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S/a > fiß®^ Ai^D STEEL HERGHA-CTS. £ »«■ 2 WsA ___ " ' " ' -':;■:;'"..""--":' ■ ;' ;i:*.".';.'■'■;•':;/ ■ - :r'.'.; "v"'i^v;i=*:. *:-' -: :"--"-'..'' :r ■'.'"'■'■ V-" ' 111 /l^^^S"i?^^^Lv O c • IJ^M^S O ■ - ,*-'■'' . /. :. . * v., : •-'. ■'.;'' <C X o .If WJP^ Queen and High Streets, also Newton, Newmarket, and Symonds Street. r* p^^ggM "" S> :,-t| *^,*--i!*i*rp-.E-. : - :» /.*- j*... *.- . .* «MBWwafaaia___i_a_iM*^^ '■'.'' *':-: '-. '■■■.■■':;.■''■-„ ~.'',* ' - '■' ;' : ! «j*J* ?J.^. |§^jf|i*' .Cfii 5 fT^'-^^. Our Show Rooms are now stocked with all the latest novelties, to which we invite inspection. '^^Ittf^ " L * '■>* - -jfjK___siK?; '-■*~.■,'.■:.'-'■. *;, . '- ■ ...... ~i '• , * V . ■-■ -, . .'.'■, *.-*.- j ■■ - ■ ■ - " ■*■■'■ '.''... " ■"-.-" \ -.■-'■■■-■■'.'.- '* ir - '■''.-■ W- u '~ , -_-^" ■'''/.*.:■':,■■'; i/";'';;..'''";"';;:,,-'';,;;-,. !^™™^'«^^ .*-.:■;' ■ .■-=::';**:;;.■.)• :.;,;■ den Seats in Wood and ■ , «s^3«|s^^ Bird Cages W° B|l*On. I Brass, Bright fin Wlro,Rß<JOapanne*i, Feeding Bottles, Bat'tf i ■'". --'■" The "Easy "and" Philadelphia "Mowers . I «*»•■*—«■-__. i^^^T*'' " 1-aW Mowers. Garden Rollers. ' Boys' Velocipedes. :! ' From 20supwards. %t received per ''Albert Russell'» a shipment of theso No Lawn can be Kept wltfjput pne. Affords healthy outdoor amusement. " teHA"^o^^ ,;. . -W-Ite Mowers. The only Mower that will cut wet grass, -'.'/- . -' ... 1 . ' narrowborders.andclosetowa.lsandf.nce3. \ . • . .-,.-.. Pi : ]K!.;s W t(,[qthe, reach' ot all.. ... _: {■■■■■"■■ ■,*.■:■:,:■ •; -: ''■"'■'■ ;■ "v '>::/'// V'1.-'" ;./7.'■*:■'■'':;. '■■ •■•v ', '. ■.■•■;".-;.'.■ ..-■■'■ *■'-,'' " ■'■.'■'.'■'•■ /■"■'.''.:''!' '■''"■''/' : '■i';'':'' *';i''""" ;__ ■ _____ " ' ' '.' !:: "■-'.; *:'.'■'*'/ ' ":-'-'*: *■"";' ALSO AT NEWTON, NEWMARKET, AND SYMQNDS STREET. '

1 W^g*^^^ JJOTIOB OF REMOVAL, D. EVlTtTGunmakeii, Begs to notify leaving &i_M6 VXD hla old*. i estabiiahed place of business to PREMISES IN QUEE_TSt.; , ARTHUR'S MART, Wher|f to whi hi future cpr^on the Gnn Trade. T? RIP ATT?S toMrearnis and every kind I j.«.A. l x_tA.xxvk*. ot GuiiWnrk oieictited "■-» usual on the premises in the -dver_se_s wellknown first-class style. ■.:{■■■.•::• Guns. Ri/les. Revolvers, Powder, Shot, flaps, Oartridgea, and ahdotthgAp^-ia-ifceSbfth--test makers and at low prices. ■■■■-.<> ■.'■:■' -..* : FISHING'T AOB.LE/"':.'.- ---+ •M*-*-' YV V XbiVO.--assortedstock of -irevKij'ksfrom the Manufactory of JaipesPain. tiiu. Soh6, Wie'cel-Briited, will _<*-■ offered at the OLD PRICES, notwithstanding" ttie duty recently imposed on these goods. ■": " D. EVI TT, ■ GtJNI-_A-KER AND IMPORTER, 166J, Quekn-street (opposite Arthur's A-trt). | ■'-.;'' ESTABLISHED 1859. Price Lists free on application. T* E A C O 0 X , . **'*. , OPTICIAN* ' n . MATi--i|:ATio-u. akd -tAuricur.lNsWWEN* MABflflU,' , /SHOiSbTLAiTi»-_ TRBBJ-. . ,: : ,,:;AJ-liy. TB.IN SroOß.