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REV. W. MORLEY. Thk committee appointed by tho last. Conference to arrangs for a trip to England next year of the Rev. W. Morley, in recognition j of Mb valuable services to the Connexion, j brought up their roport. For Connexion^ j reasons it had been agreed that the trip should be deferred lor ono year. It was now proposed by the committee that Mr Morloy should visit England in IS3B. Canterbury was prepared to raiae one half of the amount required if the rest of tho Connexion raised the remaining half, and arrangements were suggested for accoinph.-.hiug this. I lie Committee's recommendations wore received j and adopted, ami tho Committee roappointed, Conference then adjournod for dinner. Conference resumed ita B8Baion» at haitpusttwo. "NEW ZEALAND METHOMST." Tho repoit of tho Church organ, the 'Now Zealand Methodist," was brought up by the Key W. Kowse. It stated thatlhfl nut increase iv Bubso ibtri during the pnfrt two years was übout 1,500. After disous sion the following resolution* waro i.doptod : "1. Tlwt this Conference if gratified at the position tho 'Methodist' liai lakon in tho colony, and tho number of oupiou circu luted. 2 That tho jmi.l slur requiiiw £1, 000 as working capital, and that this Hum t>o raised by 200 debentures of £5 each. 3. That the ' Nov.- Zealand Methodist' Oommitieo be authorised to ismo tho übovo debentures, the fl' curities for repayment being iho subscriptions, &a,, to iho paper, 4. That i' 23 be grunted from the c< n'iMf^nl. fund for I lie editorial department." Une of tho heaitiest votes of thanks pataod during tlio ee°sinna of Caiiferonou wbh that rccjinmended by tho Canterbury Uistriot Meeting acknowlodging the valuulilo feivites rendered to tho Church by tho It-iv. VV. J. Williams as Connoxional oditur, and recommending hiH roappointmant as editor for tho unraing your. Tliii was curried by acclamation, and Mr Williams suitably replied. The Cominittco "I Management in Christchuroh wero than lull for thoir eorvicoH and re.ippointod.

Tho roport of n Spooial Oonforonoe Commiltuo on this Bubjuct was presented. It stated : —

It is v.ith tho Htmoit ru;;iet the fommilteo ruuort thy hu.,u not boon üblu .0 tulcuuuy dutlnitusitup tnwurds eoiab mlii.;;: ih<) propo. 0.l cuileK'J. As the luuiiu of tlio p:esi)ht Wiißicy Colic-K.; proportv in Upper Quboi, a.r. it, 10 thu Kunnl of Kiiuciiliou, wil. uxrjiio In .lunuury next. .1 careful Inside ion of preml-us wna inadu to usenrtain i: iliuy con.l! he utility, for tlio ilß.ircd purputo. It iwi, lioweTer, thia uouia not bu iluuu to mod the inuuiriiiicntnof umoilern bj.nijiii; sc ./o! witln.ul. v. vory liir^fo 1 xuciiiHture of mono;, f<i"l tiiin Oiu t 'uniiniLtto could uot i-anc ion on two uro ndH— (II Hociitise 'ho character value (.£ iho pc cv. buildi:-.!; would uot w,.uruJil Buck .m o;.liay ; und (2) b.cauoo tliero li. in-t B'.fll. cici.t uuuclinn fur the purpnao i.i a playKioiuid. Thu only alteniutltu thai wan to sell thin propeity. wiihn v:lw to te ;lio oiic more eligible; but in (00 of thosev To coiiiniercial dopiessiou wlij^h h.>n prevail* d iv Auckliu.d dlliiui; the yta.', it wfts iiptarei't that to effect v aaje on uuy tauu wlinievor ibat the Couiiir'iuco could acuupt waa an Impossibility. Reluctantly, thcroi'urc, tho >'oj:ithis Conference thjt the schune for tho propoaea colliKe beujforr';d forth1: p eau.-jt. In accordanco with ttiiß recitiiiintnfiati. n ih..! trustbea of the Wctloj Coileifo hnyo Kiun ed a renewal of thtir l,v «.■ ta tJ\a jourd of Kcuratlon fo. a Junior tomi of t»o icbm, ut the >:auio ictitcj i>s bc-for... v.Hilir i'llta!l(H. J' tO Ibu L'UlllllliU.'S - vilmhcr'tlKS (iulluMU bo for boys or t ;irl . .ji buth—Un. opii.ioti has bctn exputned utmost unan(wourJj-,"Tli»ttliupi.jpoaeiicoileKJS:;ou d p.uviuu for Lo>u aar! utrlj. both day piipiij, und b jys only iih I>o .rderj,"

