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Closed on THURSDAY, 7th inst, and on FRIDAY, Sth inst., for Marking Down Stock.

■III! I lllllllm -11l _.__ji_____j__i J>l»-»--i-«----i A WHOLESOME STIMULANT, SUR PASSING ANYTHING RVti.K OFFERED - OR QUALITI' AND PRICE. RARE OLD BLEND REGISTERED Uth JULY, 1833. .A particular Blend ot Old Glenli vet Whiskies. ? ..I, rich, and creamy to the raste. Specially prepared tor the use ot Invalids and those requiring a #£ALL_ G-p- .WHISK., at a moderate price. A RTHDR H. _f ATfI - X (OPPOSITE XHS OU-TOMiHOUSE). AUCKLAND. DECKER'S AMERICAN WHISKY ABSOLUTELY PURE. THIS mild, mellow and delicious Whisky is distilled from the flnost growth of c_re-fuily-selected rye grain and barley malt. It is a marvel of wholesonieness, excelienco and even* ness of quality unequalled by any whisky in the market. It is bottled in bofid for export Only ,ia entirely free from fusel oil, pd-Sestes a natural flavour and fine tonic properties, suited exactly for iho use o£ invalids and weak and sickly per* 60ns. Itis cooling, refreshing, and strengthening, so pure, smooth and rips, _hd agreeable to the palate as to invite the attention of connoissoul— A first special abipment baa iust beon 1 received by EHRiSNFRIED BROTHERS. Sole ! Agents for Auckland. TOWER TEA TTlGfl-S- A WARD, PARIS EXHIBITION,, 1889. Buy the" MOA" Brand Boots SPECIAL N.L 4 . MASKS GUAUANT_.£!_\ to be Had of all boot r>i_AL_:_t9 AND S'rQllEi-i.IDPEUS. CHEAP AND GOOD CUTLi}-_ RAZORS! RAZORSt RAZORS I _ THOMAS SAMUEL, Importer of Cutlery, has just received a largA supply of all kinds of Cutlery, superior and Razors, Ivory Table Knives (felling under cost price), Mocti-©-plated Forks, Spoons, Cruets, eto. Also, numerous articles suitable for "Weddinj». Birthday, and Coraptlmentart Presents always in stook at lowest prices. All irlnds of Kngmeot-s' aud Carpenters' Toolsi THOMAS. SAMUEIY 162, Q,-_&:<r-s_KEwr, Opposite Arthur's Mart. CH ARL E S SM.I TH, P-KAMBUXATOR MANUPACTORHH, 282, QUEEN-St.; FACTORY. VICTORIA-St. C.S. has received the following awards :— Special Prize. Melbourne; First Prize.Waipawa; -..stand Se.ond Prizes, Dtirledih Exhibition. All work (suarahteed for one year. Price List free. Quality th_ true test. QRATEFUL-eOMFOBTINQ* BREAKFAST. "By a t_d_—gb fcno-cdgeof thepat-ral iiw- ~—e!> BOTCiB the operations of digestion and nutrition, anil By a careful application of the fine properties, of wellselected CooOa, Mr.* Epps has protided our Moakfsas t-bleo with: a delicately flavoured beverage -which nuy save us many heavy doctors' hills.' It IS by the judicious use Of such articles of diet that a constitution-may he graduaUy fcuilt up until strong enough to resist erery tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies CM floating around US ready to attack wherever there lit' a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping OurseWes well fortifled with pure blood and _ properly nourished frame."—" OivU Service CkuttUi" Hade simply with boiling water or milk.. Bold onlf ln quarter-pound pao_ets, by Oroceri), labelled thus i JAMES EFFS& Co., HomcoopathicCbem-Mb '.'•i i ondpn J --%_a:l^>i.

