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With reference to tho notice about St Paul's contained in "Random Shots" last week, we learn from Mr Superintendent Thomson that " Zamiol's " correspondent had very insufficient grounds for his statement. It appears that St. Paul's Church is just as much and just as little guarded by tbe men in bluo as any other church, and that there is no ruoro occasion for it than in any other neighbourhood in the city. The opponents of Stato patronage may therefore possess thoir souls iv patience, although as the old military anil Cathedra] Church of Arcklaml, St. Pauft. cannni i i I itself of associations which will s.cuioioc it a permanent place in the history of JNow Zealand.

One case of ecarlet fever in H- bn-.n street was reported to tho Sanitary Inspector, Mr Goldie, to day.

Tho largo allotment ™ tho southern firli. ol tho Beroeford-ftii-it Sobool hai beon excavated forthu purp sc« ol a playground, and is now teii.g ooveied with .scoria. Thin formation of n no«- pi.-iyground will be of great ndviiutagu to the children attending the school.

Ihe Hon. ti. Waldegrav. may bo expected to _ _>l_i' i- «ii evangolisiiu address in the V'out-g Mi us Lacture l : o uu ' • iuotru-.v (Thursday) iiveiiing, at 7.30. Yuui., uusti aro cordially invited.

The charges of embezzle-men' |i'-i'er.ed by Samuel Harry Webb against Fia: k JSicholson occupied the Police Court until a lato hour yesterday afternoon. Evidence for the prosecution having beon given, Mr O'Meagher held that the cafe was ono for a civil rather than for a criminal Court. The Bench took the same view of the matter, and dismissed the charge.

The City Council collectors have juet completed suing all the defaulters in the various wards for non-payment of rates. The total number sued in the six wards is 276, while last year the number waa 204. This has been the practice for two years past, and unless those against whom judgments have beon obtained, or who aro still io arrear, pay their rates, their names will appear an the defaulters' roll, and they may be excluded from the Burgee:; Roll for the ye.r. The action of tha collectors ia suing all defaulters has been in accordance with former practice, and tho old practice has not been in any w.-iy departed f ,om or interfered with by the Council, the Mayor, or the collectors. '

1 The ship Lady Jocolyn, which arrived from London this morning, made a rather lengthy but unovontful passage, as will bo seen from our shipping report. She brought about fifty passengers, all in good health, tho voyage having been a pleasant ono throughout.

Tho City Council Offices will not be open for business on tho 22nd- or 23rd inst.

Tho Southern Cross, missionary ship, takes down to Norfolk Island this trip 1,100 feot of mottled kauri timbor. This is for the fitliogs of tho now church now in course of construction at tho "Island of Pines," in memory of tho lamontcd Bishop Pattoson.

Lieutenant Self, of the Victoria Killes, has been appointed Quartor-Mastor of the No. 2 Battalion. Tho officer in quoation has been associated with the local Volunteer force for very many years.

Notwithstanding tho good nowa ro Cambria to-day, shares of that Company remain at 5s to 0s 3d ; sollors at 5s 6d. All stocks aro very quiet.

Kayo Wright, a bankrupt under examination at ihe Oilicial Assignee's office today, deposod that ho had beon a shipping agont for years past, tint! during tho last two years his income had boon not more than .17!) por annum, and his household was mainly supported by tho earnings of his wito and children. Ho had niue children, two of whom woro working. Tho income for tho last fivo years bad boon insufficient, and tho present indebtedness, £255 18s Sd, had accumulated during that period. His only available a.sots woro household furniture, £39 10s Gd. About seven yoars ago ho bought a houso in firafton Tload fur £:i'-'5, upon which ho paid 10 por cent, intouost on tho balance. Tho lease was now in arrears £120, and tho placo was estimated to bo worth £250.

Aii oiitortaiiiuiciit took placo i» tho Wairoa South Public Hall on Friday, -ith inst. Messrs .1. Barry, H. Spain, O. Lorrigan, and YV. Robinson, from Auckland, assisted by local lalont, carriod through a lengthy programme of uogro performances, tricks, and Christy Minstrel songs, with accompauimonts on piano, bones, and tambourine, and woro repeatedly applauded. After the entertainment the halt was cleared for a danco, which was kept up 'i' l ,ho small hours of tho morning, Mr l», Shaw boiog a very oflicient M.C.

Mr A. G. Daniells gavo a clear exposition of tho llth chapter ot Daniol to a well-filled tent last right. Tho spoakor displayed great talent and knowledge of history. Tomorrow, as will bo scon by advortisomont, MrH. Exloy will tako tho chair for tho ovoning on " Sunday as tho Sabbath." A large attendance may bo exported on tho occasion. Tho Nowton Ritlo_, Veteran Hiflos,_ and Gordons usscmblod for inspection last night. ThoGordons had a first-clam mustor.and tho Newton men woro also woll represented, but only about II or 15 of tho Vciorans put in an appearance. Major Piiio oxorcUed (he mou in position drill, assisted by Major Birnio and Sergeant Major Nally. Tho Auckland Band of Hope Union Choir (40 voices) will perform tho cantata "Tho Conquest of Drink" in tho Gladstone Hall, Northcote, tonight, at 7.00.

At a meeting of tho Wesley College Committee to consider application.-, for tho position of classical and mathematical tutor, nine applications worn considered, and tho choice fell upon Mr F. E. Shora, 8.A., 1L.8., T.C.I).

Tho Auckland Naval. cuttor crow, eonior and junior whaleboat crows from tho Woilomala ]>(.., and a Fcttior whaleboat crew from tho North Shore It. (J. nro expected to leave for Thames to-night tolnko pari in tho Thames Regatta tomorrow.