--:*;" -,""'-.,,■:■ Bpeotacles andiEyoKla-isaa of every kind; a« a-ocurate Ut guaranteed ' ' Dpera Glasses of superior quality ■ ■ _ ■ relestjujpeQ, Bipoaular yield Glasaea, and Miprpsoopca, powerful and Obfeap ..,-'',*. ■; . Fhebdolites, Mining Gottipasses, Annoy Level! Di-inags Levels, PrismaticOampnsiMv Dratying Infltruttients, Series, Par-allel Rulers Chips' Logs, Saj-tanta, Compasses, JSinnacles BatotooteW, Thfcriaomet-ai-, Hydrometers EWCtric Bells, Battefteß/nnd MtUngß,-_ >.*■' Magnetic and Galvanio Medical > -■ -•*,. Magic Lanterns and Slides, JSand Magnifiers Bteiooscopes and Slides, Qruplioscoiioii Steam Gauges aria Tubing; Baaihometers ' : ' JUBT R_OEIV'-i'-.~ : Settlers' Telescopes,* powerful, portable, and • olioap, 11a , . _ : Settlers' Aneroid Bfl-omoteru, strong and good, - ,S(jg6d ■-■■•-■■'■• .---■*••" '■•■■-vi <i &.*A .......v...,.,.. Settlors Microscopes, magnifying 1,759 times, "Sm W. :'i".* "■'■' '--''■■■■ :-: *' "■■''''- k ' Also, Steam and Bieotro Motor WprktogMpdeis and Steamers Instrument* of every kind rfljpolr^d.; opposite *ihsi pos->O-raiß, Bomplote Sots of'-"hotomrapiiJo Appapatosjtei Beginners. Mciiwraie in pinoa, ■/TO D W I "JST J 0 N B, P» House,, Fwrnishino, ano Gbstebai*: •. " "•■ : IRONMONGER, :V\':' Ponsonbyßoad and Pomp&llier Terraoe*, ■:,.■ ■ ■ . Auckland, N.Z. .' :*-:':. ' Agent for the Phoenix giro Offlcg. *-, Advertisement Agent, fop Auckland ■Js.yuwfts »&__. a«U HOuab Agent. :*>**^ 'PortO-Boe:Sftvii«ii*'Bai-fc*..Moirty-*os!^.-*Qffloaj -' '.WLH-TO^/Jto'--417.7.. -ft/T O SPE TH BRO THB B!8, RECEIVING, FORWARDING AND SEN* SAL AGENTS, IJOENSED OUSTOBIS AGENTS, LICENSED CUSTOMS ' " CARTERS, .QjPTOW _S3tpff W-AW, AU.BE&*UIS» : mO SECRETARIES OF RACING,/ "^"REGATTA, AND CRICKETCLUBS. : : Just ReeeiTed at - THE ■■«• STAR" PF-INTING WORKS/ A Choice Assortment of Trble^ Lark<B,Ttoubl© Large, and Double Smate ~,,.r,.;.;-•. f .y?i . ■*;xj'&ain g f'C<-rd£f;*.:" ■"■•.;;'"'- r:'->%. Admirably adapted' for programmes pf ,- ■• ', forthcomtpe fixtures. ■■ :"•'*, -\STO3_FE'S SCHNAPPS Is held iq "high; Vy esteem hj medical men, as it is th9p,ur^t! stimulant and tonic in th§'world. ,; :'•" ', ,"...";; :

rai^TUSTR ALIAN SMELTI-IC. AND REFINING* COMPANT iffJ-MITED). ■^orks: ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. '■- CAKTAL: o> t Us> : In 60 Shares of £2,000 o*b_, ■,:'•■■■ Dibbotoßs. .'-.--■■.*' '■■, '■'. 'yy> P« ||fli»cGregqr (Ohajrman) H6R. JaiheS Martin W. Jamie?|t|m W.R. Wilson W.A.liota, 3-LP, T.ILKeUy. ;:.',. .*..■■'',■'.../..H^i^ Ofb^ce: '.■*■; 16, QUEEN-STREET. MELBOURNE. , Seoret_r_: ■ ':■■' '■■':■'''■:'■ '■' . William Knox. General Manager: . Mbtali-ORGIst: JobnPfovis. Gregory Bofird; ; j . ~ ' : J This Company is prepared to pnrcliase Gold,1 «id Silyer Ores in any Quantity. ■. ' Immediate Returns furnished. 7 . For further particulars, Buying Sobedulesv Bcc.,apply to, NEW -ZEALAND LO£N AND.;'MERCAN^ ■;''.TILE^IGENGY. OOMPANY^^ Or, to. BANK OF NEW ZEAL AND. Thames and Cpromandel; :-.'7''Mr'^H.H^^-DAMS,'': TeArobaandOhinemnri. .v^Queen-stroet,;. ,1 ■'. . , : : : :_.,.