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*jT B W Z X A 1_ A I. I) R A 1 L. W A X S. TIME TABLE ON AND AFTER AUGUST 6, 1888AUCKLAND AND ONEHUNGA LINE. AUCKLAND " I ™* ~~™""-~~~"--*»«™—■"» ■■—j— ' — - '■ —*» to Week Dats. Sats only. Sundays. Oxai-P-TgA. . __. i-.m. a.m.!a.ui.!a.m.|nc'n m.|p.m.!p.m.ip._o.'p.m. p.m p.m. sum. j p~n_7 Auckland, dep...^ 7.15 8.0 8:4010.4012.8 2.5 -.16! S £0j 620! — 10.0 1.10 11.40 9.0 2.30 Newmarket J. dp 7.25 8.10 8.50j10.50!ia.10 8.15 ..Eej 5.30 6.301 — 10.10 1.20 11.58 9.10 2.40 Remuera dep. .. 7.30 8.15 8.5510.64t12.16 2.19 4.30 6.35 6.55! — * 1.25 * 9.15 2.45. •Green Lane dep. *■ — * *I * * * * *i — * * * *.- * Ellerslie dep .. 7.33 8.231 9.3. 11;2 12.25 2.36 4.40 5.46! 6.45 - ». 1.36 * 9.22 2.52 Penrose Jnc. dep 7.45-3.35 9.1011.9 112.30 2.31c4.45 §8,50,e6.5_ 7.3010.30 1.41 12.18 9.26 2.57 •TePapapadep.. .*..*. Vj. * • I ..* * * * * • * * Onohunifa arrive 7.55 8.43 9_201U.1ft12.40 2.40 4.55, 6.0 7.0 7.40110.40, 1.50 12.20 9.35 3.7 ' - ■ ' . 1 ' i 1 i.l I ' '- " ~ j j P 1 j j j j j I Sats. Sunday*. On_hnß a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. 'p.m. p.m. pro.] p.m. p.m.lp.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. OiTehuuKaaof ■• 7.5 8.20 8.4611,0 _210 1.15 3.50, 5.201 6.40 7.1510.50 2,40 10.0 5.30 •To Papapa dsp •. * ■-*-- ■*.'.:*.. * * *j* ,1 * .* . * -. * \. Penrose Jnc dep. 7.16 .8.30 9.5511.10 J12.20 1.25 t.*.l i.5.30'J{6.5? 2.7.30,11.0 2.50 10.10 MO Ellerslie dep .; 7.20 8.35 9.6911.14 12.25 1.29 4.5 15.35! 6.66 7.35 * '8.55 10.15 5.45 Rem'iera dep. .. 7.30 8.44 10.6 11.22 12.35 1.36 4.161 5.45' 7.5 7.45J..*, 3.2 10.21 5.53 Ncwmkt Ju.dep. 7.35 8.4» «iail|ll.2? 12.40 L4l ~4.26 5.50 7.11 7.5011.20 3.7 10.26 5.58 A_wVl_Li_-t_ari....^ i X^|jM iit ffl^;U ;^lfcW 1.60, 7 SO'.S.Q [11.30 _.3.15. 10.35. . 6-?.,- - J CWnf_eTnT"Wtdftato ~TChftiia-e for ___jo_Tand ami intermediate Stations, t Chaiagc foi- Mercer and intermediate Siations. § Change for Otahuhu « Chaii£". for Kai. ara Branch Stations-. MAIN J< I N E. AIJCKLAND-MERCER-TE AWAMUTU-OTORO-tANaA. South—Wbbk Days. A.M. A.M. I A.M. A.M. AM. P.M. P.SI. j P.M. P.M. J P.M. AucKLAsb dep. 5.55 _.20 ; 7.15 8.0 11.40 3.25 4.15 4.55 5.2-1 6.20 T !•••• J air. .. ...... .. .. 3.35 .. [.. .. .1 -• Newmarket, Junction j & 66 6j3g i 7 gg 810 ng 5 _ 4.25 5.1 5.30J 6.30 Rnmnerft •■ - •• .» 6-^ 6.40 i 7.30 8.15 _ . ... 4.30 5.14 5.35 625 -fcemueio,.. .__. * *< ■__, * * * * • WtSfiie .. 619 6.48] 7.38 8.23 B .. ,4.40 5.24 5.-55 6.45 I H-nro-e Junction ~ .. .. 6.27 7.0 | .7.55 . 18.31 V 2.25 .. t4._. £gT~ 5' . f arr. £.40 ,8.5 .. .... 7-° Of.iih-hu ". I dep. 7.1-1 8.42 12.40 .. 4.59 I ' Papatditoi ..«__..-„ .. * •• •• * •'• # ;paffi» "■ " * » :: 8.5 :: :: i.» :; §.3? ;; z llmiH? 