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; Tri" E W Z■:* A. LA W D RAIX, WA V & -^-—-J^^^ if X TIME TABLE ON ANJ^FTER AUGUST 6, 1888. 'M^Sli^SSfesß ' ■ AUCKLAND AND ONEHUNGA LINE. |— —• MoARTHfm * m^^ ?l * ■ "oS.hZS.fe 7.5b U^WaViw «.» 6.01 7.0 ~„!.,«! 1.5Q affl »^ &» T^x^^^^'H I■ '' ' ' L—! — —, g^ Sundays rwv*\Z^"i|J £ ]T>s^H! 1 if Change for Kaipara Branch Stations. ;. . : Mat. **ontiitH|u*Btt ?( ■ '".-. ..:■-. MA'IN■L IN E. ■ • ■ .. ■-. _ •-.. ''' :<v''::'''''s2j!!_|fiQwßSMM t AUCKLAND-MERCKR-TK AWaMUTU-OTOROHANGA; JM. NbtEsS'^^Fr.^^Sß 1» South-Wesi_ Days; __ ','•_.• —- Ilipitß: tf ■"ZZ^T.. .{S: |n g| |l -I f ::' «:» P « J^SglSnU^Bs ■ "Green Lano - >> ~Q ~„ „, R o"ot> -p.' " 4.10 5.24' 5.45 6.45 r_r*prp "KraMv- —iTST; — ____l ■ pSknptio, :: ::■ :: IS ™ n$ ** - ™—™r- *" T lh ; a . r _ ; A0 •• s>s -) •• ;: ... 6 . 0 7.5 Hr Gll^f ■ ; Qtahubu .. ~■ - \ dep. 7.12. -8.43 12,40 •• J- by .__, (Two doors from Offices fortuwlei BSE! •Pnpatoitoi .. .. .•■ •• ■■ t '"■ '" '* '" '"'"' * *: •' '■ T ' City Council), .-"^■B, j ; Wumrewa - •• ■-..». - 85 v " 1.30 !! 5.37 \\ ,•> LENDS MONEY IS sum? m fli .1 ai»Jll?.lir*l •• -. . •■• »» " * . ■ *.-■' *' * .' ..... . nr ■■ A'l A' '^ Ira*^ • "Hunua .. ~ •• ...... •■ 000 " qp<s 150 5.56 *' '" »• A.1,000, 81!?, Drury .. - S' 28 " - 9- 25 ." • " .- On Furniture wilhoivlnrm,,, 'P'Runeimnu •• » " " * *■ " .. .. Oa Pianos, withoutreanHJWspf ■ -■■> ' ♦Papmta .. . .... ..... "95 " '9.52 2.27 '.. 6.28 " •• On Deposit p£ Deeds "a f'B| 1 Piikekohe _. - .... •• J-° •• v'° * * .. On Personal Security *H______m ■ - han«arata .. .. ,-■ ~. •• „ ■" ; 3#s .. 7.0 ■ .. ~ L^r|,H|u ■ Pokono - •• fiff - i 0.35 • 3.15 .. 7.10 \\ ■• Repayable Weekly, Monthly iriu/ Mk 1 Mercer {$££ ;. .. .. 10,65 3.35 .. ~.: -.. ■ •■ < *' r^BH- ; 'Whaiijrnmaririo .. .. , I I, - ■'. •• '.'. All Letters and Interro^ ~H^t l, mil . <ohlne W ai .. •• y^ ■■ « ;; i 2 .0 4 .50 ::.:.' - cSentriVs^ BUMS To ■ • Huntly .. •• ■• \dep. .. .. •• -. .. •• ~- - Houses and Shops tolk«ndl«gjw I ■ Taupiri .. .. .. •■ yd 53 .. Z "•■ " •• Fire and Life Inauinr.i 63 e^eot«a 'Hd •^S wahm:: :: :: :: ;: :; •• : •• •; :: ■■ :: <£$« ******** *hM ' -Teßapa.. ~ •• •• ;; 12Q ;; .. R. B. BHlLh_lii^R [ I ruikton Junction G | d<J ' p ; c; 1.40 .. .. ~ „ •- Commt>S«S|''Br' , Rukuliia .. .. <• -• •• •• •; g.15 J. .. .