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OONAH: Or, The Story of a Crime.




For a few moments'-.the young girl, sat -gazing . - before her, then quiet tears leathered, ib her lovely . eyea, and, rolled dfcjwn.hpr cheeks. '■]- Ojh, .Oonaii, Oohah, she said,; as she; buried her face in her hands, 'how alone you are,' how terribly


lb was dark, and the November wind whistled niofU'iifullv 'through-Who 'narrow Rue St: Ensta'ehe ; Hie streets, crooked, and the lamps, fe-W-and far between, lib up the coid grb'y'pavement only -a-Jew yards on either side. -There were few people stirring in this dark, crooked street ; the inhabitants vy-erc either in bed or, had gone to. the Boulevards to ."brighter scones ; and the knocker of Nume_o2s pounded HUo a volley o£ musketry, as it was freely: used byji woman who had just come hastily, down .the street.- Again and again she plied the knocker, and as no answer, came she slipped down upon the narrow pavement aud scanned the closed and shuttered windows. Not a, light, nob a sound from the house. She turned to depart as she had come. She drew around her tha dark cloak winch completely enveloped her taU figure,.and pulling down her veil, benfc her head to the keen wind and stepped off hastily. Ste. bad proceeded only a few steps, when, she almost ran against a man,,wra.pp.ed-vp.1 .fee b.evsel., his hat pulled down over hit eyes, his, coat collar standing1 up ahave his. ear.. 'Mother !' < tAlphonse I. ■■ ' " ■ " . ." „, -Huali-li-rlw Where are you going.?. It was the man who spoke.- ■ ; .•;- 'Where am-I going f Why, I have beep _£ ■. Nab W soul to, let me in; A was goings hatu<, -again.- , Why. arayw walkin_g- about, Alphohse?' It IS impr .- deut.-unwisel I. . ■- '■ ".,"', ."V•"."' ~ The two turned and walked hack W> Numbro 25; iH ' opened' the,-.dftor- W.W «- -pa. s-kav, . and.'; thdn^ lighting.. .i mm -which lie produced from W- V™¥s> M%* caiyila apparently let. for hmw nmm and escorted'the woman ppsfcai .s.> ; , ►-. ■: Up," up: they,, went-shppery >PWshed Bteps winding iibout-iup, up Jto the nttb etage. - - ■'.-•'• '.-',-.'' ' , ', Then he opened ar door* and: the tKP entered a small, comfortably - furnished apartment. : '- , fhe dying, embers of a wood fire flickered through the high brass fender and guardThere were; two large dark arm-chair., one on eaoh'; aide, and a table in fiot.tOfc.the fireplace,, and some,heavy material \\Wg before, the door and the one window oi the j'oom. (The man proceeded tolight a hwp which hung aver the table, o.ncl then; after replenishing the fire, he removed hia eptvt, and sat down. .■•;'-.:": ' Very few, words were said during;the took far, these little duties to be fperformed, ancl these words ■■ chiefly referred to the room, and disclosed the.fact helortged to. the woman, and was only lent ,'ta thei-rhaa, who, as he removed hia bat and muifiev, : showed a face strongly resembling hi&fvisitor. :... _-■..-.■'■ When the fire blazed up, and everything was comfortable, the real business ol the interview begaia

- o 'Why were you out? the woman said.. *;You; promised: ta keep quiet, and to; be guided ;by -me. Surely,; Alphonse, you realise, the risk you run. • be seen by her, all might bo lost. Do let me entreat you to be careiul, fov-myy sa^ j£ nobfor youp;o.\y,n,'' ,- -":-?■''t~ ■ " 'Careful!* the'man returned,-petulantly. 'lam sick and tired of this imprisonment; I have not been outside these walls for, ten days before to-night, and I could stand itno longer. And"what is the use ? I may wait ten days-^ten weeks—ten months—if yog gO( cjn Uketjiis. Whatj are you doing to "shorten the'timd of myimprisonment 1 I hear night afte? night of your bheatres, your operas, yotir gaieties; of the money that is being spentfor. everything money is worth! .1 have no share in all this ; I am shui}/u,p/bore, { am tired, of it , 1 f.ay r I amtiWd of it! I will stand itno longer!

