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TNFLUENZA—HOW TO PREVENT JL AND CURE, The timely use of Dr. NEIL'S BALM OF GILEAD will prevent, and where prevention ia too late it Trill cure you. Advice to all free. Remember, Selay is d&ngerous. Now is the time to prevent disease and ilMiealth. Every family should have a copy of THE N.Z, FAMILY HERB DOCTOR, Containing over 550 pages of good and sound T ■ Rdvloe* Native Herbs a epecialty, • •...?■'■ ?y J. F. NEIL, M.D., U.S.A. P«I0B, Ss, To be had at our POTANIC DISPENSARY, WKLtsausY-sTßjcssT East, Auckland, Or from our Travsiaer. N.B.—Cholera Drops, 19, cure the wpret cases of Dysentery; Caacara Bitter 3, 2s 6d, cure Stomach Pains and Constipation; Herb Beer Extract, Iβ, makes 4 gallons; Asthma Powder, la; Herb Tobacco, 6d, W M. T 0 l> D, : /A WQSPERFUI, HEPICtmSi JEECHAia PILIS :i^?PfeL Are nnivcrisallj admitted to be Jfo worth a Guinea a Boxforßilioueana . : .JR©SA ■ •' " \ll»W Nerrooe Dieordera #J*y V w\ """P* eeTfiad ana f W/pA'ri vyrkim Wla>£§i/sickVead. Btiil "***' \tS lfcche, Giddineee, ifel DILLS iSlFulnoMandSffeU 1-L\ ■»*'■■■•«• Hi hag after Meola, fiv-»\ 'mi t JtQl piggjneao ana \rfA //*?>§ Drowßinose, Gold YflV Chills, FlUibingeol Heat, Loss of Ap« petito, Shortneea of Breath, Costive, ncBB, Scurvy and 'eßßsa Elotciea on the iaSJU» Skin> Disturbed Sloop, Frightful DreaWfl, sad all Nervous and . Trembling Sensations, &c. The first do«e wil} give reliof in twonty minutes. Bvery eufforer is earnestly invited to try on* box of theso Pillo and they >?iU bo acknowledged to bo WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. Tor females of all ages these Fills are iavohu able, as a few dosee of them carry off all humours, and bring about all that is required. No female should be without them. There is no ; $1 edicino to"be found equal to Beechwn's Pills for removing, any obstruction or irregularity of the eyetom. If taken according to the direo? tione given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health.' This ha» been proved by thousands who hare tried them, and ufound the beneflta wbigh ore ensured by their uw. For a Weak Stomaoh, Impaired Digestion, Md all Difiordere of the liver, they act like magic, and a few doses wiU be found .to work Wonders on the moit important organs in the human machine. 'They strengthen the whole xnuaculor system, restore the long lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the rosebud of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are Facts testified continually by members of all classes of society and one of : the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debili- : tated is, BEBCHAM'S FILLS have the Largest ■ Salt of any PaUnt Medicina in the World. Beecham's Magic Cough Fills. Aβ a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Bronchial Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Cheat, Wheeling, Ac,. these Fxue stand . unrivalled. They ore the best ever offered to the public and will speedily remove that sense of oppression and- difficulty,of breathing, which nightly depriTO the* patient of rest. Lot any person give BEECHAM'B COUGH PELLS ft trial, and the most violent Cough, \yiU in a, ehort tiwa b9rcmoved, .» \ -:.,. 'y. ,_■■'.. ;•_ . •. ,- ; _. Prepared only, oni sbldWaolualo and Betel], by the Proprietor, Thomas Beecham, St. Holona. Lancashire, Eaglaad, ia boxjja Is. lid, and 2s. Bd. each. ' ■ • ■ ? Bold by All Dmffjifita OSd Pfttcai ModicLad IPodera evarywhexo. ■ . / GBANI) CORDIAL. few doees of Wolfe's SOHNJIPI s invariably dispel all Queer feelings and sensations in the head and other parts of the body, whteh proceed £r,omj nervouenes3 and we'akueaa. .' ■ | ■CHLECTRIO APPLIANCE FREE.— 1 JLLJ To any man suffering from Nervous Debility, Weak Vitality, etc* I will forward, FREE OF CHARGE, a valuable Electric Appliance for cure of Bam*. Address '* Electropa this t,'' care of P.O. Box 462, Sydney. SECRETS 08 , LIFE AND~HEALTH] Trree by post fpr six N.Z. penny stamps, a Medical Treatise by an eminent French Hospital physician. 30 years a Parisian Specialist (now retired), sbowmjr sufferers how they may cure thenuelyes of Neryoua Debility without oonsulung a medical man.—Address Parisian, P.O. Box 766, Sydney. " A boon to all desiring self-onre,'—"Medical Review. , ' mOUCHING THE LlVjEß.—ThestimuJL lant effects of Wolfe's Schnapps seem to stir the liver to action, and thus abate many 0! the nuisances incident to its stagnancy. For a torpid liver it cannot bo equalled. Nervous and WaetX3L Ing Debility, Losa of Vigour, etc., wag restored to health in ?uqh a REMARKABLBJ MANNER, after all else had FAILED, that he Will, on receipt of a self-addressed etemped envelope t send the mode of cure FREE to all fellow-Butterers,-AddreßS, A. Milner, G.p.Q., Sydney, Coal Merchants, BsßwßßSyJsTHlHi|pjMjWpij|^^ TmUBLJ = «'". Jji'ENOING.I-- • riARTAQE! TAJJPIRI EXTENDED, :NEWCASTLE AND BAY CQAL; Also, FIREWOOD. Cut to any size, HOBART RAILS and PAUNQ3, 5 and 6 feet * PURIRJ POSTS, etc, GARDEN SOIL, SHELLS, SOORIA tor Concrete Walks and Roads FURNITURE REMOVED, and every kind of Cartage in the beat possible manner. W. & G, f WINSTOITg CUSTOaiS-STBBKT. Telephone 39,] ' ; ■' TO THE CUSTOMERS OF Mbssrs HAMMOND # 00, JH« SBNERAJ* Having purchased the old-established businesses of Messrs Hammond & Co. «t Newmarket and Auckland, X beg to solicit a, oontinuanoe of your fayowrs "which you have bestowed on the above firm in the past. COALS and FIREWOOD of the beet qualttj and guaranteed weight wIU be supplied at lowest market rates, combined with prompt attention and delivery of all orders entrusted to me. A large stock of Goal, under cover, always on fcajji; aldo.-Firewood (ow| and nnout), Tmka, Garden Shells, Charcoal, Lime, Bricks, Sand. &c. A cargo of Newcaetlo Coal tp arriye. CoVeredyansfor Furniture removal, - 'Telephone No. 44, Arcade Building. n J. J.~CRAIG. CARRIER AND COAL MERQHANT, Aroade, Forb-atreeV . ' QQtJQ CQ?:E, QHAROQAJi, FIREBestß«tta',Titre9, and Puirtrtfirewood; also, Taupki, Jfewcaetle, and Karoo Coa), attowegl;Prwe-foi? Oash, Furnityre carefully Removod, and fifooda Delivered to all parts of the city arid euburbg, at Lowest Ratoa.—Note the Addresa: C. PIPER, opposite the Poneonbjr riosorvoir. andooi&eißE*iewtQA %V$

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Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 146, 21 June 1890, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 146, 21 June 1890, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 146, 21 June 1890, Page 6