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£~..... . s^ rFrancisco, April 8. tfdL MariP05a fletainefl froi" April 10 delay in the arrival •i'inSSS I.ll^ Tichbonie, wife w England form New >*3j °rfc t0 re -°Pen theTichS?fe? nominated Hon. i'tie uS"If mraissioner, on the part Wtioain ata t S' to tho Melbourne Si^^t 1883, and he has ac;jbfi*J««J»««lyll«B,a member £noctatir '• considerable figure Sfcwfr""1 in n Francisco », Ws \t been supervisor and tSßS{aiS f ambltionto be Governor feiHokinJ!!^^^^-- He is an hityvJl^.^cl has great execui^te vie coi°niea ' g^fft'°f San Fraijeisco, chief r?a. Bervice between I'3l^' has decided to i**A mVI in Philadelphia, S^SpW^PO.OOO daily. The S)ua a /g.Wirbe 3,000,000 8 % A" will be 36 000 000 S'^wia^ 1 t0 be invested, %;*». :»3? ylvama' Baltimore S,J*oad "g , and Lelugh fhU a, Dd the price C'SiJl^^^UbbcSmpleted m^orderinabouto«e >&ani^lt Usfc TT thafc h^ teen W^tiye lrlJJ* Xko > and several Slfeitatl^eruption. ■ H f.JStB vS ft War T shi P Lancaster, S?^tot, re? lterranean squad: > fc'st MS" "^ S shomay Ks&£. whlchiscutoff Ane slaughter of the

pests ranges frequently from 10,000 to 20,000.

Eugene L. Spotts left Now York 22nd of March en route for Australia. He professes to have discovered a scheme for exterminating rabbits, and is after the reward offered by New South Walos to the party who can destroy the pests. He announces he has found a disease which is fatal in all cases to rabbits, but ■ locs not canae death for days, and cannot be communicated to a human being. Musjrrave, Governor-General of Queensland, with whom Spotts h;is been in communication has assisted him to come to the colonies, rind make his experiments.

A destrutivo cyclone visited Georgia and East Tennessee on March 20th, making a path 1,300 feet wide through the timber demolishing' trees, houses and everything else standing in its course, carrying men through the air like thistle-down, and .lashing thorn to pieces hundreds of feet from the place they were taken up.

A Bill providing for a congress of American nations, to bo held in Washington on April Ist, 1889, lias been reported favourably to the United States National Legislature. The topics to be considered are international laws and a mode of arbitration, a uniform system of weights and measures,custom, home regulations, a uni-

form code of copyright, and a patent laws union, direct and regular lines of communication between the several nations, and a common silver coin for trade purposes.

Th» International Council of Women will shortly meet in Washington. Mrs Elizabeth Cady Stanton, of too United States, Mesdaines Seatherd and Dilke, of England, Mrs Galafson, of Sweden, Madame Bogfilefc, of Franco, and MrsGripenberg, ofFenland, are among the delegates.

Mrs Ash ton Dilke, sister-in-law of Sil' Charles Dilke, and known in England a 8 the woman suffrage advocate, arrived in New York, March 18th, and will lecture before the National Convention of Woman Suffragists in Washington. She will advocate the English plan of suffrage where wooieri avi coucfunecl, carried gut in the Primrose League and tho Women's Liberal Club.

Small-pox has made its appearance in Brooklyn and New York.

A man named Cyrus Gribble, superintendent of tho Vulture mine, Arizona, was murdered by 3ome Mexicans on the flight of :rfarch'l7th for a 8700 gold bar he had in his possession. Gribble is said to bo well known jn Australia as a mining man, and also on the west coast of Africa.

Besides agitating for the admission' of Utah into the Union, the Mormons, who are establishing colonies in New Mexico, are also' moving to have that, territory included in the sisterhood ojf States. Po.liticifins are troubled at the Mormon outlook, and the extending influence, of tho. saints.

A special dispatch from, April 7th, from Montevideo reports the loss of the steamer Rio JtUigh'O, with 120. pasaengers on board.

The cuy ticket of Oskaloosa, Kansas, composed of women iqv the. City Council, upcl a woman {pi; Mayor, was elected on April 2nd, by a majority of 66.

The Papal authorities, listening to Cardinal Gibbons, of Baltimore, have decided to. aondexnu Henry G.e.orgs'& books.

