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Wanted. WANTED, immediately, 2 or 3 Apprentices for the dress and mantle makincr. - Apply Mrs Petty, Surrey-street, Great North Road. WANTED, by young lady, a Situation as Useful Companion, or Lady Help.— Addres3 " M.EX.," Post Office, Otahuhu. WANTED, experienced Salesman; good opening for first-class man.—J. G. Murdock fc Co. (Limited), High-stre-it. WANTED, an Invalid's Chair or Sofa • (for an invalid to lie on), either secondhand or new.—Apply with particulars to Invalid, STAR Oftlcc. WANTED, sharp, genteel Boy, for Tea Shop.-Apply Australian Tea Company, Hobson-street. WANTED, a smart Runner ; one used to the business.—Apply Victoria Boardiog House. WANTED, a respectable Single Man to join another in a small cottage.— Apply Cottage, Star Office. WANTED, a Girl about 14 to assist generally in a homo with a young baby ; good home for girl—Apply between 12.30 and 1 o'clock to-morrow at Star Office. WANTED, a Strong Handy Man (singlo), accustomed to carting; preference given to one that can do rough carpentering.— Addreß_Hacdy, Star Office^ "OTANTEI), a Lady Vocalist.—Apply V V this evening, between 6 and 7, to Mf Aiasworth, Coffee Palace, Cook-street. WANTED, a good Cook and Laundress. —Apply Mra F. Nelson George.JEnsomANTED, a Pony to carry a lady.— Apply by letter, slating particulars, Letter Box 217. Auckland Post-oflice. ANTED, some kind Person to Adopt a fine Buby Girl. — Apply by letter "Alpha," Star Office. ANTED, Situation as nurse or housemaid : fond of children ; good inferences. —Address A.8., Star Office. \\J" ANTED, a good General Servant; V T cooking and washing.— Apply to Mrs Alfred Buoklanu, jun.. Itemuera. WANTED, by a Young Man, age 10, a Situation. Has just come over fivra London. Can havo a good character.—H.M., caro of Mr Wellosley. Karangahapc Itoad, Auckland. WANTED, a good second-hand Safe.— Apply Earlo und Montgomery, Karangahape Road. WANTED, people to choose one of two things—an Extra Pair of Trousers or a vvatorbury Watch—given with every Suit at J. H. Da.lton'B, Tailor, Victoria-street East. W~ ANTED, an offer for the Neatest and Cheapest little block of Freehold in Eden Terrace, always let well to good tenants; situated top of Victoria Avenuo, joins Alkiu's, corner of New North Road. Price, £270.— Apply Walker's, Russell-street, Great North Road, name on door. WANTED to Purchase, a good secondhand Boiler and Engine, portable or otherwise, about 4 or 6 h.p.—Address, giving description, stating length of time In uso. price, and whero to be scon, to "Engineer," Star Oftlce. . WANTED to LET, a one-roomed Cottage, with fireplace; likewise, a fourroomed Cottage; rents low. — Haunaford's Auckland Agency. W~ ANTED, To Let, a Furnished House at Mouut Albert, with every convenience, stables, etc, and 6 acres of land, for Three Months. Owner going to Australia. — Apply to " S.W.H," caro of Mr Lcighton, Highstreet; WANTED to Purchase, for gash, within ton miles of Auckland, 10 or 15 Acres of flrst-clasß Land, with established orchard.— Apply to D. Robertson, Syinonds-strcct. XIITANTEDKNOWNT^ThattheHatDey T partment of the Exors. late Thomas Short, is uio most complete as regards quality, style, and price. Gentleman's fashionable hat 3 from 2s lid, boys' and youths' from Ib. Straw hats in every variety, at prices that defy competition. KXOUS. LATE THOMAS SHORTS' GREAT STOCKTAKING CLEARANCE SALE. .__ TIT ANTED KNOWN-Watch Glasses V T fitted,3d eaoh; charges for watch repairs no mutter what maker or where bought t equally cheap. Best workmen kept on the premises. Arrangements made to turn out 160 repairs per week. All watchec cleaned are guaranteed at Stewart Dawaon and Co.'s great English Watch ExhibitionJM^Queon-stoUJt WTaNTEI) KNOWN—That the Exors. late Thos. Short are actually Selling tho New Season's PriDts, fashionable Bhodes, newest styles, as low as 24d per yard.—KXORS. LATE THOS. SHORT'S GKEAT STOCKTAKING CLEARANCE SALE. ANTED KNOWN —An unencumbered Couple can havo Rent. Fire, and Gass Free, in the city, in return for Gentleman's Board.