lfc was agreed "That this Contoronce gives a general j.-Huut to tlio proposals of the Cunjmitteo to r-01l tho Wesley Uoiluge prop.-rty, Queou-fctreet, Auckland, uud to purchasu a Hdo more euitublu for the purpose vi uuch a College, and retoromends the^u proposals to tho favourable contiduratkin of Lnuttucteos. That tho L-ommltteu lor iho profent ju.r bo compohtd oftlieiollowiiig: Tne luiniitvn •oi tiie Auckland and Mat'uUuu circuits, uiih the trustees of We.-lt>y College, ai.d Mea.-ro T MeMaalor, \V. Thome, V. A. White, II Arthur, li Winntone, l\ H. Ma.ioli, U. C. Fleming, .1. liuitlo, T. fVoko, W. Hunt, J. Groum, W. Li. Smith, T. Alltn, — Dickon..on, W, a. Wilton, W. McUowel], B.A, .1. t'robert, \V, lioyi, (lev. R. lia\ir., convener. Th i( t tho Oommitteo bo empowered to fo'icit subßcri|iti'jiib and to take Much action a* may bo nocessary lo i-turt iho t'ollc^'O as aooii as prncticablo ; find to furnish a report through tho Auckland i;istnct Meeting to tho next Com ic-t.00,' CONFEBKNCK LECTURE, ISBS It whs agreed iiiai ti\o Key. W. .1. Williuma bi. tho Conforpnco lecturer for li-8-S, and (hat the subject of tho loctu,ro bo "Tne Kilation of tho Church to I'ublic and Suci.-d Questions." Conference adjournoi for tea .it 5.45 p.m., and assembled at 7 30 for tho evening sossion, ROMAN CATHOLICISM. On the motion of the t'.ov. E. Bc.-t it was resolved ana recommendation to tho aonerul Conference that at letwt ouo standard volinne on lloman ('othoiiciirm bo included in tho curriculum of uludy for probationers of tho fourth jeur. SOCIAL PURITY. Tho Conforenca of ISSti gave special attention ro the above subject, and adopted tho follotting among other resolutions :—l. This Conference oxproatoa its thankfuinesa to God that tho attention ~f tho community has boon called of late to tho prevalence of tho ttrriblo ovils uf fiocial immorality. 2, Tho Conference pledges itself to make use of all lawful aud prudent moans to abolinh such ovils, and to create a, healthy sentiment in tho community on thoKiibject of personal and social purity. S. That a memorial be adtlrcsfed to tho Government by this Conference, praying that, as speedily as practicable, measures may be taken for the better protection of girls and younp women, and especially 'hat tho ago of consent bo raised to IS, and that tho laws relating to socitd immorality be made more <qual in relation to both sexes. 3. That tbo following be a committee to take into consideration tho establishment of a Con- I nexional White Cro?s Society, and to report ! to tho Dittrict Meetings :—The ex-l're^i-dent, tho Secretary of Conference, tho f.evs. J .1 Lewis, G. Bund, F. YY\ Igitt, with Messrs C. B. Sailer, W. Harris, and U. Dawaon, the Roy. F. W. Ititt to lie convener.

Tho following is a isopy of the memorial which had been presented to tho Government ainco tho ecssions of the last Conforence :—

Memorial of the Wcaloyan Methodist Church of New Z.alan.-I.ti. tho Honoii'tiulo tne members of lhoHonsoo(Rn L r,j.-ur.t!liv,.s. .\1 ~j 1 lit) so your HunuurabKi Xl.'Usf—Thu Anirai C ■nf'erence or tiie New ml V.c -1.-ya.ri \»e horti t Church, now in t-oeiun m the l>. y of Chriatohuroh, lmv.iu had itt atio.Minn .irawn 10 ilia d<-plorjo;« imi,,ornlity provviling in this co..n;, he.3 s,'i ioiinly consider, d tho (ollfinir.ij amendments >a the cx.'-utm: laws cm tho subject, wbi'hitnnarimi.iis y taya 5 cur honour, ttl'le Hnuoe to pafs. First. 1 Tuit nii-Rsurcs bo taken for the better pr..f:ction of «ii-u atrt jiiubr wmiion Meecnd: Tint he uce of eontoit b-i raised to IS. Third : That siiio the (.'on'Ußious Jiisoaßis Act applies only to women the In. 8. ould tittiir m miiilo »ppiirtLblo to boh stxea or. as tho O.mi'errni.-e earnestly desires, it BhouH wboliy disappear from the Statute Hook Aiul your petittom rs wi 1 oyer p.uv. Si«iiea 1 n b.>h«if of the CunJorfno •, Henhy Bun, President; Wm Jas. Williams Secretary. '