Tho old Wejk-fargo Express Company lias consolidated with the Erie. This will add 3,0.00 nijles o.f railrotulto the 20,000 already controlled by W. I\ and Company, and extend the lines from ocean to ocean The now organisation is now tho largest express company in the world. Ex-Governor Stanford, of California, now United States Senator, and supposed to be a level-headed, sensible man, has made an offer to a spiritist woman in. Nq.w York-, Madame ' Diss de Burr, of §,5000 i'or a picture of his dead son, painted by .supernatural means. He stipulates, however, that a- witness shall be, present during the process of painting. After a three weeks' debate in the Ottawa House of Commons, the amendment in favour of unrestricted reciprocity in trade and reciprocity in coasting with the United States was rejected by a vote of 124 to. 67. The members adjourned, singiug, '-' God save the Qu.cen." A BALLOONING PEAT. On April 4th, Professor Hogan, p* Michigan, an aeronaut, succeeded in accomplishing the. feat of descending, !iy means of. a parachute, 9,000 feet. "vVJien the chute was dotached the bal■oon drifted off, and was lost in the clouds. The affair took place at. Jackson. Two minutes.after Hogan left the. ground, the I drop was made, and three minutes from | that time he came down in an open field, half a mile from-where he started. When he reached the ground he could not stand i for a few moments, and bis arms were I benumbed. THE ENGLISH MAILS VIA SAN FRANCISCO. The Cunard line of steamers will hereafter carry the through British mails across tho Atlantic under arrangements effected by agents for the Australian colonies. The New Zealand scheme went into effect on Maroh 24th, and the time between Liverpool and San Francisco is to bo reduced to eleven dojs. J[f prompt transfer of mail matter be made in Now York and in San Francisco, a letter will go more than half around the world in thirty days. The Oceanic Steamship Company in San Francisco will aid these speedy connections in every way, and important changes may be looked for during; this year. The proposition has been made to the Union Line steamqrs. to make connection at Fiji. The Oceanic Company's steamers will.for the present pursue the f-ame Australian route as heretofore. THE SAMOAN UNPLEASANTNESS. The President sent to Congress on April 2nd, in response to a resolution, a huge bundle of correspondence between the Department of State, and the Government of Germany and Great Britain relative to the treatment of American citizens in Samoa. This correspondence forms an interesting chapter in the diplomatic history of the country, and one that is apparently not calculated to add lustre to Secretary Bayard's administration of tho affairs of the State Department. The correspondence will, in all probability, afford a basis for congressional inquiry, in which the Republicans will seek to make as much political capital as possible. The most noticeable feature of the correspondence is the arrogant manner in which Bismarck takes the Government of the United States to task for presuming to interfere with Germany's, action in virtually assuming a protectorate over the Samoan Islands. He demands redress from the United States for what he terms the unfriendly attitude of the American Consuls past and present, at Apia, toward the German authorities in the Islands. AMERICAN REPRISALS ON MOROCCO. There is a good deal of speculation in the American colony in London, over the despatch from Gibraltar announcing the deUrfcure from that place for Tangiers, on April 28, of a detachment of British engineer*. No one is able to say why they are going. It is feared that m the event of an attack upon Tangier by the American Avar vessels, the presence of the English engineers will complicate matters. Americana do not expect the issue or the Morocco affair to be serious. A despatch of April 4 bays tne Government of Morocco has refused to grant the demands of the United States in regard to the imprisonment of persons under consular protection athabat, and Vigorous proceedings are expected. The US. Enterprise sailed from Tangiers for Nice on the 4th to receive orders from

the Admiral of the American squadron in relation to the affair. The business, how ever, is generally regarded as a tempest in a teapot. A BASEBALL VENTURE. President Spauldiug, of the Chicago League Baseball Club, intends to send 22 baseball players to Australia after the close of the League season this year, for a few months' tour of the colonies. The team will comprise the flower of the baseball profession in America. Spauldings plan is to choose all those players whose fleefcness of foot and power of batting aud fielding will make them fit competitors in all popular frames of the Antipodes. The combination will leave Chicago early in October, stopping at Denver, Salt Lake, and San Francisco for gamed with local teams. Ansow will be captain of the aggregation. The venture will cost 135,000. San Francisco, April 8. Wheat.—No. 1, §1.283 to §1.30 ; lower R'rades, $1.12^ to §1.20. Flour. extras, §4 to $4.15; 53 to $3.25 for superfine. Barley.— 95 cotits to §1.25 for Chevalier, lower grade ; standard, $1.30 to $1.32&. Hops.—4 to 7 cents per pound. Quicksilver.—§3B and $39 per iiask. Coal. - Foreign gradey scarce. Sydney, New South Wales, §14 per ton. Fish.—-The salmon cuming season was legally opened on April lat. Already there have been sales of next season's pack on the basis of $1.60 to §1.65 for Columbia River, and §1.30 t0.^135 for Alaska.

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Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 100, 28 April 1888, Page 5

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AMERICAN SUMMARY. Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 100, 28 April 1888, Page 5

AMERICAN SUMMARY. Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 100, 28 April 1888, Page 5