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' Medical. STEEditN'S SOOTHING POWDERS FDR CHILDREN CUTTING THEIR TEETH , CAUTION TO PUKOHABEKSi The value of this well-known Family Medicine has been largely tested iii: all parts of the world, and inallgradesof sooiety» forupwards oivueyt if ears. Its well-earned extensive sate has induced spurious imitations, some o£ whicli in outward appearance so closely resemble tha original have deceived many purchasers. The proprietor, therefore, feels ie due to tha public to giveaspecial caution against the use of such imitations. • ■ ' Purchasers are therefore requested carefully to observe the four following distinctive characteristics, without which none ■ are genuine :— ' ■ Ist. In every case the words John Steedman-, Chbjust,'! ■Walworth, Surrey, are engraved on the Government Stamp affixed to each packet. . , . , 2nd. Each Single Powder has directions for the dose, and the words "John Steeclman, Chemist, Walw,orth, Surrey," printed thereon. 3rd. The nameSteedmaais always spelt with 'twoßE'B. '■' ■' ■ ; ■■ '-■' :< '." ': :" «'■':"■', '■■''" 4th. The manufacture ia carried on solely in Walworth, Surrey. : . . Sold in Packets by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors, at 1 s lid to 2s 9d each. Agents, Kempthornb, Prosser and Co., Auckland, Weing ton, Christchuroh. and Dunedin. ■■ DRT jr^OLLIS^BROWNE'S CHLOROmNE. : The Original aastd Only Gemnirae. Advice to Invalids.-^lf you wish to obtain quiet, refreshing sleep, free from headache, relief from pain and aneiuish, to calm and assuage the weary achings of protracted disease, invigorate the nervous media, and regulate the circulating systems of the body, you will provide yourself with that marvellous remedy discovered, by Dr. J. Collis Browne (late Army Medical Staff), to which he gave the name of CHLORODYN^E, and which is admitted by tha profession to be the most wonderful and yalu able remedy ever discovered. CHLOEODYNE is the best remedy knownf OB Coughs, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma. ; CHRORODYKB acts like & charm in Diarrhoea, andis tbeonly specific in Choleraand CHLOIIODYNB Bffectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation., and Spawns. ■ -'■■' ■ ■ ■ -"-.■■ '' . " ' ■■:.■!■' CHLORODYNE Is the only palliative in Neuralgia. Rheumatism,' Goiit, Cancer, Toothache, Meningitis, &c. ; . . FromSymes & Co., Pharmaceutical Chemists Medical Hall, Simla, January 5, 1880. To J. T Davenport, Esq., 33, Great Russell-street Bloomsbury, London. Dear Six,—We embrace this opportunity of congratulating: you upoii the wide-sprcaa reputation this justly' esteemed medicine. Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne.haa earned for itself, not only inHindoatan, but all over the East. Aa a remedy for general utility, we much auestion whether a better is imriorted into the country, and we shall bo glad to hear of its finding a place in every An^lo-Indian home The other brands, we are happy to say, are now relegated'to. the native bazaar.?, and, judging from their Bale, we fancy their sojourn there will ibe evanescent. We could multiply in stances, ad infinitum. of the extraordinary efficacy of Dr. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne in Diarmoea, and Dysentery, Spawns,. Cramps' : Noulalgia, the Vomiting of Pregnancy, and as a generarsoaative. that have occurred under our personal observation during many years;. In Choleraic Diarrhoea, and oven in tho mbra terrible forms of Cholera itself, we have witnessed its surprisingly controlling power. We have never used any other- form of this mcdi oino than Collis Browne's from a firm conviction that itibdecidedly the best,and also fromasense of duty iwe owe to tha profession and the public^ as we. are-of opinion that the BUbstitution ot any other thaa Collis Browne's is a belibkratk SRBACH OB" FAITH ON THK PART OB1 THE CHEMIST TO PRESCRIBE AND PATIENT, ALIKE. — W,e are, Sir, faithfully yours, Symesand Co., Members of tho Pharm. Society of Great Britain, His Excellency tho Viceroy's Chemiats. . ■ CAUTION.-Vico-Chanceilor Sir sW. Page Wopd stated that Dr. J. Collis Browne was, undoubtedly, the Inventor of Chlorodyne; thai the story of the defendant. Freeman was deliberately untiTie,; which, ho. regretted to say, had been sworn to.—Sea " The Times," July Is, 18W. IJ':■■•-;■■ •■'-■ •■' ': '"■' ■'■■'•; '-'■' ' ■'-" ■-■!>'■■*■ Sold in bottles at Is ljd, 2s 9d,4s6d,and lla . each. 1 None ia genuine without the words " Dr. J, .Collis Browne's Chlorbdyne" on the Govern^ montstamp. Overwhelming medical testimony accompanies eaoh bottle. C&ution.