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0 Stock of Gentlemen's SHIRTS-speciaily good value. TIES AND SOARVES-a very choice assortment being opened up/ r| y^jgithis Departmeht will be sustained as hitherto, but special attention will be given to the MAN U F AOtURINGBRA N OH. j sur celebrated PULL^V^RIiATS to order S^WoJOaJd. any size and shape, d. W. S. having made arrangements for a constant > I supply of raw material from a flrst-ciass French house, will not be excelled in this Branch. j

&.■ 'iffu?:,::' .Mf."'iy;;-v!:"';" ' ■ "-.;.- .■ ..■. ,■.,.. .-... ; . ~.-.. . . .. <;1 '■■ *■ ' ■•■ •■■■.,.•: ',■.':.;,,.■"■■:•, ,-.- .., ;/.'■,, :',iv.i : : : « . ';■ ■;;••.. ■ t V:ii.K; ::;^..-:' -./ . . ETC., ETC. -• ' - "'! .-i.;. ; M ;.:n : :,r.: ,'■..- ---' '".{."•.„■ We are determined to elesu* the remairidep of oup Winter Stock to make room ' , ")' for our SPRING GOODS coming forward. In order to do so, we 'Will hold a . i- Cheap Clearing Sale for a short period. Tweed Trousers from 12s 6d, Saddle i | • .Tweed Trousers from' 2.15,: Tweed' Suits from £2 !0s ;in fact NO REASONABLE i , ; OFFEE^REFUSED. Gome early if you wish to ' secure the best of th© Goods. 1 - . - - £2,000 TO SELECT FROM. ; ' r \. . " „ ' JUNCTION '■ OF^AKIBFXIBIiO STEIflti1./ .>, . ' ; ., ,' ''..,„ -, " . M A \ makes delicious PORRIDGE and PUDDINGS, |9 1 SgLS # ri«k Vtei^ffMr.'Nffl'ttalSf!'. is offine flavour, Js very agreeable, digestible, and | VW J^ \y^f'V Mr wlty^^f^^jS \ft v,'ho ir. a Tustor of t^rer.t export- . ; .'■ ~ , ■ .''-■='■•■ gj£j| , ;•; ;:'' .": '••', • .■■■.■■. ••., let tfTwrawnl '& o>ic9' an<} |W! '"id a specia) .' .... ;. ,~, .•.•■.. , , ~, ' . •'t*H/-^rtT/"*iE}'O ■*■ ■'• ■■ t IUS -■'"':" y/ ;:/:' IN THE ■;': '■''»''"'■' fr^K^r^k \ traiujnsinli!°iirti" -■ * '.."' s'trenjjtJieiiliiaf?: ..api.d':' <s»ai tko; UUvlUno, :;.strp.uaiiy , j||-■ fV(>.R-U^/^ -A^KtX \til?li^l! ■ reoommcud GERIWINA-itornirßortß of people, ■■ .'. '■•::.; -■ ' M? #<£' (^SSSiwli^T v*\ TV iiiive seen in this Colony." ' '"' ■ .- ■ -■ ■' , vt y # /y i#aihM %-'■■ pkess. . r ' wliciker sick or well* weak or stroiiar. rich op ML ivl Ps>- ' ■■■of ff(/> l^fcSKS^s m " Mr. Nelson is a pro* .... ; '■"'.'. '' ';.';"'; '■':'['■.) v : ji:di!si ■ U^Ht.'.-.iXx -;--:^.l U»*' ■••■'■■■-•''■■■#■■■■■ /<&■■■■ TWW¥ 1\ Wt Blender."' , yoilllff Or Old* ' "! ' ' gH ! #. ' ■I^' lca^^Sj^^^\ lv \ PRICES:,-.' ' ■■ ■■ -i".. •.