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Public Notices. ~ — SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT FOR CHEST AND THROAT COMPLAINTS. JJJu TESTIMONIALS. ,JBm From Rev. Chas. Pexny, of "■" WSBM Wellington. A Cheap* Pleasant JH| «Your lung preserver afi mMm/Ml folded my wife and children almost I ND / W'Mff/mm immediate relief in Coughsand Colds, EfFECTUAI RfMEDY. and many to whom I had the pleasure » urr>.w' w«u ui-i i*--r , WSfflm of recommending your specific have J ■ -J : Jβ spoken of it as invaluable. In one W~~ , ' W, W/mim case, when every remedy tried was BE2 '■' was so distressing) the first dose°of fffliilll patient resolved to take nothing else VjJ throat, and deem it only just to mrr iltfi'W 18? QIP I f° rm J , ' 0,1 fcnafc * ' li,vo ex P er ! I great benefit from its use. I shall pQ $£ COO GHSjf wlfflwi who sutler in a similar manner." I Bronchitis, Asthma, ifflmm From Dr. Ewaet. iQARSENESS,WHOOPING "In cases of Asthma, it quickly I {DIFFICULTY OFBREATHfNG, iWSmffl cutsshort the paroxysms. In Chronic (MO AIL APFFftTinN«JftPTWE LIJNrS WMEffi, Bronchitis or Winter Cough it is XNUAU. *rF£OTIONBQFIHfc useful; the discharge of mucus is I BRONCHIA, IRAGHEA,& WJW$m greatly assisted, and the wheezing tn r- 1 «' o I 'WMffl " nd difficulty of breathing are f* fifAl tRIEUD TOTHE'PfitACM£J},Sm£mWaM greatly relieved by it. In Acute ■ AND PUBLIC SP£AK£S. | wßmk Bronchitis it is also beneficial, and ' / WmMiMi whilst it tends to cheek inflanima''rfpe -!S 6d. SLe <$d, 4e td & Bs. J Wmsm tion, it promotes expectoration, and \ „■■■ !| WMmm thnK relieves the laborious and dvffi--1 ' PREPARED ONLY 0Y § Wmßk cult breathing so general in these \3* BAXTI2H) 1 Wffllwm attack?. As a Cough Medicine for iMEaiCAt. HALL, VICTORIA persons of all ages it is excellent. Iteite.. CHmSTCHQRCH, N.Z. SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS and storekeepers. IMPORTANT TO PURCHASERS ! Purchasers are requested to see that each packet of Lung Preserver offered tor sale is a fac-simile of the above drawing, and that the words " Baxter s Lung Preserver, Christchurch," arc blown in the bottle. t j.i_ Further, that the wrapper of each packet of "LUNG PRESERVER" bears the Proprietor's Trade Mark and Autograph, along with the late Proprietor s signature. 1&, REFUSE ALL OTHERS AS COUNTERFEITS. AGENTS FOR AUCKLAND: Messrs SHARLA.ND and Co., CLOSE BROS., P. HAYMAN and Co., and N.Z. DRUG COMPANY. ENCOURAGE LOCAL INDUSTRY. CHARLES SMITH, MANUFACTURER OF BASSINETTES,PERAMBULATORS, INTALIDS , CARRIAGES, &c. Auckland Perambulator Factory, VICTORIA STREET, NEAR FREEMAN'S BAY. Tbe prices luivo been Purchasers are cau* oavcrfnllv adjusted, ami tioned against an inferior arc as low an possible, \ii' wl \l cl no Z pushed consbtontly with quality vfllJiiH on the market, with wood and workmanship, and ' TOiMeflJifflf nav ?i The best in the as I only import S orld ar f * he Patbnt parts a* cannot possibly \PHii § r i C , V T^ 8, ? 8, ijo inn(io hrro, tliis may \\ yßtJaafflHwMfflw Self-oil iiubricators, and be truthfully" termed a tan only bo had from T»v an Thi jO ffa c t St ,8 ! CIIARLES SMITH. MiHicLnf proVorthoir Purchasers are respectcxcolloaico. Peramb\iln- full - v s °l icite(i t0 inspect oi'Bof nnymukoropaii'od jC^V^KuJ^^^^jP^^K^ my stock, when I shall be or taken m exohanßO. JhCv^^g^^^i^^m happy to kliow you the or tAK«n uijizoiiw k Bassinettes in all stages MUCE.LISTPO6Tkeek. cualt^otmatona^tM^ to°buy direct from the All Country Orders refactoi/ to prevent nils- ], ceive ray special attcnTHE IMPROVED BASSINETTE. CHAKtES Smith. Charles Smiths ' The only Practical Maker in Auckland. The Largest Maker in Auckland. [testimonial.] Glass Works. Freeman's Bay. Mr Sμ an, Sir,—The Delivery Cart we bought from you haa f?iven entire satisfaction, and though subject to the moat violent use for nealy two years, the wheels are perfectly sound. M. Cook & Soxs. CHARLES SMITH, VICTORIA