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™sfaU^^^ WANTED KNOWN-Tickings^id.Gd, WANTED KNOWN - Ladies' TafFeta 2s 6d, 2s lid, 3s 6d.-At FENTON'S. 252 CLOTHING. lid 3a 3d 3s 6d 3s lid 4s 6d _-A* "W^O KNoWN_ S<)rate o^, C- AtFEIUON& '252a" 42j4'^"- Si, 1" 6i <B-*»^°- k-P" %*££> **«»** «-* WANTED «.»M«, I-. - £+££ WAITED KNOWN - Gent. Hat,. Flannelettes, Cashmerettw.and Dnllotfces WANTED KNOWN—Towels, Curtains, WANTED RWOWW wi« i q^ ini^ Silk Dolmans, Jackets, and Visites, 4s lid, WAWTKT) Panfo . „__„„ Scarves, Socks, Braces, and every article in -y 1^ Sfdt -If S&^^V^d 2irO= 1S • 81 a ll^h A a di E?s S^r^^i'A"^ 123 6d to 183 6d'~At FEWTON>S ' "" aUd H7s TnS SS7fcS?rJd^a Clothing, cheap.-At FENTOxN'S, Queen-street. (^ou cy peop &i ,nd for Ab £ ENTON 0,,2 and 204, Qussn- fcon?ers take nofca G<)od | all^ shades 4s 11,3,5s 6 d and 7s lid; Cor- 234, Queen-streefc. New Zealand Tweed, 11s 9d,i.6s lid, 14s 9d 252 and 254, Queen-street. patterns.) _^ 50reei: ' t^otelkeepeis take note.) delivered to boat or station free Tot 'charge, n , !'^ «! ' 11^'. 4a 4s ■ los 6d; best, 16s lld.-At FENTON'S WANTED KIjOWN-Dresai Sfcuffa, os WANTED KNOWN — White and Un- WANTPID Klinww -n n** 9d to/s6d.—At PEYTON'S; 202 and 254, WANTED KNOWN-A largo stock of 252 and 254, Queen-street. WANTEDKNOWN.—TheLargesbStook "d' 3 b] e 6dCh? di?d ali4°% 1S 3, Gd> 2J lld ' M ' 3d i ltd£' KoS^S Q—s^ , Children's Pelisses, Ribbons, Lace*, Urn- WANTBD KNOW _. Men>g mifce of Boys'and Youths' Clothing of every d* 6die c eond for price iiL and pattern^ , -S'itSntON'SMaSSdJw oS sSS* Qo£ FENTON' S ' 252 aud V WANTED KNOWN - Ladies' Night Bellas, ftc, &c.-At FENTON'S, 252 and ghirts, 2s lld, 3s 6d, 4s lld, 5s lid ; scription.-At FENTON'S, 252 and 25^ cußtomeißsw c v i, ah jjx.iniujn b, j_- and 2oi, Queen-street. Queen-street. . Dreases, Chemises, and Knickers, Is lld, 254, Queen-street. Coloured Shirts, Is lld, 2a 3d, 2a 6d, 2s Queen-streeb. OaSI and Inspect at A. E. FENTON'S 252 and 254, Queen Street, nearly opposite the Market Entrance. PRICE LISTS AND PATTERNS POSTED TO COUNTRY CLIENTS FREE ON APPLICATION. ' •

(jHSBIB. * INmI")MIMD' ■. >- — — '•- — **• »" THE GEEAT NAPIER BANKRUPTCY I |||ff!< '' "....'. '"r ' :*|||| ' P-IHSPBOTION INVITED, - CAPITAL ,« iM «„ ... £25,000, M ,_, m __ l 'If 111 j .'> >! I fe|| . ~™~ """ Divided into 25,000 Shares of the nominal value of £1 each, payable as follows:—2s 6a on appli- "T" LJ $ O \hi C^T CT L/ V T" LJ 1 D \A / fuT ET L/ '$ ||; ■' .' ; ' i| SHOW ROOMS, WmESUSY STREET, OPPOSITE FREE ÜBM^ I HID VVILK! IfiilQ VVLLM sg||||l '' " ;.^| Steam Factoky, Stani^ Steeet. ' __ , GfGANTIO CHEAP SALE. jaspigiipipl v ' I i TIOHBQN, Manager. • provisional dirkotors : "<S3>"^ & ""^r^^TZr"^ fIREAT 'UEDUCTI"ONt| rsSha&tt&S Secretary pro torn.: . ' ** \Jf *ffiw^M?&yi\L ■ Have much measure in announcing that they have secured in the above estate itf ___, r«»^—=o '•«,.. ■^iiiaSxf^j'j.fe&^U Mi« O. P. Murdoch, Firth's Buildings, Queen^street. the Valuable and Elaborate Stock of Fresh, Fashionable and High Class ■eg >^^HESfe^^y; X iSg^ SitOul UrrßuE. US i^Lef brokers-. POOT^ 17^ A "NTT) QT TT^IPTr'RQ §H oS •_,..,-;£' 3535"3D'^aj531.33323aEg30 jL-S^S. The Auckland Brokers' Association. ±JyJ\J±O, DU-WJJJD, J\J>i ±J DJ^XXJrJII _TLD |i P MARRIAGE- -SETTLEMEHTSTWILLS AND TRUSTS ' 00 Consisting of Ladies', Gents> and Children. Goods in every conceivable stylo. 