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I "IVTEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMJLI PANY (FIRK AND MARINE). Capital fi1.000,000. Paid-up and Reserve Funds. _..6435,000, Protection from FIRK on MARINE LOSS Can be Effected in this Company. CLAIMS MET WITH PROMPTITUDE AND LIBKKALITY. JAMES BUTTLK MtinaKer. rnHE STANDARD INSURA"NOE""cb. OK1 NKW ZEALAND. PII-M, MARINK, AND OUAIUNTKK. Capital £1,000,000, With Unlimited Liability of Shareholders. HKA.I) OFFICE : PRINOES-HT. DUN-tDIN. .FIRE and MARINIC INSURANCE accepted at lo ,v tiat curront rates. FIDKLITY of poruonH iv Situations of Trust guaranteed. Prompt Sottlcmcnto Mado. Offick: COLO'-'lAli^ 'TUAIi BUILDINGS. QUKK>< ; """I'. FREDERICK N UTTER, miMM-r, Auckland Branoh. PROTECTION and PEOFIT. mwo THINGS MOST DESIRABLE LIFE INSURANCE AUK— ißt, The Certainty ot PROTECTION to a man's Family in oase or his Karly Death, and tod. Tho Certainty of PROFIT to Hlmsolf If he Livoa to Old Age. THESE ARK COMBINED IN TBI TONTINE and FIVE YEAR DIVIDEND POLICIES OP THE ]NfEw YORK Life INSURANCE COMPANY. PURELY MUTUAL. Casfi Assets, orer „ £14,000,000 Surplus .. - _ _ — 3,000,000 Annual Income, over _ _ 3.500,000 IJfo Inenrancf) Agents and others are Invited to apply fur duudla ol liioto plans to J. HUGO HARROP, Chiot Agtnt Auckland I'rovinoe. Ilobaon'a Buildings, Shorilaudstreat. M RS- O K- S TUART' S Aro the only Safk and GENUINE F R MALE MEDICINES Advertised. FEMALE I'ILLS, 2s 6d, Pronounced a boon. FKMALK UVKK and \NTIBILIOUS PILLS, U od, Prevonl many troubl. a per.uli'T to the Sex. Good for all aires. A errand Safeguard and Corrective. Sold everywhere. DRUG COMPANY, AdKXTS. McCOSKRIE it SON, ENGINEERS, .i.IAPKLSTRKKT Htivn on Salo . ewu! Portalilo Engines from I x> 20 h.p.: M:irini- I imtict HiiKlno*, from 2 h.p met upwbks ; Miverul in pioKro-s, Vlitfh anr, Law ito-suw : Ijaml KiiKiros and Boilora madp on the pi omisci. uu t.i'rq n.i. : Hy.-.onllo LU<s from Ito 3 tons: -iw iil Maohinery ; Wind--Im. ■ n;! Pninpinß Mm-lii' cry. Al«o. Launches r llderod f..r. nmdocomuloto. any aiiond NFW Zv,A< \Nn FROZEN MEiT OUR VAN', eel.v .u.K BUTTKH. EGOS, aiiri lOffi, wit wait upon i.TOis-T3, Duiriua, and ' QUBKN-s'I?HKKT-KVKRY MORNING. WKST OF QU.<»N .-.TKIIrCT (inoluoinjr Pon ' Bonby Nnwion K'>b3Ofl-Btr. ist. Arch hill, SCO -On MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, KAS;iIoV:QUIf.KK^TitKKT (Including Parno 1. N. winurko K>b?r P«s?, Mount Kara. Mrei" t-'>'n ';;USIUVS° T*HURSI) A YS?and ONKUUNG*. KPSOVr. &C.-On THUKB--\riaiiiji>mei t? bto Kins mado for a DAILY th, m, flense o "«g^ K »J IKIILYr!l KllLYr! T , iSI a,- r~ B.itmr !