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The revival of interest in mini™ L* bo be extending itself gradnalW* $*** parties of men who have been « ji T6al have gone to Coromandol witKw few day,, having heard thVth e *± ** theTarawera yesterday ****** He i. said to be o£K3«?I !ZT4 due on Thursday morning On JS^fr will attend a meetingof £'W» nected with the present strike. ■ Co* The Jubilee Hotel case is *«* a hearing in certioran will be again applied L i\ of Button. ftwfflbafeßwnffiS 3*s* 3 weeks since the writ was applied for iff owing^objections by Dr. Oshley V* pkcation was postponed sine die L, W^ that a new fiat might be obtained &»?£ Attorney-General; the judge, oSSJ? »W» tin?, to Mr Button whethedS not b. well for him to consider the ££} stand the old proceedings have now beT abandoned, and an entirely new appliS will be made to-morrow, when it is S£ the whole case will be argued.

An adjourned meeting of Brown» «& Co.'s creditors was held yesterday affe noon. At the opening of the meeting tb 9 Official Assignee stated that MrCofa! offer of £125 for the whole estatelS been accepted, and the money paid in Mr Alfred Jowitt moved, "That thecro'diton are clearlyof opinion that the very great dis crepancy in the estate, apparently leavin? scarcely aaything for the creditors i not satisfactorily accounted for. Thta therefore desire tha* before SJibmitiane to the loss of nearly tha whob^ their money the bankrupts be required to give a clearer and more satisfactory account of their affairs, such account to be furnished within 7 days from date, and thai thia meeting consequently stand adjourned till 2.30 pm. this day week." Ttie-raofcfoa was seconded by Mr St. Qair (proxy for Mr Hall), and carried nem. con.

Mr R. M. Munro and the ." Scodtish Chiels" Company proceedto Whangarei this week, and after performing ad thai and surrounding townships the Company will 1^ disbanded. On account of Mr Munw's absence the Scottish dancing classes in tlje Masonic Hall, Newton, will be suspended until Friday week. There was a large turnout lasb night, when good progress was made with the Highland Eling, reela, strathspeys, and country dances. Freemasons and the public generally will observe by our advertising columns list the Rev. B, H. Gulliver's lecture<o&"fnimasonry," which from various, causes has been hitherto delayed, is to be delivered at the City Hall on Thursday evening, Bth September, commencing atß.o'dcck. Sir Frederick Whitaker has consented to take the chair, and from the lecturer's wellknown ability, there is very little doukt but that the subject will be handled ins masterly manner and made pleasant and infitructive to aIL 'It will be seen that not only Masons, but the public, ladies ob well as gentlemen, can- obtain admission to this lecture, and we trust to see a bumper house. A meettag of delegates of the Jtinior Football Associatjon will be fold fo-ight in the V.M.C.A. Rooms. ■ The Newmarket Sanday'Wenihg soeetSngl' in connection with the Gospel, 3%tj|:rjis Mission are becoming more and nit^rCpopa* lar. On Sunday evening last Sir Wnv Fot and the Rev. W. Carr delirered vary interesting addresses. Mr GarKckj ;th«-Pre< sMent, also took part in- th« proceedings. Mr J. Newman occupied the chair; and nt the dose of the meeting two pledges were taken* • .

Mr A. H. Carter, son of the Rev. Mr Carter, and who was for four or five years with Messrs E, Cox and Son, dentate, Auckland, has now begun business on his own account, and may bo consulted daily at his residence, Garrett's Buildings, Karongahape Road. He passed the usual examination for dental surgeon most successfully, and may be expected to secure a large share of the patronage of the public. The Mammoth Minstrels are expected to open their season at Abbot's Opera Hw« on Bth September nexi Mr Wttsluugton Solly, advance agent in this town,;W actively preparing ta herald tb* a>*B» moths. . • ■ Mr A. G. Baniells devotes each eventoj this week to a course of revival meetlflgsw connection with the church, ttoej>{;<» Thursday evening, whim,' by BpaaaM* quesfc, he will again lecture on*heeYMd intemperance In the Foresters, .M EaranQmp» Road, Sir William Pcx fi» take the chair. As the weather is now m a large gathering may be expected^ -.u» leott£e will bo ilfuatrafced in &» W>*Jg by chart* Seat, will bo free, taU«JJ tion will be taken a* the**