91 Vi^Zl^ ECOPiIGALLY ADMINISTERED. The Promoters of Hill Company, boing of opinion that there Is a pood opening for a HAN N A H'.B M -~—*—frm-g: —*-tea£-___^« Ml » Timber Mill lo supply local wants. Island demands, etc., have conceived the idea of forming a -«—«- ._».-»*. *v*-* _■<_-«- rs_y oop-eman & clegg, ADVANCES HADE ON FREEHOLD SECURITIES; INTEREST j^w^^ np i nait QATP 32 AND 34, GREY-STREET. FIIOIVI SiX TO SEVEN PER OEM 1 s The present Promoters proposo to erect a cheap but effective Millon the Auckland Harbour- IJ§ if fvS ill \fV k)PI f\l)\ P\\ C) AS ) I'J ' sny upon ono oC the Harbour Board's leaseholds, to bo obtained at a small yearly rental, \_/ JL-d \S rv^-O-fl \_/ JL fV^JL-fl-LJLr^-/ V-/ _l_ t fW.X.ja-.H .4. H Jle, TnroughtLeincrea^ demand for our 'HEAD QFRGE^WR LIiMGTQiM S»^^ffS^»2S2^«Bng?SS23aSS ffiSaSaPS^^S^^SSSSfSffaSffl M n nrW *or^n +AH R^^mQ PURTE-TOP DUST-PROOF BASSINETTES nCMW \J> & IT EW £ . VV _,*««_ 8 § Mj%*3 8 Wi^i rel y for supply oL'lo K 3 on the open market and on contracts with bush-owners to supply them as UHDrGCSQoRT©G Ddl SaiflSa Witb Reversible Hoods and Bio™* Wheel,, E P WATKIS Local A*enb required. The object will be to work the Company with a S little dead and unproductivo stock » & _ tust-proof Carriajro with Roveraibio ■ • . o aspossiDie. lm!MhJa'-1'"1"1 ■ •■■■■■ ■'»-"»■"»■■■-"'""«■«■»—» Hi£wSf^ffi eiMifeS tftom aSto PJr' T^y^;P^lg^^^^ The capita! required for such an undertaking would be small, and the amount of interest The greater portion of the Goods offered have bufc quite recently left the monufao ' ' IPH UPI £H S- i-^:i SH lv»-^ ps«>- s^5K. m chnrßeable proportionately so, and the present time is espqcially opportune for Durcbasinß mill turers'hands, many of the trunks and cases beine only opened up to afford our buyer an WIRE BODY BASSINETTES, Wialllil I^^Ollfel MstA ' §M % .."^tv I m««l'^ciT on very favourable terms. It is not at present intended >o call up more than 12s 6d opporfcuniby to inspect them. We have acquired this splendid addition td our already With Hevcrsiblo Hoods, from 255. |fe | } 1 _ t 'f-1 'p^ B^iVM, X' ' ? *" *\§ per share. voluminous atooks at about one-third of the ORIGINAL NET. LANDED COST, equal ■■ WIOKTiIH T» A fiqTVF'rrppq K^ ~. i ".'<■" f -4-3$ dMnM%^, \! I, 5 I • V^#,P As to the returns which may be expected, the mill, capable of cutting A.COO.OOOfeetpcr annum, to about .. wiUi^Jurt iJASSIIsEIIES, rf-^ j u j S®sa&»*- BSfflaa^ S^ SSSZ. mX Lvi f*^, < Btoc^,^f]oKS! and resC rvo biush, would rcciuiroirom£l2,oCo to £15,000 capital; this, at a moderate ff With. Hoods, from 250. ra|^|^»| [_|Qy|r) WATERPPOOF $$ ' 'I W margin of 23 per 100 feet, would yield £4,000 per annum. s^^ h 'ALL OUR WOHK GUARANTEED FOR i^lMl «fflS |f B, tfg W "fe f^f l||| j I'flC I T he Promoters have received large promises of support, and arc sanguine that a ready market IN THE £ I^4 I %*t IN THE £ • " TWBLV3 MONTHS. | e»-UIUIM^ O^fjoSfiQ Dr'flimbr R #|i#l#l&>| will present itself for what they can produce at remunerative prices. -^ XO-J!