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wg=a gsgßgg^-^— — "- " J~TI TT AR D Til ACT SI ACTUAL Jjl ACT S! TO-MORROW, KEEP PACE WITH THE TIME» -| •• |H ".J i 1 f* * At l^oWonk. |\» I a ojLjff^YJfJlJH AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL IMtOVHTCNT SOCIETY. /| HEAVi' DRAUGHT HORSES. TAILOR ordinal j Total Amount Total Bonus l^n'^'oss'™'! A(W of wS f.lnure £j. Any Trial. IAILUn) |H Snm |,pa dln Additions i-,,^,!,,,^ ;? ui ,|. Aswmiiice. | )011 ,, : ,... will bo alfred" Victoria Street East, Auckland, f| *y± 0 li'lfl/W j**^^^**™* —,^_^_______ At Tennyson N.01.r. | fil |U| |)£/ V monstrosity;" (late Varnom's) 276, T --S£)S;'S: "^KSiSy: <ff|| ™!2.™™1"' 1 I/I inill^ if IN ALL ITS BRANCHES AT A VSHi'&^^ Bay Kily.ii in: iyri.. o:iti.f HWok Bess by i«%!;J-^ #/ » I L/ VERY GREAT 3§EiE li :::-"':s %_ v „, important public notice. Si"iS v Wy. and'- v il^t-cl..™ taBW fr'^fif •• N°- » ~ "*" V/ I| I 111 I flJy •♦• " ***~~~ X i o p railAPio.o,uof ! 3i ;^Be 9 s,b y e i p-a. f-^j X n^nll I 4 if 1111 j J %JV *^ IN PRICES. OPENING OF THE NEW «K&SSSw«wS.- f i B^ciothsuu :{io Q/v*' OUTFITTING AND TAILORING as^ i iL^ •; ;: :; :2i<j ,r\ ~ fw* * 111 establishment, At 12 o'GlOck. O=«rtcTu. IV/17 " AND DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. p, W v OO^lsTEl^ OF QXJ3±lEllSr 6a FORT STS. To Close Partnership Accounts. NEW Jga, ' _ ___ v^«.^_<__ .... •uasrasr-ssr pr ,ce list jhf PORTERS r A l > f»m B TOURS 4 CO. F0« 1888-1887. J&Bn * -^' "^ W, Cw. MLLI^J ■ Ha?e bsan iasttttoted by Mrann wr and K. i^^M^l , !„„ ~f tlie »bo»e i»«mi«Mi with * Naw •«.! Wall SSSirsiS-"- --7 utest hßhion3-|H| „ atttUMN GOODS """"" " "'™---' GRATIS *ND POST FREE, #\l| A splendid assortment of New Zealand Clothing, made from i^-- blk- ««—-. HI J- W. SELACIvELFOED 11^-?^l^^ TO COKTBACTORa, BUILMBB. «. ' OJLTO ,. W^^ . A splendid ..ssortment of Men's Wc.rk.ngS^rls Flannel Unclers, »",,Si 1?S"' Ha. just oponrf He. Stylo, in Gontlcm.n'. lI.U, >nd wral.l c.ll .pod.l Pa 1,,., Hals, Macintoshes, Oil Clothing. St. at prices that wl SALE AT BOYD'S P)lliiii*- , j Q^ competition. -,„,-* n EXTRA attention to his celebrated Our Qtock of Gent's Mercery is the prettiest In the colony, pressed fiRioKS, nvoit, BRICKS, M compri"Kj-Qent'i Umbrdlj. /Merino .Cashmere, and Umbj L"=m- JL PAIRTROUSERS pULLOVER FELT HATS AT 10s. 6d. ip^ESSS URINALS, BORDER TJ.LES. ;— v J onrlK AW at MADE TQ ORDER> req^ isite tor the Travelling Public. f Tv >'^3 With Each Suit. tailokikc obp^ktsik^t. B. TONES* CO. &^W . I have to announce that this Department is under il;« Mann«ement of an mHB WHOLE 05" TBE BUILDERS' fe^^ A SPLEND ID ASSORTMENT JUST OPENED. SUITS to Measure, from 50k. t MATKRIiL ,^,. B ,. «- ved^ exchang . __ a -ij-jjji-i-a,-. ;r -,-s*t:! r^S?"" :rr"=::: p^t or<^3rß^* Si3eci;il!ty Natural Wool Un<leiclothlng ftnd SocH fiS' )ecially adai)ted for the ji»rss^i^J!