in *r» ■ ■ ■ ' ■ '' ■ - ■' ' Owing to a letter from the.GmjMj General; calling on= Taurangft B«W Council to pay up their over-dnftpw"™" legal limit, the douncilhavejedddl*£ duce the salary of the Town Clerk, dug* with the servioes of the fW^**! spector of Nuisances, and in other w»P curtail expenditure, « The Physical Effects of Afcohol on W Human System", will be the titled >** ture delivered in the'Fcw-ten [MM the Protestant Hall tised) next Thursday evening, £**<*$£ bhe Star of Newton Lodge, 1-O.p.T.fWJ" tor A. G. Daniels, ffl«*^SjSS charts and experiments. ~" Two mWW* trill'be sung by Miss C GnbWftrJ Fox has kindly consented to preside, chair will be taken at eight sharp. , The Pitt-street Free Methodfetg; Hope had another practice 1«* night *^ service of son'ff "■little Dot" Thia saw KSl§ ta&W thing. The «o*jg tion ß ar/mosUy well-known Fg-jgS, connecUng narrative is of a very, P character Under the able <^ ufg of Mr J. Bouskill, ;good VffiffiJ^ made with the .sinping, and »J » * °r tea ft in three weeks " LU&Dob «"U »™ furthepttbUa :,-. .. fl A well-attended ir«eting « mittee of 4,he forthcoming fanoy^^ in connection with fo*n****3r£fr was held lastnighUt Dr. Waltos^ a d(te report as to the sale of ticket* was very satisfactory points to a decided success. Jog were appointed, viz., Dr. WJJg . t W.J. Suiter (Mayor of .J2J ion .& Lewis, J. Guthrie. A rigid wapjgj adopted to keep the admission* seieci unimpeachable. .goith New spring dress fabrics, e» and Caughey have just recced » Tongariro, firsb consignment jj ■ y NewS shades and good m ANAiABASWEBox^-Ywngg^ their complexion skin becoming rourii or tlon d gff IRitt^. which e bi°°Sffl/« ■whitened^ and bcaaty to #& W' Djakliig rich blood. aeod bem< ""* : .miles. Eeaa tujfjin.yo* Wobkino Men-BeforeJgjfflfe heavy spring wwk a^a^^gth^ your system needs cleanßm| aw rißj? x«w , o prevent an attack of bUiQUB or y ft tor aickoess that wlU^J^% c & t&«W> work. You will save CftW if you will use one botUe of £*"£*%& I«" Bitter? ia yous &wU7 W» w*"* , : Beadr

— inMars oi the Thames Gas The sbare^we" d(mation of ten Cpmpany liavy?ne funds of the Thames %£> *$£. Zd the expenses of testSchool of i»ne-' _, he C b a i rm an explained in? operation- h ta were 0 { great ?*ta "Sftf rf ew Zealand fcad DunD? J Sopte, including many exnnmberß of F P examine d the speciperie«f i S r( ; U 3 and argentiferous ore nens of aurnei Hikufca j a now on view I^/rfirfs office, Shortland- »* ill Those acquainted with goM-mimng £treet -fh the statement of our special reagree th; 7 ree f at Hikutaia is a conrter that tne re c thaJ . gfcrikes rTtt w'Sauri. Mr Witheford through we n brouf? i, t from Waite£sSS?t; :S P are i? with that from Hikufcaia. have to annoU nce "^■iKtial performance of the the- fArS immatic Society The «"v;f v f e Sted and under active rehearsa the Opera House, the pro--5% devoted to the Kindergarten ?! i Fund and we are pleased to S^ the Soc'ietybas chosen such a worthy \ OIC Id trust the performance will reIf th support /the general public. ff ?Ji only add that when the cast con- ■ Emmies of Mrs D. Cooper and Mr Si McEalandsomeoftheleadin, Sure, the piece must be an assured ""we are requested to draw the attention O f oar readers to the advertisement postS? the entertainment m aid of St J3ct'» Church from this evening till Tuesday next. The following tenders have been received for the fe Kuiti station buildings, North Bland Trunk Railway :-Accepted : A. A. X Auckland, £968. Declined: M. 55, Cambridge, £1,085; G. J. Worthr<7tofl Taupiri, £1,173; Nelson and W ll)Lt' Auckland, £1,179; Rencowe and TLonUiJ, Kibikihi, £1,272; E. Monis, Auckland £1,436; Ferguson and Madigan, Cambridee £1.499 ;■ Jollnston and Holman, Auckland, £1,544; -W. Cameron, Auckland, £1594; Sharp and Coraoii, Auckland, £1698 / Jones and O'Connor, Auckland, £1730; I Malcolm, Auckland, £2,169; Wriglev and Hancock, Auckland, £2,287

The usual meeting of St. John's Musical Literary Society was held on Monday evening when the audience was considerably W than the average. The programme for the niehfc consisted of readings, recitations #& Piano solo, Mr Prime; solo. Miss Shepherd; reading,- Miss Mabel Harris; solo, Mrs Johnson, for which she received an encore; piano duet, Mrs Prime and Miss.Goodacre ; solo Mr Clem. Bartley; recitation, Mr Cole; solo, Mrs Prime. There were nlso given bya visitor, tworeadings, viz., '' Billy's Rose,"and "Geoffrey Grubb'e Courtship." both being enthusiastically received and the latter encored. A vote of thanks was tendered to the chairman (Mr J. Gittos) and to those who had been responsible for the evening's amusement.

■ The following will represent the Butchers F.C. against the Beer F.C. :—Full-back, Rout; three quarter backs, Parsons and Garratt; half backs, Woods, Lindsay, Curtis; wirigmen, Shove (2); forwards, Davidson, Briggs, Reyner, Sandall, Salvin, Tomber and Carter. Emergencies: J. Me Keoira, Binns. Beer: Full back, Tay or ; three-quarter backs : Halstread, C. Stone ; half back?, Beamish, Coils, Harrison; wings, Leech, Ross; forwards, Keats (apt.), Huntsman, W. Sutclifl'e, Grey, E. Sutcliife, W. Brown, Woods. Emergencies: Moore, Butler, Mills.

The qvangelist'e service at St. Luke's ■Pfesbyterian Church, Remuera, was conducted by Miss Malcolm, the lady evangelist, who gave an excellent address upon vthev Atonement, when there was a large audience. The Key. .P. Kiddle will conduct the services fhis- evening and Miss Malcolm tomorrow (Wednesday) evening, and will give an address to-ladies on Thursday >afternoon at 3 p.m.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 202, 30 August 1887, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 202, 30 August 1887, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 202, 30 August 1887, Page 4