—Apply, with references, to X.Y., Box 122, Post-office. ANTED KNOWN—Homespun, 4s M dozen yards: All-Wool Plaids. 93d; Grey Calico, JJd ; Long Lac« Curtains, 2s 3d : Scotch Yarn, plain colours, Is 3d per head: Scotch Yarn, fancy colours. Is 9d per head ; Auckland-mado Sox, Is pair; Lambswool, Qd pair, at tho Great Sale of Scutt's Stock.—C. Hopkins, London House, Victoria und Nolson streets. ANTED KNOWN—I am selling Drapery. Clothing, DreRS Fabrics. Milinery. Calicoes. Flannels, Hollands, Hosiery. Gloves, at prices that defy competition.—J. H. Hannan, Victoria-street WANTED KNOWN.—That the Exors. lato Thomas Short havo commenced their great stocktaking clearing sale, and unless the public come and judge for themselves they would not believe the immense bargains that can be procurcd.-EXORS. LATE THOS. SHORT'S GREAT STOCKTAKING CliKAltANCK SALE. ' W" ANTED KNOWN. — Unredeemed Pledges Sale at Arthur and Buddies Mart, on MONDAY NEXT, September 5, comprising Watches, Jewellery, Books. Musical Instruments, Opera and Field Glasses, Telescopes, large quantity of good, clean Clothing, Blankets, Rugs, etc.—S. A. Asher. ANTED KNOWN—That the Exors. of the late Thos. Short are Selling a whole Box full of Gloves at the price of a single pair. Now is tho time for fathers to make a present to their daughters. 6 Pairs of Gloves for 13, worth &s ; 6 Pairs of Gloves for Is Cd worth 9s; 6 Pairs of Gloves for 2s, worth IL's; 6 Pairs of Gloves for 2s 6d, worth 15s. Seeingjs believing. Come and .try.—EXORS. LA'IK THOS SHORT'S GREA'r STOCKTAKING CLEARANCE SALE. WANTED SEEN, Specially Cheap Lines, at Goodson's-Sterling Gold Set, Broocli and Earrings, in handsome wise, from 17s Cd; Gold Wedding-rings and Keepers, 9 carat 5a each; 18 carat, 15s each ; Sterling Siiver Jewollery: a good assortment, all new stock and the lowest prices possible. Just, opened, a nplondid assortment or Basket Ware of all kinds, rcry, very cheap. Glass Dishes, Stands and Fancy Goods, in plain and coloured glass very pretty and cheap; a Glass Sugar Basin and Cream Jug for 6d the pair; Covered Glass Butters, for 41b butter, Bd. Tea Sets, 40 nieces Breakfast Pets, 29 pieces, 10s Cd the set; Dinnor Sots, 54 pieces, 265: a specially cheap lino in Pic-dishes, about half-price. Cutlery and Eleclro Plato as cheap as usual; Notctmpor 6d for 120 sheets; Envelopes. Cd the 100; Dressing and Tooth Com''s, 3d each ; Draughtsmen 6d the set; Table Mats, 9d the set of six. \n endless amonnt. of Goods, useful and ornamental, at Goodson's London Arcade. ANTED KNOWN—That the Clothing Department at Exors. late Thos. Short's has undergone a complete overhaul, and tho Reductions in each article must surpriso each inquiring customer. Trousers that were 9s Gd are now being sold at 5s lid, ditto 12s 6d now 7s lid, and everything else in proportion. We are selling Mole Trousersi worth CsGd for 4s lid. 7s 6d for os lid. 8s 6d for Gs Cd. KXORb. late thos. short's great stocktakingJiMarance sale WANTED KNOWN—I am prepare* to take in pawn Pianos. Harmoniums, Suites of Furniture. Money Lent on Personal and Collateral Security. Bills Discounted.—Jas. Rae. Elliott-street. ___________ WANTED KNOWN.—That we have in Dresa Goods an immenso assortment of every conceivable variety of material, and all are marked at greatly reduced prices during FXORS LATE THOS. SHORT'S GREAT STOCKTAKIN^_CLEARA_NCE_SALE. W~ANfEI> SEEN-The Ladies' Patent Leather Slippers. 2s 9d; Gont.'s Carpet Slippers 3s Cd; Gout's walking Derby Shoes. 7s Jld • Strong Balmorals, with or without nnils 9s Cd; Strong Elastic Sides, 9s Cd ; a few Watertight^ left, at 8s 6d. All guaranteed to give satisfaction,-At Budge's Boot Shop, 108, YiCtoria-Street.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 202, 30 August 1887, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 202, 30 August 1887, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 202, 30 August 1887, Page 1