^p EOF w^wfif o % J. W. SHAOKELFORD, tailor. Guwm' WiU Iy"-tL o°a?^ SLand Sale » » } I 5 HATTEE AND GENTLEMEN'S MERCEE 00BJJBR frgo^Atp^HT^wi^W. AND AK.UDB issssSii. I^-"- : : *°°n^^ :— — -mr g f. "congreve vailet^ouglab. , » j h ai/TT rru P. P 4TIPTTI7VQ on consum p t ion Land and Estate Auctioneers 410 0 N ft/I I M (V \lt\ I \TII Vl L O AK u ITB SUCCESSFUL TREATMBNT. Shorttand-Street. Trougerl . 012 6 |H kjlUl -i XX UilUU±liJX N^ fa§ |n ,„ , ta ,. (t(:o , . wllh o b. er,. .- — mo«dav,"ma^h^ „ „ 015 0 m pDCW . u ASTHMA, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, ETC AtßtovfDtfCtock. „ „ 017 6 Hjl r R£WUn , from the "Christian Hkrald." March 81, 18M. PIANO, FURNITUHB, KITCHEN „ 10 C WW S. &C. «re now showing the large9t stock Of ' MR 0. T. LOSOKKTH TKBATMKNT^F OTNBUMPTION OTHK« KANGB.AC ,g 0 nRF ce FABRICS .. rsß ,., l , lM » b ,m«J. .g«.*bto«i t gt.. U ffi«r..-r.ndwld^l».»«yp.rl-*h. « F EVANS - " ' beautiful goods, which ate guaranteed all puro wool, are from the looms of a most %«. iUr o^..bwv« 1. pub Uhiug ou W P" B r »eek), rnuny ol whlcb had bean e irep up m M'n.ofraDlalnrmwtofd W^^WMJJ^W^SP!^^ _, eminent Frenchmanufacturing firm, and will be.found auperior to most Cashmeres in ~,«../' Ul.t. UrCon 5 sft&t? Mon?a7uext; g,;- ,^_ . J,h U dyo, and colouring. . " ?%»J e M ,, be tlo r ,, nhl , h *M t , r C^--r;^ u Y r '-;! Hl j;'';' .^taiify' "1«K ™S SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FHR- El^: * '^ f^ AQU E^S FR ES l=-Sr BI- CASHMERES S^wlTS^ffi^wSSsaSS DF. EVA^fS, Auctioneer. V^ >,-/ They were also bought before the recent large advance in the price of wool took effect « <h |ii>te v , c ,, ( , jb |,i.he.< for .»ver*l ye»« uw>t In f."."1; 8*I*'SJISJI1 *'SJISJI » "Chrii- _ ; ■ ' -' 3in the manuJattured article; the value will therefore be found quite special. included), one everj wok.1 (The render U rafon*! to th« Oli.lfH»« v>oMU, WW O.HB3KETH] [A. aitken p DNS ! 90 X 8 60N31 tl , n A j, B ," •• Ohri,ti »n Giobo," , p er . klmu , L n lu l,,oj. h»* b«« nr K .nti, A G RIC USLT Y U RA J HALL, Rnw I Bmw S. &C. would also direct attention to a small chipment of FANCY WOOL WRAPS. on J^HU. hi.°^i»«Mf»-•» 'V^P^'^" &St TkßK^ Pr' M n CIT/ ( MARSBANK« RFVOLVKRS! RHVOI-VKRB EtC' EtC" Book U~ a^CPENCE. OU B£Vt.NPbMOfc l "■"^BBASSf B^*- OONPOWDRB AN P& MFRIIMO^ '"»«' " U^FTT^P 00. AUORLAND Shot e^ c»* WfJJi , and BVii=.mwu^ — T H pROPKRT%B Part of Roaebank Estate, wtß* OABTHtnoiB. tOAjjme APPAKATOB ImDO rted by them direct from Hamburg, which will be found Exceptional Value. T7TIOK[TnriII-^H QA I h\ S??Ko^ffi^^»«sw?