i-t—?.",-;, ;.;.- "!:-■ "7 -::', - 'Stop!' sfaid the woman. .'I, too, am tfred'-^of" this* -secrecyi -." this' dcccit* I' am p.-^qt|sipg for pne of tliqmost upgrptefplqt' irieq. Iri pe'ijd go no further.' Cive rpe; the papqrs ;I iv ill get the revva.d,and share it as, agreed. Ida nob- mind your having it all. 'I will keep my place, and you can. gq wh'ereypu lil^e. We need'sjvy no move, and this may be our last interview.' The \vbroahsspoke:rapidly in French, and with the last words her voice trembled.There was silence for afow moments,then t|xq; wiari ■ replied, .^lao :speaj_ big; French» bu. i^ith a curious, accept. ' ■'.-'^-"^ery well,' hp,^t rijp. qff,', Qp further— jp.t pvoclpim that yqp,' a p°,oi'> h^rd-worUing, mostrespectab.lo. piqthei',. ayre burdened with a bad, bad son—orie. .^ha hafvgs about your respectable beck ana pulls you cfawh to bis'" Own level. Cast youi'iself upon;the tender syrppathy of ,the yoiingidiot who p^ysyyou'to rob. hej]; .keep certain friends arid certain transactions— one in particular in the fine Hautevillo —in tha background !" But be careiul! The light youeast upon the bad son may reflect upon some others who shall be nameless, and the view riiay interest many, speefca-

tors. ~: ' • ,-:.■: / • ' "„' The woman rpse up. 'I am goingj she shid; ' ! also haye "had enough' of this.,- 1 .I^mftigQ tired .p|-i^:^;.you-.-;;-idj apartment; I will give you fche means p. - leaving Paris, VVo'ahaU be as we ' were before, Good-night!' Her face was livid with anger, which-she was tryjiig\Bpres.a.-'fts.she moy^d -tq. the door. ;.,"; . -~.•■•-• \ ■: ' 'iion't; you wish T. ly-oiiltpJ'tjil?^-"'jbjio tr^^>^^ of leaving' Pan. t pQh"'. you tiling rne : p great a fool as; some other people I could name?: Now yqu have the secret Jbf those papers. Youkno^v whythpy are \yay_ted— for an address which, yqu h^vp in.fayr possession. Yp 1,1 can easily, got, fejie reward ofjfered. p.en without thei papers; and yotj think J arngpipg tp I^%Ye the ftejd to you, Oli, no, rnad^rq;,!..' You shpi|Jd know your dear son better. Thu* is no.t ijhe way ypuyhave |_>rpught : ,,liiirai up. Come back hqw, «mci be rational Jj^fc the papers be. The other game is the one for me, and •the only one I will play. ; \Ys; have begun it, and we will go pn.' .;,';.... , ; ," 'And how do'yqu inteiid'-toproceedwith- ■ out me ?' the woman asked, in a bitter tone from the door, where she stood; y 'I have no such intention, ma mere. Nor have yavi.' Whiifci. the Use of wasting time? Come along j sit-down, and be -, ..reasonable.?..-,;,V ,-, '...■., , .-'„,, :,__._,-.., -.. ■ The woman "came, back to the chair she had left,. and sat dgwn. without a; word ; bi?t she looked sullen and angry still. c man continued : ' Well now, where, were we vpu left on Tuesday ? .'.Yes. this is and yeu >vas here Tuesday. 'Aha Wednesday and Thursday,' the - wo-psn'interruptisd. ;; • ,'*:■ 'Yes:,, but on Tuesday, ypu had something to say. You had found out that the faj|r Jr'rincesa of the Pdcifio Slop^. had dp. oided upon travelling, had determined tp go to Poland, and would probably start, in a few.fjayg. : It bad been: decided that she must not take that journey—that if you could get Her to confess that it was interest mi the foreigner that -_< took her on this journey, she was :t.o be ahb^n that such a prpGpediiig • wpuld -be indelicate.': Iri fact, your wits were to be trusted for an excuse toprevehtherleaving Paris.' 'Stopa*moment,' he ■added, Jiolding up hia liandaaa the li-teuer was abcut to iutgr-

