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An interesting case, as showing what; the proposed Shop "Hours' Bill for New Zealand would prove to be in practice,, was decided a few days ago by the Full Court in.Melbourne.. The litigation arpße out of the prosecution of a grocer named Wm. Wright* who was'chiirged with keeping open his sh6p at Prahran after? p.m., in contravetitioh of the Factories and' Shops Act; Tlie case came before'tlie Justices at Prahran, when Mi-Fe^gussorij Secretary to the Early Clos- r ing Association, gave'evidence to the effect that on Thursday, the 3rd of February lasty hepurchasedatin of sardines in Mr Wright's shop after 7 o'clock at night. Mr Fergussbi. also stated that a number of other persbns were served in the shop after the prescribed time, but he could hot say by whom he was served. The magistrates, of whom .there were a great number on the Bench, dismissed ! the information with a guinea costs, the reason'» being that they could not pretend to impose a fine when Mr Fergusßon did not know who it was that served him. Counsel for the prosecution applied to the Bench to state a case for the opinion of the Supreme Court, but the magistrates refused to do so, on the ground that they had dismissed the case on a question of fact, and that there was no legal point to refer to the Full Court. Thereupon proceedings were taken to obtain a rule compelling the Justices tp state a case. The Chief Justice thought the rule should be granted; though he admitted it would be practically useless to proceed further, owing to the sta.hd taken by the Justices; bub his two colleagues, Judges Williams and Holroyd, characterised theapplication as frivolous, and one that should not bo granted. The Court therefore by a majority dismissed the application.^. These proceedings have obtained wide publicity because of the application to the Full Court, but the case over which the wrangle;took placers doubtless only one of | many prosecutions for the enormous sin of t selling & pound .of candles or of salt after: seven o'clock at night. .We earnestly; hope that New Zealand shopkeepers will; have sufficient good sense to save the colony j from a law which leads to such humiliating prosecutions. At the same time, it is absolutely necessary that young shop assistants should be protected against the evil effects of long hours, and if the shopkeepers Ido nob speedily apree among themselves as {to the hours of closing the Shop Hours Bill | will undoubtedly be pressed next session ! with a fair prospect of passing jhtb law. ;

rA letter from our Sydneycorrespondent; giving some interesting notes; about Auckjanders in Australia, appears on our second

page to-night. -■ Amongst the passengers by the Tarawerai last night was Mr C. Laßoche, formerly Councillor of the Grafton Ward; He has been absent, on a nine months' tour in the Old World, and during that. period has Visited' Coylon, Egypt, Jerusalem, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, France and Great Britain.; He returned by/way of the Mediterranean in the P. and O.s Coromandel. During his stay, in Engliahd, Mr Laßoche made a complete study of the various sanitary systems in use, and the information thus obtained should prove of value to the City Fathers. Mr John Lundon has written to His Worship the Mayor, stating that ho action will be taken on the petition signed by persons desirous of taking up land under the Village Settlementscheme until the Minister of Lands makes an official visit to the Northern villape settlements, accompauied by Mr EliottjtJnderrSecretaryfor Lands, ihOcfcbber next. -.:]" The Minister,'' M'r\l_undon adds, •.'has always shown, hostility, to .'the scheme." Mr Lundon Btates further that £L.,000 has been set apart, in the general estimates for the continuation of the scheme throughout the colony, and that he> thinks the vote will lapse, as the Minister of Lands is not a supporter of the scheme, unless proper ; precautions are taken to counteract advorse influence. £6,000 hais ;,been placed oh. \ the supplementary estimates for works previously promised; by Mr Ballance, and Mr Lundon, as Government agent; and these works,! Mr Lundon •says, are now improperly, stigmatised '" relief road works, although they arq but prorhises unfulfilled for roads to and from settlements.' ' The weekly meeting of the Mount Eden Congregational Church Young Men's Asso-, ciation will be. held in the church tomorrow evening at-half-past seven. A very interesting programme has been-prepared comprising " The Trial Scene" from the " Merchant of Venice," a scene from Sheridan's " Rivals," and selections from "Paradise Lost." . ;The...programme will be rendered by members of the Association. Messrs Stewart * and Hunter were the architects for the extension to the Auckland Roller Milla r Fort-street. .Referring to the 'proposal to hold an exhibition at*' Dunedin next year, the Lyttelton "Times" says :—"New Zealand, it is quite plain now, lias been badly served in the -hatter: of her resources. While.,-. the other "colonies have. * been straining themselveß to make a great display, the mistaken parsimony of our public men has reduced us to a small position in the great Centennial Fair of the world. :At Paris the mistake-is tobe related, all along "the line,'-.with Ithe exceptiph of the mineral department of our wealth. An ;International Exhibition in brie of bur largest cities would do something in the way of neutralißing the results of t this; 'neglectful, econcmi^i- We are glad; therefore, 50 see that someone has the courage to propose such a thin^. It is a good thing'at a good time." There is no reason 'Why both Duriediri and; Auckland should have an Exhibition,- but in any case it. is highly desirable in the interests of the northern portion of the colony that there should bo an Exhibition at Auckland which should form part of the Jubilee celebrations in 1890. ; A! prize poultry auction- was held at Mr Alex. Aitken's Auction' Mart yesterday, but did not prove altogether a success. About 150 pens of prize fowls, ducks, etc., were sent in, besides a number,of canaries, but, with the exception of the latter, very few were sold. , The canaries fetched good prices and found a ready 'sale, but there was'no demand for "the poultry, and only half-a-dozen pens were disposed-of.. Bidding was particularly slack among the game birds, fanciers nob caring to offer prices corresponding with the value of the birds. It is a great pity that the auction did not prove a success, as it was the first of a series intended to be held everysix months to en-1 able fanciers to exchange their breeds of birds. It is to be hoped that such an intention will not be allowed to drop, and that if a similar auction' is held in a few -n.dnthaV time it will meet with better success; *■ ■'-

