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A purgative medicine should possess _onic and curabive, as well as cabharbic, properties. This combination of ingred--nbs may be found in Ayer's Pills, They sbrengbhen and sbimulabe bho bowels, causing nabural action.—(Advb.) Do nob bo "a penny wise and a pound foolish," bub ask for and buy Brown, Barrett and Co.'s genuine pepper. Ib is cleaner and cheaper bhan tho adulterated stuff cold as popper, To make sure of getting our manufacbui-, ask for bins. Every bin bears our guarantee.—Brown, Barrebb, and Co., Coffee and Spice Ma'nufacburers.— (Advt.)

Medical syf-ATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. |_#EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. yrSATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. COUGH LOZENGES. SWEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. " 94, Commercial Road, Peokham, July 12, 138 1 .. Dear Sir,—l am a poor hand at expressing my feelings on paper, buclshould like to thank you, for your lozenges have done woiyiera for me in relieving my terrible cough. Sineo 1 had the oporation of 'Tracheotomy' (the same as the late Emperor ot Germany, and, unlike him, thank God, I am still alive and getting on well), performed at St. Bartholomew's Hospital for abduct, or paralysfa of tho vocal ohords, no one could poßßibly havo had a more violent cough ; indeed, it was so bad at times that itquiteexhausted me. Tho mucus also, which was very copious and hard, has been softened, and I have been able to get rid of it without difficulty. --_ am, sirs, yours truly, J. Hiix. Mr T. Keating." MEDICAL NOTE. Tho above speaks for itself. From strict inquiry it appears that the beneiit from using —eating a Couph Lozenges is understated. Tho operation was a specially eovero one. and was performed by the specialist, ur. H. T. Butlln, of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Since tho operation the only roaans of relief is the use of these Lo_cngo-. So successful are they that one affords immediate benefit, although from the nature of the case the throat irritation is intense. Mr Hill kindly allows any reference to be made to him. gyf EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. BLEATING- COUGH LOZENGES. SWEATING'S COUGH liOZBNGSS. |_f-KATTNG'S COUGH LOZENGES. Sold everywhere in tins. Proprietor-THOMAS KEATING. London. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE' fIEEPWS FILLS §Ak> T_iver__lls , ndmittodtobe worth a Guinea a BoxforJßiliousand Nervous Disorders such as "Wind anq Pain in the Btc* »*<*, 6?<* H oa * acho, Giddincßß, Fulness and SwoU ling after Moala, Dizziness and Drowoinosfl, Cold o_ill_,Flu___g___ Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costive, ness, Scurvy and Dlotohes on tha Skin, Disturbed Sloop. Frightful Dreams, and oil Nervous and. Trembling Sensations, 4c. Tho first doso wi]} givo relief in twenty minutes. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try on& box of those Fills and thoy will fco acknowledges to bo WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invahu able, as & few doses of thorn carry off all humours, and bring about all that is required. No female should bp without thorn. There is no Modicino to bo found equal to Beecham's Pills for removing any obstruction or irregulaxity of tho system. If taken according to tho direo7 tions given with each box, thoy will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried them, and found the benefits which are ensured by their uso. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and ali Disorders of the liver, they act like magic, and a few doses will be found to work wonders on tho most important organs in tho human machine. They strengthen tho whole muscular system, restore the long lost complexion, bring baok tho keen edge of appetito, and arouse into action with the. rosebud of health thb wholo physical energy of the human frame. These aro Facts testified continually , by members of all classes of Bocioty and one of tho best guarantees to tho Nervous and Debilitated is, BEEOHAM'S FILLS have the Largest Sale of any Fatent Medicine in the World. Beecham's Magic Cough Pills. As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Bronchial Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, iiWhee-ing, &0., these Pills stand unrivalled. ■ s*hey are tho best ever offered to tho public and will speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing, which nightly degrivo the patient of rest. Let any person give BEEOHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and tha most violent Cough will in a ehort time bfl removed. Prepared only, aa.3. coldWholosalo and Retail, by tho Proprietor, Thomas Baeaham, St. Helens, Lancashiro, England, ia boSQS la. -Id. ana 2s. Od. each, 1 Sold by aU Drt!__ist3 Q£(! Vsfc_i MeOiCiaa Doaloro every whoro. I W,B,—ITiiU «U*SS&ie:_s 6TO ElTCawithCMhbOSl, LECTRIC APPLIANCE FREE.— To any man suffering from Nervous Debility. "Weak 'Vitality, etc., I will forward, FREE OF CHARGE, a valuable Electric Appliance for cure of same. Address "Kleotropathist. ' care of P.O. Box 462, fcjSydney. EMALE MARTYRS.-For the various ailments peculiar to women, as well as for the hysteria, pains in the back and loins, and nervous debility, to which they give rise, Wolfe's Schnapps is a potent and pleasant remedy. _S_SB____ "IS X proscribe and lull. oa» y_--_ JB * dorte.SHg « as tho only __fli__J«_ _«___H »»WlfloJw the certain afltsp _flwl to 6 0? thisdlaoMe. _f fmWn n _>inu>t& not »I Q, H.I-OBAHAM.H. D_» jHJ||r oanaoßwlotOW- Amstordam, a. _V ___S sraertr-yttie v We bay.« sold Big Oiot K_-_.:»_L___, »_W years, and it has prea the beat of sst«F _' ___r m Chicago,—t s SoidbyDxtogßlsto. Price, 6a pwtwttty

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Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 184, 6 August 1890, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 184, 6 August 1890, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 184, 6 August 1890, Page 6