STREET. SPRING 1887. SPRING 1887. Smith &Caughey IMPORTERS Ex Steamships Tongcuriro, Arawa, Aorangi, and Sailing Vessels Crusader and Pialco. SPRING NOVELTIES AND GOOD VALUE in Silks, Satins, etc. SPRING NOVELTIES AND GOOD VALUE in Dress Fabrics. SPRING NOVELTIES AND GOOD VALUE in Prints, etc. SPRING NOVELTIES AND GOOD VALUE in Mantles. SPRING NOVELTIES AND GOOD VALUE in Millinery. SPRING NOVELTIES AND GOOD VALUE in Ribbons, Laces, etc. SPRING NOVELTIES AND GOOD VALUE in* Hosiery and Gloves, SPRING NOVELTIES AND GOOD VALUE in Small Wares. Immense shipments of Calicoes, Sheetings, Shirtings, Hollands, Towels, Linens, etc., etc., direct from Manchester and Belfast Manufacturers, which will be sold at and under usual wholesale prices for CASH ONLY a CLOTHING. The celebrated Liori Brand Geelone Clothing in Men's, Youths', and Boys' sizes (obtainable in Auckland only at our establishment) is proving itself unsurpassed for cut, finish, and wearing qualities. THE GENTS" MERCERY AND HAT DEPARTMENT Will also be found replete with all the requirements for a first-class trade. Gents' Hats, Scarves, Ties, Shirts, Collars and Cutis, Half-Hose Braces, etc., in great variety. All Goods are marked in PLAIN FIGURES for CASH OJVLJ. JVO SECOND PRICES AJVD NO DISCOUNIS. Any Article not approved and returned in good condition within ljj. days will he exchanged for other goods or money refunded. SMITH & CAUGHEY, .AJSTD FAMILY DBAPBES. TELEPHONE 339. mHS PUBLIO TRUST OFFICE OF NEW ZEALAND, rra objects are sPECiIIZy protective. The Estates of persons who die. bavins neglected to make their wills, and who hare not any friende living in the colony ready to apply for administration, are carefully administered, debte paid and residues remitted to those legally entitled to receive them. All persons are, however, urged to instruct their eolioitora ac to their villa whilst in poeeeesion of health and unimpaired faculties. Inviolable security for the fulfilment of their wiehes is assured by the appointment of the Publlo Trustee as sole Executor. No charge Iβ mudo upon the depoelt for cafe ouatody of any Will by which the Publio Trustee ie appointed Executor. Other Wills may be deposited on payment of a fee ot Ten Shill ings. Subjeot to the provisions of the Publio Trust Office Aota, any present trustee may transfer the management of trust property to the Publio Trustee, who will thereupon hold each property upon the original trusts attaching thereto. The scale of fees applicable to the classes of Estates above referred to Iβ as follows sOa all receipts of Income under a trust, or on realising property under a will, or transfer of administration or probate m . ■ .. ..£5 pec cent. For rendering Property-Tax return (It neoeeaary) „ .. .MlFor renderiDß Stamp account (it neowsarj) ... .. „ ..2/c per cent \Mln.fee, fit For obtaining probate (if neoeeeary) .. .. ,» M ..7/6 per cent, /Max. fee, £IQ For invests funde. if the eumlent is underletOOO .. „ ..20/per cent. For investing funds, if the euro, lent ie ovor £1.000 *. m ..16/per cent. The Public Trustee hold* Uxap same of money ton investment on real seourlty at ourrent m,tea Of Interest. Any nuns may be advanced on flret mortgage of freehold property to tbe extent of une-hali , of ttn actual vnlue. Applications for advances will ba received at the various agencies. Every poHoyholder under " Th« Life Awuranoe Companies Act, 1873," nay register each nolioy within aix months alter the mating thereof, on payment of alec of fly thilllnga. *» MOBB LOOAL AGBNTS ' ■■ • ' ::.• ~ E. P, WATKIS, . '''.'■ Ad Agent, uokln .

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Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 273, 19 November 1887, Page 4 (Supplement)

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 273, 19 November 1887, Page 4 (Supplement)

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 273, 19 November 1887, Page 4 (Supplement)