The Tarawera, Sci2T^^ Sydney last night brV-K. Mmfi of visitors to the M«°- btWki# JberewerealJ^fco^,!^ Roche, Mr Irving, fo2S.,ex^SS ot the Standard I,2^]ilS J-jy-ShackeUord'S?!^ traha for the purpia _R^s3i recently destroyed ; o fi^%inS «t.rcd Indian We?, Mr wne and family to 8e i^-Sl Jackson, who left with A A^ Concert Company oKrtT as clarionet player 1 }\™W Tho Welling U° a A roftt4 t ; bourne in November ' TV, kt mfied their willing^. & r ■****$. petitorswill.hooUVpi c f'^ TIL '-'--■ i". *. - ■■■- rlttv*ub, .■: - | KoomsonMo-^S^ address. Ho Sfc^fl being practical and not 2, .^ which shouldl give KsffiHß air start, . His ,remarks3^# Biderable discussion, andtfftfth solution was carried --"Th*. il *»' sivo League^ recoßniges' JSI State education beinc- frj WR compulsory *; and' i 8 ° O SigS purposes of retrenchmenK jl should be limited to the fonrW rn.n.mum age. to « x , year^ rth- «i4 Wayte was requestedtni_3l on the question of theb£ E^** New Zealand. On Moud ay 2 \fs ley will give an address on SSI Representation." f^-Wi On the subject of iheSsnW^ service, the Welling,. 'Vfe 11 Evidently if U»i SC oio D yhaS It? nov, tho Australian colonies wui their hands in their pockets SS let the servico drop. I t ;„ *-.„ T^ same with the United'; ' Travellers through theSll quontlytoldustbattheybSfe express tho utmost ___WM the simplicity, or generoeitv ;s &S in raanit-inio;. at almost "iff; 21 * mail service which benefited 2 New Zealand. Now°°tl, a fc trSS has decided to .no longer be ;»™S_i there is every likeliho°od of-'tjJsß State Government consenting v -^B handsome subsidy. Evidently th *iB little chance of' the servicslllH uutted to dron. Mr Spreckles frffiß is hnvmg two 19-knot steamersi frfl for its continuance ■&•;>>■'_-__ efficiency, and lie would not bo likScß tin's in the faco of the late lesolctiwlH House of Repreßentatives^niSsH surcd that a sufficient subsplM forthcoming from some other gall New Zealand ceases to7 pay it* 'm__ were content to go on ''sn&fl other country was .likely.* te^ilMfiM niary assistance ; but now when'siM land withdraws, tho other'countriai-S derive benefit from tho eervicorill•'**;■ be found willing to pay suttßtte-fiM securing the continuance of 'M\ f_M_\ ages they receive. If there - a will tribution by the ;,Austridian (fssjß America towards whatever :*nb*_lj*^H required, we do hot '6uppo«';tba';*^B ment would refuae to give'the':_ili^B portion which would be.:fairij pnyiJß will no. doubt continue'to'-hi. km call at New Zealand,.beoac-e, ra_2*H it is, the passenger add '-wp> buH this colony will be worlh);hiviiif'i^H colony would not;; ho«w^ibj(it^B . pay a fair price for whatever beaei':«'ii|H ' ceives, although it is 'al-G^rc-..-i-fl ■ not to continue foolishly p*j'j. >>-<^| : whole cost of carryingariir* . ». _m of more benefit to .othoj^a . _fl Now Zealand, Our:Mp|- .■■».. JM although it will no loti^tt&iiiej' t .-fl . expense of the °ree^c|mw..' fl| In reply to tho rcqa^.K ji ww;c^Bl 1 in our last issue.': t-€;*l*M7.*'iSvtllH 1 following directjoDS^p'^l : ■*■:.' jm To exclude the air is the ikkV . :-fl means to do so is as Toiiii*!-. " ■ _M in a solution Of silicat*!^[^w|HffiH ; water glass), future use. I nave .kept two;inra^B , sound for twelve months;'efajj ■ cess. The lime in the.shd'aMy^H tho silicate, BDdfora;t|'M9 • the following loiic-lost.nilitiva «^B quired for: — Charles iHenry fmmm Kent in 1874, and was last heard .(i.^_M i leaving Paparata Valley, AuqTiW* <■ . up country. His mother.;inquWJUf^M i E. T. Hendrj- has^B i sent from the Danish Consulate,''A™S for the name of 'thepersonuc^Bj Henry Hendry (inquired-for <*_*&* 2nd, i 837), andwillcommumdte^™ the ConsuL -fJeorgeLawionwcDtKiflf*™ land in 1860, and was last lie-frt«» parents as having taken; op mm»» 1884. Ernest Lowweat to «*?;?%£ 1885, and is n|)w : supposed :P7oM§W be in Auckland. .*. -f , « i The New Zealand Loan and Ageitc)"*) • pany have, with'a th-3*M« com"ing on, leased a brge etor iit W block of buildings close to "f-^K warehouse. ; It is ratisfactoryjW« ' tho prosperity of this .^"JJJK . tion, which appears to,be .expro* H Australian connection very i The New South' Wales GojMßj • decided to recommend wW-i* - sidise .a -monthly **ste^^|» . Sydney and the.'New'Hebn,M» was made some time agobj-.Mnn» Philp and Co. to conduct a|» 1 service at an ™X a jrilM ■ £1,200 per annum. :.'lffi_MM was poW.out, , class one, and wouWje car^|« ally. The speed of the from ten to tyto'^Jß nicnt believe tha.S.^gjM market for island J o f : me rrce,°a S'^e.^sM , lame development of W».^W ; Such of the French -^jg* Caledonia will be.d.vcrted^» The now service will i to the missionaries W-J-gd^K will probably enable theai to l^J - tho^l.oonerDay S pnng.: :^^» , Government .proposo to. #».. =. X i maintenance case ''^.^^tt'ii'.K^ yesterday: *■* unwilling to reside m^tfEM It ought to have rea.!'*%|ei«J to reside- withmy bug ; d J» me maintenance. > ° J"V -.: W part me from my chiW^j* : -^Ml The prospectus of the ?>gß an-Ai-Sbitidnbagl^P exhibitsaipnvW r tlic « ( colony. The r^- &p__M Las-rdcredallex:^^ Co. will carry them single freight rates. *i^l« | grounds 'are all IUB-S»S^B|| 1 be displayed the iion-pt.^ t * m WM\' th ye '^SStSrSiS'^WB represents a saving,° fS^^fe reductions in °v^dt!^J»^ room for summer X

