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Tennis Nets, with Poles The Championship Lawn Tennis Ball. Lawn Tennis Bags. v, '~ Gauntlets. _ Batting Gloves/ Witkets with Bails. taWtl complete. IWe have just unpacked ow? anttual _hipM.nts 6f Lawn Terlnis „nd Cricketing Goods fPoih the nji»ke.s, Which w. are oiTering at prices. ALSO AT NEWTON, NEWMARKET, AND SYR/BONDS STREET.

lif Wn SSAOK kh JLiIL. Ojl^XJ has opened his former premises, 210, QUEEN STREET, with a new ana complete ■ gw j .-■.... .*■■'.'■ '"-< ■ '».-■■■■' -' ll ft l frtff VY^;T t.^v.'^_,.^<»»»_K.ft^^ ■■:■:»■. r- _< .•■_-■-:■■.•" ■I w Stock of Gentlemen's SHlßTS—specially good value. TIES AND SOARVES—a very choice assortment being opened up. »'MBr_ '■■''''f°, ' • E____mM_______nna_ * . B______a__a_niißMPEa_-___^^ ■■'- ■ ' ; ■ -'^yy;":";;,';:'1 . '■'. MATS-this Department will be sustained as hitherto, but special attention will be given to the MANUFACTURING BRANCH. ■Ourcelebrated PULLOVER HATS to order :i any size and shape. J. W. S. having made arrangements for a constant supply of raw material from a first-class French house, will not be excelled in this Branch.

»«««JBto_»»__»_BßF«nnMraOT«iurb»« __ fiedleA BlSg'curls. .CONSUMPTION,' BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, COUGHS, COLDS, MiSlsHjinci_ro_t Affeotiojoa relieved at .Wi»?»MidqnlckJy cured by :HLEUCA, THS fUYSICIAX'3 ONLY ROPE! MS PA.Ifc.NT3y "3HKCT - ANCHOR T 0"r/ mo"^ oprresfion. lco<>-D----%»HH(j D e , andio n S._iJin(l_i, K -Coug_i 1 ; mffiSiWfl °_,c' R«n>ar-al>W testimony Kffiu_ a-* T* -isthmatic. nnd other P^MEfiABLrLiVES HAVE ... BEEN SPARED KHE:U-VBATJBBV_. to. HJ.KER'S «S KHEUMATICOK. :^^*Wperiia_erit-uw. TESTIMONY 1 Sdle AgenfJ • °'I B E R t, FEMALE PILLS"" NEVEJtFAIL. *»R._STUAIIT:S. ae . aap«h« ;■: ;|:|* B Ar™; powi.EK Hit •" Si P AMILY iK^'Po^? PP^ER

''''-y;:liisi-i.imce. .:.' TKTI-W _ffiALAND; INStTRANOE COMJJi PANY (EIRE AND MARINER ,: : i'Vc_tt»HaiiV.^..'li.'Ot'.;.'.i':. Z,:M,sstyt_' .: Paid-np and Reserve Fundißi..*'.-.-__3s f fS()o fr6m' F_RJ_'o-t :'_vtAßlNi "LOSS : CAKfiaEWKOtBI. WtHtlf pOilCfAS*. ; iaiAIMSMKT WlTff PRoAtPTITUDE' AW* :.-; -- VL_BEE__LITY. " """ ' '■'": JAMEa BUTi-tIC. MA_i#e«t f r;;;';:y;:;: ',: '" -gitotip^irillipy' ■ ".-■.; .-.'"";; EIIRST.O'LASS" jfe,: PHOTOGRAPHY -■- S^ I'-'MItLIOiT-^RIC^ CdftoS do ■yfsit-.i'Si! per hilC- ,; rMlK^il i,; dd_eh; Cahihets, 15a per dozen; yW f««a}|. Inspection invited at 1 IKISrO'LD'S ,|M|: ■:''"■ -'(Edrtneriy Rdd^erh'B),; - M\_\^ t k§fi 27d. atJ^EN-STRE.ET m^s\§t"i* y,y. (Opposite Flfebell). ; . -, BOOTMAKERS | ; REDUCED PRICE LIST!- Mott'a heht PrtofeFreno.*. Calf EiS.. 7a; GOloahoE-Si, cloth or kid tops, calf fiohw, 6S i beat Calf Shootbfa,"open or Closed fronts.