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To Let. TO LET, House, 4 rooms and scullery ; rent low.—Apply Geo. Allen, Wholesale Saddler, corner Nelson and Bcresford streets. TO LET in best part of Karangahape Road, 2 good Shops, one suitable for pork butcher; rent very moderate.—Apply Karle and Montgomery. TO LET, for 7s 6d, nice 6-roomed House ; city water, every convenience; Surrey Hills, near Ponsonby Road.—W. Johnston, tap end of Franklin Road. 0 LET, Two or Threo Furnished Bedroonis; uao of sitting-room, bath, etc.; partial board if required.—Jervois House, Wellesley stroetj TO LET, Unfurnished Sitting Room, with opo or two Bedrooms ; iwo of kitchen* pleasantly situated, largo flower garden. Rent moderate.—Apply Stak Ofllce. TO LET, Unfurnished Sitting - room, with one or two Bedrooms, and use of kitchen ; pleasantly situated: large flower garden ; rent moderate.—Apply Star Office, T~~oTLET (Paget-atreet), 1-tooraed House (4 fireplaces), bath, wash-house, every convenience ; 6-roomod House, Richmond Road; Shop, Great North Road; rents low.— J. Morrison, Disinfectant Factory, Great North Road. TO LET, 7 roomed House, Ring Terrace, Ponsoub/; ga3, water, gas stove, bath, sea bathing, boating ; good view of harbour.— Apply to Joseph W oodall, Hackett-street, Sholly Beach. PinO LET, Vauxhall Villa, late residence JL of Mr B. Tanner, overlooking Cheltenham BoUch. A convenient House of 8 rooms, besides bathroom, scullery, and outbuildings. Large orchard and grounds.-Apply D. P. Evans, Queen-Btroet; or Mr Bengc, Devonport. HnO LET, a 9-roomed House in Carleton JL Gore Road, opposite Grafton Road Church; gas and water laid in.—Apply to F. A. White, Queen-street. hnO~LET, House of five rooms, with fourJL stalled Stable, tanks, etc., situated at Kingsland : rent ss.—Heighton and Co., Agents, 104, Queen-stroct. TO LET, 6 roomed House, View Point, Mount Eden Road ; a 2-stalled stablo, detached wash-house, copper boiler, gas, water, and cooking range ; allotment 40 x 80; back a>lotnientmay bo used as garden, etc. ; rent, 12s 6d per week.—l. If.. Withoford, Shortland-street. Q L J, V g KARANGAHAPE ROAD. - Shop and Dwelling : good stand : rent, 30s per week. KYBEIt PASS ItOAD.-Sliop and Dwelling; only 8s per week. CITY ROAD.—HouBe of 9 rooms; good view, large allotment; 20s per week. MANUKAU ROAD.—Shop and 5 rooms; good business pol; ion; 15s. QUEEN-STRtiKT.— Large Shop with excellent Fittings; SA per week. CUSTOMS-STRKET.—One of tho best Stores in Auckland; £3 per week. KYBEU PASS.—House of 7 rooms; gas and water, 12s 6d per week. NORFOLK-STREET. — 7-roomed Residence; gns and water; 13s per week. FuX-STREET, Parncll.-5-roomed Cottage ; 10s CAMPBELL'S POINT.-House and J aero Land; grand view: 17s 6d. VIEW ROAD, Mount Eden. — Cottage of 6 rooms; good view; 11s per week. NEAR ST. MARY'S CHURCH. - 6-roomed House, with bath, gas, and water; 12s 6d. MANUKAU ROAD.-9-roomed Residence (adjoining Mr F, roland's residence); 20s per week. W. & J. FBATER, House Agents, Queen-street. WEEK ORTmONTH'S PICNIC AT THE SEASIDE.—The Pilot Station at Tnuranga may be rented for a week or a month. It is delightfully situated at Mount Maunganui, close to both soabeach and harbour; unrivalled fishing and boating.—R. C. Jordan, Auctioneer, Tn v rango. , RARE! OPPORTUNITY. —To Let, the only Bakery and Eating-house Business in a town three hours' steam from Auckland.— Inquire of Mr Hunt, Lamb's Flour Mills, Auckland. For Sale. FOR SALE, a Now English Ranjre, cheap.—Aj>pl»,t3 Albert Eaton, Arawa-st FOR SALE"(cheap). Boy's Tricyclo.nearly new.—H. Brown, Baker, Upper Symondastrcet. OR SALE, four-wheeled Express Waggon, nearly new, with Horse and Harness, side seats, cushions, and lamps, complete. •- Apply R. C. Cloughlcy, Shelly Beach. OR SALE.