rupt him. ' Let us gq over the ground of they w:ork dpne, and see hp,w \t will fit in: with the work to do.' ; 'Well, you were to prevent her leaving Paris, but you were to keep alive her interest in the absent one, and when everything was ripe for a d-nouement,' and my beard had grown long enough, she was to see me accidentally. We were to rush into each other's arms^sho, whose teadejness had saved my life; J, th. still. pr9SP.r t bqd exile. Then tlie resfwas to be let b to me, pnd all that'reniained was to win the fair Princess, and voila tout. That was our plants tolas ib went, but yOur nqte of yesterday informed me that you; had important news tor me. Perhaps this news has caused you to change your plans, my mother 2_ . ' Yes. Now that you have given me the Opportunity, I may- tell you my plans are alien,.aged.' , ■'~,_' iv \ .„ ; 'The 3-1 -they;aje.., Wejl, Jotua, W\v them in their new. form .!' _ •Well,"' and t the jvoipauyYOjco^ag 4W and bitter, 'you might'have spare*! me. this harangue if you hud allowed me to tcliyou thi.b her trustee's are both coming! over at onca—that tl'iey——' ■ .J 7 . . But ty(iq Wq'mai.i w,'is not al|p_Wbtv vP nni^n the sentence; The, Ptyp Vpvapg W-. - You lie !' he s^id, ' Ypil, %S* t&l.hpg W? this to frighteiiiiie out of Paris.' .. ' Very well,' said the wopiap, vjsipg, and more to you,. Qppd-nteht.' t ' B,\it he was at hqr .§ipq hi an lpstgnt. ' rQb,Vsai(l"he, 'in; a changed voice,, o\ mother,' ddnV leaye me, Dqn t yqu see I'm mad, with this, curse,c hiding arid seurepy.' 1 cared' little for .the^, t>\}\ you taught me'haw much thoie.Wa? to live for. I buntechy and enjoyed the- chase nearly aa. much as. they who pursued: ' But ypu, you 1.^4 «P, JO mo such a picture—moneyi great weal m to buy anything,'evpryblung., \?i_h.: and her. Yes,'you may look increduh}us,; but she is the greatest pryte of $1, And nqvv, just wb'effyqu sli,dw me all thi& yPAVdasn it 'from my qye's t and tell me ,tp eg out tq thp World arid be hunted again like a rat Hunted through the old gutters; hunted to death,' ' , -■ , ».„. . • Hesa^ dowq on a chgi^ a Iqok ot ■almostpit'y came to the wqrPsp s face, but sh'e'koon harideped again, t... ;*r''|)ph^'"be 'ft fpbv .she ':._&<_« hwipg her 'hand upon lils' shoulder. »Yqu are never for one moment to be depended upon. Even premised pro<"wi.y makes yon independent and impi £ » } 'as threatened adversity makes, you v »,. .ifard. Gome, come, sib down. " You have pasted tlie' better \ party of my evening. Now' listen.'- ;-: ! '~', He took her hand, and was led back to his chair by'the fire. All the reoklesa independence had gone from his expression, and hi its place there wa^ a 109k wmoh t,he rat he had'quoted migjht have worn during a parley with his pursuers, "_ ' '"• Now,' euid tho woman, • \l_ you can be quieb and r*tiopal,; li-will toll you wpat has ■happened. Tbe trustees are coming, nnds lest they should oppose it, she intends starting on this todr at once. Nothing will | prevent her but the fultilment, qf one of our; plans.' ' We must abandon the idea of ouij I meeting1. The papers are our game. ShO, has offered ten'thousand dollars .fqr thero, She will double the sum, if X tell her itip necessary. We will get the inopey, arid, do what ctrcipnstapees be?, advise, ,You can have the money; X >VHI h > contontwith | tjh'p situation—chapefono and companion to j a millionaire; that should be profitable.' , j Whilst the woman' s|)ol;e,. the man watched her. keenly, nudmo're than once tho sqbdued expression of hi^ fa«o'^a voplaces to one of cunning and suspicion^ but only in flashes, and as she finished, he dropped his-eyesi and there was another*pauqe.';y Then, looking up suddenly, as if to take her by surprise, he. asked* . 