^ 7s; Med'- bc_t Calf Balmorals, Bs:-_8d i'TDeitVf'-'SVip&a.'Sß ,6d; Oxlord .SKo-s',' 55j Women's .CaM-'K.-., Ss 6d : Kid: E.S:. -locked fronts, ss; CploniaJ K;ip, W.T., 5s 6d ; piuctini-a, 4a. : Exti-a ch'artfo for ciliting to measure, Is per pair. Terms—Net cash before delivery. YOUNG BROS.. STEAM BOOT UPPER FACTORY. ~.. ~,,,!.. ~ :.;. .-■■ HIOH-ByKEBT«:,^ >--': ;;,«.'. ;- :,-,,-,).;, .Tr\R.',L;EW.IS'-3 MEDICAL GraDE TO THE MINERAL WATERS OF ROTORUA. JPuhiished at 2s 6d, and may be had at the . Stationers, or at STAJtOfHoe.To intending visitors to this famous locality tlie Oujde will be found invaluable; and to th: tncflfcal profession also it will be especially useful, as it contains itiformatibh as to the most appropriate oases for treaianaeat and tho hath or combination of baths found -Baps* beneficial in the vfti-ious affeeticMis Whioh Came Under the author's special car*. A gentlearan, writing from Rotoi-ia, iiayai-. "Ifladthe Guide an invaluable instructor inMineral Spriii^ .Bathing;, and I-am ,6orry it is notinbre circulated among the ___sses, to ifive them the information so much required. o{ ;t3aCTtJRE',FRAM_J-.>.:MANU-H X^ FACTORY AND MUSICAL v.i; :,3,: .^INSTRUMENT,WAREHOUSE, 2? £ 88, VICrOKIA-STKBET, AtTOKLAND. ; Uj"'.^?-. ;, ' "■','q. .'■"' """-''.'",' ."'"" i' ' . g | , : T.y:E.:;e:i:R.TE'R, -"■ «^':'!;g:' ' I '"IT_EACHERy.."OF';' .MTT-S'l.C.r'--I' | • VIOLIN, o5 § PIANO,; OORNET,', GUITAR, &0,, ~ fe Musloal'L--t3mmeflif3 Tuned and . Repaired. WOLFE'S SGHNAPP&is. held ia high e^tedm by medical "s.'en,, as it is thelmrget fitimulantandtohiointhd world. .--..

• Detiti-try. •A M. CARTER, * surgeon dentist: ~-■''"-:',.'' ©j E*i_#iha_wti. (Late fire years with E. Cpx & Son),.. Mat bb;: CoNep_'-aii ,:'i_■ Hie ■'■-ftiiaidßNOr'" • ... GARRET I*6 BUtfcfllNGS, Karangahape Road, near top o_ Howe-atrot : Charges Modertto. Gaa Adminl-tocod. *,T., GOO P WIN 002, * :-. i ,:. _ DENTAL. SURGEON, .148, Qno-ii-otroot, . A_utt_\i Saettky VJ-ufldlritf, ..' , ..' • ' ./:,:'y '■,-'-"-■■■■ Ah-klijiit. ,'-; -■--'€)o'_iT«ya__c«B»; -.''■ , VISITORS TO< !_I!.'_EOHA-^-«*y —The Undersigned -will run a Coach froih To" A'oha oh Tiioadays, Thursdays, and Satur* ft&fa, mefetirig' tr'ittt'. for Auckland «t - Motr fnst- j .-•lie oh those -ftyß, abd. rethrnitig t_ Te Ar6h* from MorrlnsvlUe on Mondays, WMhieadaJ^,' | &M 'Fridays oh arrival of- train from Auckland,-' cciiveymg $_.--6ni£i_i_ t jfiarcelii, and mails.— % \ fiallafchWt. ' ' ' : r;-:\,\J,,-'-/A}y-\ ■',:,;;—■,;•-'- ■■'■; .'.y^'/y. 'I ■pATEKBOW AND CO.' ' : 'BUS FOR WAIKOMITf. VIA NEWTON, ARCH HILL, AND ASYLUM, ? Leave National Bank.—lo.3o (to __ew i -Lynn onlyh 1.30 ftW.v *8.30 p.nii, Satardayß— * 10.30' Sundays—lo.4s a.m., 6 p.m. • ; :■; Leave WAiicoMlTf.