-., ■ . Auckland, Maroh 22.1953. ««q TAB" The foHowing aw authorised w RECE-YB '''^VERTii-ffI^NTS&r'ST-iiß;--^ PORTER & Co., Ironmongers, , KARANGAHAPE ROAD. PORTER & Go., . IRONMONGIJIRS,. ,7 ' SYMONDS-STREET. PORTER & Co;, . Ironmongers . "'i NEWMARKEIi : Mb ROBINSON, Chemist, . PASSEUt. Mr JONES, "' ; . /.IROPJ?C|NG(ER, PONSONBY. . ■',' Mr T. ;J. H^^HAVf, . ■■.NEW-^TRaET', *..-.-.■'. ■ ' : ' '.:•<■■ 7 :iM-EB*IJK#A. v' GROOTB, &0., ' -*. DEVOHPOKIc j:'.""MR PATRICK, :':." :i? y,i '[""■ ' "' ■'■ ■ ■ .SXPBI}KEEPER, ["■'■' •■'■ .' "' TAKAPUNA TUCKERS I^AKINp.^OWDEI ,/;Ajk,yp_r::.;,J3 ; , Grocer, JL for it,. T'**" JJCSEER'S/lIPCSER'S rppOK^ * Families >J_ ■ should 7 J_ use it.'" FAMILY;, TOAMILY ;. TOA|f-Xl JJ should 3} use it. Bakino -_y Amm ■ -wy aihji ' Miners, ' _t-» . Qitm-'., JLt'diff-ers T>OWDER T>OWbER OOWDEi JL* 7,E'rerybodFi-I:* "''-■'- should 'Ji. nseit. T-'c^r^^tejaking- tt>owdei ..Cocejriad X> always JL___uied. -.*■::'■ .'':,:':-''-^.'-V7,S;MSII&i:.*: '''777. ...

.."EUCJTO-PAiß^.- .;'':. Quick, complete euro, all annoying Kidney Bladder, and Urinary Diseases. At chemist. And druggists'.—Kempthorne, Proaaer -JcCo, agents, Auckland. 1:7:- ---.,', 7i 'm^mmmii 7 mmMmmmmm—wmmmm^mmmMmwfmMmmmk .. Pl-otoggahpy FIRST-CLASS <&s.'• PHOTOGRAPHY ' Cflt MILLION 1 PRICES. - llfeSllr Cartes de Visite, 5s per balf- fS^^«lii dpj:en; Cabinets. IBs per do?en. -:/W--r_lM\l -•*■' Inspection invited at * \^Wffi||' .ARNOLD'S mH[: (Formerly Redfern's), rW^xwli' 270, QUEEN-STREET fßlvv\&g'4, (Opposite FlrebollK Fisher _ Co.* WHOLESALE SHIPPING AND FJ_MILY BUTCHERS, Established 186*. Br Special Appointment to His Excellency £h» Governor, Sir W.F. Jirvols; His E_coll#-Cy:' Sir James > Ferguson; and H.R.H. tno Duke «rf Edinburgh; also, posh* *..';: ■' /Butchers to in?? J,ewß. QtfEEN -STREET/ AUCKLAND. N.EL Families waited on In Town or Snljutbß. Poultry of # kinds', "pressed to Order. ■':''::':■■ " ■ Boaloraln-*- ' ";: »''>. (Game, Home-cured Habifl and Bacon, Ootned Beef In large quantity. Imports pi '■':■':■ Sausage Casings. The Trade Supplied. N.B.—Calves' Rennets. • ' C-aetomer-3 Supplied with lea. . . fSBUBWEtON-S No. 368. . , -~— P.O. BOX No*, WV 1 Bf'ii,ro-ST-!*«i *l!'''W®» m *■* ':'- - ... IHB EXCBIABNOrTHSS GOVERNOR.-:*,*-. THAMES CARRIAGE AND DRAX FACTORSi VIOTOIUA-STREET EAST -.And .'-■';; HIGH-STREET, ■, A,-p.c&;i, A"sa'.. -,' Tetepbonp, -308. : JAMES MACKIEi C6Aci-*u-]-i)-a- f MANAGER. .' Builder of every ' description of Vebidwfc Repairs in all the branoheaof the trade ': ~(.-.■" falthfniiy executed. ;; '.", ! -. Tabicles Bought and Sold on Commission, <■ Goaobbnilders' Requisites in a took. The Tra*^-? Supplied, ' Otantry Orders 7 punctually, attended tap

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Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 221, 19 September 1888, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 221, 19 September 1888, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 221, 19 September 1888, Page 7