- ■ " - . Bennett'sßuildihaa..lS-*laa^j^W^ ■ 1 4'Soaii V. '.". "■ » * •' " i ■- 7. /QUEENSLAND MoKlG*itti7r___B ( - 'Ngaroto « •• •■ ;.; c 2 40 ;• ;; .... " .. V* and ' .Te Awamutu.... .. \dcp! " ■- ■■ DJ &O '" " " - i; DISCOUNT COMPART,- Wmta^ 1 'TePuhi .. .. •• v " • " " " -■" .. : Dabbt-itreit jolf (JuewHtaik B f ., ; pKiokio .. ... .. •• •• 580 ■• ;; ;; - ... J-^^^«il_Bevt : •HaneaSkf 6 " " " " ■■ " " :' " " - " " ' Money aavftneed from £5 a^^jl^KTi; 6 ita irumi .. •• " *' •■ I " amount required, to suit the "imfoS'l^Bii I TnKniH " " "wr n 4-30 ■• •• •• .. •■ Personal,Freehold.Le»SßholilfE IS2^B|)J I TeJCuiU .. »' _^ l__ Sccunty. ictmyable in any wirt'S^Hr'., ■ >i 11. ■ " ' ' ■ -^ ' arranged, either Weekly,''M Ofiftiy, »tj^J^Hf NoRTHj^WggK Days. Instalments, at lowest current I*^! Up* 3 ■"'"" " ' ~ '"«'«■'• t. nr •» m Advaaoea made on lrutttitnii'*_»!iJ__Bf(>'Ti *,m. a.m. A.M. A.M. r.M. p.m. 1 .M. ra oval; aleo on «l! KSHP 1 T( , Kulti dcP- •■ "' ; " • '■• * " I! " Including Bond Wai-Mnta,*Uf, T?'?fE^MiVDJ 'TeKuml.. ..• ■• ■*. '' \\ , * !!■■;.. •• , •• r>i"g gor'''nt^^ 1 "Otofolianga .. .- •• •• .•• " :"■.■ \ * ... (I vWJJU_I HvaiGAGE, XJDAH, ll__Hl' ■■' r TKiokio •" •-" .' " * 'I .... UL4 „„„_»_' j 'ICawa „ .-■ '*':" ]_ \\n * ... ... ■;. •■ „ KDSMCOOJST B^XnHfi^^^B,, TifAwamutu .'-' ",. {"op. •• •• •■ » f9.10 •• ■• '" 60, SHORTLAND-St^nß *Xcnroio .. .. .„>•.' ■ .•"•... •• .'■'.•'...■;, ''"■ ' " *" # *-. ' " .'. . .. AuCJn_jmi|H|fafßM§] *Lakeßoad ... .. ■' ••' -• ■• " "■ ■ 9,50 ..■•'•■ .. ■~,-,...• >.' ''''"' ''- ■'-'"' '- '' ;ili_W|g^BK|Hi Obnupo .. .. •• " " " * ~ .. ■ (Opposite A. Clark and Sortt'-ir^Bß 'Hukuhia .. ■• •• ",-,■• " "■ " " KlO.2fa V axd .-> Itl^H:.'j\ Franklin Junction G,„ {^ -r ,•■ •• " 10.35 •• - - (Xmiß^||W g *To Rapa *' '" ";.']- '*; .. ■■ ■■ \ -^_;JB»nk of England Km«C^«i '____Vre ! .{|r^ahia i.i jj .. ■•• ■■ • « ;; ;; B|| li ~ LO ANS are MJ^ewai:: :. :: :: t=" '■' •• '■'■ : : :: i p*r^.Fre^.^uiagM&. ■ :^3SSS" :: :: " " - :: :: ::■ : " Wcckl^ Sgß J .. ■• rf .;■ ;; jg " - .6.45 AdTance9^d^^Stri^Bl^ ; pSar^ r: ; ' ; ::.;, ■• \ sl 12 , 8 ■ :: :: p 5 §&»■■ :: •>■ ■■» :: ■" : us 1,34 , 2 5 ':: :: y L —D«'ii/^lM|| ! " "7. -: •• -• • ' ••' « •"* * " * A.dvauce3onLf . _ J§^ - ™™f nan"' ,:•; ;;, :: ;: :■. .:: J. 50 ).i3 + 3.0 :: :: ?- 42 tnpusirialjuj» mJM ■1 niunna !'. '. '•' - •• •• ' " oa • 133 310 " "'■ 8.51 JL ■ PERMANENT nUlLDl«||Mf]if] i PapaUura .. .. •• •• •• •• " .S>4 *L * i; .', : ° INVESTMENT^OOM||g^» nJ 1 ilxE° f. :::::::> >i s\« ).i 2 ;&« >« > * e aS e I^Si^fß - *Wcst(iold.; ... ..." •• »■ * 71 , .., fl % n +BS7 -f3O i'4.l ■ t6.52 17.30 9.44 __j ■_•■; —1| Ut ; penj£, r cuon; .. .. i j| «g if p ;, 5 & > : .. ti J . CAMBMDGK-fEAROHA AM) KOTOKVA UlN^ aft^tol^tot^cffif *•' B , ■»«...