•,> i -fl'j OWEN AND /GRAHAM'S QTQCK OF T^RAPEIiY, /^LOTHI3S TG, ANi).- Tyj-BKUiSi' ' ; .-'•-••■ ,;;';i-;- ;_.■•;■.■ : ■/■,'■,/ '-■''■■'- ; ;;;'ai;^;;fl.- f'^'J .:/• :\ ■; ■;,,{-?;}'>:->: "'"' ■'-T^'fEj'V"*'^:'.',.": •/:,".;';',';;, .'.: : L: .: "...■■'.; r :,., :.:■':,'.'.' .■.■ „■ ■■■■■•,} ~,■,■:■,,/..''",: '"^--y; ,■ .■. Ax }i I WERE BY FAR THE LARGEST PURCHASERS. * ' . ; . /' ' : TJie Goods ctre now being .pricesi; as quoted below, the same being considerably less TFfA^f -wholesale WAREHOUSE OOST. , 342 Men'? Wool Ho:??, UK . 153 Tlrochc Silk, 3s lid ' J'' '- • W All-wool ICB.auits. 8b lid -■-■I 106 Hpnocke, 36m, sid lil?^ y^rfla Tw^ll ; Back Coloure4 Tolyetoens, lliDrooheSilk, 43 llci 14 K.B. Suits, 6slid \, "■•' '. ,V'! 100* Flannel, Ufd- . ■.. .i . Isll|d yard (rtgulqr vf lve3a6d) 56J Caahmoro (blapk), 2s 6rl : 21 Mpn'trall-iyopl r|'ro,Ußors, 5311 i : .r!SO. Fjannel, J3jd ~ ■ ■■' 293| yards French J^erino 2s :3d ;■.',■;■ ,', ;■• 78 Caslimero (black),'is lljd '■. '■■.■ 9' ! 'Co;pnialdo. ( |B;i6(}fi' '",■.' ';": ■ .■/ ''".r ""-foi Print^rl- tabling, 45.11d4: ■ .-i :'y..'i ■■ r}>n> ;,: 85i yards French Mcpinpi 2s Sd, ' 52J Cashipere (black); Is 8d : : ■ 17 Cqloniftl TweVd SuVtp, 37? <kl , ' ' 161. Printed TaWitii?, 5a lli'> '.. 31 Silkkautles, 12a6d , .'• 145} FrenchMcriuo, 2s4Jd J. 1? Co)<Mial TwspdSutta,24? fyl , 'c 45? Moleskin, 183 d< > 0264 yards Blbbon (various), from ljd to 9(1 per 9 Lace CuSalns, 6alid ?i'/ 10 Pftloniftl 'iHvecft Sftift ?ps (id., i :• » 73J Dowlas, BJd t ' ; : : . yjirddosß than half prico) 8 Laco Curtains, 7a lid • 11 Colonial Tweed Suits, 26a 9d , • .>', '• 74}' Dowlas, 9Jd 761 Fcßithers, Wngs and Aigrettes, Is to Is lid 11 Laco Curtains, 7s lid /- 42', :Mien'g:TweiS'd Troufeera, 10a Sd !j . ''c\ -56 Glass Cloth, lid: -■'< '■ ' (regular yaluo, 2s6d to ss6d); 10 ,Black FJQunoing,,3s4^ .> rl// 21 .Men's Tweed Trpusors, 7s;ild : '■ 108 H.OiTowels. 5Jd ; ' 71 Fancy Aprons, Is 4Jd 168 Cream Frilling, 6ld 24 ;Iluck Jumperß,3gßd !-i '~ 144 -"Wdlch Flannel, lljdi :'; '! '38 Maids'Corsetii, 2s 6d .-; 285 Black Silk Lace.ffijd 48 ScanJet Fiannol, Is IJd V, .: : ;< • 14V Welch Flannel, Is 2^3 ' 12 Dressing Gowns, 13s 6d . :: < ,• t, , -j 146 P.BJ. Flannel, la ljd. ..; : : 322J Holland, BSd ' * :; " .48 Night Go^nsi beat quality, 6s lid 206 Blapl; S3ilkLaco,'6'id. ; //:,,,■-:; 31 Damask Cloths, 63 lid 315 Calico 3Jd 42 Night Gowns, beat quality, 63 lid 36 krgo AnUniacasecr^Zal^d ~- . ''■■■'17> Oriental