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Railway Time Table. -VTBW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. • TIME TABLE. —On and ajteb APRIL 1, 1887. Auckland and onehunqa link. Auckland to Wekk Days. Sats only. Sundays Onehunqa. , , , a.m.'a.m. non p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. p.m, Auckland., dep. 7.13 .. 8.4010.4012 0 2.0 4.15 5.20 6.20 .. 10.0 1.10 11.40 9.0 2.3( Newmarket June 7.35 .'. 8.61 10.60 li.lo 2.10 4.26 5.30 6.30 .. 10.10 1.20 11.50 9.10 2.« Ksmuera.. .; 7.80 .' 8.5610.5518.15 2.15 4.80 fi.35 6,35 .. 10.15 1.25 U. 55 9.15 2.4,' *Greon Jjane . .. . i •• • • • • • • ■ • •• •• • • •• •• •• Kllerslie *" 738 .. 9 6 11.5 12,26 2.23 4.40 5.45 f1.45 .. 10 S3 1.35 12.5 0.22 2.5S Penrose Junction 7.46 8.56 9.1111.1018.30 2.30 "4.48 5.60PQ.62 7.8010.30 U0 12.10 9.26 2.6? On^unga?. arK 7USS 8.5 9.201L20U.40 2.40 4J55 fi.9 7*.0 7.4010.40 1.50 12.20 9.35 3.7 , i L. X. Sats ' Dne'ea to Auckl'd. a.m. a.m. aim. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. n,m. p.m. p.m. ».m. p.m. Onehung* ..dop. 7.5 8.20 0.30 10.0 12,19 L 0 4.25 6.10 6.35 7.1510.50 2.0 10.0 5.3 C *Te Pauana ■ •< •• « Penrose June. " 7.1518.30 9.40 10.10 J12.20 LIHM36 15,20§6.45 |7.30 11. 0 2.10 10.10 5.40 Ellisrslle '.. 7.50 8.35 9.46 W,16 12.25 Lls 440 6JSS .. 7.2$ 11. 5 2.15 10.15 6.44 "feera 18 Z 7.3a 8.44 ».'« 10.24 12.35. L 35 4.51 6.85 Z 7,45U.15 235 10.31 fi.53 Newmarket Ju4 7.3S 8.49 10.1 a10.30 12.40 1.30 5.4 5.10 ... 7.50 IUOj 2.? l 10.26 5.58 AuabJand. arr!T. L7J45 &58J10.1Q 10.39 12.5q1 1.40 5.13 5.50] .. 8.0 lL3ff 2.40 10.85 6.7 "Change for Qnehung*. | Change for Otohuhr. t Change for Waikato stations. a Change for Kaipara Branch Status ♦ Chanare for Mercer and InVermediaU Stations, *j»-w . I Change for Auckland and Intermediate Station*, lIAINLINB. AUCKLAND-MEROI&t-TE AWAMUTU-OTOROHANGA. South— Was*. Day«. I I I I A I I p.m. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. 6.20 infltllM dOD. 6.0 6.20 7.1» 8.0 11.40 4.15 4.55 6.20 6.30 S* ' $ if ?:i ffi ui ss i$ is> a ».i 2Srtfii*°" ■' " '•'• 622 6.48 7.38 8.23 B 4.40 5.25 _5J5_ 7^o Pom-oae Junction '.". •• «■» 1- • *»•« 831 tt2s tU9 5.50 Otahuhu.. .. {£"• 6; W 7.10 B<. lo 8.41 12.40 4.59 *? 'Z Papatoitoi .. ... m m ; - - «•» " Papakura ' - •• 8.0 „ .. 130 5.37 .. 1 Ssy :: :: :: ':: - «■« » 9-25 h 7 «*• •■ -:: •Runciman ... .. •• •• » •• . » * •• "Paerata 4 ~ •• „•%„ OIQ „«» •• •• Pukekohc 8.57. .. 9.52 2.19 6.28 Tuakau « 9-, 21 •• •• 2-j3 6>" "Whangaratft .» .. •■ .»• .