i^Stf^i?„rS Secies Act 1181 tf^^fe . A fon*>* named MSy,.l^ bt'crops to Moody S f^T & ba ? k took t W*& tho crop » thre , hed IW^'V-^l^ Arrears of wages to ip^' JnWa-^ P 0: „- ■_fa. ba»_ of &0-* ,mm of I,M>' '_> rti-ivditor", was the time' »*«!*-. in 'regife ,S^"__?ffi _»«»'©flows' W^ Serine and instruct™ fflaitliee*"^ fo fi f-' V e_r-(iof sea lite, II IS "After touching upon : *■ id tot years, of the lector concluded Greek illusiomst,, ffS^ 14 the Opera . ■tSeni^^id.not arrive from, [5J .'\S? He is having such a j dfStol^nded his season: gSerefore appeal'm Auckland: gSltlifil ';■"'' *.■•■■'■ „, ■- 'speakmg'on his tavoiinte £' ilnls-it be addressed a crowded 2&Ttl£ OoDere-atlonal school, 1 .!' Mr Alfred ' Saunders's asserBSb'to send-Home for them, as ,' %miWm th- consumption of £ierercease ffir.W-F«con-Sf tins' vonH place enormous »%iSli'of'the:Sovernment, who Ljkablotomsmpnlatethegnunmar-, SfeWpfc-the sapport of the farmers SEL'tt"" - Mr .-Sotmders replied, k&ftW.-ta.-MWtion. Votes ot ■btmra paaed to both speak ers. I r-elaie Wnasta correspond rat of the ■Kwetf^^tes-that a Swede ■ejdWMn had a ratter startling^ ndBSifelake/aiid one which might, BfMifatal! j:. Lswhou, who is in the ■■iMolMr.Smitih, was sent':with a : boat, B; ; a(l) fewood from* the head otthe: »' s rrw time after starting asfcrong wind Br* «*d the boat bang rather old broke. ■IBfilwßoi. ma tbxown into' the; 'Bill scrambled on to the -larger' B^hl-nding hia perch rather slippery ' :.Wli9lr*&..!f tof.he crafr, half Lis body ' B&j ->!-»ihlbi- M^htcame oiu and as feM-awraS-'-'nongh to occasionally ; ■ Wi^ta-B-plet-ely Bnhmergcd, his' ':■ ratejjw.i:p|* '-His situation was reni'ailallfeiiiTO (antalising that he i-i'-jse&itte on shore, and he way ■strongly*ijc»to ; 'B-iin fer ;it;:, !Fortunfoj'rfcriia,li.tlid not attempt t!ii.-., as lien Bpßttjiie he found himself in the Bid-!, of ire hte, so that it in almost cer-'i??v-&;,^i?--i:5.2-M?*-^ -o-pcomplisbed. the cf|Jt-c.. Fl3 frail support eventually: Med mim at Tlmaru station, unci when !»rai Mf km. lie was unconscious, -k!%'beers okut 20 hours in the water, j foil do* getting all right again, and not ffijtonfeany ia'convenience from his! -won. ■ ; t |fcM^- - felialions w'ert completed to-day be mMr E. Harrow and Mr Adam mik Kllknuwn host of the Star ra : Altc-rUtrett in connection with '»r bote! at Like Takufui..-.. Mr Cairns me over the' management about the f ■; « wr.b mouth tho work of j i |1| to be done at once. The! . -'- 1 vill afiord especisl at- ;; K'J for. jritltorg, owing to its and it will ,"S ~ ■ la I -coni™cf'ion with the i «W(. The -rounds at the •^'Hotel iave been laid out in Ito rtgb down to the, edge m wtee: there is", a'eteam: HI for' the use of flw Mr Cairns's. able' tr.anao-e-. 'entDre should prove highly sue--1 teaianerative alro. IjWe of reciprocity was in,g at the ipeeting of the United Wree Church Improvement »Moi% evening last, Mr Gfrav ega LaiyouS Ration, read ane«-*ay on "Some ?L¥W P°m' ic:il Economy/ underlying the idea «C!? W P^^tion, and. »Wion of his positiot. i,, ( . [UH \ SgS^nJjt^chawwlß other than a^wteoi ft , communit (k n, 1D*con^^c t cometo !i's„fi lte,,aro ofL*""l >b oeces. »«t. fr. n, se-: f,nd fcl,e Malthuelan |i|S*»'W to increase 'f^S 2, thidf uch winter ■ »EV UF eoclct,' ea WOTld in % 51^ B.^oininei».t feuturein their *>.«wE„ST 01 res^ed work iflS »^acation, together :., T^nd College and Grammar S^WarSn 7' aT a, F Bch°ol ln -Mrc p n,, Qnder-.tho headmaster, ,'* n'^rtc..i ß -l* rae. Some five now * cr T t,atHieftwa 9 coin. IS JWteffl£ und? th«newarran«re»SShowaßh^^«Bter « B:C»p°' ,tl.nueßloEewh.«ntil *A.fth?'.teachet,sta^oe, ItSsl° Work well", and If* Qm _WmsiSr.'' !inc' for non -atteßd-

