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Medical. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEEGHAWra PILLS j^2??? l'*S^ l'Lrß universally ' >'. : '■'■ j S%':G*™!Mjß*L- ■•' ■"'■*a, m*t.teid;sob6 Jv--1 jfy \£*""'-^"~</KV" 'nor^l a Guinea a ■■:.• jfSQj/V ' ';■■■ \tft\ Narrow Disorders; ;'^ §\Uf \\n\ suotl "."Wind and IWJ rT, , ««T WI aoho> Giddiness, M PILLBJg/£?^B£ VGA, '" """' • ■'■' /**?/ Pifcziaess and : \XS*X yj/*j/ Drowsiness,' Cold* YWv , yj&l iChillß.HTlshingSOi : Petit6> Shortness of Breath, Costive. ' ■ "lIKST ■ - ness, Scurvy and, -1 * • TJfjßff- - . Blotches on ■ tha ! : ■■.=r*'■■ ■ ■.'..'. Stein, 'Disturbed. Sleep. B^ightful Breams, and all Nervous antf. ■ Trembling Sensation*, *c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. Every sufferer is earnestly infited to fay oae box of these KUa aad they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females at all ages these Pilla are invalu. able, as a'iew 'dbees of them "carry off 'all humours, and bring, abotftall that is required. No female should be/intlidnt them." There is no Medicine to be found equal to Beecham's Pills : for reiooying any obstruction or, irregularity of - thb system. If taken acoording to the direci' tionß giyen ytifh each box, they vnH soon l'estora \ ' females of all ages to, sound and robust health. : Tkla lias been prored by thousands who liava tried them, and found the. benefits' which ara ensured by their use. • ' ' '/ ' ' ,',■ For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, - and all Disorders of tho Liver, they act liJra siagic, and a few doses will be found to work, wonders' on:too most important organs in the human machine.' They strengthen the whole ' , muscular system, restore the' long:loot com* i' plexion, brin^ back the keen edge of appetite •,, , and,:arouse into action with the rosebud of health the whole physical pnergy of the human frame. These are Tacts testified continually; by members of all olasseß of society and one of the beat guarantees to the J&errons and" Debilitated is, BESOHAM'B EIIXS haveUhe Largtii Salt <f any Patent Mtdicine in t\e World. : Beecham's Magic Cough Klls. As a remedy for Coughs in.general, ABthmft, Bronchial Afrections.'Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, '.' Wheestng, *o'., these ;?iljs r -stand; unrivalletl. . * They are the b^steTer offered to the public'and'' will speedily remb^ft'that sense of oppreaaion, and dlffioulEy:'6f bres,th'ingi''■V^^l^ B>KWy; deprive the panont of re^t. let any person.give ; . BEEOHAM'S COnaS PUJLS v, trial, and the xaos^ violent Conga wffl in a: ohor^ time be : ' lemored. .:■..■■■...■..•--'•';;.:.. , . ■. Prepared oiily, and sold Wholesale and Retail, by the Proprietor, Thomas Beecham, St. EtlerJß, Lancashire, »«Sngland, ia boxes Ib. lid. smd V 2s. fld. each.' •:-' ; :r;-',':*.V-.. v""',' -J ■■'•■'■'■. v.'1 .■' ''- :■'-'■■- Sold by ail Druggirta and Patent Medicine Dealers eTerywhera. ■ , - N.B.—|^dii^^maragiTej|with t eaohb«, " Mr. GEO. THOS. CONGREVE ON GONBU OPTION AMD ITS. SrCOßaeyilL TaEATMENT,: : Showing that direful • Swtxue to be curable 'in1 alliss stages; with observalipns on - y: '[ I§THPj CHRPNJCJRON (JHITIS, lc, M 250,000 have: been'sold in England^ r Colonial Edition, $d. ("Id. Post FreeJ :pnbUahßd by EiaßT,> -64, King 'William Streat,1 Adelaide'; <J..«0888ia0,1t..<fc,00., 88, ■Little Cqllin* Biroet, Metbpurnai stod of Sy^Bey; B. Si si s, Perth, , West Anstrttlia ; Vstou- & Co., Anckland, ami Bwpson '$i WijiIAMS,■ Christeliurelj, New Zealand; X'^Atos & Sow, Hpbart, Tnunania. . : ■ *wf"»^TWTyff ff' |i|iy>yi"|MiipyfffM''m"ftt'M'MW^'^^ , XATABRH, COUGHS, HOARSENESS. ■The, KCKEST REMEDY for: €OUGHS, COIiDS, ETG, 5 :•■ , - ■ . :j .13 ■'■■ ■ ' CONGREVES In Bottles Is. iii, 2s. 9d., 45.-fid. & Us. Prepared by G. T. CONGRKVE, Coombs Loige, Pecichanij London, and sold by all the' best medicine ;•' 'houses in the colonies. Tlr BATINO'S COUGH LOZENQISSI. ~: f}£' ■ JtV.;'- ~, ~.: '■;•■■ .■..■.. '--.-:,: ;-.■■■.,.; .Bestßemedy; COWH LOZB^JGaS. :.'