11 " - » ."." ',', '■'■ 8,23 '.'. &25 1.50 " 5.56 . " " i "'" ■ ■'. ■" » * * _ Runciman ~..,.„ -. t ■- •■ ¥ — t _ _ — Skekihe'*" - - - " « 9.5 '.'. 9.52 2.27 '.'. 6.28 " m -Bookland .. - * •• ■• * ••• * Tuakau •• « - ~ .. •• 9.23 -• .. 2.47 ... 6.43 •''i-imnfrarata * •• •■ •• • Pnltpiib . •■ " ■'• " •• 9.50 .. .. 3.0 .. /.0 loau /arr. .'. 10.0 „ 10.35 3.15 .. 7.10 Mercer .. •• ~ ePi .. ~ .. 10.55' 3.35 ~ .. '\ ■Wlu-,np;araarino ~- .. , * * •• •• .. •• "Wairanpl - — •• »» • , , 'lUirtfririfi •• « •• > , * ohinewai /„r, :: _: :: 12.0 4.50 :: z - 1 Huntly .. •• - \dep 12.20 .. .:. 'i'rUipin ... .. ~ •• » *£•« N':r(i.runwahia .. ~ • iS- oa 'Puketc .. ■- •• •• •• » ..«.-.— 'To itapa , •» . , n f arr •• I.oU .. .. •• •• !• Junction G |dep! ~ .'.' .. C 1.40 V 'Itukiihla .- .- -• .. •• •• -• „.a Ohaiipb - ;- is -••... •Lake Road ■ - - •• •• j 'Ngaroto 7afr. :: :: :: caw :: :; : ;; :: Te Aw-tMUTU .. - \&ev. .. •• »2 60 "T_,Puhi . •• •• ■• I ■"Kawft -- ». •■ •• > * "* 'Otorohanpra .. •.. .. .. *"v •Hancatlfei « *Te,Kumi .. .. •• ~ , •• •• ** Noia'H-W_Rg Dal'S. ■ A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. J A.M. | P.M. P.M. P.M. To. Kmti .. ._ *. •• ve P- ■■ ;• _ lTe I-uni' .. .. ►. •• - •• •• •• '• I * "Hangratiki ~ ~ — •• — •" " " \ 815 ** j '-Otorohaaga «. — -■ •- " « '• "" "Kiokio ..- •• •• ** * "* " T Kawa .. M - - - * " "I'OPuhi .. ... ~ .. • - K9>s ] " " " j TsAwAMUTtT .. *. I dep. " " *i 9 " 'Njrarofo .. .. ~. ' "' •• " * *" " ** 'Lake Road •* -■ " gc^ "■ "_ ** Ohaujio '* •• "" * ' •Rukuhia •• f10f25 Franklin Junction G - | de p. " 10.35 " •Tcßapa •• - " * ' "* •pukote .. - ■ •• ;• ;; v.25 ;; „ :; Ntfaruawama «.«.•"•• •• •• \\ 42 Taupiri ....-- - - •• " 12 .1 5 ~ " 5.25 Huntly .. "* - " •• # ... * "Ohinewal «. •• — — •• •■ _ "^ * "Rangiriri.. .. " " " * * *vv&iia_Kl.. .- - *• ** ■• "" * * "Whauffamarino _. ••,_•• " *' '" " 1.20 " " 6.45 f »™ - •• - <>*»■ - : 'tis it- -uo :: :: s "Whaitffarata .. ....«- - 651 12 8 * " 7. 7.43: Tuakau ..„..«•••-: " * ' »■'•-• •» - •Buckland.. - - - - 713 w M 2 ,25 » ." 8.7. Pukckoh* „„ — -•• •• « « j. _ * "PuerafA ..«•• — •• ~ " « • * "* "* * "Runciman .. ~ " 750 ' 1.13 3.9 ~. „ 8.42 Drury m, • *• *' * •Hnnoa ..--.-•••• " Bi4 L 33 3.10 " .. 8,51 Papakura _. — ' * * * >t *. * Manure Wa .._-«••••- ** * t * ** " * •Papatoitoi - .. .. - "U -g ls 8M 2.12 3.45 '6.40, ' 7.15 • •Westfleld.. .. - - " „ 715 tjß j ß ,8.57 12.50 14.1 16.52 17.30 9.44 Penrose Junction - .. •• *'>" '^' 35 92 2-i5 4>5 656 7.35 * Elt.krslik .. - ~ •• ."j « »»*«** •GrjcnLane .. - ~ •• ?30 a4 _, «,; 10 ! 2 .45 4.16 7.5 7.45 * i<v Remuora .. .. -.. - - •• i"^ 849 9tl9 1 2.55 }A>2 S 7.11 7.50- 10.18: Newmarket Junction.. - •• '-??i g-gl S23 ] S5 435 7.20 8.0 10.20 - ~~-?