^ ta.SUSSa ammunition *" ' rUIvINIIUAIL OilJLlj, ? e C|^!a&i?: aoiUwlthtwOßOoa op kv,hv Mm.. Black and All Colours. %Z£%^S°^Jf^^'^^ "*to« tackle, CuUery.Fire^atc Q^ Q_ BROWN, SSSieH^SS^- —^ -X"LS^ "^Dd '" /</ _. FALLON 'S BUILDINGS, COOK AND HOBSON STREETS, HESK.BTH, AITKBN, ft CO., t-j pyiTT'S 2^4, Queen-strekt. M^^ " .^^ Auctioneers^ "" Jl_ J^ _sS^& J^ I» now holding a Sale of Fir«t-claea FURNITURE and UPHGLSTEh at greitlj '" «*» &k&§-£ BB?^f'!^^'»sSl»pito»l ttn<«;m;™2^k« 11 S Radnoed Prices. Those about to Furnish would do woll to call nnd i.-spect the e»me -^M^^^H- ' miavante-a. iSjf &&€c^y^O&££ O, 0. B. etill opntinooe to M AKE~UP~tTorder all Peaerlptlong ol •c. hksketfi] .-''Vl'T 8" O- BVITT. «TtsMAKBB, ________ /^ 1 ' SUITES and (JENgIiAL UPHOi.STKHY, By Order of the Registrar of the Supreme ._ _ npHniHTrKY WORK OIUKANTISBi) Court of New Zealand. p(? , ,« U-Vi.a aKNT TO iNV '^'-P.BSS. T-K/TT=>OT=i, rrI"rTIT^S ■- — RAILWAY TKBMINOS HOTBIi. ONBHtNOA. : ±JM.X-wx«x_ja.viji BoKiatrar of the Supreme Court to sell by ?js'^iLiit£&- -**-■*. < '"'■ ."i" «!>>,'■.. p-puAT 'CT'T TTSCT7 r1 A QTT QA T Xj1 wJ 0 i Jjf M M auction, at the above Hall, oa Tnesday, fc^ I?"^^^V %g " iiLJLlloJii OASn i3ii.ljJi M ff \ffT\Tk W% M fiSpW^^ J. G. BROWN & CO.'S <%sWM2ffl9 HESKETH. AITKEH.&CO., Auctioneers, f-.^ .^^''"" WORTH 000 WORTH ! — ~~~ " "1-"* nn » nTMnw twtt t t *Ti4n\r r<T/vntTTXTrt T?^.« CIINGBa BEWING MACHINE^ V/. O. DENNES, pukha^var.s. apwtoe .^^iL^t r _«..! DRAPERY, MILLINERY, CLOTHING, Etc., S _ of sewing machines, For side «*«*>• >u«f.duj-, a «cv no'clorfc. soenrats fit moij».<i OVE-crST BE SOLD. 8ale« In 1882 603.292 Machines J gjOYCLES, TRICYCLES, PIANOS, %yOOL, HIUS.S SHEEPSKINS. JgSSSgSfiWS^^^V «-«« ] ™ nß . |nrts K |-|)IjrTIONS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS a»«e« In 1881 86i;<NW Machine.. ORGANS, *nd HAKMONIUMS, for Ca.h , :^ss&^^: E"oß^. f os;;szN E LLENror £i«"2.^»«-^ ■"^rr...,^.. fl' UNTAucfii'terß ' ' lT a.u^u'Cwr':-'^ "M^tt^ta*™ NO OLD STOCK! ALL NEW (JOODS ! BOUGHT UNDER VERY SPECIAL -W^^^^Sll ttesketh! aitken, tA Am) Areco." ;^^ oSi)*^«!w. ■ Parents, country storekeepers, and everyone e w^ e tin d^t *h r^fn e|* JjS^^^^ftResnlar Sales evory Tucaday oj Hldas. Skins, Settlors' Toiesccs«- powerful porable, diifl Kemen.bei io blwp Laily in the aay^ avqi .c a ernoon orus, . VfflPsl^^^^^l2^ fUffi Wool^allojr. &c Bettggilrlid Barametm-^tron* *nd «ood GARRET T'S BUILDINGS, NEWTON, -J MORRISON'S SjiandKLtoMotorw.rki,^Model THREE LAMPS, PONSONBY. '^^^^^^^ l:/fjfcf&jB&i& ll^^TX^®! HENDERSON . HOBSON VILLE. : •««. «, -v«t iwmju HoM Hlif^ a"ata«» «„ , »/ /S^aFg^a Wft«» ° \Yr u^tf fV- TL TOT. vtv ' <;HINKB SOLD IN THE vvuHjLiU akh- PKICHLHIsiS WIIITB i 6 8 s:V«^^™>7l3 THE AUCKLAND BRICK AND POnERY COMPAMY DF™« Hr HEB ™^,^^L E*lJ' 3 \3xll*J 'i +V*y/ & P Wv '^P '' I: '/*^l P EG t0 annou'ice that they havo completed tlie purcha-e of the bu.