** If 1/ f^ ±-Tli^^ Country orders iironspUy attendecl to, with sponge attached to t!ic cork. Gives an instantaneous /*'<;'» ' i , The utmost economy will be used in the mamisremnnt, and_thc> undertaking will not be loaded A ,—, , 'Sbrilliant, & elastic polish, which lasts sv.veekvrei or dry weather. Mud /«'''' >*j >4fl with promoters' sliares, paid-up shares, or otlicr objectionable burdons, r.nd care will bo taken to ■ a iGooda labelled, ami delivered at station o? boat; Scan be washed off and polish remains. Does not injure leather nor - " j • i avoid having to pay interest on borrowed capital. . Having secured this acquisition we intend to give our patrons the FULL BENEFIT. WromltfEoo. fcAS^^^^ , PDlication , to be lodged with and *? full^ etfe^. this obsecfc we would elicit an immediate call from each and every Applications, w ith deposits, to be loagoa one who ffiay gee fchlß announcement . jgßomnuw.TflOM.-fflßoarKK — ~ the secretary, HANNAH'S STOCK RALE iC%^ CHARLES SMITH, Firth's Buildings, Auckland; UftlVl* ft 11 O QI UUti UnLL. '% \~ J MANUFACTURER OF PPTTTI {tH VW% 4 "^lT^ 'f\ HT^ If "TT^T^ ?/ B • §=S K«d I i 4 PM i^ li f| i"^ H H rs3^ w*l Or with any Member of the Brokers' Association. is to be a genuine realisation on CHEAPLY ACQUIRED GOODS, and as such an $€£;, j BASSINETTES, f| a g~\j k"s I ,/Hft h' k %J r* >j A | i ||i .„ . opportunity may nob occur again for a considerable time, we strongly advise you to '%lo^o PERAMBULATORS Era- "'^ w -a. vJ^^ '^^ __ , , mw _^ TO^-~ ——- —---■-——— COME AT O^ TCE, and take your choice of the full selection. The most popular 'lines '^p^^^ victoriastbeet - , ■ a^ies^sss^ @ '^W^ 6 VANISH LIKE SMOKE, (Near Freeman's Bay). &jo§i j§ ffi^^fx W% S W fes ra22^ 0.0 f therefore, do nofc delay, do not waife till to-morrow. CHARLES SMITH ' ■ « ' -«—^-g. —i—* mT » r 3 rN cJoi taslaa JLi W eU © ' «™ bUss b&b W hss^J ® COME TO-DAY! COME TO-DAY! . Has been awarded this season /\ VJI &=9 w 1 r"^ a F"°~i i'^ 11**^ bONDBABLE MENTION AT MELBOURNE' JESLm J- -J- fl ~£ L. <^ J- J IL. »~Jt Hannah's Ladies' Neat E.S. Walking-Boots, 3s lid kv lJJsS«S?^let CtoitaC^ibfllty Hahkahjs Gent's Hand Sewn Carpet Slippers 3s lid and Price. Hannah s Ladies Sewn High Leg Lace, 5s lid All work guaranteed for one year ( w»/««-(i9«5»' B p nn P3^ /*^ 5 Ss^ <^ S P F* Bl^ *?Ssl H 0 S tf% ■ Hannah's Gent's English Balmorals, 8s lid .e.UALmHETiSfI'TEST. Ctf" l| |ll||| |M X (R |l |f||. |f f | LQ - -^— — Hannah's Ladies' Sewn Levant Slippers, 2s lid. . : __ __ ILI^ ■' * **> ' ti'w"^!" Jl iJj . BOXES OFdBAKGAINS! BOXES OP BARGAINS! Donald & Eden boroiig% the best AMD RALVACtE SALE |;" island traders, - . ■ ' kjxjLjj ? xlvj! v KJ.XXIJU HANNAH'S OHE A P SALE© JHave always on sale and to arrive from tho ' pssax bisbsm TT . \ SonthSealalanda,- £-J _ „g_ d ,«. »^ g^ NOW 0 2? AT °blSas * UliiDl I JjU UaO _ We te/? oof /3 a/aee/ 77^ Q ueen Btreet> PINEAPPLES JN U W tIJN ATOKLAND . p-pA-NTTTTQ 1 IVBADE- ■ v R" HANNAH & CO., Proprietors. A JLXJLJ.N U JLO riß\ d SVISA"IEa' Ova ■ . » COCOANUTS; our —"-' , ■ ' '. ~ ' " ' • XIME-JtnCE & DeSSIOATED . Ai • irA iI » til I ') cocoanuts. Brands:' Grown, 'Champion, Cantab, Volcano, b» B M^tffL? k .