>»-. .1:' ment. TIM El TIMEI TIME GROUND, HYDBAULIC, AND ROCHI LIME. TO TnOSK ABOUT TO BTJII/D. THE WARKWORTH CEMENT COM PANY (LIMITED) Having completed arrangements for the mann Ncturo of their Celebrated Hydraulio and Hoc 0 Limes at prices much below previous quotations, solicit on the part of those about tc build 11 comparison o£ their prices with those 01 other makers, special quotations for cargoes of from .000 to 1000 bushels. . Thu Company's Lime has been used in the construction of the following important buildings, in addition to many others too numerous to mention: - Palmerston Buildiam. Queenstreet; New Harbour Board Buildinjgs; C J. Stone'a Building, Quccn-streot; New Zealand Sugar Works, Birkeuhoad; UuionSoap and Candle Works St. Ann's Bridge ; * loora of Government Workshops, Newmarket; Residence at Mahurangi Heads for_Mr Brooks; Residence at Remuera for Mr. A. E. Isaacs; Ad ditions to Star Hotel, Auckland; &c, &c SCO. For prices apply at the Company's Yard, Customs-street west, next to Jickell, Kuginoer or, John R. Gray, High-street. TIME TABLE. LIAVIKB BR S.1 'BU«KS, i UEVONPORT TO TAKAPUNA. HURb'P MURK, LArr« BKACH, !■ I) sohouLhousk. i Tdephaw: Duvonpobt Burkao. | bKAVKS Victoria Wkarf, Ditom-om;.----7 iSa m ■ g.20a.m.; 9.45 a.m.; 10.20 a in. ; 1146 Dm' 2 0 P.m. ; 2-15 win.; 1-20; lIS p.m Siirdriß • 10am ; Uam.; -i.'.'o urn.; 3 p.ra BBtnrn Fares. le6d; WoeklyTiekotaatßeduc«d , R l.- AVKB Takapuka. 833 a uu.; ».o, 10.'« • a.^.tuWamf; 1.?- - n.. ; 3.opm ; X35p..«. ; i 6.1' ;;.ro.; 63? p.r:.-. ;•• >iw J: !!«■'»■ «» "J | icm ;spm. Si-eei-.1. 'rip? ran he Kira. son . at Post-offloe, Devo.iwrt : LADIES' AND QKNTff SADDLE HORSCh. i BUOGIKS, BBHAKB, VVaGGONKTTKS, AND OONV3YANrKS OF KVKRY DK3OKIPIION AT Shortest Notiok Expresses meet evbry boot to r»oolve and forward lueKn.n<- nl all descriptions miME-TABLE FOR SPARKES'S 'BUS. "* Lnave Arch Ki;;T Leave Auckland Naiional Bank— 8 10am Cox'»OM-ek fl'a.m. 105.-.a.m. -Aiuittoi.- 11.45 a.m. 12 Pior^lni.l S i-.iit. 2 4 o.inl-Ahnfoi.-8 J-4« P-ni. i2O p.m f'lm u»nd Avenue o.iO p.m. SATURUvV NI3HT O^LV— tgStsSi«l - ta%"n?."n-»ho opera jjjg" o w os 9*L &, L PLAt* <» rtrn CENTK.. V SIJHTICW AUCKLAND HAKBOOR, tfaawlng K» I.tlii, ~< and Proposed If arbour Works M pir Bngineafi Plan, wirh those portions adopted I*7 the Harbour Board »nd inoludod la fceSohcduWo; liie " Auoklend'Hartaoßr Soaafl Aat. lSfkl, ipsolallj- marked. HTHi''''i::-PHB;n nr SIX 06L0UM, XI Dh* BTAS St.|,vai Utka. Work* ?rl»«, ¥wo ShUllast. W» kc oiSf..-Aoi a« »11 to* PrtsaiWk! »m4hh4Uv TO TEASELLERS AND TOURIST' PRBSENTS FOR HOMK. Very beantltal Inlaid Table-tops. Cabinet* ifAwoT Boxkb etc., sU made trom the i icfc of NA rich Native Ambers. Other ColleoUon, oaref aUr packed and shipped for Home. W. NORBII, Cabinbiworkke. Ib Non Zealand Timbers onli, Top of aouTLAWD-BT. TVI OBKY^TKKT (NltAB THB TOP). X"- Established 1880, VW^ r-o^^fhaT^'li-un^rU S requested to obßerye "if-?,!^ 0 »«(ully wasked cf.aned anri thor-r ? hly vrw'^jua il»hiu»ui . THE Bies^ Literary Shilling's Worth to Auatralasia-Bretr's Auckland Almanao, Illustrated.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 70, 24 March 1887, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 70, 24 March 1887, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 70, 24 March 1887, Page 1