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MedicalA WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS Aro admitted by jtrC H >IjS^ thousands to ba JFs££~^Q/IJSk. worth a Guinea a ff&ey 0^ Box for bilious and BfW' \l^\ nervous disorders, Be*Qf \ \\ suou as wind, and B->J/ I \-'\B paminthestoiaach, S m l ■*■"■ X W 1 niuora, fulness and 1^ PSLLS. /^lswuilhiffaftormoals, |M\ ~i w /'5?1/ sines'!, cohl rixlls, \QiS. J^B flushings of heat, v'-f^Sv /jS?a loas of appotito, ' y^N-_^-^fv"vkV^ BhorUioss of breath, /^"N^ikV^ costiveness, scurvjblotelicson t-h« nlrii, disturbed Bluep, 4j|si» frightful dreams, and all nervous and tromblinpf sensations. &c. 'i'ho first doso will give relief in 20 minutes. 1 his i? no fiction for thoV huvo done it in f,liou.innds of cttsos, Evory sufferer is oarnoatlyiuvitod to l-ry oneibox of thesei l'ills, and they will bo acknowledged to bo WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For fomalos of all ages these "Pills arc invnlnnblo, no ft fow ilososof thorn curry off all gross humours, onon all otetniutions, find bring about-, all that is roqnircd. ?:o females should bo without them. Thoro is no modioino to bo found to equal BEECJIA-M'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of tho system. If taken according to tho directions givon with each box they will soon rosi.oro females of all agoa to sound anil robust health. For a woak stomach, impaired digestion, nna all disorders of the livor, tiny net iiko " M AGIO," nnil a fow doses will bo found to work wonders upon tho mosb important organs of tho human mucbiuo. Thoy strougtbon tho whole muscular system, rostoro tho long lost uompluxioii, living buck tlio koun odifo of nppotito and arouse into notion with tho ROSEBUD of lioaltli tho whole physirtj oi'prpjr of tho human frame. Tliosq mo "FAOlb admittod by thousands ombmcinff all classos of sociotv; and one of tho best gunrmitoes to tho nervous and debilitated ia, liofiehiim'B l'ills Inivo tlio largostsalo of any patent modicmo m tuo world. BEECIiAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS An a remedy for Coughs in gonoral,Ar.l,nmn., TWUeulty in Breathing', Shortness of HreaUi, Tightness and Oppression of tho Chest, Whee.-.iuß, &«., bhoao Pills stand nnrivalluil; and anyone lubouringundcr nny of tho above complaint* need only try Oho Box to prove that they are tho beat over offorod to thopulmoforAstlimatioiinilConßiiinptivoOoHuhs, ]Ji):trsciicss ami Oppression of tho Client, 'l'hoy enoeilily remove that hoiiso of oppression and diilic:ilty of brnntliiu'-r which nightly daprlvo tho patient of ra.«t. Tliov give almost iimtant rol iof and comfort to those alllictod with the abovo distrossinjC mid, when noglofitod, clangorous complaints. Lot an}' purson troubled with nny of tho abovo complaints givn Hbkguamc'h Ooiioii Pici>9 a trial. The moat violent Cough will iv a short timo bo removed. Cautios. —'I'ho public aro requested to notioo that t!io words " Ukkciiam's J'ii.i.s, Kt. Helens," ivo on tho Government Stump alUxod to ouch Box of tho l'ills If not on they urn a forgery. Propurnd only and sold wholesale mid retail by tho proprietor,'!1, lieechara, (;hemif;t, St. Unions, Lancashire, England, in hoses at Ik. ljd. and 2s. 9d. onch.—Sold liy all Druggists nnd l'atcmr Medicine Uoalors throughout tho Colonies. N.H.—Full liireotioas aro given with each box. DR. J- COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLOKODINE. The Original ami Only Gciminc Advice to Invalids.—lf you wish to obtifyi quiet, refreshing sloop, frets from headache, relief from pain and anguish, to calm and as-' suaKetho woary iichiugs of prolnwlo:! disease, invigorate the nervous media, tindrotruia'.o tho circulating systems of the hodr, you •will provide yourself with that mar velloua remedy (uscovered by Dr. J. Collis Browne (lato Army Medical Stall';, to which ho Rave the name of CHLORODYNE, and which is admitted by tho profession to bo tlio most wonderful and valu able remedy over discovered. CIILORODYNE ia the best remedy known tor Coughs. Consumption, Bronchitis, Autumn. CUROROUYNfc acts liko v. '.■liarm i>' Dlarrhcea, and is Ihooniy specific in Cholera ana Dysentery. , . ~ . Cl-ILOHODYXKo/lectualh- cum Hbort all attacks of Kpilcpuy, llysierlo, PalpitaUon. and Spasms. , ~. ~ CHLOROItYN'K is tho only palliative in Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Ciout, Cancer, loothaclie, Moniugitis, &c. From Symcs & Co., PharmaceuticalChoMiists Medical Hall, Simla, January.). 18;H>. Ti> .(. 