-ineps and OHRISTCHUIiyH EXHIBn'ION WHITE !^tt°coTor^s lenO Zl' 10 0 .3 I^' ~~4i^^l\ifi^/' jo |p /^ I [S. \^wisi'&■' '•" •. ';■■''■'. ■. o /'!s 'fy ' ' '^-L-L) <fe IVY ( j .vl lj i^jK. Ivl EjUALO N J£^V O^.VIS VKHT !C Al' FK iVr) ™* TIT ■ *" '^^^_*^ ■** "^^^r^ ■ B vC^Wifl'T^^? !^::=^^m\ AS^jvl r" ' IE miTj"l>""''D 4T W- O. DKNKEB. Qukbw BTKggr. i ' ' '"^ a kj^ Val/*\'l Ii W IK*! WiJ^^SA The exteneive works at Henderson and HobTOnviUe are vow in full operation, and pjrß ,-»,/• wrwff „,,.,, 9/ft wkkk ~~ ~~ M/NUPAOTUHED OLNY BY THK PATKHTEE, Kl^^^_yUii/Vri\]\\}J^\^Pf i II "/" ■ " -/ ....... PMCDCMOiuV JOHN MORK3SON, itgStirasV irssaaST.u.i^ua'SgS^Bssa are turning out Bricks and Pottery of the fine9t qunlity. AT 261. UEKN-ST., AUCKLAND. HHiD A L || lOrtlt oAuT« "01crCTE"5Sr 0BT'IIt0AD' COKN BROOM — — fffljir"- Trrßll.a'rs^apanlia, " - WTAyj T7- o inTtvpo Brrrrvun at Ttrm Tho Great Purifier or the Blood. the Banltarr Inspeotor, AnoklanA W UJXlkOy JRDEKSBBU.IVIiDAJ.THH SINGER SEWING MACHINES. Diarrhoea and Dyaentery Mixture. Nov©nib6r 34 looo—To Mr John Morrifton, : — ■ ■ *° ou a cvi n,ii,. P«et- B t T t. Au^and^ i h aw te«tel st AKL H-9? 8S T COMPANY'S DEPOT, BREAKWATER ROAD. n «vom».BT. waiwhr*. and Corn Cure, SSSSS^HS^iEa «»*»" — BY D.AHKWOKTH^OVALM^COACH Tbe Friend _ deodorant, being eana. to Berne, »nd superior to "-1 MONDAYS, WKDNWJDaYS.ANI) FKIDAYR A Preveotutive ofS.aalokreas. oftan di«lnfeol»nta which haTe boen niied DT ttipiittm TfTii mpnTnn -• -™ —_.-~ .. ~ . >. n » n Leave lOTonport, 8 a.m. ;Taki>pnn&. «.3O o-m 58 A Bottlk TO». Aayonr Fluid la Dcrfd or odour, UwiU V ICB MACHINE, EDWIN HORN SB V, AGENT, Wide. 10.30; wiwpra, !2»oon; Pohol. 12 «p.m pile OINTMKNT. MJJ (HVTMirNT, &o. auve an advantage over those disinfectants » —T^V/r v _^=. Vrriva Wapk^ortb.lM p.m. B, crel inu.i .s f f Yc-u gll.i which «1t» forth a smell, ouch beinn an ob H»e New Vr.otinm Ice Maohtoa mH be at j.ff tuilly Tronu'd CwVZft&s£Xi &r e V^L Bo^t\: Wtel' eTeWID^lnß OR AT THE IUKSDA^H. THUR^IMYS 4VD «ATTJB C O K^^ fc T Tlf 0 s FB E X BSRU^A?&tS ■ »»»%;„«,,, TOWN OFFICE, i 4l VICTORIA ARCADE, FORT-STREET. *£™ n^hT^'l^ff^^ ™ .-, ' chuton.Wfe»oß«edes«riringof&»n]Mtoth» Mtended to. anu all farther Informational in. - - • i^nl A?ri«!n Pnnr, conn I^i iic

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Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 70, 24 March 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 70, 24 March 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 70, 24 March 1887, Page 4