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' BX^QTG AlfD SUMMEB 1888*. A 1 > ......A- ' ;- t - 11 . ' . '■ ■ —■■■■ ' ■■ ""' ' ''-;';, -■ -. - v ' . ,'■ • .J-:. DRAPE It AMG Oi.OTHI.EPI, ■-■■■'. .. '. A 250, Queen Street, next to Tuttle's, Photographarv 1 7 ff^= B mpiP^Pff«ftg__m>WB^^ ■' v THE CHEAPEST HOUSE MT fOWH FOB DEAFEST AKJi; OLOTESffIS OP EVBftY SBSdaiFTXOIV. . .'; t3 Wm p S _ W »l^««M|W^W^^ '' . . . '< b\ n 3 ! lAVffs Bnah 7s lld-each ,;$»#&«/Masher Jaeke^ r^*Ac_KgN^-aP | Dress Goods. fe^^Tw^S^^^ sn^^^ a. a, . T> . *, ~ j ri.A if;.'.;.!,_ J,A fllJ ar J\ la LaCtieS Silk ©OIiBSHS, X* Off ■» SW B.'lß J. Now Staffs in Boiffes, Light and Dark J-ioKinas, m, ma, ma ie> «Z!T. K a ««j„ T; Checks and Stripes, 5s lld idoaen I>dlow W{w«mm roundl,la 3d great bargat n —rffefltf - Kt.wCarmeJite.,iaTiiht.andDarkOwy»ftnd Lace Curtains, per mir.Ssfld.islld.^lM, Beaded^isite s, 4s lld to- fcfcHW, me-»M| Fawn. lUW. Ha U, *ndl7* {Jj d«ej. fc and 7, lid, booad «d soaped ,^| and , v - r. „ ______ __ o„ w .„,i n. w 1« 'i-4 n.ui 1« ad pfrloured taaesferv. 2s lld Merino- I'edisee, os Jta w 14s- CO.- AHBSattS eurii^ HoL4^i^ , j . J^Sy (XL, 0. 6d the dozen »»»*. &W. Sd 1^,,-U, ]»9d, U4. , «*^^gM '^JfSjfflf 2 Kirn's VeiW all colours, Light or Dark,. a*die Od the yard bjwt « Qibe* artseiea too numerous V_\ from 10s Gdthe dozen Flannels, *!W Zealand, Ll|d, 1« 3d, and mention. Best Quality Coloured Cashmeres and -Is-4d the yard Moriuoes, double width, 2a 6d tbe yard Flan^is, Shetland, heavy makes,l*-4d R^hAi*Ols_Sß;-_BP¥^ Black Cashmeres a«d Mermoes, double Flannel., German, for under wear, 7d and Al<U/e. U4d»ClJr • width,all-wool, IsSd, ls:8d, la Md,2s4d, Sd ,'".»., „., .. t>, ~ „ , onn _, -,«—>; ? - S fid aud 2a lld wr yard Shirtings, Cotton, f>Jd, B-Jd, and Td White or Black Reels, 2CX_ yards,, all tuin&| Ca?v-a3!Ootfaa f all & fcew Shades, 7s lld Shirting, Union, 9ki, litf, ™_ U bers. Is $«£o*» thedosen SWrtinJa, All Wool, Is 2d, Is 3d,.and ls 4d C. reen TieZnifetengCotton, l#9d per pom 4';<; < Plain and Check Llama*, to match, 10a 6d Cretonnes, best makes, new patterns,. !_&> Mending6,.asßorted-doaei»,. with 12 needle^; rh^do^Bii Bid, IOJd, and l« tor lOd '~--. l~ . 77....7-.-7&. Plain and Embossed Blaekltallan Clothe, Od Carpets, Tapeeti-y, Is M And every other article m Eaberdasher/; , Ifcriped and Plain Plashes, all abadsa, AH WoplEiddertninaterCarpete, 2s 3d yard- that is required. \l 2s Ud the yard w^a tight' Shades in Satins, good quality, Is6d Towek, Honeycomb, sd„, fid, 9d f !», and R » s BOYS ' IULtX YOUffeS^ " Towels, Turkish, white -and unreached,. A^ Washinsr Dfbssbs. Tow6iV^,^Mßnl^Bd vlouiingv Prints, 500 New Patterns, 3d, 4A, 