1 Davenport, Esq., 33, Great Kusseu-stroct liloomsbury, Jjonclon. DeacSir,—Wo embrace thin opportunity of congratulatinn yo\) upon tho •witle-sproaa reputation tills justly esteemed medicine, Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyno.hns earned for itself, not only in Himloatan, but all over the Kasl. Aj> a remedy for general utility, wo much Question wJioUior a bolter is imported into the country, and we Hliall be jflail to hear o£ its finding a place in every Antrlo-lnciiau homo The other brands, we are Happy to say, are now relocated 10 thu nativo uaaaars, npa, judßing from their sale, wo fancy tlieir sojourn Micro will be evanescent. Wo could multiply in Btance3 ad in'inUum of. tho extraordinary emcacy of Dr. Collis Browno'K Chiorodyno in Diarrhoea, and Dysentery, Spanni.«, Cramps, Neuralgia, tho Vomiting of Pregnancy, nnd as a general sedative, that huvo occurred under our personal observation during Tnauy years. Jn Oholeraio Diarrhoea, and even in tho more terrible forms of Cholera itself, wo have witnessed its surprisingly controlling power. "We have never used any other form oC thirt uiedi cine than Collis Browne's from a linn con fiction that it is decidedly the bcst,and also from asenso of duty we owe to the profession and the public, as we are of opinion that, the substitution of any other thun Collis Urowne's is a dei.ibuhate BREACH OF FAITH OX THE TAUT OF TIJK CHEMIST TO PRIC3CRIBB AND I'ATIWNT AI.riCE. —We are, Sir, faithfully yours, Hymes and Co., Members of the Phavm. Society of Great Britain, His Excellency the Viceroy's Chemists. CAUTION.—Vice-Chancellor Sir \V. Parre Wood stated that, Dr. J. Collis lirovvno was, undoubtedly, tho inventor of Chiorodyno; that the story of. the defendant Frcomau was deliberately untrue, wlitah. lie rcßroltod to say, had been sworn to—See "The Times," July 13, ISG4. Sold in bottles at Is l}d, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and 11s each. None is genuine without the words " Dr. J. Collis Urowne's Chlorodyno' on tho Government stamp. Overwhelming medical testimony accompanies each bottle. Caution.—Tiewaro of. Piracy and imitations. Solo Manufacturer-.!. T. DAVENPORT, Great Russell-street, Bloomsbury, London. 3 "^mf/gjeoTthosTcongreve ON And its Succeswul Tueatment, Showing that direful disease to ha curable in all its stages; with observations on ASTHMA, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, &c." 250,000 have been sold in England. Colonial Edition, 6d. fid. Post Free.) Puluishod by HtoBT, 04, King Willinm Stroot, A.lelaido ; G. Rouertsoh & Co., 83, Littles Oollina Ktroet, Melbourne, awl ot Sjjnpr; p. 3teik. J?oilh, Wußt Australlii ; Uvtov & Co., Aucldand, nnit Himpbom & Wh,i,iami, ChriHtchuroh, New Zealand; J. WALcn it Son, Hobart, Ttiamania. lAlAlifili, tUUuno, nUAKolirlribo. Tho FINEST REMEDY for COUGHS, COI^DS, ETC B5 IS CONGREVE'S In Bottles Is, Hi, 2s. 9d., 4s, 6d. & 11s. Trcpared by G. T. CONGREVE, Coombe Lodge, Peckham, London, and SOLD BY ALL THE BEST MEDICINE HOUSES IN THE COLONIES. STE EDf¥! AN'S SOOTHING POWDERS FOR CHILDREN CUTTING THEIR TEETH CAUTION TO PORCHASKRS. The value of this well-known Family Medicine lias largely testod In all parts ol! the world, and in all grades of society, for up wards of FIFTY years. Its well-earned extensive sale has induced spuhiouh imitations, some of which in OUTWARD appeahance so closely resemble tho original as to liave deceived many purchasers. The proprietor, therefore, feels it due to tho public to give a special caution against the use of such imitations. Purchasers are therefore requested carefully to observe the four following distinctive characteristics, without which none are genuine :— Ist. In every case the words John Stkedman, Chemist, Waiavortii, Surrey, arc engraved on the Government Stamp affixed to each packet. 2nd. Ifiach Single Powder has directions for the dose, )>nd tho words "John Steedman, Chemist. Walworth, Surrey," printed thereon. 3rd. The nameSteedman is always spelt with two EE's. 4th. Ttie manufacture is carried on solely in Walworth, Surrey. Sold in Packets by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors, at Is lArt to2a 9d each. Agents Kempthoknk, PKOSSEii AND Co., Auckland, Welington. Cb.ristcb.urch. and Dvmedin,

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Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 100, 28 April 1888, Page 4 (Supplement)

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 100, 28 April 1888, Page 4 (Supplement)

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 100, 28 April 1888, Page 4 (Supplement)