Qiilltß; 68'lld. - • 96 Is2d '" . S2'Chemieos, 4slld- •■ /, 48 PI3 H'mdlcerchiofs, 4Jd ' 700 i yards Print, Is lid1 dozen' ' •■ 95: Scarlet Flannel, Is 41d ■ ' 33 Umbrellas, 12b 6d (ordinaiy price, 18s 6d) 40 PB Handkerchiefs, 5Jd ;:74 yards Dimity, s|d li;; ; 71 Fronc^ T^yill Flannel,lsl*l (, ,; ...812 yards .Cream and White Laco,4Jd and 144 Bojtf B, q, IJoso, §l& ~,■,,;■;,.,,*...,,. 70 Strlpod Diniity, C^d ! - '. .: Scarlet Flannel, Is Id .: ; . , 63d (just half-prico) .•:./:..:•,■ -:, ■■■:...-■ 72 Mon's Military H6ge/9id ':' 1 77 Stnped;Dimity,'9Jd 24 Toilet Coyors, Is 1284 pairs Child's andLadios'Cotton, Cashmerf 48 Men's (;;j r / i 137J Slate Holland, 6d ~ v"" ~ 14p. TWelg, §Jd' ' ~....,= >'and':Silk;HoßPtfrpm,M:(allibaif-price)/-'-.r 59 Women's C.M. Hoso, Is Id < :220i!All'Wool Shirting, Is 7eV , . 272 Towels, BJd , ' ■ ; 63 McD'sHft^s, lslld . ,' : ; 120 dOMn O. Reo's, p,er d.os!, lpidi • 176 i Calico, s|d ' ','■'■ ■ 15 Oriental Qujlts (largo), 8g 11§ 24 Braces, Is •', 173 lbs. Knitting Cotton, Is lid ' 196 Grey Calico, s?d ' ; 14 Quilts,'4slid • 192 ; White Shirts, from 2s 6d 765 packets PihSj ld-3 .'.■:■■ : : 295 J Grey Calico; 3Jd': '' ■: .i ■ 144-.Towelg,94d, , , ~ i 23' Men's Hats, Is 9d VI dozen firo: Hanks, la lid: v;.''-/ ■ : Grqy, Specicil,ty&. .: , ..' ,' 181 BeaVer, is 8d ' V; *' ; -ii; i 19 Cashmere Shir,t3,oij lid.. .■ 45 Ex Surer Wool, 2s 3d ■' '«. 37 ' pair Blankets, 6s Ud. 59 Silicia, 6d !. : 84 Regaita Shirts, frpjn 2s lid, ;. ' , •:, 85 ,Ex Super Wool, 2<i 9d ) -■; V : 143J yards Calico, 4Jd ! ,'' 160 TwefliJ Sorting,'9J(l'• n -• 5 Oarpotßags, 6slld . 2 Gladstono Bags, 30s - 84 Crinic^nSJurUngt ll|d . - , ' . 61, ■ Crimean, Is Id . .' > ,m 122i,yards Linen Tick, lljd ' - 43 Paton's Woo], 2s lldr i. ; ■;;:; I,\ §62i Oriinean Shirtjng, 7J<l '...'; 129} Crimean, lq 4d w•• . 122) yards Union Tick, BJd '. 48 Patpn'a Wool, 3s 3d /. , L .. ' 94, i Colonial Shirting. ls'7ja 189J Paniask Tabih»jf t 1? 84 J'..' ~; ,: 5 Australian Kugs, 12s lid 47 Colonial, 2s 6d >..:,'' ;; 1 29J Fpx Estomo.uo, 2s ?d 41 Loom Tabling, Is 6d" ; , 65 yards Cotton Tick, 5Jd •• i 144 Garters, Elastic, 2}d ,;■'■';,;■■> 48 J Fox Estoiiimic, Is .64. : "■', ■: \ ,§p-} Qrasli.^d- -. ■ \\- \'. 181J White Calico, s}d .. : :! . 103 Garters, Llastic, ?d . > • 96 Welsh Flflnn^, is 4.W ' ■ . 46 Tpweis, Is, 4d ;■. ' , «: 395;. Grpy Cajioo, 3Jd 12 MacUino Sillc. doz, Is 6d , ;... . 213 Silecia, 3Jd ■ /.,' ■. 