4|d, Sd, g^l8: le ' lß^' and ls %M Men's Suite, all sizes, 17s lld, ZIB,M&Wi. , SW, 6d. OJd, 7d, 7_d, aud 8d the yard Bod^Uoanjiid 25s 6d, 32s 6d„ and best Ne^Zealand; iCasUeretS, aU New Patterns, 7s and Silecia, Slate, 3d, and Black, White, and Tiwedfißfc / 1 7«6d the dozen ' . aiate4:^ l &wl "cl, .. . . , o „ Men's Tweed Trousers and Vests, 6s lldJ Striped Flannelettes, all the New Pataw L»«" »nlls, unbleached, for ..-oys .wear, i2 8 9d,-]Ss-lld,.wk| I Plain and Printed Ihrillettes. 8d per yard H&- best New Zealand, IBs lld A ~ . • Fancy SorataCloths, 15 patterns, iO^d per «- Men^Tweed i Troußere,.6s9d,;6s-11d,.7«^& - ; va/d /'■. ■ .raney uoods* • T«aw,wd^i&.. ■.......■ 'Plain and Fancy Sateens, 7d to la 2d per Af •-. Youths''^Snifcs,, 14s 9d,. lTs-lld, 25a-6d, aodj ' I yard ~,.,„, Dress Buttons, all shades, 2d, 3d, and 4 &■-. / j j Plain and Fancy Ginghams, 4|d to Is 2d ■ zm ' Yotiths' Tweed Trousers, 5s 3d and ss. .d- _\ [Check Combination Prints, all colours, 5d j^dies'Hosiery, all sorts and prices, from YouMis'Mole Trousers, 5s 3d to9d . 6dto2s.9d Men!s and Boya' Moles, ii, lld, ss,6d,_.andl >Light and Dark Galateaj^ fid, 6d, 6£d, 7i<i, children's Hosiery, «Q sorts and prices, 6a M J j and9d fram 8d to 2s Boys' Trouser Suite, from 14a 9d to 25s^«dC,' - .Light-Shodes in Fedora Stripes,lor Even- x^dies'Taffeta and ; S.iik Gloves, lld to Is 6d prices V (' ing Dresses, 40 inches wide, f |d the yard j^diea'Corsets, ls lld, 2s6d, 2s lld, 3s lld, Boys' Knicker-Suits, all sizes, 6s Ha-tsj . Embroidered Costumes, in boxes, not made 4g 6d,4a lld, 5s 3d, as 6d. 5s lld, 0s 6d, 14s 9d, forthe best New Zealand Tweed .;* up, in WTiite, Cream, Pink, and Blue, and 7s lld Men's Working-Shirts, own make, all siae^j from .1 Is fid to 255. Ladies' Umbrellas, Is lid, 2a Bd, ,3s 6d, Ls 6d, 2s 3d. 2s lld, and 3s 3d ".{ , 'is M t s*'l Id, and 6s 6d Men's Wool Sh;rts, own make, 35.3d, 35.-p.ddri M/i«iAlin«f a» TftA^fl ' Ladies' 6-Buttttn Kid Glove», 2s Bd, 2s lld, 4s 6d, and 4s lld ;A anCHBSI@P IIOOCIS. uAW& Men's Flannel-Shirts, 2s m^S^^andO ; Indies' 4-BnttoD Kid Gloves» bast 2s Hd 3s Hd, large sues - _ ; j ' White Calicoes, heavy makes, 3s 3d, 3s fid, Ladies' 4-Button Kid Gloves, evening Meu's Lambswool, Merino, and Cotttaac'' •' 3s I id, and 4s lld the dozen shades, Is 3d per pair, ttBCUC i.r^x. Underspirts and.Pwfej^t^ery low:pri«l] i White Calicoes, Light makes, 2a lld, 3e6d_, I by hidden ~ ' '-M-A < and 4s Od the dozen v «• mrj , « .-» • :Mens Linen Collars, 4d, 6d, and 8d j,7 '- lUnbleeohed Calicoes. 