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p S SOAP. Fair White Hands. Bright Clear Complexion. Soft Healthful Skin. H __j ■__] «__ _-> © W __-._-_ AdelinaPatti writes -.—"I have found Peare Soap matchless for the Hands and Complexion. Medical. SWEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. SWEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. COUGH LOZENGES. EATING'S COUGK LOZENGES. ELfffiATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. " 94, Commercial Road, Peckham, July 12, 18S9. Dear Kir.—l am a poor hand at expressing my feelings on paper, but I should like to thank you, for your lozenges have done wonners for me in relieving my terrible cough. Since I had tho operation of 'Tracheotomy' (the same as the late Emperor of Germany, and, unlike him, thank God, I am still alive and gettir.g on well), performed at St. Bartholomew's Hospital for abduct-, or paralysis of tho vocal choi d . no one could possibly have had a more violent cough ; indeed, it was so bad at times that it quite exhausted me. The mucus also, which was very copious and hard, has been softened, and I have been able to get rid of it withoutdiniculty. —I am, sirs, yours truly, J. Hill. Mr T. Keating.'' MEDICAL N«DTE. The above speaks for itself. From strict inquiry it appears that the benefit, from using Keating s.Cough Lozenges is understated. The operation was a spccia'ly severe oi.e, and was performed by the specialist, ' 'r. H. T. Butlin, of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Since the operation the only means of relief is tho use of these Lozenges. So successful arc they that: one affords immediate benefit, although from the nature of the case the throat, irritation is intense Mr Hill kindly allows any reference to he made to him. EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. \ SWEATING'S COUGH LOZENGi-S. SWEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. _% gyfEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. Sold everywhere in tins. Proprietor—THOMAS KEATING, London. Diseases of tlie Chest kj SYRUP 1 OP M HYPOPHOSPHITE OF LIME j Prescribed for the last 30 years 1 with tlie greatest success in Con- k| sumption, obstinate Coughs, Colds m nnd Catarrh; it arrests the Cough, k spitting of blood, aud nightsweats, p tho appetite Improves and health gs Is promptly restored- ___P CUM for ASTHMA!!! I GBX__:ATn_.T 5 S I INDIAN.CIGARETTES I Asthmatic people who suffer from f§ Oppression in breathing, stifling gj sensations, 2_oa3_e_oss and __gss fa of voice, KTervous couglis, 3-p- m ryj-g-itis, _at_:rr__l abactions, M and difficulty In Kxpoetoration, |t are piomptly relieved by these M Cigarettes. fe GRIMAULT &. Co, PARIS \? 80I.D BY All. -11L-COIRTS jjji *fc WONDERFUL 1.-EDICII.& | IEECHAK SPILLS 8 Are nnivorcaUy admitted toba worth a Guine- a Box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders such as Wind and Pain in tho Htc* »«h, Btek noad, ache, Giddmoaa, ] r ulnoßsandU-,01. ling after Mcala, DizzinQ-Q and Dro-wsmosß, Cold Chills, -lushing- of iloat, Lobg of ApPBtito, ShortncES of Broath, Co-tiro- /'.-.■. jj\ ness, Scurvy and 4_i___L JJlotchos on the >_a»*» Bl[i - | Disturbed Oleop, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervouo and Trombling Sonsations, 4e. Tho first doso will giro reliof in twenty minutes. Every suCoror io oarno/atly invited to try ons bor of those _ ttlo and thoy will bo ackzumlodgod to bo WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For fonialoß of all agon these Pilla are invaln. oblo, as a few doeos of them carry off all humours, and bring obous all that i_ required. No female Bhould bo -vrithout them. There iE no Medicine to bo found equal to Bcocljam'B Pilla for removing any ob&truction or irregularity of tho system. If taken according to tho direc. tions given with each box, they will Boon restore femaloo of all ageo to oonnd and robust hoalth. This hao been provod by thousands who havo tried them, and found tho benoats which aro on3ured by their use. For a \Teak Sto_aacb> Impaired Digention, and all Disorders of the Liver, thoy act lifco magic, and a few doaeo will be found to work wonders on the most important organs in tho human machine. They atrengthen the wholo muacular Byatom, restore the long lost ooinplozion, bring back tho keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with tho rosebud of health tho wholo physical onergy of the human frame. Those aro Facts testified continually b3 r members of all clubsob of society and ono of the beat guarantooa to tho Norvouo and Dobilitatod iB, BBECHAM'S PILLS have the Largest . Sale of any Patent Medicine in the World. Boecham's Magic Cotigii Pills. Ab a romody for Coughs in general, Asthma, Bronchial Atfoctions, Hoareencos, Shortnooo of Breath, Tightnosa and Opprosnion of the Ghost, Wheezing, &c, these Pills etand unrivallod. They are the boat ovor offered to tho public and will spoedily romovo that senso of oppression and difficulty of breathing, which nightly do. prive tho patient of rest. Let any porson give BEE-HAM'S COUGH PILLS a, trial, and the most violonb Cough will in a (short time bo romoved. Prepared only, and _61dTV_.ole.«jalo and Retail, by the Proprietor, Thomas Boocham, St. Helens, Lancashire, England, in boseo 10. l„d. c__ 2s. Sd. each. Sold by all Drnffgiats aad. Patent HcdioiaO Coalers overyvThoro. f 4». wrc s»rcn wtthcashbctfa INVALID MEN, who are nervous and depressed, without hope for the future, may fully -Satisfy themselves that there is at least one GENUINE CUKE by sending: an addressed envelope for reply to J. VV. Baknes, caro of P.O. Box 162. Sydney. >«!SS?»___ 68 I presortfoe and tally era___s_3_P" !a iKjS *3fc- dorse Big «• as tho only _4t__JKrO-ro3 ln spoolfio for tho certain euro SiWWI TO 5 DATB.W of this disease. „ fiWmermsaxtta not to v i q, h. IKGIIAHAffi.M. D... onaa Stricture. M Amsterdam, N. X. 113 J_ra.-ly-y «w We have sold Big CJfO. m«-i._n« many years, and it bar |3£Mv_nGC_„iie_lijß, tho best oi 3atiafaction. Ohio. Jm D- B- DYCHE 8c CO.. £ Sold by Drugfflata. Price, 5s per bottla A' SUFFERER from Nervous and Washing Debility, Loss of Vigour, etc., was restored to health in such a REMARKABLE MANNER, after all else had FAILED, that ho will, on receipt of a self-addressed stamped envelope, sond the mode of euro FREE to all fellow-sufferers.—Address, A. Milner, G.P.0., Sydney. T" HOSE W*HO~NEED IT.—The rheu- ' matic, the debilitated, the sleepless, tho aged and decrepit, and all who have impaired their vitality by overwork, intellectual or mechanical, need WoLFffi's Schnapps. QEOEETS- OF LIFE AND HEALTH. Free by post for six N.Z. penny stamps, a Modical Treatise by an eminent French Hospital Physioian. 30 years a Parisian Speolalist (now retired), showing sufferers how they may euro themselTes of Nervous Debility without consulting a medical man.—Addresn Parisian, P.O. Box 766, Sydney, "A boon to all desiring eelf-oure."—" Medical Royiew."

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Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 120, 22 May 1890, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 120, 22 May 1890, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 120, 22 May 1890, Page 6