93',lld - '■'>■: "■■■ :- i£\y,\<v. -'SSb-G'rty Calico, 4id 36 down Blind Fringe. 4jd .;. J^ 402J White Calico, 33d . I 2«-Sbcetingr. Is 3d '-,'-< .-.;.,, ..:-. I'ti' Wool Rugs, 1639 d" ~- .... 52 dozen Linen Buttons, per gross, If.1 •' , 2 08 Wbite Qalico, 5Jd; ' • .-.: "•■ ■ \n Sheeting, Is 9d . . < . 1 ll pair Gentian Elanketa, 12s 9d ' 576 Qattcrs, ElusUo, 21d . . t , ,430J White Calico,, 4jd ' • ' fo Tapestry. Quilts, 9s 9S .'•'<.-:...' 9 pair Largo White Blankets, 16s lid 666 Ch.enilp Fringe, 5Jd ; .. .173 White Calico, 3J a ■■> : ■ -1 6-Tapestry Quilts, 10s 94 ": . 23J pair Ashbui-ton B,lankets, 19s lid \ 17J Fox Serge, No.-4; 10a 3d 589J White Oalicoi 4j[d - '■ ( 96 Striped Towels." lljdrv :: > ■'■■■ \ -..- , 10 pair English Blankets, lla 9d 85" yards Tweed, 4s 9a V : 373J Sheeting, 7R. :, , ■ •.' '1 8 4 81 riped Towels; ISi* ,:. •.' /.v-v ; ! 20 pair Large Blankets, 153 9rl . 18 Men's aU-wppl T^eed Suits, 29a 6d ■ 66 Sbeetinff, 9fd ■ ' "U Qmltg 4slld: ": ; !'• " -- ; 2 'pair MOs^iel (large) Blankets, 243 9d '• 12 Boys'all-wool Tweed Suits, 15s Od 137 Sheeting, Is lid 811/4 Qnilfe, 5s lid : . ... , : : . ; ■ r;; ; 26J NunWeilinj?, ll?d, v .. 49 K.B, Suits, .69 Ud, , ■~.-. ;, ;..,, 211J Sheeting, IOJd . , • 1111/4 Quilts, 63 lid "• '>" 63iBladk'Gro vSilk,7slld. . ' ~. -.] 16 Men's, Tweed Pants. 8a Hd 124 i Sheeting, Is 44 ' ' w :Towels,'4Jd"' '. v' ,■•'•.. : ,150 . Wool Plaids, lljd 8 Yqnths'Sac Suits, 19a lid t 232 Calico, 3Jd ' ::■■ ■<->\./->(v '■: ■:■ ;>;v .25 Toilets, la 3d, - ": '-' -■' I 12| Silk, 3a Ud '. . : : v : - 31 Drill Pants, 2s 3d .. 103 Horrooke, 3d '- ' 2 16' Gloves 3s 6d!- .r : ,\ ':,.'''■';'.' ':::■■■■ ;■:.';,"/...' '|■, ■' ':•■. ",v-;^:!.':C>:"a-V '■■'■■ ■;';-:' ;v'-oinnn3nia^^ ' "''''r"':'; '*: ■■'■■•: v''-•;>■•; '■; '■^■;'!-:':.v■■■i'iv.ii ;:'' v' rl.••',•■< The above list is an exact copy of the quantities of p|ie invoice only; the cash value amounting to over £2,000, and represents , I a portion only of our purchases. The prices will servre as a guide to the value we intend offering. | SECURE YOUR PURCHASES EARLY AS THE BEST LINES GO FIRST. .AUCKLAND, WHAKGAREi, NELSON, &c. , fA

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Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 218, 15 September 1888, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 218, 15 September 1888, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 218, 15 September 1888, Page 7