—B.3o a.m.,: 12 noon (from . New Lynn only), ,*3 p.m. .Saturdaya-^-S* p;m. Sundays—-9.15 a.m; (from Avondale only)i 4i15 j).m'." .:- .■'- ■_■-.- ■ - --..--■. •Does not run on Satttrda^e, Tl ME >. T A; J6 L B, ■';:■■ DAVIES BROS*. 'BUSES- ■ : Leayes Victoria #harfj Devonport— 8.20 a,m., 10.20 A.m.; 2.0 p.m., 4.20 p hi. 'Sundays— lo a.nii. 2.25.p._i. j Leaves Takapdna—o.s a.m.j 11.15 a.m., 3.0 - p.m..; 6.15 pjin. Sundays—ll tuan, 4.30 p.hi. '' ■:■■ Return Fares, ls 6d. ■':: '' PATERSON AND CO., ::-; a&AIN MERCHANTS.: "_■ ■■ -< LTVERY AND BAIT STABLES. oM_ihnle,Gl,o BwUc£B, Cabs, and, Saddle .Horsoa .' .rt,., ,|o>._. ,v-Fo'ryHi.reai'rcs%e_t;f-.t-s;'-;".'_',' -"-j'-'TT-- - Stiegiararrangeihent-i made with iL"VeuL_if and: ' ' ' Picnic Parties,- ' *, ~ ■•'' .( Stores aad Stables;— Lome-street,, Mkßoskih, ':,■■>;,^.'^ariflAtfimpale. Aho.!tlandt'N;j?_';:.'Hearse,and Mourning Carriages to: hirer Uiidertakerß liberkily dealt with. E VONPORT, .W Al WE RA, AND " WARE WORTH ,ROY AL MAIL croAoß. ■--"■' y y. WoNDAfs. Wednesdays, &_ PRiDAifg-' • L_av^ De-trohphrt 8 Stih , Takapuna 8.30 a.m. V. ad 6 10.30, «* aiweja 12 noon,' Puhoi 12.45 p.m.' AMt«-Wa_kw6_th2.3o'p._n. ;,".;.. ' -;■■.:' .'■''.' TUESDAYS;' THURSDAY-?* AND .SATURDAYSLeave Waikworth S d.m„ Puhoi 9.30 int., Waiwera 10.15 a.m., Wndo 11.30 a.m, Takapuna2 p.m. Arrive Daydnport 2.30 p.m. THOMAS BUTLERy , , ''■'-: Proprietor. ■ I • _$_. §_.! lf% —Buyers or Sellers oE!« ir-»_Pllr« IWb • Land ' or iloll^ Pro-, { . o* : ■ ■■ perty^ may; save much. timo" and trouble by Calling at the Office of* or j , Writing; to. R, D., L. : Dutfus; Land Agont; 104, j d Queen-streeti Auckland.-Nocharge whatsoaver, ' unless sale effected. ;,

»i»»i lo—iinm _nyvn_t«i.T_»nrama__«MWiM«>rii_nTWn_>f ■—■ m TP •B- A O O G X * OPTICIAN^ ■ MATli__fA_iCA_, A_TD I_?_i'-RtTM_l-._ ■ : :>•■ .■■-■'-, v: -iMxß&a,''-'- ;-,;■;•■ £:7_v SHQBTJ_AND-S-'RffißT. ■ ,:,-;■-'.;, ■■'.^'WATs;m';StooE-^':..; Speptaoles and Ej»ojrlats3s of every kind; a; .accnrate fit guaranteed !,,,;;: . DpetA6laß_oßtil:Wti._loi?i(UftUtJ' ;■"'"' relcsbepeß, BinOoulat- Field.; GlaSsbs, ant , Miuroaqones, J)owertnl«rid ohettp- : '>■<: , l?hepd.oilteß,Mimi)K,ContpasSes, Abnoy Level I'fainagtt Levels, FWsniattC'ComjiasSoii, , , Urawinslnstrumwitd, Sodles,ParallclftulerS -hips' Logs, Suxtunts, Co)*pasßoi, BmfiaelßS Barometers, Thormomotoru, Hydrometern Bl_6h*ie Balls, Battbrlcj-j. and FitUnga Viagttdtlo ahd Galcanlo Madloal Macnlh^ _ \[B,firio Lantei-na and Slld.B, Hftad - IcreoHoopoß aftd Slidep, Ofaphosoopes 3tea_i Gaugoa and-Paßing, Sdllndmeters Just Ricobivhd--Sottiprg* TolpsoopcS;* jpowerfui, pbrtftbie, ani ciieap, Ha Settlerfi'Aneroid Ba'rdtneto-fii st.6njf rtnd gbdd -BbsM-o-...' '"■■«":■■.'