~&cr~'~TTtttts3!ZZl^ Stations, t CJhange for t ChSg^JJ»*ttn«*• i h Xf3r Otahuhu. a. Passentrerß ar» not hooked by this train to Kaipara Branch StoUon". k wian^io Pasaengers for of stations between Aurttaa "M "»«g™« Tuesdays' Wednesdays, and Friday, only. n. R-M'on Penrose Junction. a Rum on knd Saturday- only. F. Runs on Tue-days. Mondays ana Yt Idar»od»7 '/a-Saysonly «. I'ranklih J miction' fo_ Cambridge, T- Aroha. llffiS^ chttnee at Penrose Junction-. CAJiaKIIH-JK-TK AUOHA AND KOTORUA LIM!,-. ________ _____ IML L.,^.u__uiwr_wiiTM^ ~~*"—■—•""■-T ll 1111 l'■ —I SOUf 11-W-Etc DAV3. KORTH-Week Dayb. A M '" A-M-AuoKLAxn dep. B.o* Lichfield ..... •- •• d*P- "^« , f; UOKI,*ft ~ ——- "Putararu Junction .. « „■ * , . . I^.; 4Ti.nDiangi _. » Frankton Junction .. .. dep. 1.40 Oxford r . „ 7.0S Hamilton Weat .. ... .. „ L 46 "Okoroirc .. .. ...... * •Hamilton East .. .. ~ „ *Mangaw_ara- „ - ••»_*. •Ruakura-Tunotion _ .. .. arr. | 2.0 "Matamata .. „ - «,. 810 5 .. -.dop. a 2.7 •Waharoa - « * ii L-:::: :: : -SSai :: :: :: :: :: ; ir |£ *Hantapo .5 T«; Aroha dap.lbß.3o O Ca^iibrldge arlL_i 2_^° f^ HVailion „ ~S? J,=iac - ::'?• 7 sr:sffi»H_™ : : :::; : SSr^v-t. :: :: :: fc a* . :. :. : --^ ..dep. a 2.66 J*?*?JiS£ " <OP* i A; "Murray's _ *Motumaoho • 2g •TatuaoHaua, .. - ..„■•* •Eureka 1 ••.,.•; •• •• ',' ' In - m "Waitoa j y.yakura'Jmlction •• •• EL !■ - ©^ "Waihou .. .. , * jo Oarobvideo •■ •• - ..dep. b9.20 fr* Tal Aroha arr. a 3.40 [S^ aifa^tgpu „ .. .. .. „ • * Morrinsville dep. b2.5"0 |*S "Fencourt .. .. _. ~„ * "Kiwitahi .. ~ i I l-S J n'araahera .. .. _» ... ~ ♦Walton . -. .. ... .. f Spq Monffaottui ___,_„ •Waharoa .. ~ .» .. !, * JO •Ruakura Junction' .. .. a'rr. hIO.O •Matamata .. - .... 4 ; 5 «Ruakura Junctidt_ .. „ dap. 10.10 •Mangawhara __, „ ~ „ 'Hamilton East; ~ «. ... „ i •*-. *Okoroire .. „ .... _ 1 HaiiiiltonWoßt „ Of. Oxford.. ..-...„■} FrangtonJuxiotiou ~..■„.-..,■..,.*&• •Touruanei .. .. , ; —■• ■■■ ■ „„ -, — Tr? •Putaruru Junction .. -;„■■-*■ I AuovOjind _. • ar>-l <J- 35 Lichfield .... arr. bS.JO ""a^Ttun. o_ Taes-TjT^bU-sSaTsTSi^S-^^ and Fridays only. The others run daily. KAIPARA BRANC_J.-'Atrcirj-A_?D, Henderson, HE_ENBTit_s. Auckland to H___NSViLr._-WEi__c Days. Hkijcn3vii,i.k to Auckland-Week Days. __. ._—_—__ — X' a.m.'ik.m. p.m. p.m. a'.m.;a.ta. p.m. p.m. Auckland depart.... 7.0 '10.55 4.40 2.15 HelenßtiU* depart .. ' 6.2011.65- 4.0 Newmarket Juc. dep 7.1211.12 4.57 2.2b South dp * * ; . \.. Mount, Eden depart 7.1911215 4 2.32 'ffi. depart V. ij } J J •Kiniwlanddepart... * . * * •Paeroadepart .. * '! ,* « •Morningside depart * * * :• nVoodliill depart .. * * * *Mount Albert dopart * .1. * * * Mtewiti denart .. •<*■:-* Avondale depart .. 