Oh Sunday an^ Monday last the annua services in connection with the. Wesleyan I Bjome !Mis^wary Socrety were feeld in the j l^rfccnhead Chutt*: ' The BeV. W-. Gitto^ tfee dtsputa|_o»,i prsatihed; morninff and • evening, and g^ive in iflte':*B'''-iPfr address $0 the Sunday stAolars and their friends, in t.hd afternrOon. On the. Monday evemng there was a lar-gei; at-fetrda-nco thft'n usual oij suoh occasjwns. 'ffyo Rev,:*J-. Ehifces opened the -meeting wi-tfi praise and ; prayer*, and then introduced the Cbaiman*, Mr E, J-. White, who^ after a. short speeek, called on the Seeretary-i M*r ■%. _.•. EfnlWt, to l _ad ext.-eta frofii the repoiiv Mr G*. .£/. Button tkefl epoko of tke adaj-fcatW of Methodism to the. .wants' of the ..native, population,, and -ttie Rev. Wv -Jlfctos f(Alosted with an inst-'u-ei.v 'e and realistic account of Hlb work amoiifr the i_aoi-i« during uve past 40 yeai"^ sewioof tfee ea-riier iiioidentfr ol his "missionary careei* bein<r espeorally teliihg.. The financial results promise to be ■ee-aeKlerakiy In advance of l-as-tyeaft. *

