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Educational /.' ■ DOMAIN fi PvMIMAR . QCHOOL, :.■■■,;'SYMONDS-STJailiETi AUCKLAND.' ■ '-'■> .■.!■■ v: ■:■■ ■.. .Conducted by .. ,=. .' ': SIR C.P. NEWCOMBE, MR F. NEWCOMRE, .■;,-,,;■ -•AND:RBy.-H.. : M. MVENS.:'--: ■- ' PBIVATEAKSIDENTCE: '.'; V'; ' : PARK ROAD^ :GIiAFTOH KOAD. The* following are the Principles which gilitj.o us in tho conduct of this Scho©l,,arid. to enable us to give effect'to whfch "vi'o ask "tho • Co-oporation of Parents:— '■' ' ' ' .The objeotssoughtto bbattairicdare the intellectual advancement afld ißQrul training: of the, pupils. 1 no.question is how best io expand,the: mind and dovolop the character. To;accpmplißhthis, the skilled 4eacher deals ;wltli;edch/4ndi-; vidual mind,in the way best it ; ;,.by, Icindly..encburagenjenband skilful questioning the tiriiidchildis " broughtpast the bitterness of his learning." Tile teacher has to" discover tho weakness and tho strength of each r to- inculcate accuracy hi some, neatness in,others; to exoite interest and to roiiso ambition. '■" . Direct personal influence is an essential m good education. The work of the true teacher is a continual contest with bad' work; waste of time, low motives and moral defects. His; aim i? to'creat© and maintain a tnoral.aiid Intel-1 loctuhl tone in tho school,' which will itself be'as! invigorating as pure *ir: Work is then accepted j as a pleaainar duty. Each is urged to do what he can, ana is not put to shame because others do | more. Hence it ia that we hare no corporal j i ' ■• -: ■ ' ■.--'•' ■ ■■ ■ • >.puhishmeiita.'Nocaso No Corporal .■ : of tho.kind. has oc-; Punishments,;, „ cxirred since, tho V. ;'•", V"■■• I ' school was" established." If by excessive provocation ittflhfluld occur, by nono would it be raoro regretted than by the teacher,himsblf, , j..-_;, : \i.. > There is no taking places or giving of marks. ' „ - .'.■•_;'..•.„.. ■..,'.. AtriQ time is it made No Taking Places or1 a merit that a boy has Giving Marks, i . done 'better!-) than ;,••,.'■'- , : - ' ?• . someone; else —■? the best may be bad in him, and tho worß good; all we ask is' that each one yrill do his ; ,<'■■'->>-. _^: ■-, >■< ;■'.■■;■: utmosW'Oonseaifently No Prize Dis-. we have no prize distbibotiqn". ■.:■■■<■: :' tributioh. > Isi thero ; ■ . .; • ■■. • anywhere::in' life a more painful siffht tlian the ■ cro^d of un-i successful onea called upon to cheer .tho more' fortunate, but eacli with an aehinf;heiirt, often' oaused by sonaeof injustice? The systonl? badfor the many, and not always good f oi'.thQiow. Our; . only punlshmentß are PonishmeKts Semv sell!-lniposod,andarjse imposed.- 'directly from the of- ?<>'■'&■ >■!'■'■ i-V '; '. ■'■;:>.. fence; = lasapns neg-, lected, carelessly prepared, or badiy '.-. written. nuiaf. be sufficiently woll.douo; timcwaßtcd in Hchool must bo'inadenp after school houvs. !! Wo;do not Kiyoaaauylsoine lessons. Oaehour : „■■■■■ . ViforthejaniQrsandone Not Many Home . . hour and arhaKfor the ; LtessONS. ' ""' ■" seniors, adddd to tho iivo hours of school work, is. sufßcient Another Tdryilmportaint consideration is that tho main,.business.of a toact'or in school timo SS to teach, and not to examine home work. He cannot do both.' -Any time taken from the direct personal'lttfluence above referred to is not so much to the advantage of the scholar. ; : ~ . .j , I 1 * THI FOLLOWING? Afeß THE StJBJECTS ' TAU&KT:~ ; MODKRN■■■■■■: LANGUAGES (FRidsfSP ANb'| GrBRMAW).-iWo' give the samo proftiinence to j French as ia given in* moat 6ra,mniat" Schools to Latin, and for the following tC4SonB:— French, if: Well taught, is useflur in c6iiimorce i ■ -■■'-■-■ ..