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IRON AND STEEL MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL IRONMONGERS, QUEEN & HIGH STREETS, City; Also at Newton, Newmarket & Symonds Street. MESSRS. E. PORTER** CO. wish to draw attention to thoir large shipments to arrive, which, added to their already extensive stook of Hardware, they are in a position to execute any orders placed With them, and at the very lowest prices. Not? landing ©& AMEEICA f£om London. 123G bars Iron ' ' I 60 drums Raw Linseed Oil Ui plate Iron ' ! 50 drums Boiled Linseed Oil • .....,. 91 bundle. Shset Tron ?, casJ iS V?- eed ?C JO Self Set-tins Ranges, 36 to 42 inches 2 «u.k ß Boied Linseed Oil • ■ ~-. 6 Artisan Ranges i>o drums Colza Oil 48 Register Grates „~° drumrStockholm Tar . ; S0 cases Galvanized Corrugated Iron 200 boxes Swedish Pitch, in / and H lbs. 15 Hornsby's Plough?, land' 2 wheal: 2 cases Iron Uest and Cupboard Locka j I cask Shares * case Bottling Wire 1 cask Breasts and Wheels ' -,^ ? as-Sr ee T l mgf » A, ■ _ •■ I 14500 teet Galvanized Tube?, L' to 14 inch 124 bundles Hoop TrOn, -| to l_ inches •2 casks Galvanized Fittings 52 kegs Black Deck .Spikes 2000 feet Black Tubes 4 kegs .SpouiDg Spikes 2 casks Black Fittings L? oa3cs £,'} ck V oll.^ "}!"' . 212 kegs Wive Nails - * casks Galvantzed Coil Cham 51 tons Black Fencing Wire 1 bale Plough 1.m0.. • 5 tons Galvanized Fending Wire I bal° s""h. Lme 2.1 bundle. Galvanized Tubs 2 cases Twines 2 crates Galvanized Watering Pots f se &.*• U*a Bush Hook* 1 ca=o D E Picks 1 Patent Augers lease Box, ".Brass, and Ivory Rules }«£ %l^ vt_ al\ d °t""? inS„ AdMB , , 1 caso Metallic and Steel Tapes cas? \™% B(? lts' fading Hames, etc., etc. 1 case Tool* various * oask ,Sofa Springs .1 case Turnscrews, Pruning Shears, etc., etc \ case Bolts, Locks, Latches, Steel Letters, etc, etc. 1 caro Bullock Bella 1 caso Copper and Brass Kettles, Bell Staples, etc., etc 1 ca.e Spring Balances and Locomotive Balances J rosf j*?"** 3 l"11?*. Mow Traps, etc, eto. J cask Cbar/oal Irons OMk J^ 1!* 'YdV d fi,f 7 .lron W"» iers ~~, 1 cask Frypans - 1 case Gardening, Hedging, and Housemaid Gloves, etc, 225-1 Sash Weights 1 Nomr landing ex from London. Wo.cask; Portland Cement - '■' I 6 casks Bolts and Xut_ GO drums Raw Linseed, Oil ■ ) * casked Tapped Isuta 50 drum? Boiled Linseed Oil i'• I case Lick wood Files 2 casks Raw Linseed Oil '-i J caso £ inn0*' Chisels, Furze Hooks 2 casks Boiled Linseed OU 1 ca*o Trowels, Hoes, Gum Knives and Blades 5 ca«ks Putty i ■" ca?e Lleetro Plate, new design 13 "Mistress * Ranges - 4 bales Brown Paper D." Aidress" Ranges- ' 1 caso Plate Powder 0 " "Ranges * caso Seine Twine 4 " Vic'totess " Ranges 4 crates'Earthonware Teapots 5 " Enchantress " Ranges ~ bales .Door Mats • 3 American Pearl Ranges _ "soi vim_-V. ock_!. 32 " Queen " Stoves * bundl" w>re Steves 12 Kitchen Sinks 3 cases linnod lacica 2 Corn Crushers J caak Oold V\o»hcrs--1 Chaff Cutter 1 cask Pudding and Ealung Pans 3 Horso Gears and Intermediate Motions 1 cask Enamelled Candlesticks, Cups and Saucers, 4 casks Gas Globes . cUd et^ ■ „ I caso Hand Saw and Mill Saw Files ■» cask Enamelled Basins, Dinner and Soup Plates, etc., 3 Vauxhall Donkey Pumps , etc;, ~.