■•' . - jetdors' illoroscopbs, magnifying 1,730 tlnies 22S 6d■■:., ,'. ■' '■__, ■'~' , ~-■ *. tm, B£eam and _J£lSot_aM_W_ Wbrkl__i^_f(}a6li and Steamers .-. Instrunienta of every kind repaired. diPPbaWj __f-i p6i_^ siciriaß, Complete Bots;of PfaotoCTaphia Apparatus foi ■>.:, ... 7.-.*}wtiß^;-yM6't&ti_faWitisj_\t!s- '■■ Fishem & Ca, "VVBOLBSAIJE SHIPPING AND J. AMILY BUTCHERS, Established 1864. i& Sp^olal Appointment to His Excellerioy th« Governor, sir VV. F, Jervois; His Kxcellenoy Sir James F.rgusdn; and H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh; also, Kosha ;-. Butchers to the Jews. QUEEN ■ STP-EEtTaUCKLAND, n-z Families waited on in O.own or SuburbsPoultry of all kinds Dressed to Ofdet ;' Dealers-iß'-Bame, Home-onred Hamo andßaoon, Oornec : Beef ihlargiquyiitity, imports of ■ ; Sausage Casings, The Trade Supplied. N.B.—Calves'Rennet.. Customers Supplied .withy Ice. . ' f_XE_-CONB No. 353. . .' -_ . P.O. BOX No. 43V pNCOURAGE LOCAL INDUSTRY flgglaß.1 TcHA-RLES'.SMITS-,.. atv Wlmm ,MA__UFACTORER „ :0_ ' BASSINETTES, -- WtßSm&Wiffl ' PERAMBULATORS, V^Wfs&W INVALIB CARRIAGES fWlii&M^ AUCEti"A_.DPERAMBI. • r>?pHi<7giis'''; - LATOR FACTORY. V7RV^^\y- * .^IOTORtA STREET! ; ..yNoWf ■ ; X_«r.', , (Near: Freeman's: BayJ OHARLES SMITH- Is. now turning out -On OUST-PROOF JUBILEE BASSINETTES, wit! (11 the latest English improvements, and as 'h> guarantees to keep iri repair fdr one year, this 1 sufficient proof of their excellence; i Perambulators repaired or taken in exchange Couht-y o-ddrs fedeivb s_igcialatt&ritlbri;. Bu; iireotfrom theFaotory, mi »raTe"t misJaites lJßiica-istJK»ii__r_l4 - * ■• .

m^>n-rKtiitMi-v>m»iKvmMtm*ii'm«nmtmmi <» —11 — wwmtK>ammmmmommvmm.nja*i>-\i\iumwnnmm ■ i«_._»i-W-Umi__-_i_iii ih—i _«_t «iii ■_ im„__■» i»_iiii_iiii-w_ -■■»■_■■■____■ „ , 1*7,1 m __JL? ___Dj <_J_3l .JL- v__*/' ________>! DRAPER AND CLOTHIER, . 250, QUEEN-STREET? Next to Tuttle's, Photographer. m~ rHE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE TofTIrAPERY AND CLOTHING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION., DRESS STUFFS. 1 MEN'S, BOYS'AND YOUTHS'CLOTHING. New Stuffs In Stripe and Checks, 6s lld the doztSfi - ; , Men's Tweed Stfifesj complete; all size-, los 6d, 17s lld, 21_, ( , : Catr. a_ UlofchS, iiU Inftilefß, li lid the ddzeti -24a 6d, best New Zealand Tweed, 3os" ; . .. :,. Striped Cashmeres, all shades,; plain tiohjtu^ 10W 6d th& dozen Youths' Trousex Suits, 12s 6d, 15s lld, 14s 9d, olTflylldj heftfli. i Sorges, &avys and Brown, 9aCd the dozen ':_..'< , = ; New ZealandT_veed,3bs ; y ■-::, v '... -.'■•■; ' 7..-7 ' Jersey Ulofchs, &a 6d fclicdozdn ~.,..., Boys' Kiii<■,>:.. Suits, large sizes. 6s lld, 9s lld, 12s6d, ver^.bes^-,,:.. ;:-'kfeayj?.Bi6i_ftih:c*^,'lls'9d!theat(_e_' 14_ small sizes; 2s lld '_£":.:: -'."