-__- j-,^ vs NORTH—AVekic Days. a!m_inbor whonasobiaintuißttjiWj^B —^ ■ i s ■ ~~Tm liberty to sell his pioperty at if IMM| -^^e^ Sujunctio , ... ,-, a .« g--r^;r^-^»; f Frankton Junction .. ..dep.^6 SKS"* "■ ';; " f,'.1 -73C g~f^QUEE^mEf ■ Hamilton West .. .. ..,,1.48 ?oko r oire .....,, ; LA^h' Aucklftx lUSCnOF«gJ»Bn .Hamilton isast .... .. „ • *Mangawhara ■ " ... '■—- J^!S!3_____l»< v "Ruakura Junction .. .. arr. | 2.0 *Matamata .. ... •• «.- BJO TT riCTAND WißMP^^Biv f « *RuakuraJunotion .. .. dop. a 2.7 • *Waharoa .. ... •• •- » » A rvpFRATIV]; V-I^lUl^l^Kfc; ;li t&rf:: :: :: :::: : ! -388.1 :: :: :; :: £ j ls BKSiSWoci^W ? 1 *Kencouvt .. .. -.. „. „ * MomnsTille.■ .. •• •■ arr. . OvmmtSl- Hi |fi ;,Hautapo ..,. .. .. .. .', *. = .. ~-dep. bS.SO O-Ticn: 14W™|;« I o Cambridge arr. a 2.50 |„. , W aihou .. .. •••-•• .. * ... „_ i. nn * 6a lunon' ipprtWl'H^Bp' J "Ruakura Junction .. ..dop. 2.7 i § *Waitoa „... •• ...... ::* ' T^Mmf^^'^ t^wiSU r "Kuroka * ■-.7S »Tatua o Hauu.. .. ~ J^^HiridnTlandintefCStitai^ •MottmaoHo- .v ..... * tt fi •Murray's • . qlt - !*^^m^Sthe^^W_i_____^l' Morrlnßvi.le.. , .. arr. 2.45 W, Morrinsville■ ■ •• ' - ■•• arr. b9.15 Sjn^lincntoM^^ ■^.MWi^'Mt.^ 3 e5 Morrinsville.. .. '..~ .. dep. a 2.55 MorrinsvlUo.. dep. 9.22 „ ""^"TT^T^^SfMiWßi!■<,! II 'gA *Murray'a ■; ... , ..• ..■„■; '" , *Motuunapho ■ .-. ,••■.. •• .. • Eepaynients extend- PemSßm |K^ •°g *TatuaoHaua .. «_ .. „• * ■ *Bnrck*. ■•,.-• •• " " inn ing over jJiPjß^Bectet r <1§ "Waitoa ..... .. .. „ ■ ,' * *liuaknra Junction .. ■ ■ arr. IQ.O ~ , 2^_____lil] n ccq- "Wnihou .. .. ~ ~. „ * « oTT^hvi/icp . ' ..dep. b9.20 . j>2,n 0' .1 __■' j H arr. a 3.40 |^ %^,sg c " " .. / ; | .- ~*[ W «Cc i Morrinsville;'. .. .. ..dep. b2,55 -S 3 *Fencourt .. ."-•• .'.. .. ~ # Svcara.. •■ 2i?> jl * __Brce D 'Kiwitahi ~ .. .;V.. .. ~ * •?;« *Tamahore .. •• .. •• .. :■ •„ ' 4 years.'.. •• 5H n; MP!__» 3 'Walton ~ „ ■'■■„"• ..).„■. * £j3 Mbnpaonui , nnn 6 years.. ■■ H» 1 '■Hl!!____l ♦Wahftroa :. .. ....!,'* U , "Ruakura Junction = ;.. .. arr. | bIO.O 3 years .. •■ °'M :[«J« 6 *EShara ■ " " " " -5 : • g, .. dep. XPIP Jtoy£2lSj -i'-^S^B TOkorotM " ••—"■*■ 'Hamilton East .. -* And In tho c«n« P^ f; ' H ; ■ fiiforrl ' ••■•■••■,-• ... Hamilton Wesfr . ... .. ~ 10.25 ~ larger! rL^fSSSM|Mj ? *Touman X l '-• v » i; 65 ; Franicton Junction ' ... :■. arr. 10.30 JOHN ' I *Putaruni Junction .'