7.3511.40 5.20' * «Walnmukn depart*.. '*. *„V- . - •New Lynn depart ~ ■■*■•* * * *K_m«n donai-t '.. 715 1.10 4.55 .. ! •Waikoriliti depart .. •| * • 3,0 i 4Silde»a_t ..- *■ * " •• depart .. 8.3 12.10 5.47 .. ;■ * Waitakerei depart.. ■* * * ••• _ _cfl.? 8» on d- eS arfc ._ v . _ _ * _ *Swanson depart . ... * *, * .. *Waitakoppi depart.. ■» * * * •Henderson depart ... 8.1 2.8 5.44 .. •Taupaki depart .. * • * * *Waikonuti depart .. ", :■ * * *.J5 *Kumeu depart 8.45 1.10 6.33 ~ * Nc , v Lynndepart .. * * *, ' •Waiiaauku depart ; * !*-..,. Avondale depart .. 8.27 2.41 6.8 :.. «R-Wit depart ... 1 • • ~ •Mount Albert depart '• * * * •Woodhill depart .. * •■ * ... *Mornin*iide" depart * ! t •Paeroa depart, .. * • * ~ depart .. * *_ * Cl , •Ohiranji depart ... • *.-■■:_*/■■ Mount Eden denart1 8.47 3.4 6.22 5.13 •Helensville.South dp v • * Newmarket Jun dep 94 3.17.t6.34 5.21 - -.-Huna on tlrdt Sunday in eack montk only. . CSattge JfS-*3ae_.uns_ iaiit 6tahuka! WAIKATO TRAIN S'E RVI C-F, Trains from Auckland _or ~ . ~«____, -■-■ ~» ' To Awamutu „ Mondays. Tuesday.; Wednesdays, and FridaySi at 8.0 a.m. ,-:■•'■ TeKulti .. .. „ M „ Mondays and Fridays at^B.o a.m. Hamilton Wo3t i. Daily tttJ 8.0 a.m. . a _w„* . .■' Cambridge „ Tuesdaja, Thdrsfdays, ahdSaturdayß'atß.»a;i». Morfinsvilla .. .. _ .. Daily at'B.oa,m. , ...-_■ _. , Te Aroha.. .. .. _ .. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 8.0 s."m, Oxford and Lichfield „ Mondays, Wednesdays', and Fridays at 8.0 a.m. Trains for Auckland.from ... k x, u _*» __ ~._.,. Lichfield.. _ Tuesday., Thursdays, and Saturdays at>>4s a. m. Oxford .. .. .. „. .. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 7.30 a.m. Te Aroha.. , „ Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8.30 aim. Morrinsvilla .».,__„ Daily at 9.22 a.m. Carabridgo .. « Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 9._0a.i8, Hamilton West ... _. „ Daily at 10.25 a;m..'•... TeKuiti „ .. _. .. Tuesdays and Saturdays at 7.30 a.m. Te Awamutu .. _. .. .. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdftyß-at" 9.20 a_m. An asterisk *j opposite, a Station.denotes that trains do.notstop unless required to^iel-'flp^paot; Ibwn passengers. Notice shouid bo givijn to the guard at the pvevious'BtbPpin&Station eyany MsSfJngerel desiring to alight at, Stations opposite which anasteWsk is plabea. ■'» «gr AU Tim« Tables iSsufed pf idr to tUis date' are now cancelled', - Jk J, P. MAXWfiLU o«iM)ral Manww,

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Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 241, 12 October 1888, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 241, 12 October 1888, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 241, 12 October 1888, Page 5