-,, 1 casoEley'a Gun Caps 1 case Hobbs'Cupboard and Padlocks, Xight Latches,----2 cases Lavel's Cream Separators, and Intermediate etc, etc. Motions, complete 1 caß° 4rd? n Synrifj'ea 1 case'Burgon and Ball's Sheep Shears * <"*" Mortis* I) umiture„.Centre Knobs and Cupboard , 5 crates Earthenware * n _.^ aTP. 9 -.r ~ 2 cases Fenders, nickel mounted « Mangling Machines 105 rolls Galvanised Wire Netting 2 Carriage Bolts 1 bundle Galvanised Pea Protectors l <*** Brass Screw's, Rivets, otc , etc 50 boxesCoko Tinplatcs * caso Ward and Payne s Sheep SS-sars 1 caso Soldering Preparation 2 casos Brass Foundry 1 case Meat Hooks. Hasps and Staples, Anglo Brackets, • ' 1 cask Copper .Nails, Rivets ana Roves etc., etc. " . ■' ■ 1 case Cabinet Brass Foundry J case Patent Ventilators, Hat and Coat Hooks, etc, 1 cask Galranme-d Wire otc 1 caso Brass attests 14 bundles Galvanized Coal Scoops 2 caukaJHougli Traces 17500 feet Galvanized Tubes J casks BtulooK Chains 3200 feet Black Tubes , Ho-w landing es RTO .JOSEPHS .from New York. ■■J'--ill. coih. Ga.vanked Barb Wires . 1 case Safetrßa.ors 5 cases Axes '" '-,-''. . , , 1 caso Soldering Coppers • 9 cases Boye'Axes 1 case Snipe stid Coal Tongs 6 cases Axe Pattern Hatchets 1 ewe Shelf Bracket* 9 cases Shingling Hatchets 2 cases Gate Hinges 4 cases Lathing Hatchets 1 case Coa* and Hat Hooks 8 cases Acko Handles } case Clothes Line Pulleys 2 cases Pick Handles 1 caseTo«t Hole Augers 4 cases Sledge Handles '. 1 case N*il Pullori 8 caseaLopg-bondled.Shovels \ caso v* G"nder« )1 : , - lease Lightning Rifles - 1 ease "Jolly digger" Banks 1 case Cartridges for ditto 1 ctue Dairy Ihermometers 1 case Pruning Shears :* °**6' 1 cose Tool Chests 2 C*?? B F*™J Woods, comprising HoUy< Black Walnut, 2 cases Scythe Handles Birds Eye Maple, Whits Wood, Mottled Walnut,: ~ 2 cases Cabinet Paper - ! »V\; *nd *inch thick '7 cases Lawn Mowers 1 cans Walnut De&lcs 1 caso Hollow Augers 2 cases Rochester Lamps, farions pattctrnsi 3 cases Sewing Machine OU - 1 erato Refrigerators 1 caso Cartiidges 1 case Egg Beators and Augers, etc, otc. 3 orates Revolving Rolling Pir.B 1 caw Picture Nails 1 caso Clocks * ~ .* -,','■ -•- 3 cases Improved Blind Rollers 5 barrels Tar 2 cases Lamp Wioks 2 bundles Swings 1 casei Lsmp Shades 34 cases Sharp's Axes 1 case Telnphone Trumpets 20 caseß Neatsfoot Oil . 3 cases Wire Stretcher* 12 Wire Mattresses '*" 1 oa«o SiuicsForks ~ 1 case Speed Indicators -2 cases Wirs Mattresses To dmve por OBUf tnaiOßT,. from London, now 'HM 250 casks Portland Cement 1 case Deck Scrubbers 61 Surface Boxes \ .. i ' 5 case* Charcoal Tinned Sheets ' 60 Ball Hydrants [ Vnv A , .'[.],_„a W/ifArwrirks' ' 2 cases Sponges. 100 Surface.Boxes j Foi Auckland V\ aterwoikS 64 Patent Mail Axles 66 Sluice Valves ] 15 roUs Sheet Lead 2 casks Tee Hinces :" ~ . ■ - -: 8 cases Iron Bedsteads 1 case Asbestos Mill Board 12 Ball Hydrants • ■ 1 bale Hambro Line 12 Surface Boxes . ~ 1 bale Sailmakers'and Seaming TwiilO' :' ;,■:'>' 12' Valve Covers ."'", ■2 bundles ShoS rels j. .. ..