2s 3d, 2s 6d, 2s lld, L&ffl&S IJBo6FGlotlllfl'Sf i'Men'sßraces, Bd, IQd, Is and Is 6d OV A raslld.and^thedoKen JUaUI^/D iiWCi iVtl""|s : Mens B^ts, soft, Is lld, 2e 6d, Ss6d,^ndi. [White Sheetings, 72-inch lO^d, 80-inch Is, »., - _~3sl l W , rt - _ J • 90-inch Is 3d Men's Hats, hard, 2s lld, 3s 6d,Bs lld,.entt| j White. Sheetings, Finlay's 72-inch Is 2d, A SPLENDID STOCK. 4s lld J ; 80-inch la 4d, 90-inch Is 6d Boys' and Youths' Hard and Soft.;HJat^j Unbleached Shce^ngs, double width, lld Udies' Jerseys, aU colours, 3s lld, 4b lld, 1. 6d, ls 9d, Is lld and 2a 6d - :> an d la Id 5s fld, and 7e II d Men's Socks, lOd, la, Is 2d<> and J^6d>.Ja{ , Table Damask, white, 2 yards wide, 2s 6d. Ladies' Nightdresses, Is lld, 2s Od, 2s lid, Merino or Wool ' and 2s lld the yard and 3s lld Men's Cotton Socks, Qd, Bd, 10d,.and,ls ", i'Tal'o Damask, unbleached, 2 yards wide, Ladies' Chemises, Is 3d, Is lld, 2s fid, and Men's White Shirts, 2s lld, 3s 6d, ,46,11^] ' Is 4d and ls 6d tho yard '. 2s lld with collars, 5a 6d. :; Blankets, per ptdr, 7s 6d, 9s lld, and lis 9d Ladies' Knickers, ls 6d, 2s 6d, 2s lld, and A Job Line of Men's White Handkerchi^rf Blankets, per iiair, targe size, heavy makes, -Ssfid at 6d each .. 16s lld ar.d'PJs 6d Ostrich Feathers, Is lid, 2s 6d, and 4a lld And every other article just as cheap, itij ' Blankets, per pair, New Zealand) 21s 6d Ostrich Tips, lid and Is lid roportiou- *'.'' _____ t _...i.i._«^ t __i l .U__j.«-.-..^ui.^.i '|..u rr^^. J ll_.ij_....J» f . |;^.__T ...^ r «_»__. _. Gowbzy ?a3?ods will *bs packed aad dslfeersd to loaf e^ station Ire® ef Patt©ms forwarded fey post frte# s&Mo m application. Ceuatey ouskm«3i please foi wsg&.m?.Qi&s& Hotj. s Wtb' 250. e,D,H^H, g^BS!T. a^t ¥&im% ?PtotoffPaphei

- ii i. mi .... ii, ii. i ii . i j in ... !ii . . i_j _■ .... ,f j..i i, . ~;. _:._ ~g. I'Htj FIREWORKS I g^ppomT-W^^Musj »o OSM^^JF *^3K3NiP .1. LXVi j VV V^XVXVO . m 3 exoeXLENOY THE GOVERNOR. V^f^S^F ''*m7y___*___\f FTT?T7WOT?TT<*t mHAMBS CARRIAGE AND DRAY 'm&g2&_&_ lifi-LVVUIIiO. (I y^fffOßY.-VICTORIA-STREET EAST ' •"' -_i '-■ and :'TI '■*■ E a C 0 -O ■#! PAIN'S FIREWORKS AT ENGLISH • EIGH-STREET. .'■*;• OPTICIAN, • - •■■■■•' PRICES! ENGLISH PRICES! A U^O'K'L 4fN;ISI MATHEMATICAL AN»IVAOTICALfI»STOOiaW|>: Telephone, 308. S.HpRTLAND-ST.RfIU.f. ■ ,' , -T) T7VTTT desires to inform the "" u-i_«.- .'.'.. ;— --— * . _,-"' :•.- .: IM, ' wl'l™^np^,,*^^«i? . f A^IJISiMACEIE, CoAOHBuiLDBa, ; always m.Sawjjc- ' ,J' < :»SBagsg^?^fis*Sft manager. :■ J^^^M^Mmmm^A \ W??;,i at PriCCS n°Ver bC °re D°Wn IP —- " -Dpe^G-SefcfsSor quality.. , ~ I Aiicjuaiui. Builder of every description of Vehicle* . .eleeoopcs, Binocular Field .'.Qlawe*, 4»* | FIREWORKS Al EN (Hilton r Kit/iito. Repaira in all the branches of tho trade Microscopes, powerful and.oheap A. ::':.* P.