Business Notices. MAKES _Ifil__ST BREAD, TUCKER'S | scones, cakes, biscuits, pudFAMILY ( DINGS WITHOUT EGGS. BAKING r PO WDER Jls a Great Boon. Once tried Always Used. TMPORTANT. IMPORTANT. The Undersignod guarantees bis FIRST QUALITY OF CHAFF, Cut and Manufactured from the very Purest Oaten Sheaves alone. Bags vory heavy. Also, a SECOND QUALITY, cut from Sheaves and Very Clean. OATEN STRAW May be had at 10a per ton less, equal, if not superior, to what is generally sold for Beßt Oaten Chair. R. J. ECCL ES, GRAIN AND GENERAL PRODUCE MERCHANT. Chapel-strket (opposite Bricklayers' Arms Hotel): and Fallon's Buildings, Hobson-street. Improved and Patent Cha-cutting, Dust Screened, Corn, Hay, Straws Oats, Bran, Chair, etc.. Always on hand, at Lowest Remunerative ' I-JCO3. W. C. DENN Es - MACHINE AGENCY COMPANY. Sole Agent for New Homo I Now National I Domestic I White Frlster & Roa&man | SILBI_RBERG> Mangles I Perambulators | Organottes Air Guns, etc.,' etc. From 2s 6a por week. Repairs promptly executed and guaranteed. Sowing Machines from 2s 6d por week. New Lending Library, 2d per vol. per month. 23), QUEEN-STREET. Kauri kaurb TIMBER! THE mIMBER |^OMPAN_ LIMITED). Subscribed Capital ~,.£i 200 000 Paid-up £75^00. Head Office : Lombard Buildings, Queen-st. Melbourne. Branches; ) Black water Bay. Glebe, ■ Sydney J Customs-street vv., Auckland. agencies- {.J'-t** Way, __Uji ß ttt_urcil. AQENCiLa. Dunedin. The Company has at its Mills, Cus-ma-strcei. Auckland, large stocks of Well-seasoned Tin? ber of all 1 eiigihs and sizes, Doors, Sashes Mautelpiecee, and Joinery of every description -u_;„•__■-.?- w ottered at GREATLY RE. DU(_!__» PJUIGEb, and on speoial terms lor cash. Also, Gum Luxes, Fruit Cases, etc., ready tor immediate delivery. Cargoes of Baulk, Flitches, Sawn a _d Dressed Timber can also bo supplied from th e Company's various Country Milis on East n_ West Coasts, at WHOLESALE PRICEtJ. The special attention of CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS is invited, to the unrivalledfacili ties possessed by tho Company for tho execu tionef all orders entrusted to it, and itia thedeSire of the Company to give entire satisfaction ts all Customers by prompt attention to the same. REVISED PRICE LISTS can be had on application, and all orders and communications should be addressed to the Secretary Kauri Timber Company (Limited), Auckland. rjpAHITI DONALD & EDENBOROUGH (Auckland, Tahiti, and Raratonga), Have always on salo and. to arrive from tho South Sea Islands :— ORANGES BANANAS PINEAPPLES PEANUTS COCOANUTS LIMEJUICE AND DESICCATED , COCOANUTS. _2f Purchasers can always rely on the _. and E. brand being the best in tho market, and that the utmo.t care will bo used in sorting and packing the fruit before delivery. The public are respectfully requested when purchasing* to as_ fob Tahiti Okanges, and be_ THAT they get TH-ivl. Tahiti Granges are admittedly the finest iii the world. & "ODENBOROUGH, COMMERCE-STREET. NURSERY. C. S. MCDONALD begs to inform hia friends, and the public generally, that he is still in the old place, and has for Sale, during the planting s.ason, a LARGE AND WELL-ASSORTED STOCK, embracing all the leading varieties of TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERING PLANTS, &c„ &c M usually grown in a Nursery. The Stock also includes a flrst-olaas selection of FRUIT TREEd: Apples, Pears, Plums, Lemons, Oranges, etc., etc., of Various ages, and ot the most approved kinds in cultivation, both new and old varieties ; clea_, healthy, and wellprepared for removal. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMEa __spoc-.n Invited.

THE T<O"EW yEALAND TEIARMER FOH AUGUST, 13 . NOW PUBLISHED PRICE, ONE SHILLING. dan be obtained at the StAßOfflco.Shortland, street, and all booksellers throughout New Zealand. -VTT ORKS PUBLISHED AT MB AUCKLAND STAR OFFICE. BRETT'S HANDY GUIDE TO NEW ZEALAND. Jubilee Edition. Crown Bvo 342 pages. With numerous illustrations, maps, diagrams, eto. Cloth-lettered, 3s6d. THE NEW ZEALAND JUBILEE AND EXHIBITION CHRONICLE. Crown; 60 pages and obver. Illustrated With 100 beautiful engravings. One Shilling. THE EARLY HISTORY OF NEW ZEALAND. Demy 4toj over 750 pages, handsomoly bound and profusely illustrated. Published in four parts. SCHOOL HISTORY o_ NEW ZEALAND. By Frederick J. Moss. M.H.R.. Crown Boy 276 pages. Handsomely bound in cloth, 33; boards 3s 6d. THE DEFENDERS of NEW ZEALAND. Crown 4to; 700 pages. Numerous illustrations diagrams, maps, etc. Half morocco gilt. £2 2a. ' BRETT'S COLONISTS' GUIDE AND CYCLOP-_t»lA OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. Royal Bvo 832pag_3. Handsomely bound. Numerous illustrations. BRETT'S AUCKLAND ALMANAC AND STRANGERS' VADE MECUM. Demy 8vo; 283 pages. One Shilling. BRETT'S NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH Pacific pilot and nautical ALMANAC Demy 8vo; 370 pages. Cloth gilt, 7s 6d. BRETT'S GUIDE TO FIJI. A Useful Handbook for Residents, Tourists, etc.. with Directory to the Islands of the Group. Demy _vo. Illustrated with Maps. By H. C. Thurston. 2s 6d. HISTORY AND TRADITION OF THE MAORIS. From the year 1820 to the Signing of the Treaty of Waitangi inlß4o. By Thos. WaythGudgeon.authoroftheßeminisoencea of the War in New Zealand. Demy Bvo 226 pages. 7s 6d. . EARLY HISTORY OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN OCEANA. By the Right Rev. Jean Baptiste Pompallier (with portrait) also an introduction by Bishop Luck. Crown 4to. 3s 6d. A WEIRD REGION. The Story of fche Tarawera Eruption, with a description of the Lake District. Crown 4to ustrated. 6d. MEDICAL GUIDE TO THE MINERAL WATERS OF ROTORUA. By Dr. T. Hope Lewis, C-ESAR, TH_ WONDERFUL DOG. By A. Reischek, F.L.S., Naturalist. Crown Bvo. Paper covers, is; oioth, Is 6d. m BR--TT, PEINTEK AND -ÜBLISHER THE STAR OFFICE, SHOETLAND & FORT STREETS, Auckland. JOHN |_> OLLA RD, ESTATE AND COMMISSION AGENT, VALUATOR, AND ARBITRATOK, mo. : o___o_: DU RH AM- B_fi E E'T W EST, . Auckland. 1%/r E N U C A R D^S. Just received tter direct steamer—Th- latest And most .haato designs, Bpeoially fieleoted by the Proprietor when in England. At the Star Printing Works.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 184, 6 August 1890, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 184, 6 August 1890, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 184, 6 August 1890, Page 7