-'■ ; ' ■■•►■■;.■■ ; andrfor..jiuruosfs ;o( French an Ajd to thk travel. > ! ?feafly-,all tho ! Study ok English English ■vyorss .d^.j • v aso'Latin. ■■■ ■■'' i: ■ rirod from "theI:Latin' - come to1 us tfirough | the F.ronch. - Its1 grammar is scltoatiHcWftndits literatiu'o, rich, in , the. treasures o£..modem thought/ You can do with French Avhiitriotonft student In'a tbmwnnd succeeds* In dplisgr with' Latinj vlk-v read: habitUKlly and' with' ploasure the authors who have written in that language. Inoidentftl^vantageaare.thatitrAualatiqna re-! q'lih'd good Eucfiish spelling:and composition, I and precision in the use * atid appliisdtfon of I ■ - ; words. • /We regret-that so few learn Geiisian. iGerman, a lan(?u«ge thatelpr thpj ■..■'•-'nboj'd 'roii»bps"{» oqjitillyasim'jjprtant as the .Freiujh. Wo nstv olmrdenai'tt Kteifc and SeGondlfrench; Div.W. Smith's Third PhhoipiaV and translate ihfi books roquij'ed forthq Cambridgo Local KTatninatioiis. For German, wo use Schinzel's First and Second Books. ' > LATIN.—To those whohoW gtrorig opinions on tUcnecessity of,th<j studyot Latin fora comi j pleto knowledge of .the structure of English, we I would point out that that would* furnish ti I stronger argument fcr the study of AurloSaxon.i1 In all good modorn English Grammars, suchaatliat.p£ Mason (which wo uso), there,| tire slvon many; hundreds of jvrorda from the Ansrfo-Saxon, Latin, Greek, ana other languages astho sources of English. For tbo majority of scholars these flhouTdsiiaico. Of tho rest it would be'enough for a fow to got an acquaintance, with tho grammar of tho. langnage aa taught in Smitb'3 FirstPrincipia. For those intended for tho professions, or who are Ctthdi-. dates • for,; advanced examinations, the study j must be carried forward to the.extent required.; MATHEMATICS,-ft is impossible to oyerostimato this study. To the scientific man, to, J the enßineer, and; th^ practical worker it is essentiaL It induces habits of precision in j tlionght and action, and so affects, through our I reasoning powers, bur jurtementßin philosophy. | Every step in mathomntical advancement Is; pure gain. We can uso any good Artthmotio or AlKebra, with Todhunter and Hamblln Smith j in the hiKher branches. :;, *, I To this headinK we may refer COMMERCIAL AKITHMKTIOJ-This incl'JdeS every form of prcparatiohfor tho house of business aa Rapid ! ;Mental Arithmetician kindß ot Invoicps, a cpta- j pleto systpiu of 13Qokkcopinfr, and calculations of such variety and1 roluo. that any boy who has, been through our course will be prepared totake5 1 his place at onco at b ny desk where correctness' and arood writing are essential. ■ ' WRlTlNG.—lnstruction in thissubjocfiacon-: ducted by Ml1 A. M. HuxTAiILE. ' ' .=.. 15N(?LISH.*-.-Tho Drat loasons in English to ;a young spholar should extend hi 3 acquaintance with words antl l;helr usc3 by reading, followed by cohvorsatiotia'and explanation's. Then may bo taken the elements o£ grammar, with the History and growth of our langnagei and advanced reading in th<» intermediate classes, and lastly a mbro critical study of tho structure of the langnago and tho history of Englieh Litera-. turo in successive periods. i GEOGRAPHY.—Toxt books are ofiise tofur-, nish faots to a willing studont. Snt'tbo thind of tho teachpr, with his" questions 'and his descriptioiii' given from personal experience1 and iroadiriff,':;is tho btet teacher of geography. Ho is aidud/by outline-niaps to bo fllledln froiii copies or from memory, and by essays, to bo written'descriptiVe of jourileys in other lands, i HISTORY.