Ani -Mfeertißttagleetm- on **P^holagj- * ! w«s delivered by Mr \v..__ D_i_lnafefebe! •'^?' tooia last evening-. Mr ■ W&®b spok-e -a* length on thoughts-adihg> ili»ti*ra-tcd ki« __«_».-_- by several ex--pei-_i«n*t^ pri-Kspally by finding hidden dhjecfas -WiSMckfedi -Mrl)-4_sn proved especially -u-ccossi^l- when his suhiecfc was a lady, and this he expl»*-_d was due to the palm or a |E?en'tlema«_* hand being much harder than that of a k%- therefore it was more dlfl-Sult to detect the muscular or nervei_ov-menfcsn the former, Mr Draffin was accorded a hearty vote of thanks at the close of his lecture.

SinJth ahd CfcugVy -are lowing to-day a special lot of English and colonial readymade clotMng* Boys' and ywutlis 5 suits of every description at lowest for cassh only.—{A_vjcv)

A very interestinglpctru, on "Music" is to be given by the Rev. R. Bavin in tlie On-ahuntga Wesleyan Church to-morrow 'night. -

The annual meeting of the City Rowing Clnb takes place this evening at, the Y.M.G.A Rooms at half past seven. Tlie officers for <• tho ensuing season will be elected, and other important business trans-acted. .-

A splendid show of Onehunga tweeds is being made to-day and to-morrow at Smith and Caugbey's.—(Advt. )

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Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 221, 19 September 1888, Page 4

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SHOP HOURS LEGISLATION. Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 221, 19 September 1888, Page 4

SHOP HOURS LEGISLATION. Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 221, 19 September 1888, Page 4