.' L': M * Auckland ~ '.. .. ■' arr. j 4.35 _ l" ]^HK 8ilt)1 J lichfloW j^ arr. b5.40 __,_ .____— ',"gggfi^»-Entii J a-Hima on Tuesdays,' l^hurWaysTaliS'SaTurJays'o'niy. b-Runs on MondaysTWednesdays, » _fJff-K\ TC r!j____to'vPf] b and Fridays only. The others run daily. •".'.. .' - ' BSS **' ' . KAIPARA BRANCH,—Auckland, Henderson, Rglensviixe. -|-j^ ti T> J!* '(jßftmp.w Auckland to Hu_KKaviLr.ij-WKEK Dayb. IJ^sville to'auckland-Wekk Days. Sj loHi^A « it __• a.m. %.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. FAMILY Bi^giw^Sß Auckland depart 7.0 10.55 4.40 2.15 Helensville depart.. 6.2011.65 4.0 .. BswßWsaWffl|li_l___Kfe • •WoVaiilSp.rt - , : ■: ■•■ ;M.mii. Albert depart • ; - • . GM ne, HonMMrrf ""ijiwglßr,* : aSSSf* iii ' £?"■« ; ill 1 «»-^>*t»«_. 1- "3 —TT^ 1-*^ ■• _aj2-L£ru 7"M Auckland arrive .. 9.13 3.g- 6.45 5.0U ■•,-. "T~ZL* Vl* ™vK'^™ -L-Kuus on flrst Sunday in. cacTmonth only. | 6liange-oTSn"ehunga and Otaliuhu Cnstomers SnPP U3° ■j! jjj^K^' I :: WAIEATO ,I'R AI N SEETICR , ' —~*^Sl^T' Te Awamu:,u .. .. K/S^%N'ednesdays. and Fridays, at Canadian DoctorS^Jps S SS'SSSnw.r -" - Mondays ateridays at 8.0 a.m. ..: cine «o the tdk of th. *. !■;; Jg aiS : " " - a^teada y s, a ndSaturday aa tß.oa. m . -dicino «o are.itf,^||»fe 1 s°iSnk r^ hfi ,:i - •'•' aa a y ts!-&da 7 B..ndSaturdaysatß.oa.m. *>**. "* ** * "** ~ Oxford and Lichfield Mondays, Wedneßdays, and Fridays at 8.0 a.m. Their tears, not their potiS|ffllß»>>iS ' iw,fl D u Trains for Auckland from "-..*■'"■ aflv«nt nf Dr'ftridM^^SpHp. ; ?' Oxford * " ■"■•• •.'l'ueaday 8) Thursday., and Saturdays at 6.45 a.m. advent of Dr. ana n<^-'B|lnrt !" SSVei; "; « But tho.e who ,«|^ loAwamutu .. ~ .. .. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at wholesome Meat »nd pu»*Tla__Ki' ° Jo^*nS* B erf PS^S^,tfrO^ tt«^"''«"M«'«P»"'™ Go°<!"ll™""ll"'r'i,orf.^B' s «8 Ail 1 ables waned prior to this dat« aVo now cancelled. SOW W* Sgle plWl?^1?!^*/. - \'mmt , ■! >" ' ' f. P. MAXWELL. Ofiaeral Mana««r. S^^* -•"" ' ' Ky •.': .- ■■'-'. ■ ; ■■■: ■ '■'■'■ :' ' i;': ■: ' ',"■■ :■ ■ /■■'•': '"': -• ' ■"■ "'■ '■'■ ■:■'■■'■ ■: . ■■.'■■■•.'■ ii:i.,:' ;'': ' ; - v" '■ ' '■''":;:'''';WsKi^^BßSßSm

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Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 195, 20 August 1888, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 195, 20 August 1888, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 195, 20 August 1888, Page 2