The Rev. W. J. Williams, as Secrofary of the aboveiCommittee,brought up tho report, which had already been submitted to the vurious district moetings for their deliver ances thereon. The report recommended a standing committee, with branches in each, district, fnr the furtherance of the above object, and that- a pledga card be adopted by the Conference, and tho formation of a New Zealand Methodist White Cross Society.

Tho Committee's roport led to an animated donate. In un able address, the Key. J. Bony urged the adoption of the oommittee'a resolutions, Mr Keid and Mr Moxham, while fully sympathising with tho ends fought, differed in opinion as to the moan? suggested. Messrs Garland, Bavin, Tuorne, Snodgrass, Tonks, and others addressed the Conference, and finally tho following resolutions were adopted: " l.That the Conference requests superintendents of circuits to see that (ho young people under their charge are instructed in tho princtplps of chastity, and urged to their practice. 2. That whilet thanking tho Committee for their roport and reeomu endations to inaugurate a haw Zealand White Cross Society, considers the case is already met by the Church in Christian work, but heartily recommends parents to place before their children, at a convenient age, suitable literature pn the subject." BIBLE IN SCHOOLS, i Tho various district meetings had given deliverances on the above subject. Several : members spoke, und ultimately the following resolution was adopted : -"Believing that our national system of education is seriously defective in moral and religious instruction, we pledge ourselves to seek by all legitimate means to have a well-selected portion of Holy Scripture read daily in our schools, guarded by a conscience clause similar to that now in operation in Canada." It was resolved that a copy of thiß resolution be forwarded to the Minister of Eduoa. tIOU.

GAMBLTITG. Most of the Lower Church Oonrts had piven an emphatic opinion on the subjoct ol ganibling. The*followjng reaolutiorj, recommended by the Wellington District JMeotu:g. was adoptod : -" That Conference preparu for presentation to Parliament a petition a-king that the ueo of tha totaliEator may be macie iitegsl. Further, th-it all mini;ter.« and mernbors of tho Church discountenanoo by every means in iheir power tho practice and spiiit of gambling so prevalent in the colony." (Applause). In connection with this subject Mr W. Thorne strongly deprecated the practice of the Christmas-tree a3 now in vogue.


The fo'lowing resolution wbs agreed upon:— "That the Conference be recomj mended to remit to the next September ! quarterly meetings, and aleo to the next ; district, meetings, tho consideration of the . que-tion of un independent legislative Ccnfoience for Now Zealnnd. That it bo a fuither Inatruetlon tha a record bo tuken of the numbers pre°ont, as also those voting for and agtirist the proposals." MBTTtODIST ONION. A resolution strongly ,-iffirming the deHirableueSß uf Muthouist union in the colony wua also agreed upon. KAKI.Y CHURCH HISTORY. 'L'ho Key. j'.. Bavin "reported what had boon dnno towards colloctiny materials for la "History of Rasly Methodism in tho ! Colony." The Conference received the ro- | port with groat satisfaction, and expressed i it., r.liiiiikri to tho Revs. \V. Morley and il. j B;»vin for their services.