'Why not carry out the other plan ? * Why . - Why, .because itia inipo?sible— ab least"improbable—of success; the other ■_ is' Sure. ' ■' .............. * «:I can't:.': -W. .Pother. I can'^b give,hoiU p, Dq—dla help \n& here. 4 ?wp»j.*,t,o, you I will devote my life to hor ;, I will share everything with ybu, and I Will nlako you happy.' Look at the' life I have lived this twelve long months. Ilunted-like a r wild beast— sbkrving for food, half famished1 wiijh'c'old ; holding in my hand the means atapyi mOihenb Of getting this large sum offered fqr these papers • did I for one moment waver in my purpose? Who. but! could have carried out this plan to where it is now? Think of- the dirficulties I oyerq/itme in' placing you wnepe you are. I nevqr loWb'sigHt of her fop'asingle day since! l first. sa^j he'?. When 1 thosi old idiots in "Now Yo^ 1. fidvertised -for a lady companion With knowledge of forqign languages, whol'bub J could have found Mademoiselle Mennie, witb letters of recommendation from nearly every defunct niarohe'-O of the Faubourg St,, Qermaine? Who bht, I-cqu]dhaye managed this business '! Arid now, when the;prizO Wa^ 4t my "foot, lam forbidden to stoop and pick it up. Ab, mother, don't give it upr-don'b desert irie now—don't talk about the reward for the papers. Wl^at is, the poqd of the reward 10;» p,rqj!crib.d man—-tp qihe who must hide; eternally hidql' -'■■ y.':'""''.:."_"' He asked the qpestiori fiercely.y^ ' She did nob answer, but sat girahjg ih, the ■ 'fire. y '"' ' - '.'' -"'""" .'■ /Mother,' lie cried, throwing himself on his kiiee^. ' speak,: ' apd: reiia^piber your vqrdict is for,life ot'death-"" 'Help 'pie ho\v, apd we are both from harjm—secure for the rest of jour Uvea. Sftfe-l-^-safe !' .■ • ~';•.>::■ 'Ifqw qiin yqu khow that f the woman asked, '^b seems to me it will be but e^ciiaiigitig ono fear for another—one danger fqf anothqr. If discovered afterwards?'.'_"', ',' lb would be her interest, her wish, tq keep the secret'; and whit can pot be dono witpfive hiindred thoqsand francs a yedr 1 Thipk of that.ipother.' ' Five hundred thousand frtlncs a year ! Is that one hundred thousand dollars ?' : . y'Yes; that is her jncjppiq '-ab' thisj moment,' said tho man humeclly,_ taking, advantage of thb hqwlyraw^kened interest he paw in the woman's '■ race ; 'and, as yotj know, qhe. is to hpve more—much more. ■$ou told me yourpelf.that lier trustees said Jier inebme' wbuld be: doubled ih' a few years.' • « Yes—yes,'answered the other. , 'Sheis rich now—will be more and niqre rich ;, and— —-'' ■ ;';-' ■ ' ■ I :.'-• And,' the .man interrupted, ,'all this I will go to soroe muh some "day... She will marry.^ . Monsieur dqe§ pqt lil^e rp.adame'§ companion. Madame will no longer require a ponipanibn. Macjerpoiselle MelanieAvill get a month's wages,"a.pjejppt-r-rperhaps a little settled sum tO/k,epp the poor companion in modest respectability. The jeune mariee seis up a grahd establishment, Madame receives (when not too occupied) her old. cqpibanion, who comes dressed as becomes her station in life. ; The black stuff dress^ aud clore bopneb, and gloves too big bo soon, wear out, a—- —' : *Sfopi' said the woman.; * This is the yerie-tspeqblatibn^' :':.yß,Ut there was unoasi-ne-S in her eyes,! ahdn fierceness of expressibpi' which' piatle the resemblance between the twp very strong. < This is the veriest speculation.'