—Fine toned Church Harmonium for sale, very cheap; seven stops ; will be sold a bargain; to bo seen at the Musical FOR~SA~LE,ITawn Laths, Shingles, Palings, and Posts. Mouldings, Skirting, and Building Timber, at prices lower than anybody. —Hclensvillo Timber Co., Mount Eden Railway S tati on. OR" SALE.—Mount Albert—Gentleman's Residence, consisting o£ 8 rooms, with extensive stabling, conch-house, orchard, and about 6 acres volcanic land, situated near the Old Whan Road, and in 3-mile radiue from Auckland Post-office. House newly and elaborately decorated. Price £750, of which £500 can remain at 7J per cent.—Apply to Sir VVm Wastoneys. on tho property, or at his Office, Highstreet, Auckland. F" OR IMMEDIATE SALE, Cheap, the Interest in Lease of a really good Farm, having 19£ years to run, at a very low rental, together with orops and improvements.—Apply to John Soppet, House and Land Agent, 65, Queen-street. F~"~6ITPOSrriVE SALE.—3 acres Good Land, with 5-roomed Cottage upon it, and a beautiful stream of water ; also, 13acres, with water frontage, all fenced and planted with choice trees, and a 4-roomed Cottage upon it; also, a good, new 2-roomed Cottage, with 9J acres good land, with water frontage. The above are within 12 miles of town, and will be sold cheap.—Apply to John Soppet, House and Land Agent, 65, Queen-street FOR IMMEDIATE SALE, as the owner must leave for England, a really good Farm of 238 acres. 130 acres of it in grass, and fenced part with thorn hedges, and the balance in bush; orchard; house, and buildings; and a very low price will bo taken.—Apply to John Soppet, House and Land Agent, G5 Quoen Street. FOR SALE, a really nice little Sheep Farm of 100 acres, all in grass and well fenced; a good 7-roomed house, fitted with every con venienpe; also, farm buildings; snugly situated in a pretty little bay, with good beach frontage, where steamers pass daily; only 25 miles from town. "W ill be sold cheap, and terms easy.—Apply to John Soppet, House and Land Agent, 65, Queen-street. sT_~alTi""d~e residence For Sale (£700), New and Commodious House, with every convenience, including bath-room, dresser, cuplO-ird, city water, gas laid on in every room ; specially well-sheltered from alt the cold winds, commands a splendid view of the harbour, water frontage suitable for bathing and boating.—Apply to Walter J. Dowden, Auctioneer and Land Agent, 215, Queen-street, oppo-ite Auckland Savings Bank. mo custom bootmTkers! JBL -■■ REDUCED PRICE LlST.—Men's beet Prime French Calf E.S.. 7s; Golosh E.S., cloth, kid tops, calf fronts, 6s; best Calf Shooters, open or closed fronts, 7s; Men's best Calf Balmorals, 5s 6d ; Derby Shoes, 5s 6d ; Oxford Shoos, ss; Women's Calf E.S., 5s 6d; Kid K.S., blocked fronts. ss. Extra charge for cutting to measure. Terms net cash. YOUNG BROS.. Steam Boot upper Factory, High-street. A D I E S , S C H O O L. Good opportunity for Lady seeking such Employment. Property admirably adapted <or the purpose, and School in full operation. For full particulars, apply VAILE & DOUGLAS, Land and Estate Agents, Shorfclandstreet. IT is a Well-known Fact that J. H. Dalton, of Victoria-street East, ie surpassed by none and equalled by few in the Cut and Finish of his Garments. HAS. WILLIAMSON, House, Land and Estate Agent,B3, Queenstreet, opposite Fort-street, has always for Salo, and to Let. large and small Houses in the City, Suburbs, and Country Districts; also. Farms, improved and unimproved, in various parts of the province. Several Eligible Building Allotments for <Snle in the City and Suburbs, for cash or on deferred payments. MONEY TO LEND In large or weall sums _t\current rates of interest.

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Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 24, 30 January 1888, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 24, 30 January 1888, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 24, 30 January 1888, Page 1