The follij'.ving aridresH to Her Majesty on ! tho occasion of lier Jubilee was adopted:--

ToHrfMnHi. Gmifiitiu- M-jiyity, Victoria, by tlin mami uf Guii, or thu !;i)il,d Klng'lom o£ a'-.i-.1l itai.-iiiiimd ivoluud. Qauan, Ucfunder r.f i|..: Kiiii.u. .inipri!»-ii'fliidi>. -Mfti it ukase your M. b.. Kx-'-llurit J\l:jJi'hi> : W*'. tha incnibord cf tlit- N. w Ziialnnd (Jimfiircnou of tije Austr.ilu.ian WeuU'iu;: Jliit!i-,<!i'-: i.'h-ireJi. in unnua: ooxifVrorc('as..inii.:i:d in tho cit> or Auckland. N.K.. di-Eiiv t.i iui|.nnL'-h ; our J\i:,vsty ton ho purpu-eof prc.-tuntiii^ lo ■ aur Ainj-vty our moat uuivial cui.g tttiilitim.a on iiiu o^c.-ibiuii o£ iho I nl.-i'tj-j i.t your M'.iustj'u illuttriiiuo ai;d 'in,-nioriblo rei.rn. li connuo.'i -vvith your Mi.knty'n loyal and dut'fnl s'jt'jO'srs, we, in ' tint dhtant part •.>.' your ' Mujcsiy's uomii.ioiis, humbly uorlro to ojnvoj to ..our .Vuln.ty. on Uin : wi\l'.':.av.; <jc.a-:io:i of jour M.'jj.t '3 julii <:" thin .'XiTCHtion r.f our un uh.t^il luiii.ti ai.(latiuclnii. Nt wytrnr MnjesU's Unaiioaiid r"=r»on. \v'ti fcrvo.Llj- i>reijeiilihtink.H in "Uio D'aiinr of muicira null the Godot «<• comf -il." for ilia mi .-»t goofln' vrcii i'vir.g trie valuable lif i of your .Hu.icsty. ;uid in ex tumln.H } our M.ijoi.ty'« t'.-.rt-liaial rciK,. for such a leufetucii'. d pjri'Hi. Aiid wo ..)flo oJl'or thaiisa to God for i!;» Inirpy inflin'rict' upon "ho Kif.pira lifo mid cli!ir,.c ur, thu hifch regiird 'in 'which tho siicrud Sabbath ia liolu by yonr Majesty, mhl jour Mnjos-ty''. iovo fjr that Uivine clmrt- r of oui- liborticj-lho Holy UiU,o. la conclusion, wonni'.o in ntnetj pjiiyar tj God, from whom prooueiloih ';v.::j tool uu<i uvery licifeut t.ift, thai j-</ir Mujisiy may be long birred tor, > ~'uva ;lm n:,r.<; iiiilll-jiisof loyal and f.iiihrul Biii..|. i:tn In > M.,jo9ti'B vast Kinuiro. uuO. ih.i when your Majesty's rcisn UiiOu tfurih oiiu, your .Vlt.j' sty ni'iy receivo ll'.::ci".awi lI life, and ii.icnv.ih ChrUtiaiiiu ev.-rlisthifi ki-ii;d'j,:i.-.Six;'Ld on bch^iJ 01" ; our I Mi--j«<tj'K lojKi and (iiuifid iv.'o c! s - of t:i« I Auaira tisim, Wosloyan iviotnoiiisc Clnuon of | ill-- (JolO-iV Ot Nuw KsiluUll. M. 0. OL:VEK, I l'reildtj.t of Iho C'onfrrutci.; Hkxky lc. liewh lit.'iiY, .recivt.-..'} (de Couf.-te^cc. J.iuu:iry, I IBS 7,

| The motion of tho Rev. W. Morley, of ; which he had jiivtn notice, w.a uduJMsd : " That lotters signed by the Prusident and Secretary bo sent to fcl.9 president? of tho (iimutil Couforciic;.-.1) of Victoria and South Austra'iir., ciprLs.-in^ tho i»ratitie:itian and pieusuio wiih which the Conference has h*:ard of tho success of tho Jubilee movewent iii those colonies." VOTES TIUKIiS, The cordial thanks of llic Conference were presented to ihf aari.-t.i:it secretaries, t'io Confurouse prceontor and postman, the irienda who have hospitably i nlerti i icdthe members ■{ tho Coiiftrance, to the ministers of ho Auckland c.rcuits, to the newepap'jr j.rerP for their excellent rtpurt?, and to Mr Bucliland for the use of hi-> paddock at Tamaki for tlie Conferencu picnio.

Tho business of the Conference closed shortly after 10 p.m

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Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 26, 1 February 1887, Page 4

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WESLEYAN CONFERENCE. Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 26, 1 February 1887, Page 4

WESLEYAN CONFERENCE. Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 26, 1 February 1887, Page 4