■ " XX ; | Best Remedy. RBSATINS'S COUGH LOZENGES. . __ ■■-.', V'-'V:- :-i-:"' ;;r ■. '■ ;V.BeatKem'el|t; ■fT-KATma'S COUGH LOZENGES. ~~ ■X%-' ■ Beqtßemedy. 17-KATING'S COUGH LOZXNGES. aV^ Best Remedy. K EATING'S COUGH LOEKNGIES. ' . , '"■■'■ • ;■..■ --V ..'..:• '■':.*" v:>; /Bestßemedy, 'EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. ■,' • ..; -; "AnyDOGraKwiiL;TKi.t.Ybu";thera,i« no better Cough M«dioine than KEATIN&'S LOZENGES. "One gives relief: ■: ''■ - ".,. ltyqusu^srfrQmpough. try them but, ' once; "they wiii; oiire, !and •they; ■wilh NOT.iM'qjgrJgur health: they'contain only'Sie pnresi Ifirpzs,': aldlfully comj■ ; ....■:.■ bined. -Sold ey-erjifSere in tins only. _ TT-EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. ■ .jQIT-^.- :?*.:';:'■■•/.;-';'.■■*-'.■■,■■;"*:"■'.":';.:;B^at',Reni.ed7;. :T!:;l!A'nHG'S;C0UOB;;i 1 OZllNGBS.; .:: XV Best llemedy. X' EATSNf^S COUGH LOZENGES. ■: ' : ■ ..•■■:■■■:'-'■•.,■-■,■',■ -;/:, ;,-Beat.Remedy. RKATING'S COUGH LOZBNGSSS. '■■;.■•, ■-■■;■-■" ';':.-'•-:-;:..•■,.■ I; BestßemMy. K EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. ■'■'.•; ,*,. ;--■:.-. ? f ' : -;>....:,:,■■.:'.:' ■.:B,eßt-Remfidy> K EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES 3 _■ r- ■:..■ .>■■■•:■;■.■; ■':;:.-.-.-.,:v--:: Best.Remedy. ■^.■ir'ii^TmO'S-COUGK.-IVOZBJNGBS.;;,.' 11 •" JX. @" Thkbb retJKQtrBSTioNiLBLT >no betwt • rem«dylritlMi:wlicjlo world fat all cough ■*:' and throaWonbler t^anKEEATING'a : IiOZBNGIIS-any medlpal man ."■■'will' ' ■ :■.•"'.■ M«ur«- -yo^.i:«f vthia-.fact.'/Rellef'jiii. apeedy; they contain no strong acting r but only simple dxtsgß; the Boost delioate oan tal|» them. Sold In tins only. ■■""■ R. T E N N B N" Tt ■ Legally-gualifled and Registered Pr&cti' , tioner (32 years' medical experience, in" addition to general.praotice). i^tBUS'S ALL PRryATK DISEASES" {both sexesir'' The Only Pfactioner in! Auckland -who" CURES PERMANENTLY; THE WORST C4SEI oif ; Npr.vops"Debilitf. Physical Weakness. !Bs:i\a,ußted yitality. Youthful Abuses, Ijbteisaes, And the like. DISEASES OF SEEN, lioweyer induced, and nonijitter bp^, iaVeterate, Vsp«ediiy»; thprpugbly,. and. pertpanvi 1 eiftly 'jßur&df—pall or f$ opposite th<} Opera House, Auckland~A T Neil's Botanic Dispensary you can [im_ jrot Tricophorous, Is bottte i;1 Hamburg: Tga,,6d; Fegdipg Bottlea (black fittings), 6d. Insurance GOVERNMENT LIFE INSUR*>HCE DEPARTIVIENT. ■ LOANS ON MORTGAdB. FROM time to time a limited portion of the 'funds is lentoosns 'first"moft' of freehold , '} Security, with option of repayment by fl-taa, • iinstalmeßtH,lßpre!!idoyerl2,ls, or2oyears, ■ Half-yearly Payineni idr'e'acb. &LOO. " Period'of Loan--, v . £s. d. TtOelvefetsxs'' ...'. «. 64" .' • yeaxa ... >-. 5, 8 9 > : Twenty ;;earo '■■'.".'.'• . , ■••• ~4 V? . 8 '.•■-•. Loans repayable by instalments whereby , nrincipal and interea|t.':'a]re"b<)tlL" liquidated wlthißi a'given tiine^ arid'on. terms of a most ; ; favourable character, present markea aavantages to settlers and others.'' / '.: ' The bowpwej may, before the expiry ol ihe full ppripdi Jeqe'eWithe lpan," vcitb. :or I TOtbout notice, on terms wbioln'can be ascovt.ii mod at tbis effico, or at auy of Mao oflices of this Department,: where also forma of api plication can be obtained. :*For full particulars as to lonns, apply*) the Head and Branch Offices and Post Ollice* ■•■■■■;-'■■••'..'.■■■■ Aetnaicy;an.dPrincipal Officer. . .', :- "'.. . ©. M. LUOKIE, ';' , "' '^ OoramisßJoPT. . M PANt^S^fND MARINE),,. ; Capital—.. ...r!l--.,«*l»O0O,O0(X ,;, Paid-uplmdl^r?e^P^""-^^/: PROTEarrov M i;lRi"o« JtARWK LOSS Can bbEffkotebih this compant. OLAIMBMET WITh"pROMPTITUDE AN» Ts rIT. ttiHRALITX, - JAMES 'BJBTILB, ManaKtfc;;

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Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 215, 12 September 1888, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 215, 12 September 1888, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 215, 12 September 1888, Page 2