'Js it epeculatiqn,' ho sajd h-UVFJ-dlyi to say that a beautiful woman, with the fortune Pf ft Bothschild, will Jfljirjr-y.? spe^julafcipn to predict that a hu|ban^ with such .3 treasure will guard it well a,nd gu,ard it ? ,1 tell you that unless,, we carry out the plan that I havo worked, fpy— st^vecf .or,;aH is lpst.; \\» yoqr hpjlp the prize .9 at our vpry haijd..; You havft hutyto' pick it-'up arid jiftnd it tp raft. ;PP it, mother, do what we agrees^ upon,., Let Hot one mainent bp Ipsfc. Po thjs, qreyp.v ■regret it tn your dying day.' ;' The woman stop^. up,.'Sh© lsQ_3<3 (f<.WB at her richjgaririeri.s of oa. hmera and .ilk and, fur., Her long; whifcP ilbg_fS cembpd the soft ?sable of her oloak'Sleeyesyas she stood with ar^s prpissedf Tberfc was silence for a moment, the man: watching h&r afc tentiveiy^ and then she sa.d ? 4 W<s}, leb it Ib9Sp;i'wi^dppl},tofeJ^lW-l, ■«■■:■ '

He sprang up and had her in his arms in ap instant. He kissed her, and to releasing "her, kissqd one hand, the other. He was beside himself with delight and joy. _~ ~ . ~ .. 'Nob one other word;to-night, he said. ' No, poV I feel tqo glad-too h.appy, tohear1 one 'other word; t^t: me have" this, promise to cheer me through the long hours till I see you again. Yea, go now ; ib is labe. . Oh, mother, forgive me> for. doubting you. 1 know you are so clever you can do anything—anything ; and I thought you were forgetting roe.' 'Ope thipg I must dfi. the wOPian replied; arid'"she struck and lighed a" taper. 'Getme the picture,';;,.... ■;.,;■;", , He opened a small escritoire, and handed her a frkmed photograph. _ _ '-, Sitdbwn,' ehp said, -ip that ppsitiqp. ' He changed^ his seat and sab opposite her. ' ' ' . ■ ". . ; ' Turn your head a little this-way. He did so. . . ' She'loplvp.d long and sprutimsingly at him, and then ab the picture in her hand. 'No, she said, at last, 'yqu must not let tho beard grow. It is best to account for (((qy change she pjay see by tM ah-eppp of this beard. You nmsb practise this expression of tho eyes. Nothing is easier. Ib is a look of longing- and expectancy. Yes, mprq. li.. tl\a.t; hut there is one thing fptsl to the likqne^s being- capied-^the quick "restlessness of your eyes. Those eyes,' pointing to. the picture,' look straight q'pt before them. Yqprs avq ftlvy^ys^ hunting about as if "for some corner to; hide, in.Can't you ppep youi? eyes and look straight before yqu?, No, ppt. a s,ta,re. Yqs, tha.t is better- ' Weil, reniember this, and alsd th.c ha.rids- Hia pre thin and delicate; the fingers a,re long. Yqprs %ye small,, ap.. like a woman's"; but she nifiy never thmlj. of this.' -, I'Do you forget that I lived for six weeks W-ith thi. man ? I tell yoii not apr most intimate friepdif could te|l u| PPflf-fe okw. younger, bpt I looked fully his age np ( W, and-she had little time tq sfudy bahds and expressions,3 hq said. , . .' fiflive's eyes are sharp ones,? the Womah answered... ;',' Yqtj think, fhep, she fapci^ tyt least tliat she loved him ?' '(: It is ho fancy;' she did, arid 6J0e8.! I fead that confession from her this Afternoon.' _ , - ,',.■■_;:■ ' -; * ''You jdid! And you came here,'a.nd adyised the abandonment of pur pTsyfi-1* ~, ' Yes^ because Of the other new_—-be£ahß,e of the trustees coming ; and because I am a^yev, p,ever ; p,| ypu. '■ , ' What do yqume^n?' ' You'need'nOt ask. _Hq\y m^py tliipg^ have you undertaken and abandoned when the road hecaipp difficult bo travel? How qftep,have yqutprppd aArayto save yourself, or left the bu|tb<?n to be borne by anqther ? That othfflr lias beep tPq often myself for me to believe in yqu; f\nd yet I will go op with you now—l will trust you once more!' ! IPq $ ]qok hko this, f jiterfried ? Have I left.ftpytbipg p.pdqp^ ? D,o, consent to give ib up,' ev^n. though you ha,ve' showp pie. the ofihor alcernative by which I could have this sum of money ? No, I have followed this through every difficulty^ :a, man cpuld^eppqppter, phd '■' J will follow it tO the end.' 'Theend/ , .'",'.,,., , ~.',--.,' , --. : The woman- eohoed his 'lasb words in a kind of soliloquy. 'Yes, the end!' he repeated. -Whereevejr this leads, to that end I will go !' Se fe-openexl bhe escribqire as he spoke, and. vf,&& t rppla,^ng-.■the picture^;:: * /tho woman stepped forward, andj stooping down, lifted up alittje. packet of paoers, and smelt thepi, ' " "■'" ' , 'Yes, it is there,' she said, shaking'her head with Satisfaction. 'Is is very fpint,, but I know what it is—l can get it.' j '- What "'■%". asked fierCompanion. 'The perfunie which clings to those papers. I kno\v it. It cqmqs frpm palsjf\ro,- Jt i? Yucca.' f : '' ' .Ypcca !' hp repeated. ■;■".* Yes*. It is ct|lted by l^he Ylicca. .v-She remembers it, arid it is a great card for us. Now adieu. Stay here ; do not leave fo^ a singlp day* or hqpr! I might niiss a gi-eaby'oppbrtrinity if X could not reach you with tf riiessnge;' | ;i_P.q escorted hqr to thq c|o.or, kip^ed'her; op either cheek, apd she was gopo,

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Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 220, 18 September 1888, Page 6

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OONAH: Or, The Story of a Crime. Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 220, 18 September 1888, Page 6

OONAH: Or, The Story of a Crime. Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 220, 18 September 1888, Page 6