-i-Beware of Piracy.and lirFitatJons. Solo Manufacturer-J. T. DAVKNPORT, Great Jtoujsott-atreeU Bloomabury, London. S 44 BbTGEoTTEOS. COKGREVB Anl) its;'Succßßsroi Treatment, Slwwing that direful disease to be curable in all ifs stages ; with observations'on. \ ASTHMA, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, -&C." 250,000 have been sold, in England. Colonial Edition, §d. (Id. Post Free?.) ;Published by Kioßir, 64, King William '■'. Street, Adelaide; <J. Eobejitsoii & Co., 83, Little^ Collins Street; Melbourne, and of Sydney; B. Stkinj Perth,: West Außtralia; TJpios & Co., Aucldaad, and Simpson A Williams, Chrlstchureh,'New Zealand;': J. & Son, Hobart, Tasmania. . ' ! CATARRH, COUGHS, HOARSENESS. The FINEST REMEDY for COUGHS, COLOS, "BTCy .' -/is/:.',-- ••' ...;' :■; ■• CONGREVE'S In Bottles Is. is&, 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. & Us. Prepared by G. T. CONGREVB, Copinbe y Lodge, Peckham, London, and- ■';' SOLD BY ALL THE BEST .MEDICINE HOUSES ,IN THE COLONIES, y: A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. ; BEECHAK PILLS : i '■■ ■-■ ■ -^*™ Jj"J°**l «b^; "■ Ara" ■ univorßallyr ■J& \t n Jk^Ss. >dmitted:to be -worth'■» Guinea a,' ■.:■";■ g^tff f '•"' Sox for Biliotisand JsQQ/ ' ' ' •'\tftV ;Nenrous Diepriora : ' B^lyf ' '.•■■•;\ij:\-'Buca' as .Wind and; B?!r-f'ml t-t-JL.-'-I \-»V\Paia in the Bto» 1 7EA.TEMT Y { \™<*. Sick Head-' I« Pl LS' S ■■'■'■■lee'l JMnasß.ftndSwel. tZA ***"&• ,/£?/Ung after Meals. ,IvhV , i« ( ».««i. • JR^i Dizziness .and ' \it«N. ■, ■ J^s Drowsinesß; Cold ;\CSv' ' ; y^W-'Ghillsvtriushingßoi , \sSk<+ TS^>4&J f Heat, Loss of Ap.j ,;, i .'■^fej«y,^^v\jP^: '."-, netite, Shortness : o£ Breath, Costive- :-■ ■ • ■■'■'■j^^^ ;- ;:'neßß,: Scurvy and ; ; ; Blotches'. on-f|sthe,. • wl^., ( . filsin,. ' pistur'bea .' Sleep. Frlghtfal' Drcftnis, and all Nervous anl^ Trembling- Sensations, &c. The flrßt dose wiU give xeUef in twenty minjites, - s .-,-: •■■■ j,;, . ~;. ■; . :i ßvery snfferDT is: .earnestly iii-vited .to try one box of those PUls and they will to ftdaiowliedgod tob» WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. % -: Vat f amftles of all-ages th eso Pills ore invakt* .tible, as a few doses of them oarry off all humours, and ibringr aboms all that is required. ':No female'shonld-be frithont them. There ia no .Medicine to be found equal to Beecham's Pilla- ■ for removing any obstruction "or. irregularity of; "the system. If taken according to the direor tiqn3given -with.each box, they will Boon restore " female 3of all agon to sound and robuat heal th, 'This, hasibeen proved by. thousands who hara ■ - tried.them, andifound tho benefits,whioh!are . eauured iK^tlielr use. ; " ' , v, . ■For »: "Weak Stomach,: Xnjptiired.' digestion', and: oil i Disorders' of • the■■ Wver, theyf acfc ilifeo ■: jnagio, ao4 ft few doses will, be found to wo* wonders a on the' moflt important organs in tho human machine. ThSy' strahgtlio.n the whole ': aiusoular fiystem, restore tho long lost com- ■ • plosion, bring-back thei Jieea edge of-appetite, . on 4 arouse Into,.action with the rosebud of health the whole physical energy of the hurnai}; ' fraxde/'fThesorare Pacts! tettined; continually ! ,byincm'berspf;,ftHolasßes;ofiPOCiety and one of the ,beet : gTiarantees to the Nervous and. Debilii , :■ tated' is'^EBOHAM'S PILI-S Kave'Mtargett, ' Sate if any Pyhitt Medicinein'theWvrld,'- \ ; - .4.51 a remedy fop Coijifhs in general. Asthma, . .;-. Brpnuhial Afleotioris, Hoarßßness, BhortnesS of Breatn, Tightness'and Oppression of the (jliost, •' Wheezing,'&o.y these 'Pills = stand, unrivalled, ,'. : . They &rq the best.evßi>; oSered to the public and - > will ppeedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing, which niglitly! deI,' I priye the, patient of restii Let any person give . BBBOHAfca CQXJQS PJLLS a trial; and tho : inosi yiolenfj cough will;ia a short time be removed, '. " . •" ,; . ". -; ■ ' ' Prepaid only, and sold Wholesale and Retail, 1 .: by.the Proprietor, Thomasßeecham, Bt; Helens,' Lancashire, England, in boxes is. l^d. and •■"Ss.-Od.'each,;. •; - - .'',.■ '. -'' ! ■''"■ Sold by all ■ Drriggists andPateht Medicina Dealers everywhere. :' -■■.:*'••.■ ii.B-—■Foil dixeoUoiis are given with each box,

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Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 218, 15 September 1888, Page 4 (Supplement)

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 218, 15 September 1888, Page 4 (Supplement)

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 218, 15 September 1888, Page 4 (Supplement)