Tho lato. 1 testimony t" H>o impurity <il tho city wafer supply comes frtmi Itobson-.-trout. Ycstonlay morning Mr .loliu, blacksmith, was drawing sou.o water from a tap when ho " bagged " a lino water worm sumo eight or nine inches in length. This occurring so soon alter tho Ponsiiniiy reservoir bun boon cleaned out proves that tho presence of tlioso creatures in tho water is iut oltogethor duo 10 filthy rosorvoirs. Tho-c inter.-.-tod m-iy inspect tho croatiiro at tho Stau Oilico.

Thodulltimoshavo forced Dunedin Young Men's Christion Association to retrench in the matter of salaries, and ' tho (ienoral Secretary, tho Row W.J. White, has sent iv his resignation, which lias been received with regret. Tho steamer Clcn.lg, which left for Tnuranga 1 ml ovening to act as flugship at tho Kegalta, had but few passeiigem. Sho took down one cr two boats, which nill probably be hoard of in tho various contest**.

Tho Auckland portion of Uio Doric's pas sengors and mails will probably leave Port Chalmers in the ... Woihora today, and arrive hero on Monday morning next.

The meeting for business men »an .oi attondod this foronoon Tho Hon. G Waldegravo spoke from Matthew 11, 2S 29, " Como unto me, all yo that labour and aro heavy ludon, and I wiil givo you rest," and delivered au interesting and encouraging address.

A deputation consisting of Messrs It, Monk, M.11.X , Carr, Herbert and W. C. Daldy, jun , as representing tho saw-mill-ing industry, waited on Mr Mahoney, architect, to day, with reference to the specifications for tho now Custom-house. Mr Mahoney, in reply to tho deputation, stated that it was now too lato to alter iho specifications so as to exclude the use of Baltic timber. If, however, ns «ai

slated by tho deputation, an impression prevailed that Baltic timber could bo used and tho contractor incur no responsibility for shrinkage, ho might inform them that such impression was erroneous. It tho contractor elected to use Hallio bo would havo to do »o nndor the same conditions aa it he used kauri

A most interesting social gathering was held at lNgaruawahia on Tuesday evening, Sth inst., on tho occasion of tho tenth anniversary of tho Croebyterian Church. About 1.0 sat down to tea. The success of tho gathering was greatly duo to the ladies, of whom tho following deserve mention : —Mesdames Niccol, Thomson, Hammond,Lamb, Black, Wallace, Jameß and Miss James, assisted by a youthful band of Nguruawahian holies. After tou in tho schoolroom, tho gathering adjourned to the church, during which timo the company assembled round tho bund, under iho leadership of Mr \V. Hult. The Key. W. Evans, of Cambridge, took tho chair at Iho second part, and hi-* address was both humorous and instructive. Tho Jubilee songs sung by the choir tinder tho baton of Iho worthy pastor, Rev. 3, li. Marshall, rtllcct great credit, on ihat gentleman's patience and zeal. Tho accompaniments by the organist, Mr .1. I.cighton, wero well sustained and rendered. Tho Scotch readings given by tho pastor seemed to take the audience by surprUo, tho delivery being perfect, and show ing forth tho talent of tho reader ns a mimic and elocutionist. Tho meeting broke up with a hearty voto «f thanks to tbo ladios, the land, and thu chairman, after which the benediction was pronounced. —[Correspondent.] This morning tho officers and representatives of tho Grand Lodge of Now Zealand, 1,0.0.1.., woro photographed on tho Auckland Club's Howling Grooii by Mr Hannc, of Quoou street.

Tho fust of Mis Wright. soiree:; danMitla will bo held iv St. George's Hull on Friday evening next. Menibeis aro reminded that the noxt and pucccoding ouch aro to tako placo on Wednesday eveuinga in the Masonic Hall, Karangahapo Road.

It will bo scon by an advertisement which appears in another column that the entries In; Iho Aucklaud Cardeucra' lioiticultural Si" lily's Autumn fchow, to bo bold noxt v. _i,k in the Agricultural Hall, close with tho bun. secretary, at the Market, ,;n Friday next Already tho Hooretary bus received a number of enirins, and the Show promieos to bo a great success.

Tho return match between 18 of the Mamikau County Cricket Association and Mumford's Eleven comos oil' on the Domuiu Cricket Ground to-morrow, Tho following »iil form tho Auckland team: —Testro, Mumford, Vales, Slemsoa, Buckland, C. McCormick, Lynch, U'Brion, W. Meldrum, Carter, Whitaker, and juaukham.

The Salvation Army Biigade Caplain's report on tho Scotia Place Homo is us tolloh. : -Numeer of moals given for the fortnight, 237 ; number of beds supplied, 51 ; peruons admitted, 4 ; Siachargod, (. ; still in tho Home, 3. Articles received—Moat : Messrs Hulme, Holiaby, Garrett, Knight, Badley, und Tyndal. Bread : Mesdames Howio and Phillip, Messrs Hobloy, Crowe, Brown, Buchanan and Lester, J. McNeil, of Newmarket, Philip and Tea-dale, and a friend six loaves a week. Fish: Mr Williams, Small Bag of Flour : Mrs Worth. Money : Miss W., 10s ; Mr Dimmons, £1 ; Miss M., 2s Milk and Butter : Auckland and Devonshite Dairies. Ktquisitee: Potatoes. General Kemarks : I have found employment for two uiou this week (.mall wages), and I still havo a comfortable home lor a person wiil iug to do somegarden work, a_d make himteii unaful about a heme.- (Signed) C-__-.ii_. K. LITTLE

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Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 53, 16 March 1887, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 53, 16 March 1887, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 53, 16 March 1887, Page 2