■'-'',.'", "- ' '""' ! ,'^ '*"' .*" Coldttred Casbm-rt-es and Merinotis, best quality, double .Width,. Men's Trcf. x.vs and' Vests, 6s lld, 8s 6d, lOe 6d* 12s8d, 13511 d,. 26 6d per* yard ' • '! ";"; .' -'- . . .-/-. :: ..-. ';' ;V Ms .'d, very best 16s lld BlackM^rtnoes and CdShmoff., aU Wool,double width, _8 3d,is9d, -Men's. rJ_we.d Ti-ouserst 5s 3d, 6s lld, 7s6d, 8s 6d , Is Hd, 2s_d, Sadd, 2tf 6d,2s 9d,, bfe_b2s lldper yard ; JfeiVs Moles 4s lld, 6s 6d, 7s 6d ' Hu_h_Mm_i&^ Men's Working Shirts, our own make, ls.6d? Is lld; 2s 3d^ 2s 6dj, •-. 2s lld, best 3s 3d 3 MANCHESTER GOODS. Men's White Shirts, 2s lld, 3s 63, 4s lld, with collars 5s Cd White Calicos, heavy makes, 3s 3d, 3_ 6d, 3s lld, 4s lld, per Men's Hats, soft makes,ls lid,2s6d, 3b 6d, 3s lid , ■1,.; Qofoh' ''"■' Men's Hats, hard ma_es,: 2s lld, 33 6d, 3s lld, 4fi lld : . , Vi'liitS Calicoes, b'ghfc ritekos". 2§ lld, 3s* -d, 4s (.d, per dozen Bpys' Hard ahd^dft flats, Is 6d, Is lld, Is 9d, aud 2s 6d . o Uhbteadl3a C&icoe_, 1^ make, large sizes, good! . a dozen •-..- flannel,'2s lld; 3s 6d, and 3s lld White Sheetings, 72 inch _osd, 80 inch Is', 90 inch ls 3d Men's Socks, Ties, Braces, Undervests, otc. s wt «tep. #bi& HABERDASHERY AND FANCY . ... l_6d '. ■■ : . ■,'..; • ■ ~■.■.■.■.■,.■ ..^■"■- . .. " , lliibl-achedSheeting_, lid arid l'_ Id Green Tie Knitting Oottbri, allnumbers, Is ydthdpdund, , Tah^Bamaik-, unble_ched, _s4d;arld Is 6d theyard .-.-;' '". or Black Reels, 200 yards, all numbers, Is dozen ~ :Tihle,Bah_iiSki,:#hf-e,'2B 6d .heyattl Dress Button., allshades, 3d dozen . BlAnkets, p^r pUir,:7s 6d, 9s lld,; lis 0d ',-_., • .",-' Ladies' Hosiery, all sot-ts^-ond prices^ from Cfd'fo 2s $3 " ':"SJK_il_^t^;*pb^ jji^i-iiff^iaf -»i!.6,..1ieJ1V:^.: ni^Se^, .16a lld, lfi_i 6d Children's Hosiery, all sorts and prices, from 6d to 2s Bkhyy; me {&._:, Ne^ Z&lahdi 21-6 d : -o • ,o t I^adi^si' Tttf^tta and Silk Gloves, lld to Is 6d , ' Chnlts, coloured, small size, 3s 6d, 5s 11d,6_ 6d ' Ladies' Corsets, Is lld,- 2s'6d,3s lld, 4s 6d / ~.,. Qhilts. white, 3s lld, 7s Ud, 9s 6d, 12s 6d Ladies' Umbrellas, Is lld, 2s 6d, 3a 6d, 4s 6d; 5s lld, 6^6d : i = Tickings, 6id ftM is. Billot Tick, Is 3d Ladies' Kid.Gloves, 2s 6d, 2s lld, 8_ lld ; ' , i Lac 6 CiirtaihSiype'r pair, 2s'9d,4s lldjßS lld| 7s lldj bound and Fingering Woolaj plain cM : fecolloped edges '-■ ' -' :■.'.;, 2s 3d ... _. Toilet Covers, white marcelU-, Bd, lOd, lsl 3d, and la 9d, coloured Splendiu Quamty Kid Gloves, evening shades, 4 button- \H_. tape_try,'2S lld ■■ " ■ . .' ,3d ; ditt6 6 button, Is 6d ''Hollands, 4id,'sJd,6ia,b_-tß4d v" ... Ladies'.Ulsters, 9s 6d, 12s 9d, 18s6d •-.