■■-■) . , ■ :. I case Twines "'";''. ~ ..12. casks bef-t Horse Shoes , , - , : 300 kegs White Lead * 17S kegs Wire Nails 3 casks White Lead, smalt tinal 1 caso Glass Papor and Emery Cbth 1 case Table Cutlery '] case Knife Polish I'case Saw Files ]0 kegs Rail Doga 3 cases Mander's Varnish 1 case Emery 20 kegs White Zinc Paint .■l 7 cas?ia Milk Pans - -• AJ \ ~,.„., .. T ~ 9 kegs Yellow Paint 1 cask Garden Unites ! V . ," ; :'",' ,8 kogs Umbpif 10 boxes Scythe Stonos 8 kogs Patent Dryers J cask Plugged Weights ' '7 casks Assorted Paints To amyow ROtytSWilld^, foom Glasgow, tm dv©, • r .00 kegs Blasting Powder .; : ~ - / 8425 bars Iron • 75 cases Sporting Powder.-'.., . 456 bundles Iron '; •: ;5) Packages Smith and Wellstood's Stoves ■ . . -.7 packages Fiirnac^ Do6rS 12 Artisan Ranges -. : , .'.' < .48 Wheels . /21 bundles Black's Spade* • 500 Fire Bricks ,J - ' 265 Tram Rails 0t:... ; : ~i,-.; , •', ;: . .60 kegs Spikes ■' ■ 2c Tons Fencing Wire -j , < 500 reels Galvanized Barb Wire 240 C Cast Iron Pipes \ « A -, c i t i ttn . { ji Waterwdrka coi,s Galvanizet3 Fencing Wire AC4 Cast Iron Connections) or Auckianci >> aterworiss _ x case Galvanized Clothes Line Wire 6J kegs Fehoing Staples - •'''■•.'•' ■ . • ..,.,.->< To *mms pcs? 0.1 W.- fAiTfig, fi?om New Tout, 18$ &M_ 208 ceils G«l*at.izadFaib'Wire ' ,2 Garcien Hoe Handles ', 14 cases Easy Lawn Mowers " 2 c««es Pick Handles 1 ca?£ Corn Sheller Fittings 1 case Pumps 3 caw Spofford Braces 37 cases Sharp's Axes ' ".', /" 2 cases Com Shelters 11 oaisi Novelty Wringers f 12 rases Sharp's Boys' Axes 1 case Emery Wheels fi cases. Bush Hdoks ' 'id (1 Oh. 1 Deraas Scroll Saw and JUatlib, with 1 case Apple Parers 1 c«J» Bow Pins Slide lies. .1 rase Hoes nnd Rakes 1" Enterprise Meat Choppers J case Lamp Brackets 2 casee Granite Ware, viz Tei .4 bexss Pointed Horse Nails 4 barrels Lstnp Chimheys ; Kettles, Fry Pans Cup's and 6 Cultivators 1 barrel Founts and Collars • Saucers, etc., etc. '] Hand Drill L '.■ „', '. .'lt ■' ';•■■' J cask Silvsr-back: Reflectors IS cases Pennsylvania Lawn Mowers 1 Combined Hand Drill .8 cases Union Scales, Brass and Iron 2 cases Copying Presses 8 Double and Single Wheel Hoes Scoops -,-,-.,. Icase Washing Blue, in boxes 4 Firefly Donhle Hoes • 1 piseJlarid Hammers _ 3 cases Towel Rollers 3 ca=.s Hay Forks 2 cases Double Pointed Blued Tacks 4 'Butter"Workers. ;,.. ~2"C««s-Hay-Bakes- —* \ 6 Eagle.Wooden Ploughs 24 Cylinder Churns 3 Monitor Seed Sowers 3 Wheel Irhtroved Corn Planters 1 2 IL P Marine Kerosene Emrine 3 owe K«t Traps ! 12 Putmans Mangl^, v , IVcpeller, Shaft, Ccriddnserißji', 2 ca/es Hay Fork. Handles L case Dover Egg Beaters ' lance -Wheel and Governor * Al 2 t.ase« Garden Rake Handles/ ..-, _ • •■ . j': ' £' l :;.,_.T j irv'^uW-.. '_M ' ' _' 7 DEJ:'PORTER &..O0.;. i '-' -' ■-■■ -• -'- '-''Mr-RH'IgSl-yG '& QBNiaJiL IEONMONGEES, QTJEEK' & HIO-H STREETS, ATJOICEAN3D, ALSO Aj .KBWttOTj NEWMAKKEt AND SYMOSfiS S* REET,

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Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 120, 23 May 1887, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 120, 23 May 1887, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 120, 23 May 1887, Page 3