«tS2ft!S — . QTTTTQ HP A I\/fTT A QTT'RTr pZJ^ti^*"** and paclda«i LOOK to YOUR HEALTH AND USE THEM. | S Tll IT AI! 11F IPIFP Ifl 110 F -^ IV±JjJXi.O' U X\.Hi OABHPUBOHAKffiswiooALFRuiT. " __ _--— - - 1| L ||l| I|| |M || \! fl UI- H 1 111 VI- At 50s, 60s/70s, and 80s. gßu^großEß, qqmmbo^ so L R'.. EVER VW H ERE. liLfi 1 Ull liniiLiiuuUL- SPLEN])I d assortment_o o fall new materials. e^ib0 j^Ss " ~ ' . tL^ MM > w^w.*»^^«'**=g=! Some special lines in the New Vicunas and Fancy /t _^ -*>hjMh : !i%&&& _^ _ _ WOESiED Coatings. [Established 1864.3 "^ P c a c "*o"~ o k, I h T™% Is now under the management of a gentleman of over thirty wWrTOi^H^ft 07 i (i YSF^"^ 1 J-* optician, ' f i PrirOTT Mfc 1^ lf\ O years' experience in the London Trade. Sir Jaraos Forgusson ■ and HRH C 7 ' Mathematical ano N a uriCAh T»btboMßnt 1 T Sf » f3^ | I J| i f»T^ -n m ■ n DukeofEdinbm-ghf^ofSa ! Makee> W Uli I \a^ 1^ I- ia^H VWaa ]? IT and Workmanship Guaranteed. QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND W7 ' „„„ Always in stock- . Q "XT' /^ /*^ f^| "T^ "XP "D j^jMJUJi^B^U, JVJ-.Z. TjIVITT, /NUNMAKER, Spectacles and Eyeglasses of every kind; an JQ. JZj« V-/ V^/ %«-# JC JCLI c:r ~crr I -«rs«^=- «gg9s£- —■ JE — NEXT McARTHUR and Co ■'■ warehoose- " BOOTS? ■ BOOTS?!™ —— -— ~™^ mS ado : are carefuUy loaded on the premises, and gM , Sextants , Cpmpaeaos, Binnacles Jj\J\J 1. KJ i X>wV/JL.NJ» JJUVIKJ « m -~ T p^ -^ -ja^r ■ M-cJ^L^^ S^^STS^MOKtm KaS=SST" The Hew Zealakp Frozen If eat & Storage CJo. La 1^«l »5»«S PSm SSf S 5" T. EVANS, OF .NEWTON, FRESH IMIEJLT. "~ — 7^'EPAIBS. Barrels Browned, and Settlers' Telescopes, powerful, portable, and ; T ,4? / -.^ TV> 1-,icj mimprnilC! fimtOTPPrq and the "DllbllCi Tho Company begs to notify that it has entered on the RETAIL BUTCHERY BUSINESS, 7 h.,1 «f recar done to Hrearms. cheap. Us BegStO miOrni 1113. llUmerOUS CUbLUU^Ib d-UU LUO puuilU, andhas ope^ c / t]ie * ndermen J tioned prem ises, from which the BEST MEAT ONLY will be sup tfthv w w ■ eTOry I* 116? !l»i to the best English work. Settlers' Anenod Barometers, strong and good, o nTim ',, n n J^U^r, ,| A plied at prices quoted below,-which may be subject to further reduction if the market rates for Jo B h S«nob Hg 0 X gSSSS^SA-ii* »*— bLsHo— p-i —-w- "•» «-■ generally, that ho has now completed extensive additiom, to. a^gg B S^^K!R all-TO » nm o»iim^^ TO *-.B«L ;. nnmrauwnn,, JUBO 22l£m.,.a E i»«™M. t orw» tt in E Mod e i, nig-workshops, and therefore hopes to be able to meet tne SS£ dS^Sirasß M int"^ nr»X^ "--tSaff'SßS^'asr'- BEST AS^D CHEAPEST IW THE OOLOGY. sf - MVTibN." -J L ' B3 D Im?. rE DPo KK .-" S s||l '^^\ 11 ISiaftS'" 1 THE PEOPLES' BOOT MAKS®, w . ub IO E -gT~ ■ jw« _^"^Op_nbd \. * ! ®^Su« iti- t«p BDn-PTTTtm Ji-_.__ j. j- — WiU be supplied to Customers for Meat at tne following* rates:-* a^^ s";?£SL"° o>\^ i&S=rffl«roSS^ k.e.«g,hape road, newton. , toM*iK n^ri^fi&'!_^-%^rii^l aA^™* ''WrcVV^ a. StH 0V5 lties'_ a- assortaaeat / S ADDLE EY^ >^. S" 6*1 _? -— » '<■ '•e'vedattheStakPruitina Works. /^ .._-—---

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Auckland Star, Volume XX, Issue 58, 9 March 1889, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XX, Issue 58, 9 March 1889, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XX, Issue 58, 9 March 1889, Page 7