\: i faithfully executed. Theodolites, Minins CbnopasawJ, A .nay Level!; * D . EVITT, . :- m-rvxvkrrvTf 0r.,1 <%f fiim? Rifles ouppneu. Barometers, Thermometers, Hydrpit. efejriT UN¥£>K;. »ia Ammunition of Ivetf ' Qwtrj Orders : punctually attended !«• ffilectric Bells. Batteries, and Mttintfs T : Revolvers and Ammunition or every Caah Customers liberally dealt with. , - ___ Ma*netio,and Galvanic Medical Mnohinea ■ -, ■' description. ----- - - -.-• -- - x — Magic Lanterns and Slides, Hand MagnAeSf 7 . mc mwp TIPrTP ' "!""!** —~r ~' « —: — A —— -" Sieieasoopea and Slides, Graphbscopis*I- : A large assortment of FISHING TACKLE - _ _- -v «• «.- o -Steam Uaujjesaiul Tubing. Sallaomotets on-^iand, - TDI D WIN J 0 N E 0, Just ~ _ AGENT^SS^^SSks, the HfeW***^^ famous'PYROTECHNISTS,.of London. 4gent for the Phceiiix JFi.e Office. ;BettW ■Microscopes, magnifying Ij7Jotim«# A Adyertisem out Agehtjor Auckland Syawwa A ,J 2|.v* __. „, A^.' m ,/ »^ i-.i- f AT^vr Arlrlvnac • Iftftl OiiPPti Qf ' S_^ and House Agent. Also,.St|am and Eiwtro MotorsP"oyk|aj?M(_l*|. JNeWACICireSS . 100-2 V^ueen-bb., 1^ Office SavSge Bank, Mom. Order Offio. and Steamers ■■*.- *r*r"!rnrv& ~- . ! Auckland 7&msm£m<m> %^}iim9jmm%. ti-i^-'^ii .#■*■***,. * . „ — -"■ v w . ! —.. Instrument, of every.-klad. repaired, - ■ , (Opposite Arthur and Buddies Auction -wyt I -ran" w V R J»?~""* I <Ui^Ußi MAbt.) yy- v "-Tj *' ' V ":*$ OPPOSITE %g%^OßT,Offgiqß, SOAP AND-CANDLE MANUi'AGTURERa W\M>HAMrS.r»b,Kr. . . - - ~. . ,h ■„«»■>, v ,^_^.f- : ,, COX'S OREEJO:,, AUCKLAND. m '•''■'i-«SB-«T,-iV,™\ s rTv^ii«rß» baavxi """ : ~ r_ ■-, -- .. --- •- — r^ '■"--,' , Manufacturers of the oelebratedT Extract pi T MERCHANTS -ACOQUNIvBOpm^ CI , ■ P( JQi«iitfeetanfcEwTder,-First Prize Yellow Insurance and >linmff.liegist6rßool>3 Specially |J» « Q , R ft „. iS .-,l*o ~ w^ -*• -. 1 Mue Mottled, DouWe Crown. Economio, ,and -;f. . • •.-' Rule_and Bound. „. „ v ' - -r,^.^,.P A7> *■ PJ* * M fiousahold^ GaxboUc.And; other Medicinal, and ,Music, Magazmes, .Public Libranes. ana wATTT**wwf.:r»n-M!MTQ«T<S-M- nw«-»irii_. ToilotSoapß, made from 4. c purest t Qf tallowflb _ Sunday^ tool Boobs Well Bound. VALUATOR, COMMISSION,- LAND,ANB - , t c " xiakers^ Spee^al .R^ed -Day 8q0.3. ~._ GENERAL AGENT, - , , fe. - Offlces-DURHAM-STRSET, Auckland. i Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books &£iK^^ »*» BAND AND CHO^lfsiC BOOKS RULED | STAR B^DIN6S-

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Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 240, 11 October 1888, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 240, 11 October 1888, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 240, 11 October 1888, Page 3