—There is nosubject that can bo ■made so ihterestiriu: as History. This should extend'to General History, especially o£ Modern' Europe.' Tho lives of "grtiat: and famous men and women, thoir influence on their own and suoceedinu ages, tho growth of liberty^ which rosultetlfrom their endeavours—tl)e?o pictures i'fdm the past: will always' iattfdot the 'dullest; arid the least 'imaginative Let viS hopb that Borne scholars may be foiind who will value, ■historic research m its, higher uses, viz.,, ,ip supply tlidriiftterials i'Or'.constitutional. inter-" national, and' industrial investigations.' The study of individuals is interesting1, as it affects 'ourselves, but to observe tho effect of laws and customs iii.-nation's which have had a noble :of the highest value to the.age in which we live. . . : ; . SCIJSNCE.-The subjects included under this heading are numerous and important. For this reason only the elements of most of them can be taught, but oiie or two lnay-be aaleOUid fbva, more cpn»plete: "stjidy.. We ,have, therel'dre, course.iof lessonsiivPiiysiology and Chemistry, of which niistritcfs -aro taken-down by the pupilai:, Wej are n'otjable* afr-present to.■ offer liaboratory practice, but,propose to take those ipupilsI;'wild show antUolent ; interest.; iiir andknowledgfo bf,tho Chemistry of the non-metal-Ho elements, through ■a" Course of Testing for minerals, which will be of use to students in itliis.disVWcf, or as.preparation for t^he Uniyer:slty Course. The.advanced pupils attend tho Laboratory practice in the Auckland University. . ART.—yVe areablOito lead a student forward tbany.kind of .Drawing or Painting. < EXAMINATIONS. — School JCxaminatidna, conducted by masters drspeciaroxainicers^are 'not so satisfttctory as.tboeo;conducted -by Urn; verwties in which tho performances of the school '■■■'■■ cdri ' be compared . with i Cambridge Local those of others, and many > Examinations: i. tMbusonds of boys' and '■•■•;,'■.-,■ ; girls aro examined-on! tho same day. It is therefore'intended to, Aucldajwl in tho n:ontn of December,; 1888, the I Crimbridgft Locftl Examinations. In JJcC6moci, '• 1836, 9.2lcrcandidatej3 examined, of f whom i 104 wei-e from Englisb Colonies. Wo hopo to bo jiwoll represented, at this Kxamination. For piipils abovd 16, the Senior CambricKrd'and tho I New: iJcaland! • U»ivecßity,-• Matriculntion :are I'recoinnionded. • •'■_;:.":.,: ■'■.■■:-■' <;,., .-1- r '''■■■:'■■■■, '/■■: We coninwod the ab»ve to ihe public as the ideal of piducatiou which vre do our utmost to carry but.' ■'• ,', ■'-.:.'■•■ .-. ■ "■--- .-.;,-■ ; Tho Aoura of school are from! half-pawt ; 9 to half-pastl2, and from 1 to 3, The next tcrni •will cooQitiencobn MONDAY,'Sept. 17th.1888; "Mr Nkwcombk will attend to rocoive-tho names of NdwPupils; on SATURDAY. Sepj. 15th. from9.till 12. :.. . ~■ .■ r :! . : FEES.—For, Day Scholars above 13. £3 10s per term : for Day Scholars xinder 13, £2 16s. , KXTR A.—Shorthand, fills. ; - : t ; • : ■Book 3 and: otationorr cost about 7s 6d per :term, and are charged in the < account at tho beginning of the next term; ."'■ ,'■■•' ■. ; FOR!BOARDERS.^AboreI3, I BI7<p«t terta} Under 13, «li\ Laundress, £1 Ib. All re?? aro p&yftUi^ lv 4^r»n.o«f

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Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 218, 15 September 1888, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 218, 15 September 1888, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 218, 15 September 1888, Page 1