palpitation of the heart, bashf fulness, confusion of ideas, dizziness in the head, dimness of sight, pimples on the face and back, and ' other desponding symptoms? If you are afflicted, i why further neglect your health or future happiness, when by a single consultation (which costs nothing) 1 you can he placed on the way to health, strength, and vigour? 3 VAI&ICOCEILB easily anca "■ icpaiclsSy cared toy a new auetlioa* Persons living at a distance who dosiro treatment _ without delay can, by forwarding a full description of their caso and £1, receive medicines by return of port. lily HYGIO-ELECTRIC APPLIANCES (by Royal Letters patent) are the only genuine Belts and Trusses offered in Australia. "jFrom Bondage to Freedom," my latest and entirely new work on Brain and L" Nerve Exhaustion, Private, Nervous, and Chronic Diseases, should he read by every a man ; nearly one hundred pages. By post, I SfirSTProfwror GfiRL STIREWIY, y 21 ELIZABETH STREET, s MELBOURNE, Victoria. ;, JKBHSTION THIS FAPlil. ) ____ J TT is much bettor not to drink nfc all if d JL you cannot obtain tho genuino Wolfe's Schnapps. __ ;; _/--".:> V I C S U M W'jf* r (Fly Gum). „ MS m any Chemist's, i fm CATCH ALL 8 II YOUR o Hk FLIES! ?. The Cleanest and Quickest Flycatcher. q Each box will catch 8,000 Flies. IS USED "WITHOUT UEMOVIN© LID O F B O X. Price in England, Cd per box ; 5s doz. i Wholesale Agent: i >viioic=» * a FITZGERAIiB> { Wholesale Druggist, Wellington. . Solo Proprietors: ooio v F> w WARREN & Co., , 310. Harrow Road. London W. T. GEORGE JAM S. Beet in the market". All grocers. f nnHE popularity and enormous sales of 3 JL Wolfe's Sciinapp testify to its intrinsio merits. ST. GEOBGE JAMS. Best in the market, All grocers.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 82, 8 April 1891, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 82, 8 April 1891, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 82, 8 April 1891, Page 3