* •• ,„ <m Pokeno .. p. « •• j. 1035 3|g 71Q •• Mercer .. ... | dep 10.55 3.10 "•Whangftmarino .. •• •• ••» * « •• •Wairangi .. ~ «■ « •• .... # ~ .. •• •lianglrirl ... « •■ - ...... # - Umitlv ■ m •• 12.15 5.40 .. .. .. Tauplri .. ~ .. .... - •• J2.30 5.40 Ngaruawahia • 12-*8 6-, 10 •> - •Pukete « •• ••»»" "Teßapa.. .. .. ~ .. •• •- &4g - •• ;; c Frankton Junction |d ep .' cj,o ~ .. 1-30 D 6.55 *Rukuhla * •• •• n \ -1, •• •• - Ohaupo .. .. .. - 8.35 .. .. 2.5 7.30 v .. . •Lakeßoad • .. .. •• •• „„. ,„ - . - TeAwamuth .. j-^ep.' .. " !! •• -10 "TePuht .. ~ .. .' •• •• •» •• I « *Kawa .. ~ .. » •• •• " . •• •• , •Kiokio •• rii " on ♦Otorohanga » L f '- « .L_»'V—t—jk_ J^ .- .. Nobth—Wkek Uayb. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. 'Otorohanga « dep. .. - ■• - 88.10 •Kiokio .. _..-»-•• - " " * •Kawa .. ~ ...... •ToPuhi , •• •• - •• •• on f arr. — •• •• •• 9.0 TeAwamtjtu .. - Idep. «. •• •• •■ 9.15 •• - 3.0 N K aroto ..-»..-- - " - »•» •• •• 3.5 Mjakeßoad •• •■ •• 0 ,, " •* 00 , Ohaupo - 9i 5 •• - *£» •Rukuhia .. - - (^ z z :: « 10.20 :: » *o . Frankton Junction ~ |dcp! - ~ •• 10.35 .. ..■ 4.10 *Teßapa~ ...»-- • •• * - - * illr^H r Hr. i: ; :: ?8S r. ifs HunUy !! - - - - •• -, , " .-, l?$ » , ~ 5 % 20 "Ohinewai »...».-•• ■» •• •* . - •• •Rangiriri - • * -• - * *Wairangi .. « ..... ;* .^ ■.--,: .. nVhangamarin« - .. ~ ;• •; ;; ;• :; ■ Mercer .. .. - \dep. - .. 6.20 11.30 2.5 .. .. 6.50 Pokeno - - •• 6.31 11.43 2.16 .. .. 7.0 *Whangarata ....... - - * * ' .. .. * Tuakau .. «. r •• - - " bf J v-? *•;* •• •• * pukc ckoah\ d.. r. z :: z - t :.w 12.31 3.3 :: :: 7.37 ♦Paerata ..„....-- •* II * niunchnan « : -. .. - Jjj -• ;; pSkura" I! ""." I - 8.1 1.26 3.47 T !! &18 MauwW „ - - |-g If 4-f. : Otahuhu .. '.'. '.'. .'.' '■'. fl-50 8.18 B,'a silO 4^3 6?20 7.15 ♦ Penroso Junction 8?.» 5 t!8.30 18.51 t2.30 14.36 t6.30 17.50 9.0 EllarX .. - .. .. 7.20 8.35 8.58 2.35 6.35 7.35 * iSmue? 11* !.' '.'. Z Z 7.30 8.« 9.7 5.45 6.45 7.45 Newmarket June. 7.35 8.49 9.19 2.55 t5.4 6.51 7.50 9.20 AUCKLAXD .. «, •> btt. 7.45 8.58 j 8.2S 1 3.5 5.13 1 7.0 I 8.0 1 9.30 t Chans* for On»hunga. Ij Changs for Auckland and Intermediate Stations. t Chontra for K&ipara. Branch Stations. § Chance for Otahuhu. A. Passenger* are not booked by this train to Stations between Auckland Onehungo. B OnlT stop» to pick up Passengers for South of Penrose Junction. c' Runs on Mondays. Wednesdays. Fridays, and Saturdays onlj. ». Runs on Mondays and Wednesday* only. E. Runs from Otorohanga on Tuesdays and Thursdays only. The 9.15 a.m. train from Te Awamutu runs daily. V. Fvanktou Junction for Cambridge, Te Aroha and Rotorua lanes. ! Cambridge—Ta Aroha and Rotorxta Linb3. South.