■-.' % TlanhelS, Wel_h, Bd/10id; H, 1_ 2d, Is4d,ahd,ls6d the yard Ladles' J.ightdres-6sj 2s 6d, 2s lld, and 8s lld Flannels, Now Zdsl ,nd, ll^d, U Sd,;ls'4d the yard , Ladies' Jersey Jackets, good qualltyj. 14s 9d Shetland Flahnhls, iri heavy tftakes, Is 4d Ladies' Chemises, ls lld, 2s (id, 2s lld, 3s 6d oS__p_fc_i,'_.lari_ißls, for under wear, 7d and 8d Ladleß* Drawers, 2s Cd, 2s lld, 3s lld '■ -.■ 3E_riiifcfe, 3Ad per yard ' ' .Ladles' Aprons, large variety, from 6d to Is ; * Cotfeh-Shir'tirigs, h^vymakc^ s|d_ 6dj Snd 6|d ■ Ladie-' Beaded Visited, <4s lld io 15^ 6d, were 15s 6d to 70s' Unidh Shirtings, 9id add llid j Woollen do,, Is 4d Ostrich Feathers, Is) Id, 2s 6d,and 4s lld ' y . Crtet6nhesi best makes, 7|d, Bid; lOid, Is, beautiful patterns Ostrich Tips, lld to Is lld -; Carpets, Tapestry, Is" 9d, All Wool Kidderminster, yai<d wide, Ribbons;-__aoes,;Beaded Trimmings, and a-host of *ther- artielem *' ;':-:'"'o"-:-'2BsSd'' ' -''■--■':-''- ' ' too numerous to mention, .■'■ \ :-:/ J;-'; ■::'■; J COUNTiaY PEOPLE SEND FOR PATTERNS. Note the AnfeaSss !■- .. , - - a r? r?v. \-fr__r_T_T' T. v> !_.'■*_ <_t_ <_m__ /_lr__-i_ ___•_. Ot-fV n.-ofiyi-cl-fr '.'tiavt ■■Trtffl_i'__, ' PU__f _^ihpwiv_^_■__'_i;',

,!A* £_.-•'-T'liiNlyr.j '■■ j-»jr»pt»r auu viuwioij auu, «iucou">9U| uoai> _ übuco., j. uuiugia|uic^ -p DW I N J0 N ¥ '-£ ' ! B?A^&IiBNOYTBa._orHBNOE. vo: o . . /^feggj^. ■;:"-.". yEotrsH,Fra^ffWO,.Mro GKHEBAi, THAMES GARRIAOB J-ITO^DRAY I^^**^ Pensonby J^dandPomslicr Terraceu FACTORY. VIGTORLASTREET EAST. . ■ , ;, ...- :. ■■ . ■? . AucMaa_, N/Z. -'; "r"^»I • ,- "■ and _aOf^___?^a_*______.^~~"" — —^L^^^^m^. .--Agent for the PhtEnix Fire Office.----r ~';-.■' ... *r. o^..^ §ffi»»'^'#3^a»^sas^is!f^iU;^^%s^ Advertisement Agent for Auckland J-^sanstt ■,■:■:■:-■■,'■'■- Hlte-STRfcET, STAiCaad House Agent .Telephone, 308. ». ~-..-.._-- =• Mlfffii MAciSrCoA-HBTT^BB, RAZORS! RAZORS! RAZORS)— . _ ' MANAGER, < - " CHEAP & GdOD CpTLERY. ' -^'^wJw'v^l***-.,- ---, MflAMt>' THOMAS SAMUEL, TyTORPETH BROtfHBR^ S B*&i_^^^ toj«_4 jS^^S^ta^ of flfcmNft FORWARDING AND GENaj • EePftiM -aithfuilyexecnted. r^ AGENT3> MOEN3JBD CUSTOMS y suppiiea. , All the above sslHng at very low ttTloes^ ' fiAi-TRi«a I Orfißtry Ordfir* phhfcttiaUy ftttflnded t* t SOMAS SAMQ^J» u 'qUJ.p6TTRB_JT . „ UAIUKtt., C'ach Optoma's ÜbQ-Oivd-eJt.M^ ■~', * (Op£Q§_tq&,hurVMaft), „ ..qfffwgguro Wb&KT. Apc_u^U|%_...-----■-'--Vy.o.yy;::^ ■';■ '::"-':";:"/:;": WB ># "" '""■■' :" '';' """:"' "''"':;; ''■'"-"-'": :':"":'::

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Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 220, 18 September 1888, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 220, 18 September 1888, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 220, 18 September 1888, Page 7