—Week Days. North.- Wbek Days. Auoklana, dop. ..' 8 01140 Lichflold, dep. .. „ .. A'*'bT2a .i i ■— n i i *Putaruru Junction * ..p.m. p.m. *Taumangi * FranktonJun.,dop 130c7 0 Oxford.dep *" 1250 Hamilton West . .. 13S 710 "Okoroire * "Hamilton East.,. .. : ... .. * * *Manjawhara .. " • liuakura Jun., arr. 152 722 Matamata .. " " lsi , i ci *Waharoa .. 7. " " * Cambridge Br.— *Walton ".",'.'. * Kuakura Jnn., dep. .. » 2 O<Z7 30 *Kiwitahi * *Mongaonui .. .. „ «. * * MoninsviUe, arr. * 235 *Tamaher« • • *' *Fcncourt * * TeArouaßr. *Hautapu „ .. • * Te Aroha, dep.«. .. ""8 20 Cambridße, arr. 2408 10 *Waihou ... ..»««.. — '~m > H- *Waitoa .. „ V " * *■* Ruakura Jun., dop. ... 2 067 30 *Tatua o Haua .. ~ .' * '" *Eureka • * *Murray'g w » *Motumaoho * * Morrinßville, arr. .. "95 " Morrinayiile, arr. 3 40 810 ■ " " TTiR^IiRT: L : ..■":, SSnlofe dBP- ;: ••»?"? MorrinsTille, d«p. .. .. .. .. a255 115 "Eui-eka .. .. ", " * * -raSllaua I.' " Z Z ?. * * Ruakura Jun., arr. .. .! »50 333 'Wajtoa - .. .. « • Cambridokßr.--*Wttihou .. .. ■ * • Cambridge, dop. .. 115^250 Te Aroha, are. 3408 55 *Ha«tapu.; .. .. -- »«»*«w ~"• ■*■!■■■ i i^—. irr v— ■ (.—»—^, ,—-_ m , .,,.,, *Fcncourt ' * * Morrinsville,dep. :..• .. i ..&250 ... "Tamahor* " " " • • JKlwitahi.. .... .. ... • .. "Mongaonui .. " " * • *Waharoa" Z " " ** " • " Rnaknra 3xm * .- .. «55 330 Matamata .. ... .1 Z 55 ."! Ruakura Jun., dsp. .. wTodHio «. .. » .. "Hamilton Eait.. " "w *aiV Jzs°a c" ** " " m * •- Hamilton West.. .. I! 10 20 355 2 ' "* ? " Jun., arr. "1025 4 0 8-^ Z I". Z jj 5g ? Auckland, arr. T~q s l3Tffl * Flag atation. " ' '"' '■ a Runsob Tuesdays, Thursdays, aad Saturday?only. 6 RnnsonMondays WednesdaTs and A Runs on first Sundays in each month only. KATPAftA BRANCH.—AITCgLAND—HEyDERSOK—HELEysVILLB. APCSLASD TO HeMSNSYILLE-WeEE: DAYB. 1 HKLKNSYILLK TO AUCKLAND.-WSEK DATS. assftftS : : : : : §SSa z I \ : : :: *WaUcouUU Z V • ? • «0 I%™^. « «™ H M. " •SSSB" I'--- ::8-!512-52 :: fe B?£,n :: :: 8 .0 il *# z ♦K^: :: . ; : •• ♦A rYon^ z ~H 7 *2 2 &i° : *Woodbfll "I. * * * 'Mount Albert .. * * * • •Helens^Ue aonth" * * * " Mo^n^Bden".'. "! 8.47 2.55 6.24 5.13 pr7rS ß^0P opln7 S^uSns dby^^^^ Notice should be gi'ren to the Guar at J. P. MAXWELL, General Manager,

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Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 202, 30 August 1887, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 202, 30 August 1887, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 202, 30 August 1887, Page 6